Demon Boss in the Human World

Chapter 47: memory


The seventh floor is the gourmet city. People come out intermittently after eating, and everything looks the same as usual.

Gu Yan looked calm. Zhou Yu knew his identity, so he must not fall into the hands of humans, and he would not allow such an accident to happen.

He turned around and walked into a Japanese-style restaurant, and walked through to the innermost restroom. The fluctuations of the devil's blood emanated from the women's restroom. Gu Yan frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Come out, I know you are here in."

After a while, the bathroom door slowly opened.

Zhou Yu came out from the inside. She was wearing a black dress, which complemented her pale complexion, Ruoxue. She looked at Gu Yan, and instinctive fear flashed across her face, and she felt relieved at any moment.

Gu Yan looked at her lightly: "You owe me an explanation."

Zhou Yu nodded, his expression was calm and natural, there was no violence or unwillingness in his eyes, only the joy of relief.

She went to a booth in a corner and sat down, smiled at Gu Yan and said, "It's a real honor, I never thought I'd be able to see an adult before I die."

Seeing this, Gu Yan was not so angry. This monster was very aware of the result he was facing. Since he had already regarded death as home, he didn't have to worry about such a humble monster.

He was just a little curious, Zhou Yu's behavior today is too unlike a monster.

It is impossible for a desperate monster to be so calm, it will only struggle to the death and kill. And Zhou Yu obviously didn't intend to do this.

"My lord must have seen the recent news. I'm sorry for causing such trouble. Don't worry, I haven't revealed your identity to anyone." Zhou Yu said seriously.

Gu Yan looked at Zhou Yu, and said a few words lightly, "Why?"

Although what he said was simple, Zhou Yu understood what Gu Yan meant. He was not asking why she didn't reveal his identity, but why she did so. With her ability, she could have avoided the current situation.

Zhou Yu was silent for a moment, then said: "Since your lord wants to know, I will tell you everything. It's just such a trivial matter, I'm just afraid of wasting your time."

Gu Yan paused, he really didn't mean to know, this weak monster made a mistake, and was ready to use his life to atone for the sin, he knew the result was enough. He had never cared about little things like this before.

But the inexplicable curiosity at the moment drove him to listen to the answer, because the development of this matter was very unreasonable.

After coming to the world, it seemed that something was gradually getting out of his control.

He doesn't like this feeling.

"From the moment I became conscious, I was in the Abyss Demon Realm. I remember how long it was, about ninety years... In those ninety years, I have not devoured any other monsters. It's not that I don't want to, It's because I'm too weak." Zhou Yu said slowly, showing a look of reminiscence, "I'm so weak that I can only drag on..."

Gu Yan finally showed a slightly surprised expression. It's unbelievable that such a weak monster can survive till now. In the cruel Demon World, surviving without devouring other monsters is almost impossible.

"But because of this, I found that I am a little different from other monsters. I... remember some things clearly. Although it is only a few, I have not forgotten it." Zhou Yu said.

Gu Yan raised his eyebrows.

"I don't remember my name, I don't remember my identity, I don't remember my family and friends who may have existed... But I clearly remember the people I hate, my hatred, my pain, my unwillingness..." She clearly said She said sad words, but her eyes were shining brightly, as if her whole life had meaning. Those eyes were not what a monster should have. Her tone was soft and clear, "Those memories... made me feel that I should have It's human."

"Ridiculous!" Gu Yan snorted coldly, his black eyes like bottomless whirlpools.

Such absurd claims are simply unheard of! The devil is the devil! He has been in the demon world for thousands of years and has seen all kinds of monsters, but he has never heard of any monster that thinks he will be a human being. What is a human being? It's just food!

But there seemed to be another voice in his head saying, what about those dreams? What are those dreams

Is it really just a dream

What are they

Zhou Yu's face was very pale, as if there was no blood at all. She smiled slightly, like a peony in full bloom before withering, with a deathly beauty.

"My memory is slowly decreasing, little by little, disappearing from my mind... Maybe it won't be long, and even the person I hate the most may also be forgotten. But... these things do exist, I am very Sure. If I am not a human being, how can these memories be explained? Why is my hatred and pain so real? Why do I forget myself, but still remember the person I hate?" Zhou Yu said, "I exist What's the point of it, just to hate?"

The corners of Gu Yan's lips were tense, and his eyes were cold.

"I have also suspected that maybe these are all my fantasies."

"Demons are born to hate humans and all good things. Killing and destruction are their nature. I am no different from them. If I want to say the only difference is that they hate everything, and I clearly remember the one I hate. people!"

Zhou Yu looked at Gu Yan, his tone suddenly became excited and trembling, "Then... I met that person, no, he is the descendant of that person... But I just knew it. I knew it the moment I met him, I can smell his blood."

"I checked him and found the information about his great-grandfather. He is really the one in my memory."

"You said, isn't this unbelievable? Those... are all true!"

"it is true… "

Zhou Yu's eyes were bright, and her voice was joyful and joyful. The deep-seated hatred became a color on her face, "I can come to the world and take revenge with my own hands! Although he is dead, I can make him die. His family was ruined, and everything left by him was completely destroyed! So what if he treats me like that! In the end, everything about him will still be destroyed by my hands! As long as I think of this, I can't help but get excited. "

"Men are such despicable and disgusting things. That man is, Zhong Jianye is, and Liu Linghui is too. I just use a little trick to make him fascinated. I want him to fall from heaven to hell. I want the entire Liu family to fall into hell." It will be wiped out! No chicken or dog will be left behind!"

"I will let them die in despair and pain!"

"I have such ability!"

"I'm so happy." Zhou Yu stretched out her hands, which were as white as jade. She stared at her hands and smiled softly: "I just think of the sadness and despair in their eyes when I tear them apart. Wailing in pain... I feel that my pain has disappeared, and there is only joy in my heart."

She smiled absent-mindedly for a while, then put her hands down, and said, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh. I just came out of Liu's house, and he said he would take me home, and told his parents to marry me, so I'll marry him." I did. I could have played with him a little longer, but I couldn't help it, so I killed them all. I got so involved that when I finally killed him, I asked him to find a Opportunity called."

Hearing this, Gu Yan finally understood why this place was surrounded by the police. Apparently, they were concerned about the crowds in the shopping mall, and they were afraid that Zhou Yu would start a killing spree, so they stayed put...but this was not a good thing.

Because this means that soon there will be human monks to deal with this trouble in person.

Zhou Yu's identity was exposed, and she could not escape death in the end, and she herself knew this clearly, and she didn't care about it.

"I don't think I hate it anymore. I'm very glad to have the opportunity to come to the world." Zhou Yu stroked the broken hair beside his ear and smiled, "I killed them, and I feel that killing other people can't bring me anything. Fun and anticipation, as if... my mission has been completed. I can face death in peace, and don't have to live like that...painful and humble. I am very happy."

Gu Yan looked at her deeply, and said: "But it doesn't mean you are human, you know it yourself, you are just a monster."

"I know." Zhou Yu said, "I used to feel that way, as if it was some kind of reason to support my existence. But now it doesn't matter anymore, no matter whose memory it is, whose hatred it is, no matter what I am …I just did what I wanted to do, monsters will only follow their own nature.”

"That's enough."

She took out a USB flash drive and pushed it in front of Gu Yan, "I'm sorry I can't help you anymore, this is for you, I hope it can help you."

Gu Yan was silent for a moment, put away the USB flash drive, and said, "Do you need me to help you?"

Monsters can't kill themselves, unless they are killed, they will live forever... in the dark.

"I've already caused you a lot of trouble, and I can't trouble you with this matter anymore." Zhou Yu smiled, "How you die, and at whose hands you die. It doesn't make any difference to me."

"Okay." Gu Yan stood up, he had already delayed a lot of time, it was almost time for the human monks to come.

"Go slowly." Zhou Yu said softly and smiled.

Gu Yan turned around neatly, his steps were steady without any hesitation, his eyes were indifferent and calm. There is no feeling of sympathy between monsters, and he is not that troublesome.

Zhou Yu thought it was a well-deserved death.

This poor, humble, and weak monster finally waited for her release.

So he won't be sad for her.

There was only disdain in his heart.

Probably... only such a weak monster would be obsessed with such insignificant things. The so-called hatred... is really ridiculous. For a monster to hate its food, it is as ridiculous as humans hate a pig and a chicken.

What's even more ridiculous is that she actually fancied that she was once a member of the food.

Do human beings think that they were animals in their previous lives because they envy the freedom of pigs, ducks, cattle and sheep

he! It is a higher and more powerful existence!

No matter where he came from, no matter what he was, from the moment he was born, he was a complete demon. He will not suffer, will not hesitate, will not regret, will not be sad... His existence is destined to make human beings tremble and fear, and bring darkness to this world. This is the meaning of his existence!

Gu Yan walked out of the restaurant door, and a figure walked past him.

Qin Yao carried the silver-white long sword on his back, without even looking at Gu Yan, he walked directly to where Zhou Yu was.

Gu Yan stopped and looked back. Through the glass, he happened to see Zhou Yu smiling at him. Then I saw Qin Yao piercing her chest with a sword, her smile froze on her face, a gloomy death filled her face, her body weathered inch by inch in the air.

This is a monster, even death cannot leave the slightest trace in this world.

It was only then that the people in the restaurant realized what had happened. The silence seemed to be detonated by a fuse. People fled out in panic and panic, screaming and making the entire seventh floor into a mess.

Gu Yan didn't move, the panicked people ran away, bumping into his shoulder in a panic.

He frowned, turned around, and found that Qin Yao had turned around and was also looking at him.