Demon Boss in the Human World

Chapter 55: meet by chance


Qin Yao didn't know why he came here again. Every time he came here, it was equivalent to cutting a wound in his heart with a blunt knife, tearing open the unhealed scar mercilessly again until the blood was dripping.

But he didn't want to forget this pain, this was probably the only way for him to feel that he was still alive.

During this time, when he thought of that person, he would occasionally think of Gu Yan inadvertently.

Hearing the news of Gu Yan, he can't help but care about it.

I can't help but think, if that person is still alive, is it the same...

Today, Qin Yao saw Gu Yan's talk show, watched the host's calculations, and Gu Yan answered confidently and uncompromisingly, and felt a long-lost distress in his heart, as well as...anger at all of this.

Why does the world always have to be full of malice? It's not easy for Gu Yan to live like this, so why should he face this kind of slander and calculation.

If at that time, people could have more trust and kindness towards that person, wouldn't the tragedy happen

But all of this is his extravagant hope after all... He hated himself for being weak at that time, and hated himself for coming too late. Even if he turned the world upside down and tried his best to avenge him, he couldn't be brought back.

Such a world should simply be destroyed, what is there to protect

Qin Yao sometimes thinks this way.

But he... is still unwilling to disobey that person's will.

If he really did that, that person must be very disappointed with him.

As long as he thought of this possibility, he was terrified.

So for so many years, he has been sticking to his promise to that person without any change.

Before Qin Yao came out, he made a phone call, so that the host who made things difficult for Gu Yan could no longer appear on any screen. Such a villain with no personal morality, what qualifications does he have to be the mouthpiece of public opinion.

With his current status, no one can offend him, and he rarely does such bullying, but today he did it without hesitation.

He didn't want Gu Yan to be easily slandered by such a person, who should pay the price for his actions. He thought of Gu Yan again, wondering what Gu Yan was doing at the moment, wondering if he would be angry and sad... Wanting to know about Gu Yan, wanting to care, this uncontrollable emotion encouraged him, but he Unable to step out.

He told himself, don't do what you shouldn't do.

There was a sudden commotion in front of him, Qin Yao frowned, and through the crowd, he saw a man kneeling in the middle of the street, with one hand propped up on the ground, the other holding his head tightly, as if he was enduring great pain.

It is estimated that someone suddenly fell ill.

Qin Yao turned around indifferently, and was about to leave when he suddenly saw the man raised his head.

The man's face was as pale as paper, and his handsome face was distorted by pain.

... At that moment, Gu Yan's face seemed to overlap with that person's...

Why did Gu Yan appear here? Why is it like this? Qin Yao didn't think about these problems at all, his actions were one step faster than his thoughts, and he quickly crossed the crowd and came to Gu Yan!

Gu Yan pressed his head tightly.

His vision was blurred. I can only see the shadows around me...

Trying my best, I could only retain the last trace of consciousness, and did not expose the true nature of the demon body under the severe pain. But he was already unable to move a step, the pain was like mountains, oppressing his body, trying to crush his spine, break his limbs, and completely suppress him here! Let him never be reborn forever, never be freed!

He has to get out of here... has to get out of here...

But he can't...

Such powerlessness, such pain, such... embarrassing situation, appeared for the first time in his long life.

Even in the most ferocious fight in the devil world, he had never experienced such pain and despair.

Can't escape, can't leave.

I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for long, he won't be able to resist exposing his own body, and will be ruthlessly wiped out by humans here. Or... He couldn't hold on to that time at all. Before that, he had been tortured to death by the endless pain.

People avoided in fear, or watched the excitement from the sidelines, but no one came to help.

That's right, he must look terrible now...

Just give up, no one will's always been like this...die in despair.

Gu Yan raised his head, with a strange and terrifying smile on his face.

What is so terrible about death

He doesn't care at all.

I'm just not reconciled, not reconciled to failing like this...

Suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out in front of him.

He hugged him whole.

Then his legs left the ground, and he rose into the air.

Leaving the ground, the pain instantly eased a lot. Gu Yan breathed a sigh of relief from the dense oppression, concentrated his scattered vision, and saw the person in front of him.

The person who stretched out his hand in his Qin Yao.

Qin Yao looked at him, with anxiety and worry in his eyes, and he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Gu Yan didn't answer, he felt a little ironic.

When he gave up... the person who extended a helping hand to him would be Qin Yao who hated monsters the most. If Qin Yao knew the truth, he would definitely feel the same irony as him.

But at this moment, he will not let go of the person in front of him who can help him.

It doesn't matter who the person is.

Gu Yan's body collapsed and he leaned against Qin Yao's arms, and he uttered a few words with difficulty through clenched teeth, "Take, me, leave."

Qin Yao nodded and said in a deep voice, "You will be fine."

After saying that, he hugged Gu Yan and left quickly.

After leaving this street, the overwhelming pain and oppression just now disappeared in an instant.

The tight strings suddenly relaxed, Gu Yan couldn't hold on any longer, completely lost consciousness and passed out.

Gu Yan had a nightmare repeatedly at night.

In the dream, his body was torn apart, repeated again and again...

He opened his eyes and found himself in a strange room.

Consciousness returned to his mind, at that time, it was Qin Yao who appeared in the crowd and took him away from that place.

This should be Qin Yao's residence...

He propped himself up and sat up, still wearing yesterday's clothes. Although it was sticky and uncomfortable, he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Qin Yao was not the kind of considerate person, so he didn't change his clothes, otherwise he would find the scar on his chest, and his identity would definitely be exposed.

Gu Yan pushed the door and walked out. The room has an antique style, and it looks like the residence of an old man who cultivates his morals.

Qin Yao was as cold and boring as ever, even the place where he lived was so plain.

This is a villa with only one floor, but it has a large area. You can see the scenery outside from the window. The rolling woods are lush and quiet, and the path winds into the depths of the woods, and there are no people around.

Gu Yan didn't plan to stay at Qin Yao's place for too long, that would be too dangerous.

He was about to leave right away.

But unfortunately, as soon as he went out, he met Qin Yao who had just come back from outside.

Qin Yao was dressed in a black Tang suit and cloth shoes, looking very casual. He looked at Gu Yan, showed a very faint smile, and asked, "Are you feeling better?"

Gu Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, he didn't know how much Qin Yao knew about him...

"I've shown you that your body is fine. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this." Qin Yao said again, "Do you know what happened last night?"

Gu Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it seems that Qin Yao didn't see anything either. In fact, he didn't think about the situation last night at all, and he didn't understand why it happened suddenly, but he definitely couldn't tell Qin Yao about these things.

"Maybe it's just that I've been under too much pressure recently, and my nerves are tense." Gu Yan smiled lightly, as if he didn't care that it was no big deal.

"It seems very serious." Qin Yao stared at Gu Yan.

"It was really difficult at the time, but it's nothing now. Thank you yesterday." Gu Yan said.

Qin Yao was silent for a moment, thought for a while, and then said, "I've watched your show, and you don't have to worry too much about some things, the clearer will clear up by himself."

Looking back, I was really surprised that Qin Yao would watch his show and comfort him.

If you don't know human practitioners well, you won't find it strange that such a simple greeting like 'today's weather is good', but he is very clear about the virtues of human practitioners, they are all old and innocent. Of course, there are a few perverts who want to be serious and rigid, with more 'personality' and independent style, but he doesn't think Qin Yao belongs to that minority. He is simply the standard template for human practitioners, and he interprets the dullness to the extreme. So entertainment programs really don't match Qin Yao's painting style...

Gu Yan raised his eyebrows, and started to tease, and smiled, "I really don't think it's a big deal. In the entertainment circle, no one is popular if no one is black, and black is healthier. But you... no It's really flattering to think that you will watch my show!"

Qin Yao always had a handsome face, and usually couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling, so he concealed his embarrassment very well at this time. In fact, he regretted it a little when he said it, as if someone had spied on some of his little thoughts... He paused and said, "I happened to see it, I usually only watch that station."

Do you think I can't see this kind of concealment! Gu Yan could hardly hold back the smile on his lips.

Who made him such a bad monster

As long as you shake it once, you can shake it a second time, a third time, until you no longer threaten me, and let me fish.

Gu Yan took a natural step forward, and turned his face sideways to show Qin Yao an indifferent smile. From this angle, his pale and delicate face showed a stubborn stubbornness and hidden deep fragility. He said, " Do you know why I don't care about those comments? Because I know there are people who are willing to believe in me and support me. With these people, even in the face of those gossips, I feel courageous to face them. I believe in human nature Ben Shan."