Demon Boss in the Human World

Chapter 28: anger


There was blood in front of his eyes, the blood blurred his vision, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

He seemed to be in a sea of people, and countless voices drilled into his ears, piercing his eardrums, and those voices shouted: Sinner, sinner! Die!

He couldn't open his mouth, he couldn't make a sound, he couldn't justify himself. Even though he knows that's not the case.

His heart was numb with pain.

Since you can't get rid of it, then just fall...

Gu Yan suddenly opened his eyes, breathing heavily. He looked at the white ceiling above his head, and the out-of-control emotions in his eyes gradually disappeared.

He hadn't had a dream for a long, long time, and he didn't understand why he had such a dream.

Sun Jie's betrayal was just an expected farce. He never trusted this despicable human being. Sun Jie wanted to plot against him, but he didn't know that he was the one he couldn't offend. He could only blame him for his wrong behavior. pay the price.

His relationship with Sun Jie and his whereabouts that night could not be concealed. Qin Yao must have the ability to know what the police could find out. He was convinced that what he did was flawless, that Sun Jie just took drugs and fell to his death, and he was with Qin Yao at the time of the incident, and the police could not convict him at all.

But that was just the police. With Qin Yao's heart, he could only be more suspicious of him, so he decided to win some sympathy points for himself...

He doesn't expect Qin Yao to give up his doubts all at once, but at least it can reduce Qin Yao's hostility and wariness towards him. It can be seen from Qin Yao's failure to keep up at the end... His approach is still effective, and this indifferent and powerful man does not seem to be invulnerable.

As for Zhu Huanwei who was confessed by Sun Jie, Gu Yan was not particularly surprised.

At that time in the company, he knew that Zhu Huanwei was full of malice towards him, and the overwhelming scandals and media attacks against him at that time seemed very strange. Now everything has been explained. The only thing he doesn't understand is why Zhu Huanwei To deal with him.

He carefully sorted out the memories in his mind, some were too many and messy, but there is no doubt that Zhu Huanwei did not know him before he came to this city and signed a contract to become an artist, so there is only one possibility—Zhu Huanwei was also entrusted by someone .

Who is behind Zhu Huanwei? Gu Yan thought about it for a while but didn't come up with it, but he was not in a hurry, he just had to find a chance to ask.

The other party started to throw his hands at the mouse, cowering and beating around the bush, obviously he had scruples, and he couldn't pose any threat to him at all. It's not worth wasting too much time on such a trivial matter.

Gu Yan rested at home for a day, and received another call from Liu Wei. Liu Wei told Gu Yan that he had already contacted the film studio. Shihe Entertainment was one of the investors. Director Zou said he would consider it, but he had to meet Gu Yan before making a decision. Liu Wei also hinted that Director Zou is the leading director in China, and he has always had a high vision. Gu Yan must be prepared and perform well. If Director Zou is determined not to use him, the company has nothing to do.

Gu Yan agreed, but he didn't take it seriously.

Although he chose the movie, he didn't have to. Moreover, he is not struggling as he was when he first came here. With the support of the company, he doesn't have to worry about many things at all.

Director Zou is not a small director like Zhang Yuan. This film has been attracting attention since the project was approved. Liu Wei did not dare to neglect, and personally drove Gu Yan to meet Director Zou. On the way, he told Gu Yan carefully.

"Director Zou is usually very busy. This time he came to our city to discuss film matters. Our company has a large investment ratio, so he attaches great importance to the candidates we provide. After hearing that it was you, he immediately asked us to bring You go to see him, he will go to Xiangcheng in the afternoon, time is very tight." Liu Wei paused after speaking, hesitated for a while, and said: "Your debut time is relatively short, and you don't have any good works. So after meeting Director Zou, it's better to be more modest, Director Zou dislikes those incompetent, frivolous and frivolous young people in the circle the most."

Liu Wei kept silent when he said this, he didn't know the details of Gu Yan, he only knew that he was the person who the big boss personally told him to take care of. Although the big boss is very powerful, if Director Zou really doesn't like Gu Yan and insists on not using it, there is no way to force him, right? So in the end, it was up to Gu Yan to seize the opportunity himself.

Moreover, looking at Director Zou's performance, he is probably not very satisfied with Gu Yan. He is negotiating with other investors of the movie. Calling Gu Yan over at will is probably just going through the motions to save face for the company. Let's talk about Gu Yan when the time comes. If it's not suitable for this movie, it's nothing. If he really valued this candidate, he would definitely not be so casual.

But Liu Wei has no way to say these words to Gu Yan, and it is not good to talk about some things lightly. He has said everything that should be said, if Gu Yan can't understand it, then it's none of his business.

Liu Wei drove the car into the Songshan clubhouse, and then walked to Building No. 8 with Gu Yan.

"Hello, we are here to see Director Zou, and we have already made an appointment." Liu Wei said to the waiter outside with a smile.

"Okay, wait a minute." The waiter went in and announced, and came back after a while, "Director Zou invites you in, please follow me."

When the two entered the room, Gu Yan discovered that besides Director Zou, there were other people. What's more, one of them was an acquaintance.

Sitting on the left side of the sofa is a middle-aged man with elegant demeanor and gray hair. It is the great director Zou Meng. There are two people sitting on the right side of the sofa. The man is potbellied and slightly bald on the top of his head. Although he looks ordinary, he is quite imposing. Next to him is a woman who is soft and boneless against his body. , it was Zhou Yu.

Then the identity of this man is not difficult to guess, it is Zhong Jianye, the boss of Yuanlin Group, another investor of the movie.

Zhong Jianye took a look at Gu Yan and Liu Wei, and he didn't have the slightest intention of getting up to talk to him. He just lit a cigar and started to puff.

Zou Meng smiled, stood up and shook hands with Liu Wei, "Manager Liu is here." He looked very polite, but he didn't look at Gu Yan at all, as if he didn't exist at all.

Gu Yan's eyes moved slightly, and he already noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

Liu Wei has been in the circle for many years, and the famous signboard is not for nothing. He is a well-rounded person. He seems to have not noticed Zou Meng's indifference to Gu Yan, and said enthusiastically: "Director Zou, this is Gu Yan. , is quite a potential rookie.”

Zou Meng seemed to have discovered Gu Yan only now, and said lightly: "It's the first time we meet, please sit down."

Several people sat down again, and Liu Wei greeted Zhong Jianye politely: "Hello, Mr. Zhong, I didn't expect you to be here. And Miss Zhou, she is getting more and more beautiful."

Zhong Jianye was very airy and unsmiling, but he was obviously unusual for Zhou Yu. Hearing Liu Wei's praise of Zhou Yu, a smile appeared on his stiff face.

Gu Yan noticed this detail, and glanced at Zhou Yu with a half-smile.

Seeing this, Zou Meng was even more unhappy. He is a very rigorous and demanding director, and he has never-ending enthusiasm for the pursuit of film art. He can't tolerate those behaviors that don't care about the bottom line for the box office and making money, whatever the gimmicks are, finding actors who only care about whether they look good or whether they can attract fans, and the filming is shoddy... These are all very bad behaviors in his opinion.

His earnestness has created his current status. At his level, he no longer needs to deliberately cater to the audience, but can guide the audience. For his movies, actors don't have to be big names, but they must have acting skills.

He has been preparing for this movie for a long time. Regarding the role of this dual personality murderer, he has had some considerations. This is a role that requires a lot of acting skills, and its importance is not even less than that of the protagonist. So when he heard that the company wanted to appoint a candidate, he was actually not very happy in his heart, but after all, he is not a person who does not eat the fireworks of the world. Some things are common practice in the industry, and he will not particularly object to the candidates provided by the company, anyway. It is necessary to pass his test, as long as it is really suitable, there is nothing wrong with it.

However, when he heard the name, anger suddenly rose in his heart!

Gu Yan? What is that? Has he ever had any decent work? Nothing but being a male vase in a recent Xiaoyan TV series! There are only scandals and scandals!

It is extremely disrespectful for the company to recommend such an unreliable candidate to him!

He originally wanted to reject it directly, but after a second thought, he decided to meet Gu Yan in person. He wanted the company to clearly understand how ridiculous his behavior was, and he wanted to reject Gu Yan face to face! Tell him that he is not suitable for this movie, and I will never use him. Seeing it with my own eyes now, I am even more convinced that Gu Yan is just a frivolous and conceited guy who thinks he is omnipotent because of his backstage power without ability. His eyes are only glued to women, and he is even more disdainful in his heart.

"Gu Yan, right? How do you understand this role?" Zou Meng coughed lightly, and his cold scrutiny fell on Gu Yan.

Gu Yan turned his head back, slightly raised the corners of his lips and smiled, but he didn't answer immediately, and poured two glasses of red wine, handed one of them to Zou Meng, and brought the other in front of himself, lowered his head and sniffed it lightly .

"What a beautiful color, I like this bloody red the most, just looking at it makes people intoxicated." Gu Yan stared at the wine in the glass with his dark eyes, the light in his eyes was as hot as annotating a lover, and seemed to shine through This red wine is seen in the distance...

"Especially the moment when it gushes out from the body, the scorching liquid full of vitality still retains the freshest sweetness..." He lowered his head and took a sip, closing his eyes intoxicated, as if what he was tasting was not red wine but real wine. of blood.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, got up and came to Zou Meng. There was no emotion in his black eyes, not as if he was looking at a person, but as if he was looking at an object... It was an indifference that had absolutely no respect for life.

There was no trace of humanity in those eyes.

"Can you give me your blood?" Gu Yan gently raised the wine glass in his hand, stared at Zou Meng's eyes, with an intoxicating smile on his lips, "Let the moment of death bring your life sublimation."

Zou Meng looked into Gu Yan's eyes, the blackness was like a ruthless vortex, making him unable to look away.

And he knew that he was just an ant in the eyes of the other party, unable to escape the fate of being slaughtered, but he couldn't even raise the courage to resist, and could only be shrouded in despair and fear.

As soon as he let go of his hand, there was a 'crash', and the wine glass shattered to the ground.