Demon Boss in the Human World

Chapter 94: life and death


This was the first time Gu Yan asked Qin Yao, and the first time he directly expressed his wish.

Or... It is more appropriate to say that it is a luxury.

Although this is an extremely difficult request.

There are countless people in this world who have fallen into demons, but no monster can turn back into a human again. A monster is an incomplete thing, just a dirty mixture of evil thoughts and desires, completely different from a human being, how could such a monster become a human being...

As soon as Gu Yan finished speaking, he felt absurd and ridiculous... But just now, he said it out of impulse.

If the option of death is excluded, this is probably his only choice, but compared with this, death is infinitely simpler.

Gu Yan shut up abruptly, a faint grayness appeared in his eyes.

become human...

When did this idea start to take root in his heart? Once it was gone in a flash, he didn't dare to think about it.

He thought he would never have the chance to say it.

Qin Yao turned his head, his eyes suddenly burst into intense light, like a stone smashed into the lake, causing ripples, and then regained calm for a moment.

His face was tense, the arch of his jaw was cold and hard, and his sharp eyes were fixed on Gu Yan.

Gu Yan's scalp became numb from Qin Yao's gaze, and a nervous look flashed in his eyes, and he coughed dryly: "If you can't do it, forget it, don't force it."

His request was indeed too abrupt, he only cared about his own thoughts, and never thought about whether Qin Yao would be embarrassed.

He also didn't want Qin Yao to be in trouble, anyway, for him, this idea is just a fleeting extravagant wish, and the so-called extravagant wish is something that he doesn't intend to realize.

It is a pleasant surprise if it is realized, and there is no need to be sad and disappointed if it cannot be realized.

Gu Yan smiled, "Is it time to go back?"

Qin Yao nodded slowly.

When we returned to the villa, it was already early morning, the sky was dark and gloomy, and we could not see the stars and the moon.

Standing in a familiar room, Gu Yan felt slightly embarrassed. The big bed in front of him reminded him of the absurdity of the two of them every night, and the touch that almost penetrated into his bones.

At first, he just wanted to divert Qin Yao's attention and ease the relationship between the two.

But this escape seems to have no effect, and sooner or later he will have to return here.

After a long while, Gu Yan smiled, he couldn't let go anymore.

Anyway, I am going to die, day after day, if this body can please Qin Yao, so what if it does what he wishes... Anyway, he has nothing else to repay Qin Yao.

Such a him is destined to be unable to respond to Qin Yao's feelings.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan's expression relaxed again.

Besides, it's not like you didn't enjoy it at all, right? After passing the test in my heart, I actually feel pretty good.

"Do you want to rest here?" Gu Yan smiled slightly at Qin Yao. This question was a little redundant. Qin Yao stayed here every night these days, but Gu Yan still asked. This is also the first time Gu Yan asked him this way.

Thinking of everything Qin Yao had done for him, Gu Yan couldn't help feeling soft in his heart. He really didn't want to embarrass the person in front of him any more.

Qin Yao was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Do you really want to turn back into a human?"

His sharp eyes seemed to be looking into Gu Yan's heart.

Gu Yan paused for a moment, then laughed uncontrollably, it seems that Qin Yao didn't quite believe his words, also, he really didn't have much credibility to speak of. But this thought is real.

"Yes." Gu Yan said.

Qin Yao's eyes moved, as if he had made some choice, he said, "You come with me."

Gu Yan didn't know why, so he walked out behind Qin Yao.

There is a lake in the center of the manor. Gu Yan came here several times when he was walking, but he didn't know what Qin Yao brought him here late at night.

He didn't ask, but just watched Qin Yao's movements.

Then he was surprised to find that there was actually an underground palace under this lake! Because it was covered by a very clever formation, he hadn't even noticed it before.

The cold air in the underground palace is very empty, and there is only one ice coffin.

Gu Yan watched from a distance, his eyes were in a trance for a while, his heart was beating fast, he seemed to realize something...

Qin Yao's footsteps did not hesitate at all, he walked over slowly and firmly, put his hands on the ice coffin, and gently pushed the coffin lid away.

Gu Yan could barely feel his footsteps, he couldn't help but look over...

Then he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar face, familiar because it was the same person he used to be, and strange because after so many years, he seemed to have become a completely different person, and he almost couldn't remember what he used to look like.

There are no words to describe the horror in his heart at this moment.

His body is still there!

Gu Yan pinched the edge of the ice coffin with both hands, his knuckles turned white from the force, his lips trembled, and his eyes were fixed on the front.

But how is this possible...

Gu Yan seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and stretched out his hand to pull the clothes of the corpse in the ice coffin. The collar was pulled down a little bit, revealing the neck of the body. There was a deep black and purple mark on the neck, faintly There are still traces of patchwork... Gu Yan looked at the trace, his eyes seemed to be stung, and he let go of his hand like an electric shock.

He didn't look anywhere else, because there was no need, it was really his body.

And not some other, similar person.

This broken body that was suppressed and rejected...was retrieved bit by bit by people, carefully pieced together, and left here for hundreds of thousands of years.

Gu Yan bit his lip, very hard.

He is not a person who likes to be moved, but the shock of this moment made it impossible for him to remain calm.

This is him... this is the real him.

Gu Yan slowly turned his head to look at Qin Yao. There was no expression on Qin Yao's face, his eyes were half-downcast, and two shallow shadows under his eyelashes obscured his eyes, as if he had been separated by a distance. layer of fog.

Is this how he has been waiting for him all these years

Like this, do you believe he will definitely come back

Gu Yan opened his mouth and made a shy voice, "You..." He said a word, but suddenly he couldn't continue.

He even gave up on himself, willing to degenerate, but there are still people waiting for him silently.

Waiting moment by moment, reaching out to him.

"Thank you." Gu Yan closed his eyes and opened them again, with a smile on his lips, he should be happy.

What could be more joyous than this.

He's really happy now.

Qin Yao stood there straight, he paused, and finally said: "Do you still remember the jade pendant that exploded at that time, and the white light that entered your body?"

Gu Yan nodded, "I remember."

"I made that jade pendant out of ten-thousand-year chalcedony, and kept it on your body, and used formations to nourish your remnant soul. At that time, the remnant soul was attracted by you, and took the initiative to protect the Lord and returned to you. Strictly speaking , your soul should be complete now." Qin Yao said in a deep voice.

"This is very important, because only a complete soul has the possibility of returning to the body. But it is only possible, because your soul has been impregnated with demonic energy for thousands of years, and has merged with the demonic energy. If you want to return to a human, you must You can't have the slightest bit of devilish energy. This separation process is very painful... Even if you can complete this step, your body may not be able to successfully accommodate your current soul, so... I'm not sure."

Qin Yao finally turned his head and looked deeply at Gu Yan, "If you succeed, you will change back to yourself. If you fail, you will be lost. You can think about it again." His voice seemed calm, but he seemed to be suppressing something. kind of trembling.

This is a choice for Gu Yan, but it is not for Qin Yao.

"You don't have to think about it anymore." Gu Yan replied without any hesitation.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he doesn't want to give up. There will never be any situation that will be worse than it is now.

Qin Yao was silent for a few seconds, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with you now..."

Gu Yan smiled when he heard this, and the smile overflowed from his eyes.

"Ah Yao..." In Gu Yan's memory, he used to call Qin Yao like this. He felt that this title was very kind and could better reflect his current mood. Gu Yan smiled, "If I can turn back into a human, I can be with you better."

Together with Qin Yao, he can take a good look at the world seriously, without so many burdens, without so many responsibilities, and live for himself.

He wants to have a good life like this.

This time, someone was always by his side.

The surprise and astonishment in Qin Yao's eyes froze instantly, and then shattered suddenly. The hurricane swept everything with debris, forming a bottomless vortex. His Adam's apple twitched, and his voice was hoarse, "Master..."

The emotion on Qin Yao's face could not be concealed, Gu Yan looked at him, and vaguely saw the boy from before.

He misses him very much.

Gu Yan smiled: "When can we start?"

Qin Yao's chest rose and fell, he calmed down and said, "You can do it now."

"Okay." Gu Yan's eyes were eager to try.

His heart was beating very fast, and this emotion called hope seemed to have lasted for a long, long time... At this moment, he seemed to feel the freshness of life again.

As a hopeless monster, he had almost forgotten his own ability to have such emotions.

He thought he had nowhere to go, but who knew he would have a chance to be a man again.

He is willing to pay any price for it.

Gu Yan pressed the corners of his mouth fiercely, not letting himself smile too obviously. Although there is hope, it is not too early to be happy. He has not forgotten that he is still a ticking time bomb, and the devil may control his body at any time.

It must not be an easy task for Qin Yao to help him regain his body, Gu Yan doesn't think the Demon Lord will let go of such a good opportunity.

"What should I do?" Gu Yan looked at Qin Yao and asked.

Qin Yao paused, and said word by word: "Put it to death and live later."

Gu Yan showed a thoughtful look.

Qin Yao carefully supported the corpse in the ice coffin and sat up cross-legged, with his palms facing up. He pressed lightly on the crystal-like ground, and the ice coffin slowly sank to the ground, then he turned his head and said, "I know that you can leave this human body you are possessing now, but this is not enough. Demonic soul possession is nothing more than turning your possessed body into a monster. Therefore, if you want to come back intact, you must endure the pain of soul separation and body purification. My sword is naturally restrained from evil spirits and demonic energy, and can calm all magic power , so I need to kill you first, so that you have a chance to clear away the demonic energy in your soul."

Qin Yao slowly pulled out his sword from the air. It was the first time they met in the human world. The silver-white long sword, just the aura emanating from the sword body, made Gu Yan feel very uncomfortable.

He is very aware of the threat this sword poses to monsters.

"During this process, I need to carefully protect your soul and send it back to your body in time, otherwise you will be killed directly. But even with my protection, if you can't... fail to get rid of it in time, it's the same It's the end of your soul. You can only rely on yourself on this point, and no one can help you." Qin Yao looked at Gu Yan deeply, holding the sword very hard, and the look of struggle flashed in his eyes.

"I understand." Gu Yan said.

In fact, when Qin Yao said that he would die and live later, he almost thought of this. His soul has been demonized for a long time, and if he wants to get rid of the demonic energy, he can only use this most extreme method. Therefore, he also understood the reason for Qin Yao's hesitation, the success rate was too low.

But Gu Yan breathed a sigh of relief instead, not because he was afraid of failure, but under such circumstances, even if the demon master manipulated him, it would be useless.

Therefore, I don't worry that this process will hurt Qin Yao. As for whether he can escape, that is his own business.

Qin Yao pursed his lips tightly and held the sword in his hand tightly.

"Are you ready?" he said.

Gu Yan smiled slightly, and was about to speak, when suddenly his body shook slightly, and he lost control of his body in an instant, his soul seemed to be oppressed into a small corner, and he heard himself say: "What if... I fail... you …”

Gu Yan watched 'himself' put on a show coldly, the devil really wouldn't sit still.

He looked down at Qin Yao's sword tip with complicated emotions.

"If I die, forget about me." Gu Yan said, he took a step forward slowly, reaching out his hand as if to touch Qin Yao's face.

He looked at the moving expression in Qin Yao's eyes, and smiled inwardly. These were not his words, but his actions.

He knew what the devil wanted to do. He wanted to drive him to hurt Qin Yao, drive him out of here, and drive him to do things for him.

Gu Yan was also unwilling to sit still.

He has been controlled for so long and tried to resist many times, but was easily suppressed every time. But this does not mean that he can only accept his fate, he is not willing to go on like this, he has been trying to regain control of his body, and finally he found a way, under the carelessness of the devil, he can instantly break through the obstacles and regain control of his body. control of the body. But there is only one chance like this! Once used, it will be ruthlessly suppressed.

Gu Yan felt that now is the right time to use this only chance.

The power that has been accumulated for a long time burst out instantly! Gu Yan's right arm bone made a rattling sound, and he suddenly grabbed the tip of the sword with one hand and plunged it into his chest! The whole person fell towards Qin Yao! He gave up all resistance and protection, and the aura didn't encounter any obstacles and drove straight in! The whole body oozes blood in an instant, as if it begins to collapse from the inside.

That time, under his full resistance, the sword still caused indelible scars to him. This time, he opened his soul and let the scorching spiritual power wash away, as if cut into pieces by a thousand knives and burned by a raging fire.

The overwhelming golden spiritual power wandered in his body, almost torn his soul to pieces!

Gu Yan opened his mouth and let out a strange cry.

A trace of pure black ink-like consciousness contained in the demonic energy sent strong anger, but in this situation, it was difficult to protect himself, and he could no longer control Gu Yan at all.

Gu Yan's mouth was full of fishy and sweet taste, he bet right.

He hugged Qin Yao tightly, keeping the sword stuck in his body all the time, and didn't pull it out. He raised his head and smiled, "Don't worry... I'm fine."

He could hardly stand anymore, his whole body seemed to be strung on a sword, so he didn't fall to the ground. Qin Yao's hand holding the sword was so hard that it turned white and trembled slightly. Gu Yan gently covered his hand, shook his head, he was speechless.

Gu Yan's expression was almost distorted by the pain of his soul being split and burned, and the severe pain made him dazed.

But he can't lose consciousness, can't give up, and if he gives up, he will really die.

As a high-level monster, the powerful demonic soul contained such a strong demonic energy that it was not willing to be wiped out like this, and was struggling and resisting to the death.

Gu Yan tried his best to maintain the last sliver of clarity, but bursts of pain almost overwhelmed him. Just when he could not hold on, the Lingtai suddenly became clear, allowing him to regain his sanity.

This faint power was lurking in his body, almost undetectable, it was the unpolluted remnant soul that had entered his body at that time, and after most of the demonic energy was wiped out, it finally revealed.

Gu Yan condensed his spiritual consciousness, the power of his soul penetrated the intense golden spiritual power, and all the magic energy was blocked, and it was sizzling.

He was shaken and rushed out with all his might!

A white light shot out from his forehead! He rushed directly to his original body on the ground!