Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 95


Although the little guy felt that this question was a bit too distressing, he was not so stupid as to tell that annoying guy Gu Shumo everything.


Xia Xingchen is still a child after all, no matter how smart and genius he is, he is still a child in the final analysis.

Therefore, he is not very good at telling lies.

Especially the other little guy he has to face, he is also a little genius!

Ever since, Xia Xingchen's lie was exposed by Gu Shumo in no time.

"Xiao Xing, the classmate you mentioned who cheated on mom is actually yourself!"

Gu Shumo blinked his eyes, and mercilessly exposed Xia Xingchen's lie.


Xia Xingchen didn't expect that Gu Shumo would expose his lies all at once.

Now, this little guy really regrets it in his heart!

He really regretted it, why he confided to Gu Shumo and asked for help when his head became hot.

"'s not me."

After being silent for a while, Xia Xingchen resolutely denied it.

It's just that Gu Shumo's EQ is much higher than Xia Xingchen's.

He looked at Xia Xingchen with a grin, and said proudly.

"Don't lie to me, the classmate you mentioned is you. We are in the same class, and I have never seen any classmate approach you."

Gu Shumo spread his hands, laughing at Xia Xingchen with a smile.

"You don't have any friends but me."


Listening to Gu Shumo's words, and looking at the flat smile on Gu Shumo's face, Xia Xingchen's hands were really itchy.

"Who said you are my friend?"

Xia Xingchen snorted coldly, his delicate little face was full of displeasure.

This Gu Shumo is indeed a nuisance! And a very smart nerd too!

He will definitely not be able to say anything in the future!

"Hey, Xiao Xing, let me tell you. My grandfather said that lies can be divided into white lies and malicious lies. I believe that what you told the fairy sister must be a white lie, and the fairy sister will definitely not Angry. But..."

The little guy who was still sullen with himself and Gu Shumo, after hearing Gu Shumo's words, his emotions were suddenly mobilized.

He looked at Gu Shumo expectantly.

And when he heard what Gu Shumo said after he paused, his heart was raised again.

"But what?"

The little guy forgot that he was still angry with Gu Shumo just now, and hurriedly asked.

Seeing Xia Xingchen caring so much, the smile on Gu Shumo's face deepened.

"However, I think no matter what the lie is, you should confess it to Sister Fairy as soon as possible. After all, those lessons are all lies."

After listening to Gu Shumo's words, Xia Xingchen became even more entangled.

Compared with the previous question, Xia Xingchen actually felt that it was more difficult than the question just considered.

Because he didn't know how to confess this lie to his fairy mother, and he didn't know that if he said such a miraculous thing, would his fairy mother believe it

"Okay, Xiao Xing, let's go watch cartoons with Sister Fairy first! Let's go~"

Poor Xia Xingchen, there are no other thoughts in his mind at this moment.

It could only be that Mumu followed Gu Shumo out of the toy room. When the little guy saw his fairy mother again, he didn't dare to raise his head!

He kept thinking in his heart, when should he find a time to confess to his fairy mother.

And how to tell his fairy mother about the strange things that happened to him.

Just like that, in this kind of entanglement, the poor little guy has insomnia for the first time in his life~

But among the troubles of this little guy Xia Xingchen, Xu Tiantian did not expect that she, the 'instigator', caused a certain child's insomnia.

She is actively dealing with Xia An's unpatriotic remarks that have been wildly rumored in China.

Originally, Xia An's unpatriotic remarks had no real impact.

Therefore, when Xu Tiantian solved this matter, it was actually not difficult to say.

But if you want to say simple, it is not so simple.

Because, she found, no matter what evidence she threw out to clarify for Xia An.

However, as the behind-the-scenes person who poured dirty water on Xia An this time, he spared no effort to blackmail Xia An.

Those sailors and marketing accounts really don't care about any financial resources, and they are crazy about those remarks that have no real hammer.

Moreover, this group of sailors and marketing accounts are quite smart.

He should know that this is fake news, so when he smeared Xia An, he used code names.

And the amount of forwarding is not to the point of violating the law, so...

Even if these materials are not true, Xu Tiantian still finds it a little tricky.

"I'm really convinced, this man behind the scenes is really rich..."

Xu Tiantian squinted her eyes as she looked at the rumors that couldn't be deleted, and those marketing accounts that were still bouncing around.

Thinking in his heart, which god actually hates his own goddess so much, and is willing to spend so much money to black Xia'an, really the kind of black who doesn't care about any price!

Generally, her public relations methods would have solved this matter that had no real hammer at all.

But now...

She clarified here, but she clarified, and the public relations also went public.

But that group of sailors had no intention of resting at all, and they were even more insane than before...

Although, her clarification is quite effective.

However, there are quite a few mindless people eating melons on the Internet, and they are easily led away by some fake news.

On the contrary, they will think that some celebrities' clarifications are nothing more than lying and whitewashing, but they will believe those black materials that have no solid hammer.

And this is the case now.

Looking at the endless scammers and marketing accounts on the Internet, Xu Tiantian was thinking about whether to use some legal means to solve it.

At this time, she suddenly got a piece of news from Xiaohe, a hacker in her family, that was—

"I found it! Tiantian! I finally found a useful piece of information!"


Ever since Xia An was hacked for being unpatriotic, Xu Tiantian asked their hacker, Xiao He, to stay up all night to investigate who was behind the scenes, regardless of the cost.

However, what they didn't expect was that even though Xiao He's hacker level was high, the man behind the scenes was not a vegetarian.

No matter the amount of the transaction or the way of contact, he has not disclosed anything!

Even though they found out some communication information between the navy, they still couldn't find out who wanted to black Xia'an.

Although, Xu Tiantian also vaguely felt that this incident might have something to do with that woman named Xia Jinghao.

"Tiantian, thank you for telling me that this matter may be related to Xia Jinghao, so I also expanded the search data to those people around Xia Jinghao, and it turned out that it really made me search from the Internet. In the data, some clues were found."

Hearing Xiaohe's words, Xu Tiantian was really surprised.

She guessed Xia Jinghao's body at first, because Xia Jinghao seemed to have some conflicts with his goddess.

The second is because this Xia Jinghao is really rich!

Even though he is in China now, because of Xia An's success in the international arena, he has drawn a lot of hatred from those domestic female stars.

However, those hate values could not be like what they are now, making people only want to black Xia'an at any cost.

It's like, it's like forcing Xia An to go back to the country...

Who would be so stupid as to spend so much money to force Xia An, who is in such a good situation, to return to China

Once Xia An returns to China, do the domestic female stars still want to hang out

Isn't this forcing Xia An to come back and compete with them for a job

But Xu Tiantian did not expect that Xia Jinghao would really have such great hostility towards Xia An. After all, their statuses were so different.

"God... I was wrong..."

Xu Tiantian murmured in bewilderment.

However, at this moment, when Xu Tiantian was in a daze and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Xia An had already flown to Milan to attend a new ready-to-wear launch event of a famous big brand~!

This also made Xu Tiantian, who originally wanted to tell Xia An the results of her investigation, slowed down, and decided to wait for Xia An to finish adding a new ready-to-wear conference for a certain international brand before calling Xia An.

Now, let her attend the new ready-to-wear launch event of a big brand with peace of mind!

"Xiaohe, you continue to start from there, and we will try to dig up more direct and strong evidence."

Xu Tiantian's tone was very serious, she thought very seriously for a while just now.

Although she felt that Xia Jinghao had a great hatred for Xia An inexplicably, she also felt that Xia Jinghao's background was not easy to deal with.

However, she also understood that this Xia Jinghao must be in a life-and-death state for her goddess.

If she turned a blind eye and tried to fool this matter, it would definitely not work.

Even if there is no this time, there will be a next time.

Therefore, she weighed it for a long time. Although she felt that Xia Jinghao's background as a rich daughter was difficult to deal with, she felt that she had to do her best.

It's best to just slap Xia Jinghao to death this time, so that her goddess won't have so many troubles in the future.


Xu Tiantian's eyes were full of anticipation and she looked towards her own hacker, and put a hand on someone's thin shoulder very forcefully.

"Xiaohe, our goddess will rely on you to protect me! Come on~ I'm optimistic about you!"

"..." A big hacker: Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛