Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 88


"Xia An, is about to become the image spokesperson of our Harry Winston! And it is also the image spokesperson of the global, full-line brand!"

The words of the chief designer of Harry Winston shocked everyone present.

They didn't expect that Harry Winston, who never had any image ambassador, would have an image spokesperson this time!

And also the global brand image spokesperson, and the spokesperson of all brands? !

This is no ordinary cooperation!

Other high-end luxury brands have never cooperated with other celebrities like this, but Harry Winston, who is a top luxury brand, has such a global spokesperson for all lines? ?

Most important or only? ?

How can this not be shocking!

"Oh my god... Xia An has become Harry Winston's global image spokesperson?! This is much more valuable than..." Liang Jiayi's Gucci China image ambassador!

A certain domestic female star sitting next to Liang Jiayi murmured silently in her heart, but because Liang Jiayi was sitting next to her at this time, and her complexion was extremely ugly, she only dared to whisper the following words in her heart Tucao with.

After all, celebrities like them who hang out in the circle don't understand that Xia An was hacked recently, so there must be black hands behind the scenes looking for someone to deal with Xia An

Especially the notice from Xia An, the Gucci ambassador, if at the beginning, people in the circle still doubted whether Xia An was really that stupid, they would send out such a notice to create hype.

Now after seeing the news that Xia An was announced by the chief designer of Harry Winston as the brand's global image spokesperson, there is no doubt at all!

Moreover, there is an answer in my heart!

After all, how can Gucci's Chinese image ambassador compare with Harry Winston's global full-line image spokesperson

How can Xia An drag Gucci to hype

So, behind this, it can only be whoever became the Chinese image ambassador of Gucci, whoever is the person of Black Xia'an.

Thinking of this, many domestic celebrities who participated in Harry Winston's spring and summer fashion show looked at Liang Jiayi one after another.

At this moment, they already had a premonition in their hearts, that is—

This time, Liang Jiayi had lifted a rock and shot herself in the foot!

After this, maybe what will happen next!

This group of people guessed that it was not wrong at all.

Later, a series of... crazy face-slapping incidents really happened.

After Harry Winston's spring and summer ready-to-wear show ended perfectly, Xia An also became the most dazzling existence in this Paris Fashion Week.

The haute couture evening dress she wears every time she attends a ready-to-wear show during fashion week has become the most perfect fashion goddess in the mouths of major fashion media.

Successfully climbed to the top in the fashion circle, leaping forward in one fell swoop. Many big and small stars couldn't squeeze in. The top pyramid status in the fashion circle has become the most able to bring their works to the fullest in the eyes of countless design masters. The perfect muse.

It's just a pity that Harry Winston has firmly grabbed this muse who can bring out every piece of clothing to perfection.

Many design masters are regretful!

Many design masters of high-end luxury brands have undisguisedly expressed their love for Xia An on their twitter or other official social accounts. He even praised Xia An's fashion sense.

Now, Xia An, who was already very eye-catching and became the most eye-catching presence in the international media, has completely become the biggest winner of this Paris Fashion Week!

More and more people realized that Xia An was such a person, which also gave her another identity after variety show cafe and actress, that is, a fashion-leading female star.

Overseas, the media is full of Xia An, and there are all kinds of beautiful photos and all kinds of praise news.

Then in China, the report on Xia An is even more terrifying!

After all, this is the first domestic female star who has such acclaim in the fashion circle.

And it is international, and most importantly, it has also become the global full-line image spokesperson of Harry Winston!

Ever since, all the domestic media were praising Xia An.

It was completely forgotten that some time ago, Xia An was hacked by many people on the Internet.

However, some people may have forgotten that Xia An was hacked some time ago, but Xia An's fans have quietly started to act~!

The pits that were designed one by one before appeared one by one!

And the first one to deal with is Liang Jiayi who caused the Gucci image ambassador incident.

[Is the person who said that Xia An rubbed Gucci's hype hurts now? It's just a mere Gucci China ambassador, can Xia An like it? Stop joking!

Not to mention that Gucci is not as aggressive as Harry Winston, but the difference between an image ambassador and an image spokesperson is enough! What's more, Xia'an is not only a domestic single-line brand product, but a global, full-line product spokesperson!]

[For those who don’t understand fashion resources, let me give you a popular science.

Spokesperson's title > brand ambassador > brand friend

And Global > Asia Pacific > Greater China > China

The whole line>several product lines>a designated series.

So, now I understand how powerful Xia An's image spokesperson is? How heavy is the serving size? That's unmatched by ten Gucci ambassadors in China.]

[A small Gucci China image ambassador dares to say that Xia An is so popular with porcelain? Just don't be too funny! I really took some people's tricks.]

[So these announcements about Xia An's popularity with Gucci were all made by Liang Jiayi, right? After all, as a result of this, only Liang Jiayi benefited, right?]

[Reliable news, originally Gucci officials prefer Xia An to be their brand ambassador, and it is not Liang Jiayi's China ambassador, but the Asia Pacific ambassador.

It's just because Xia An rejected Gucci's invitation, which gave Liang Jiayi the opportunity to get the title of China's image ambassador.]

The pits originally arranged by Xu Tiantian were laid out one by one at Liang Jiayi's feet, so Liang Jiayi really didn't want to jump, and really had to jump in.

Because Liang Jiayi really had nowhere to escape, all kinds of remarks and evidence were telling her that she was really going to be unlucky this time.

After all, she didn't expect that Xia An didn't become Gucci's image ambassador, but she became the image ambassador because Xia An turned down Gucci's invitation!

Depend on! How can a normal person refuse! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻