Demon Boss in the Human World

Chapter 79: Unwilling


Qin Yao seemed to be fine, except that his face was a little pale.

He stood there quietly for an unknown how long, his gaze was always on Gu Yan, and he never left for a moment.

Gu Yan stopped in his tracks.

Should he be happy or disappointed? A certain emotion flashed in his heart for a moment, and it went too fast for him to catch it.

So I didn't bother to think about it.

He looked at Qin Yao meaningfully, and he was still alive after being injured like that. Is this really a human being, not some kind of tenacious monster? That powerful body is even worse than monsters.

Fortunately, this terrifying human being no longer threatened him in the slightest.

Gu Yan didn't even bother to pretend, and walked past Qin Yao without looking sideways.

That's it, he won't take it to heart.

Qin Yao suddenly reached out and grabbed Gu Yan's wrist. His fingertips were cold.

"Master, don't you remember me at all?" His voice was low and hoarse, with an imperceptible tremor.

However, this answer Gu Yan was destined to disappoint him.

In fact, Qin Yao also understands this point, but just like a dying person, if he doesn't make the last struggle, he is always not reconciled, and he always has to ask.

Gu Yan turned his head sideways, squinted at him, and smiled: "Do you really want to hear it?"

Qin Yao's hands tightened tightly, and his eyes dimmed.

"I don't remember, I don't remember a single bit." Gu Yan smiled cruelly, "Can I let go now?"

Qin Yao didn't let go, he closed his eyes.

After a long while, he opened his eyes again. Little by little, he showed a bleak smile: "It's okay if you don't remember."

Gu Yan raised his eyebrows with doubts in his eyes.

"Because I don't remember, Master treated me like that. I know that these are not Master's original intention." Qin Yao said, his eyes regained light little by little, "Just like me, because I didn't recognize Master, so It was not my intention to accidentally hurt you."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to be more and more determined about his idea.

It's like, I found the only straw to save my life, and I have to grasp it at all costs so that I won't fall into the bottomless abyss.

"Master doesn't remember, it doesn't matter, as long as I remember." Qin Yao said.

There was a faint hope in his eyes of different shades, as if he had found the meaning of his existence again.

Those remembered things are so precious, they are his personal treasures.

Gu Yan frowned, what a troublesome human being, he should have been killed long ago. He suddenly sneered, and raised his hand to stroke Qin Yao's throat—but Qin Yao turned his head slightly to avoid it, and firmly squeezed Gu Yan's other hand.

Qin Yao showed a painful and apologetic smile, with strong emotions in his eyes, and his voice was hoarse, "Master, I can't die yet."

Gu Yan stared at him coldly, he already knew that human beings cannot be trusted, since he loves him so much, why not die for him.

So, those are all fake.

Qin Yao stared at Gu Yan and smiled palely, "I've thought about it for a long time, but you still haven't remembered could I just die like this."

He squeezed Gu Yan's hand and pulled Gu Yan into his arms. He was half a head taller than Gu Yan, but his tall body lay down like a child, holding Gu Yan tightly with both hands. , buried his head in Gu Yan's shoulder, and a dull and sour voice fell into Gu Yan's ear: "I'm sorry, but I want you to remember me, and when you remember me... I won't do anything to deal with me." There are half complaints."

"You gave me this life, even death, I am willing."

"It's just...not yet, sorry."

Gu Yan lost his mind for a moment. The moment he fell into that embrace, his brain temporarily lost the ability to think. This embrace was strong and warm, and a certain persistence and persistence seemed to be transmitted through that body, which made him a little dazed.

But that daze disappeared quickly.

Remember? remember what? Those painful memories in the dream? What is there to remember about those things.

It doesn't matter whether Qin Yao kills or not, he is not willing to think of those painful memories for a human being. He wasn't afraid that those memories would change him, he just didn't want to think about them.

A coldness flashed across Gu Yan's downcast eyes, and he stretched out his hand suddenly to push Qin Yao away.

"What if I can never remember?" Gu Yan's brows and eye corners were raised, looking flimsy and cold.

Qin Yao pursed his lips tightly, and after a while, he smiled in a low voice, "That's okay, but it's a pity... you can't let me kill me."

He waited for this person for a thousand years, and the loneliness of being alone was over. Now that he appeared in front of him again, what extravagant hope did he have

It's not right... He still has some extravagant hopes, but he should be content, as long as he can look at him and guard him, he can bury those extravagant hopes deeply in his heart from now on.

He wants to live, and only when he is alive can he see with his eyes, hear with his ears, and embrace... this person with his hands.

He never lost his courage again.

Gu Yan snorted coldly.

It seems that it is impossible to get rid of Qin Yao for the time being, but he must not let Qin Yao hinder his plan. Gu Yan squinted at Qin Yao, wondering if Qin Yao knew his plan... But he didn't dare to try it rashly, he still couldn't fully trust a human practitioner. Besides, in Qin Yao's eyes, although he is that person, he is not quite that person, so he probably won't listen to him.

After all, he is a monster now... He doesn't know Qin Yao's bottom line.

Gu Yan looked at him steadfastly, a wicked smile slowly appeared on his lips, and said, "I'm hungry."

Qin Yao was startled.

"You know what I want to eat, right?" Gu Yan licked his lips lightly, staring at Qin Yao with bloodthirsty eyes, with a provocative tone, "Are you going to stop me?"

Qin Yao was silent for a moment: "No."

oh? Gu Yan was a little surprised, he thought Qin Yao would stop him, or... Qin Yao's tolerance for him was so high

At Gu Yan's level, it doesn't really matter if you eat people or not, it's just for the taste. But he just wanted to test Qin Yao.

"I can prepare it for you with my own hands, as long as it is what you want." Qin Yao opened his mouth slowly, his eyes were calm, without any hesitation or struggle.

He guarded all of this just because it was what Gu Yan once wanted to guard.

If Gu Yan wants it now, why not? There are so many humans in this world, there are always some damned scum... If he does it himself, he can naturally minimize the impact.

If it wasn't for worrying that Gu Yan would feel pain and regret for killing innocent people when he remembered the past, he wouldn't even care about it.

Gu Yan was really surprised. For the first time, he was a little curious about Qin Yao's past. Is this person his apprentice? It doesn't look like a good person. Such a person will protect the world? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it.

Gu Yan's eyes moved. From this point of view, Qin Yao himself does not have any beliefs and principles, and everything he does is because of him. This kind of human... is actually just one step away from monsters. Gu Yan thought about it.

If he really recovered his memory, he would have to ask Qin Yao to help him open the passage, and Qin Yao would probably not hesitate.

"Then let's go now." Gu Yan grinned, showing his white teeth, and his smile was intense.

The two had just left the set.

He found that Fu Zhechuan was waiting outside, he was a little surprised to see Qin Yao, he nodded slightly, and then smiled gently at Gu Yan: "You just came back from filming today, so I'm afraid you won't eat well here, so I came to pick you up to eat. "

Gu Yan just laughed, unexpectedly, there are quite a few people who are willing to invite him to 'dinner'.

Although he obviously prefers Qin Yao's invitation, Qin Yao is still too threatening after all. As long as Qin Yao is by his side, it is like a stronger prey invading his territory, which makes him unable to relax and relax, even if he knows that Qin Yao is not It will hurt him... But Qin Yao's powerful aura surrounds him all the time, so he has to deal with it with full energy.

After weighing the pros and cons, Fu Zhechuan is still easy to get along with.

So Gu Yan spread his hands: "It seems that I can't go out with you today." Anyway, the result has been tested, and he doesn't want to get too close to Qin Yao for the time being.

Human practitioners themselves will make him feel uncomfortable, just like the instinct of a wild animal when it encounters a natural enemy.

Qin Yao glanced over Gu Yan and Fu Zhechuan, clenched his hands tightly into fists.

The momentary intense jealousy and unwillingness made him almost unable to maintain his calm. Fu Zhechuan is just an ordinary human being. What can he take Gu Yan to eat? For Gu Yan, he gave up so much persistence and made such a decision, he was even willing to be an enemy of the world... and Gu Yan would rather eat unpalatable human food with a human than go out with him.

Giving up on him so easily.

How can... how can it be? ! How could she abandon him so easily

Qin Yao had never thought about this before. He was so immersed in the joy of Gu Yan's return that he completely forgot to think about it. Gu Yan who didn't remember him...maybe he didn't care about him at all.

But at this moment, he finally realized soberly, and he had to admit that in the eyes of Gu Yan, he was not even as good as an ordinary human being.

The bones in his hands creaked.

He wanted to kill this unsightly human being, wanted to take Gu Yan as his own, and wanted to make Gu Yan the only one in his heart. Can't tolerate, can't tolerate all of this... The boundless darkness seems to rush out from the bottom of his heart, trying to disturb his heart.

Qin Yao tightly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He can't do this, can't make Gu Yan hate him even more...

"But you obviously promised me first." Qin Yao looked at Gu Yan, with a slightly imperceptible pleading voice.

"Yeah." Gu Yan let out a lazy voice casually, "But I suddenly changed my mind."

The hope in Qin Yao's eyes dissipated little by little...

Fu Zhechuan took a step forward, separated between Gu Yan and Qin Yao, his smile was gentlemanly and polite, but his attitude was undeniably tough, and said in a deep voice, "We should respect Gu Yan's decision."

Qin Yao looked at Fu Zhechuan, his eyes seemed to be stung by something.

Fu Zhechuan, Wang Duo...and those messy people who like Gu Yan and try to get close to Gu Yan, these people should be damned! He suddenly remembered the night when Gu Yan and Wang Duo were together, if he hadn't arrived, what would have happened afterwards? And now that Fu Zhechuan and Gu Yan are together, what will happen to them

Why can these people easily get what he can't get day and night

He couldn't even make Gu Yan look at him more.

But these people can... be as close as Gu Yan.

Jealousy swept over his heart in an instant.

It's not fair at all, it's not fair at all... Qin Yao's eyes were red, and he kicked Fu Zhechuan's abdomen suddenly! Fu Zhechuan stepped back several times and bumped into the car behind him. Qin Yao moved, grabbed Fu Zhechuan by the collar and pushed him back heavily, his eyes were full of violent emotions, and he clenched his right hand and was about to hit him!

Seeing that this punch was about to land on Fu Zhechuan's face, Gu Yan suddenly raised his hand to block Qin Yao's punch.

Gu Yan looked cold, "Enough."