Demon Boss in the Human World

Chapter 93: desire


Qin Yao looked at Gu Yan steadfastly, and smiled for a while, "Okay."

Gu Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, he is really a little scared towards Qin Yao now, he really doesn't want to experience Qin Yao's "anger" again, this is really a frustrating thing, he has nothing to do with Qin Yao .

Although to some extent it is his own doing.

The two people are about the same size, and Gu Yan can basically wear Qin Yao's clothes, so even if his original clothes are broken, he will not face the embarrassment of having no clothes to wear.

Qin Yao's clothes are mainly black, and when Gu Yan puts them on, the two of them look like lovers' clothes when they stand together.

With a phone call, Qin Yao booked a seat for the film's premiere, and then prepared to take Gu Yan out.

At night, Gu Yan stood at the gate with a complicated expression on his face.

Everything is going so smoothly, Qin Yao is going to take him out like this, is he not afraid at all that he will run away

Gu Yan's original intention was not to go out. To him, it didn't matter if he couldn't go out, and he wasn't the one who wanted to escape. His original intention was just to improve the relationship with Qin Yao. After all, being locked up here all day, facing the moody Qin Yao is really a great pressure on the body and mind.

Well, let’s take one step at a time.

Gu Yan is now considered a public figure, and it is easy to be surrounded by crowds when he goes out, so he put on wide sunglasses that almost covered half of his face, and then went out with Qin Yao.

Apart from most of the media and some insiders who could participate in the premiere, there were not many real audiences.

As soon as the movie was finished, Gu Yan left the film crew. A series of things happened later, and he never appeared in front of the public again. Only now did he realize that the promotion of the movie was huge, and it was basically well-known all over the country before it was released. Gu Yan has no way to go online, and he doesn't know what the public opinion of the audience is.

He was just a little surprised.

To be honest, when he made this movie, he had a mentality of coping, after all, it was just out of a deal with Qin Yao. He didn't take it seriously, and he didn't think Qin Yao really planned to make a movie, after all, it was so hasty. So even if he died without a disease, he was not surprised, or rather, that was normal.

Unexpectedly, after so many things happened, Qin Yao still released this movie behind his back.

Everything seemed very attentive, without the slightest perfunctory or negligence.

Did he really intend to make a movie

Gu Yan was confused.

The two walked to the front and sat down. Qin Yao held Gu Yan's hand tightly all the way, and did not let go for a moment.

Gu Yan's mood is somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, he doesn't want to maintain such an intimate state with Qin Yao all the time. up? But from another point of view, it is still gratifying, which shows that Qin Yao is not at ease with him at all, even after this period of skin-to-skin dating, even in the most passionate moment, Qin Yao has not given up on his wariness .

This is also helpless, with such a capricious and dangerous monster like him, he died countless times without enough vigilance. Gu Yan knew in his heart that what Qin Yao wanted was to stay with him, not to be his dead soul under his claws.

Be wary, you were also forced to come out.

If you don't even have such a little awareness, how can Qin Yao stand by his side

Gu Yan sighed inaudibly, sat down and concentrated on watching the movie.

For him, this movie also has some special meaning. Anyway, he personally interpreted the events of his previous life, which seems a bit subtle.

The time of the movie is two hours, and in just two hours, obviously not too many things can be said.

But I have to say that Director Yu is indeed a genius, even under such conditions, he still gave an amazing work.

At the beginning, Gu Yan just watched it with the mentality of passing the time, but later he became very absorbed in watching it. It wasn't until the end credits came out that Gu Yan suddenly realized that the movie was over. Yes, the movie ended when he died, and a dazed look appeared in his eyes.

The him in this movie is not at all what he thinks he is.

It looks tragic and admirable, even if the final result is not good, it is still admirable. The sitting audience applauded non-stop, and even some actresses quietly wiped their tears.

There is no doubt that this is an epic of a hero's end.

In Gu Yan's eyes, he is not like this.

Born of a noble family, he has never even experienced the warmth of an ordinary family since he was a child. He knows everything, but he can't get anything. The only thing worthy of praise is his persistence. He did what he thought he should do. Don't be ashamed of your heart and people, as for the result, it is beyond his control.

He never felt great about himself.

And in this movie, he is tragic and great, as if he is a stranger.

is this him

Was that how he acted

Gu Yan felt his right hand tighten, Qin Yao held his hand, looked at him seriously, "This is you."

Gu Yan was silent for a moment, then forced a smile, "This is how beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's interesting. I didn't expect men to be like this."

Qin Yao shook his head slowly, "There is no so-called beautification, this is you, this is you in everyone's eyes. This movie is loyal to the facts, I want everyone to know what you look like, don't let the truth be drowned in history In the dust, don’t let villain’s remarks discredit your achievements. You don’t have to pay for other people’s ignorance and selfishness, you’ve done enough to deserve everyone’s recognition.”

"Those are not your fault."

"It's the blind, the selfish, the ungrateful that are wrong."

"And these facts should be known by everyone."

Gu Yan looked at Qin Yao in a daze, his eyes moved. The last fog in my heart cleared away, is this why Qin Yao insisted that he make this movie? It's not to recall the so-called memory, it's not to retrieve the person in his memory, it's just to rectify his name.

No matter what he looks like, whether he remembers the past or not, Qin Yao thinks he is so good.

Gu Yan turned his head to the side, not wanting Qin Yao to see his gaffe.

He has always felt that he is strong and invincible, no matter what kind of slander and difficulties he encounters, even if he dies, it is impossible for him to bow his head and admit defeat. At this moment, he felt terribly weak. It was as if someone had peeled off his layers of hard shell and touched his softest heart. Leave him defenseless.

Also let him know that he doesn't have to do it all by himself.

There are already people who can accompany him, support each other, and rely on each other.

"It's time for us to go back." Gu Yan's voice was hoarse. He tried not to make his voice sound strange, but he didn't do it well enough, so he didn't dare to look at Qin Yao at all. He's not good at showing vulnerability.

Fortunately, Qin Yao didn't seem to notice his strangeness, or he noticed it and pretended not to notice it.

He grabbed Gu Yan's hand again, as tightly as when he came, and led him back.

Gu Yan was half a step behind, looking at Qin Yao's resolute back, his eyes were in a daze.

If it's Qin Yao, can you really help him...

What is the deepest and deepest desire buried deep in his heart that he doesn't even dare to think about... Gu Yan pursed his lips, isn't that ridiculous? But once this thought arises, it can no longer be suppressed.

In any case, it shouldn't continue like this, lying in ambush beside Qin Yao like a time bomb, he may be involuntary anytime and anywhere, longing for blood and human beings, and his appetite has become an instinct. None of this was what he wanted.

He wanted to be free, to get rid of all this, but he couldn't die, and it was even more impossible for Qin Yao to kill him.

Gu Yan suddenly stopped in his tracks. He shook Qin Yao's hand firmly with his backhand, tightly grasping the thick and warm palm... It seemed like this was the only way to give himself a little courage to say the following words.

"I want to be human again."