Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 96


However, under Xu Tiantian's various worries, what she didn't expect was that the goddess of her family solved this matter by herself!

This time, the attack of unpatriotic bad public opinion.

And the solution is really unexpected!

On this day, Xia An was heading to Milan to attend a new product launch event of a famous international luxury brand.

The plane has just arrived in Milan, and the staff of a famous luxury brand who picked her up have already arrived at the airport, ready to receive the big star invited by their own brand company to the banquet for the new product launch.

who knew-

"Sister Xia An! I just saw on the Internet that this luxury brand has caused public outrage in China because of the insult to China..."

Xia An, who was just about to get off the plane, frowned slightly when she heard the words of the little assistant Xiaoli beside her.

This incident is really too coincidental, now she is falling into unpatriotic remarks, if she really participated in the brand's new product launch conference, then it really is...

Seeing that Xia An didn't make a sound, Xiaoli became a little anxious.

Because she also understands that Xia An's situation is a bit difficult now, if she is participating in this brand's new product launch conference, it is conceivable that her goddess will not be able to clean up no matter what!

"Sister Xia An, what should we do now?"

Xiaoli is not Xu Tiantian, she doesn't have such a strong reaction ability, she is quite good at doing errands and taking care of people.

But she is really not strong enough to respond to such emergencies.

In particular, although they are not the image spokespersons of this brand, they also have cooperation and signed a contract with each other.

If you don't participate now, it will be considered a breach of contract...

That's why Xiaoli was anxious, she didn't want her goddess to participate, but she didn't want her goddess to bear the liquidated damages...

However, Xiaoli is very entangled here, but Xia An is not entangled at all!

What is she struggling with!

She didn't want to come to participate in various new product launches in the so-called fashion circle.

But, the brand company has given money, and Xu Tiantian also plans to let her focus on the fashion industry in the near future.

No, she reluctantly came to the show again.

And what happened now, Xia Anna really couldn't wish for it!

She didn't want to waste time watching all kinds of weird fashion shows, and it's just right that this kind of thing happened now!

Now she can clear up her unpatriotic public opinion! Secondly... She doesn't have to waste time sitting there watching the show!

Simply not too good ah!

so! Xia An didn't even think about it, so she happily told Xiaoli that they would not participate in this brand's new product launch event!

Let them hurry back to the United States!

Of course, before she could go back, she had to—

"Xiao Li, take a picture of me."

Xiaoli stared at Xia An in a daze, turned around and left, and sat back in the pose of the plane flying back to the United States. She subconsciously picked up her phone and took a picture.

Then, ignoring a group of staff of a certain luxury brand who were still waiting outside to pick up the plane, he flew back to the United States directly.

With such fast action, Xiaoli has not had time to tell Xu Tiantian~

Xia An returned home very quickly, but ah, the domestic side has just started to boil!

Patriotic netizens were outraged because a certain luxury brand refused to apologize for humiliating China.

That was the beginning of a large-scale crusade against this brand!

Of course, while crusade against this brand, they are also crusade against the group of stars who participated in the brand launch event!

[Hehehehe! Shit brand, fuck off China!]

[Brands should highlight cultural differences, not cultural gaps. If you really want to open up foreign markets, how can you stand without even the most basic respect and understanding?]

[Boycott a certain brand! I appeal to everyone not to buy this brand anymore!]

[I hope that the brand will not be said to be hacked in the end [Goutoubaosheng.jpg]]

While talking, this group of patriotic netizens talked about the domestic stars who were invited to participate in the brand's new product launch.

And very naturally, it talked about Xia An.

[Xia An seems to have been invited to the brand's new product launch conference, and suddenly feels that her unpatriotic remarks are really true!]

[Hehehe! Let's just say that Xia An is an unpatriotic person who worships foreigners and fawns on foreign countries. She doesn't even go back to her own country, even if she shoots a domestic commercial, she doesn't go back to her country. How could she be patriotic!]

[However, Xia An is not the only domestic star who participated in a certain brand's new product launch event. It's not just Xia An who didn't respond to this matter, but other people also didn't respond to this matter! As a human being, don't be too double-standard, just wait and see.]

[That's right, other celebrities haven't responded yet, maybe everyone hasn't been able to see these domestic public opinions, and they don't know about a certain brand's insult to China.]

[Pull it down! They went abroad, and it's not like they've been banned from the Internet. How could they not find out that things are so big now? They all don't want to respond! Anyway, I will block this group of celebrities who are going to participate in a brand's new product launch!]

[that is! If you don't even protect your own motherland, how can you let our group of Chinese fans like them and protect them!]

In fact, it's not that these celebrities don't want to respond, but because they didn't expect that this time the insult to China of a certain brand would happen so quickly.

I didn't expect that a certain brand could stir up such a big public outrage!

So, before they could react for a while, they had already arrived at the banquet for the new product launch event!

You said it was cheating or not!

If they didn't arrive at the banquet, they could turn around and leave in a graceful manner.

But people have already arrived at the scene! It was a bit embarrassing when I arrived at the scene and walked.

In the heart of every Chinese, it is full of heartache!

They were all cursing in their hearts, why didn't this matter explode sooner or later, it just happened at such a coincidental time!

It's as if they must all be marked with unpatriotic remarks!

And just when all the Chinese celebrities were fidgeting at the banquet, not knowing what to do, whether to leave quickly, or to leave quickly, no one thought that they were hacked a while ago for being unpatriotic Xia An, who was from Hei Chuxiang, was the first to post on Weibo!

[Xia An V: See you in Milan! [Poop.jpg] Missing! Go back, go back! [Flag.jpg


No one thought that the first star to respond to a certain brand's insult to China turned out to be Xia An, a star who has been criticized for being unpatriotic recently.

They didn't expect Xia An's Weibo to be so straightforward and violent!

The last photo is really very chic. Calculated according to the weather and time, Xia An really arrived in Milan, just got off the plane, and got on the plane to the United States again. up.

Walking is called chicness, and that is called one without hesitation!

As soon as this Weibo was posted, it immediately attracted a huge number of clicks and likes, and the number of comments and reposts was even more frightening!

Although Xia An didn't mention a word of patriotism in Weibo, this Weibo made everyone see that Xia An is really patriotic!

Especially compared to other celebrities who have not yet responded, and she is the first to respond, that is a lot of favor points!

This made the unpatriotic sailors and marketing accounts who were still blackmailing Xia An feel a little embarrassed!

As soon as Xia An's Weibo was posted, how could people hate Xia An! Didn't you see that he was the first to speak out in response to a certain brand's insult to China? ! ! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

What's so dark about this! How dark! Oh my god! There is really no way to stay in the dark!

As soon as Xia An's Weibo was posted, it seemed as if the patriotic bell was ringing, and other celebrities also expressed their patriotic remarks one after another.

However, because of Xia An's "bead and jade in front", the responses of other stars were not as sincere as Xia An's.

This also made all the people who eat melons praise Xia An to God! ! !

At this time, Xu Tiantian also learned about what happened in China, Xia An's reaction to a certain brand's insult to China.

So, she acted resolutely and continued to help Xia An increase her favorability! ! ! Quickly released the 'gossip' that Xia An was patriotic and would rather pay 'huge liquidated damages' than participate in any activities that insulted the Chinese brand!

No way, Xu Tiantian also saw that this was an opportunity! ! Do not brush white do not brush ah! ! !

She really didn't expect that the goddess of her family would encounter such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

So what if you pay some liquidated damages! Simply worth it! Now they don't need to go back to the country, and they can solve all the rumors of being unpatriotic this time! Tsk tsk tsk~! this luck...

And ah! The goddess of her family reacted too quickly! The other stars haven't reacted yet haha! No wonder she is the goddess of her family!

However, Xu Tiantian didn't expect it, Xia An didn't react quickly.

But I really don't want to participate in this kind of well-dressed activities that waste time watching shows!

[According to gossip, Xia An just got off the plane when he arrived in Milan this time. After learning about a certain brand's insult to China, he didn't give the certain brand any face at all, so he went back on the plane!]

[It is said that Xia An has breached the contract this time! After learning about a certain brand's insult to China, Xia An would rather pay huge liquidated damages than boycott a certain brand!]

[My mother! Now who dares to say that Xia An is not patriotic! Xia An is so patriotic! More patriotic than other stars!]

[I am proud to say that our Goddess Xia was the first to respond to a certain brand's insult to China! And with a very strong attitude, calling a certain brand is poop! My goddess is really handsome!]

[What Xia An did this time is really awesome! Regardless of whether she shows real emotion or is deliberately staged, I admire her! After all, she really did!]

[Black has turned into a fan! Xia An's response this time is simply terrible! A certain brand is a piece of shit! In the future, I will follow Xia An to boycott this [poop.jpg] brand!]