Demon Boss in the Human World

Chapter 35: fear


Qin Yao nodded, "How is the progress recently?"

Song Yunzheng said respectfully, "Thanks to the information you provided, our task force has made a lot of progress recently, and has already locked down several suspected, um... that monster's traces. [Please search for updates soon] and successfully sieged them with the help of Master Qingshui Temple." There are three heads, and one is more cunning and powerful, I am afraid that you will need to do it yourself."

Qin Yao hummed as if nothing had happened, and said again: "Has Zhu Huanwei let go?"

"All recruited." Song Yunzheng quickly handed Qin Yao a copy of the oral record. After receiving Qin Yao's request, he arranged for people to find Zhu Huanwei overnight, but just happened to find him fleeing, so he was detained directly, interrogated non-stop, and finally got the news.

"Sure enough, he bought Sun Jie to frame Gu Yan." Qin Yao quickly finished reading and said.

Song Yunzheng nodded, "Yes, and Zhu Huanwei himself was instructed by others to do this. The mastermind behind the scenes is Gu Yan's second brother."

Qin Yao looked cold, "It's ridiculous."

Song Yunzheng felt a little embarrassed immediately. He thought for a while and said, "Although Sun Jie is dead, all signs indicate that he just committed suicide. Although there is a reason behind it, it is just an ordinary case. Besides, this matter also involves the Gu family in the capital. ... I'm afraid it's not easy for us to intervene... "

If it wasn't for Qin Yao's request to investigate, he wouldn't pay attention to this kind of thing at all.

Qin Yao looked at Song Yunzheng, suddenly smiled, and said, "You don't think this matter has anything to do with the current special case, do you?"

Song Yunzheng was overwhelmed and laughed dryly. He really thinks that this matter has little to do with special cases. Although Hong Qing and the others disappeared strangely, and the incident at the resort is also related to Gu Yan, it seems quite coincidental, but it’s not like there can’t be coincidences in this world. Right? Judging from the information they have, there is no similarity between Gu Yan and monsters.

Monsters are cruel and contemptuous of human beings, and they often like to walk alone. Ferocity and brutality are something carved in their bones, and it is easy to catch traces if you look carefully. But Gu Yan... No matter how you look at it, there is no slight resemblance to a monster, and he has saved people more than once. How can a real monster save people? Although according to investigations, his temperament has changed after he fell into the water, but after encountering so many bad things, falling into the water, betrayal, and suffering huge pressure from public opinion, it is understandable that he would become cynical... Thinking of Zhu Huanwei's confession, Song Yunzheng I also feel a little sympathetic to Gu Yan.

But he has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and now is a special period, he really doesn't have the heart to meddle in other people's family affairs, and if he is not careful, he will cause a commotion.

And he thinks that Qin Yao's attention to this matter is out of selfishness, not really related to the case, but the overall situation still needs to rely on Qin Yao, so although he is unhappy, he dare not directly accuse Qin Yao of not distinguishing between public and private.

You have no idea how cunning and terrifying those monsters are, nothing is impossible. Qin Yao sneered and was about to speak, but suddenly remembered the situation when he met Gu Yan today, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, and the words finally became: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will take care of it myself."

When Gu Yan returned to the set alone, Xu Ming hadn't returned yet.

Those human practitioners claim to be righteous and work as mothers-in-law, why bother if he is, they would definitely rather kill by mistake than let them go! But it is also fortunate that human beings are cautious in doing things, otherwise it is really inevitable that he will have to face human beings head-on...

Gu Yan locked himself in the room, his face pale. The strong willpower has supported him to not show the slightest abnormality for such a long time. At this moment, there is no one around him, so he finally showed his pain. Under the washing of the spirit wine, his body seemed to be torn apart, and it took a lot of effort to barely suppress the magic power in his body from exploding out of control!

The dying trace of golden spiritual power that was originally left in the body, as if it had found a support, rushed out restlessly, continuously absorbing the spiritual energy of the spirit wine, and it became faintly stronger!

Gu Yan didn't sleep all night, and was drenched in sweat.

It wasn't until the next morning that the spiritual energy of the spirit wine in his body dissipated completely, but the golden spiritual energy that had been worn down to the size of a hair became much thicker.

Gu Yan's eyes shot out a cold and cruel light. If I let you take a step today, I will definitely kill you in the future! To vent the hatred in my heart!

Gu Yan tidied up his expression and walked out after making sure there was nothing unusual.

Xu Ming came back at some point and prepared breakfast for him. Gu Yan didn't ask him what happened to Xu Fei either. He didn't care about Xu Fei in the first place, and now he is even less in the mood to care about that ant.

But he didn't ask, Xu Ming took the initiative to say it, and he said seriously: "Thank you yesterday."

"Oh." Gu Yan's voice was flat, unmoved.

"It's true, although it sounded very angry at first. But when I thought about it later, if you didn't say that, I probably wouldn't be able to dispel Xiao Fei's thoughts." Xu Ming smiled, "He is a very persistent person, and at the same time he has Although his arrogance is a little lower now, he will cheer up sooner or later. A long-term pain is worse than a short-term pain."

"Although you have a cold face and a warm heart, I know you have good intentions." Xu Ming said sincerely.

Gu Yan put the chopsticks on the table with a 'slap', got up and walked out.

Xu Ming stared blankly at his back, wondering why he made Gu Yan angry...

Gu Yan got up and went out, the violent restlessness gradually calmed down by the cold wind. After all, Xin Dao himself got angry. He had indeed suffered twice at the hands of that human cultivator, but this had nothing to do with an ant like Xu Ming. What's the point of caring about an idiot.

Today he has a role in the scene, so I just went to the set.

As a result, he ran into Jiang Cheng within a few steps, Gu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed by. If this human dared to trouble him, he would not be polite.

Jiang Cheng also saw Gu Yan, his expression was a little cold, he nodded to Gu Yan expressionlessly, and walked past him. There was no intention of talking to Gu Yan at all.

Gu Yan paused, and passed by as if nothing had happened. This human being is quite sensible.

Gu Yan is playing a dual personality, the main personality is an honest company employee, and the second personality is a perverted murderer. The main thing is to distinguish two different personalities through makeup and clothing.

He changed into a white shirt and a black suit, dressed meticulously, his hair was touched with some pomade, and it lay limp and greasy on his face, and he put on a pair of black-rimmed glasses. The sharpness of the whole person seemed to be covered up in an instant, and there were boring messages all over his body, no one would want to take a second look.

Director Zou looked at it with satisfaction, "Not bad, it's very malleable."

A good actor should be able to adapt to various roles, instead of covering up the brilliance of the characters with his own brilliance, the roles he performs will only be the same. Director Zou had only seen Gu Yan's wicked and majestic appearance, and at first he was a little worried about his hasty decision, but now it seems that worry is completely unnecessary.

The scene in the morning was filmed in a well-arranged workplace, which mainly reflects the daily life of the villain. Ordinary, inconspicuous, and easy to bully are the labels of the protagonist's personality.

But the filming didn't go well after the filming started. All the characteristics of this character's personality are completely opposite to Gu Yan himself. He never knew what it meant to swallow his breath. Although he memorized the script and acted according to the requirements, he couldn't act that kind of forbearance. Always seems a little stiff.

Director Zou guided patiently at the beginning, but after a dozen or so ngs, his temper gradually improved.

"How many times have I said it! When you say 'I'm sorry', you have to show that kind of nervousness and fear, as well as the ambivalence of being uneasy and dissatisfied and not daring to resist! Look at what you are acting! You are Are you saying 'I'm sorry'? You're literally saying 'You're looking for death'!" Director Zou roared ferociously.

The onlookers couldn't help laughing lowly.

"What are you laughing at! Let me take your place, come again!" Director Zou shouted.

Gu Yan frowned slightly. It's not that he couldn't bear such a little accusation. Director Zou didn't have any prejudice against him, he just talked about the facts, and this role was chosen by himself. He was just thinking about how to act out that feeling. He has been in the demon world for thousands of years, and all the monsters have fierce personalities and are not afraid of death. He couldn't think of a similar character to learn from.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced around and saw Xu Ming clenching his fists to cheer him up, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Really... He almost forgot that there was such a person beside him. The human being who likes to say 'sorry' the most he has ever seen is Xu Ming. Substituting him into the role of the doormat didn't feel awkward at all.

How does he usually say sorry? What did you think when you said sorry

It should be... because of fear, because of weakness, because of powerlessness, not daring to resist oppression, the fear of having to compromise in order to survive.

Gu Yan thought for a while, what is fear? What does fear feel like... He hasn't felt it for a long, long time. But... there must have been fear in the past, when he was just born... he was as weak as other low-level monsters.

Although even the weakest monsters have a powerful killing instinct and courage to move forward, there are always times when they are beyond their reach...

When facing those existences who are several levels stronger than yourself, when facing the struggle between life and death again and again, when facing the supreme demon lord.

The fear that once flashed away in the bones... the sadness and helplessness of having to succumb, compromising in order to survive.

He also had it.

It's just that he deliberately forgot it, and he never looked back on his indomitable road.

As a monster—fear is the last thing that should exist, it will make him weak, and it is a cancer that will lead him to death.

"What are you thinking! It's started!" Director Zou raised his horn and roared into Gu Yan's ear, "Come again!"

Gu Yan adjusted the heavy black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes were as black as ink, as dark as a deep sea.

But now, he wants to remember the fears he once had, the fears he had forgotten... He will no longer be afraid, because he is already strong enough.

As a strong man, he no longer fears the weakness he once had.

No longer shaken by fear.

He can already face everything.