Demon King, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 110: your choice


"I say, kind angel, one of our companions has fallen ill. Can you give us some time to wait until she recovers before fighting again?"

Yang Yu tried to communicate with Ai Meng, but Ai Meng only responded with a smile.

"When you're on the battlefield, no one is going to spare your life just because you have a sudden heart attack."

"That's true. If it were me, I would be even more excited when I saw the enemy having a heart attack, and I would rush forward with a 20-meter-long machete to chop him down."

The negotiation broke down as expected. Yang Yu took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "Yiyasi, help Bai Jin to the corner and get ready to fight."


Looking at Bai Jin who was coughing violently in her arms, Yias felt distressed but helpless. She was reluctant to move, hoping that Yang Yu could come up with a better solution.

Bai Jin grabbed Iyas' arm, her face haggard, "Listen to him, we must defeat him. Only by defeating that angel can we survive. Ahem."

After saying that, Bai Jin continued to cough violently. Yias gritted her teeth and finally did as Yang Yu said and helped Bai Jin to the corner.

Yang Yu raised his head and looked at Amon, "Thank you for your kindness, angel. You gave us some time to prepare."

"I'm not an angel. I gave you time just so I could prepare." Amon held the spear horizontally in his hand. The round spear head emitting golden light was instantly wrapped in darkness and slowly carved into a sharp spear head by magic. "My current appearance is all given by him. He pulled me out of corruption, but I fell into corruption again. I'm afraid he gave me this form in the hope that I could wake up from my corrupt attitude. It's a pity that everything is too late."

As he spoke, Amon swung his spear and shook his wings.

"Originally, you can only see me in this form after four games. If you force me to break the limit, it will take me some time to slowly recover to full health.

But, I will give you an extra chance this time. If you can answer my question, I will not return to my current state and fight with you."

"There is actually such a good thing. It turns out that you are kind-hearted."

Yang Yu twisted his neck. Although for a raider, full health or half health didn't make much difference as long as he knew the method of raiding, but considering Bai Jin's physical condition, in order to take care of her as soon as possible, Yang Yu still agreed.

"Ask whatever you want to ask."

There was no trace of smile on Amon's face, his expression was serious and earnest.

"Imagine one day, you come to a fork in the road and see an out-of-control carriage rushing towards five people. You have limited ability and cannot stop the carriage. You can only change the route and make it go to another road. At this moment, a little girl is playing on the other road. If you forcibly change the direction of the carriage, she will die under the horse's hooves. Faced with this choice, what would you do at the fork in the road?"

First the Sphinx puzzle, then the chicken-and-rabbit puzzle and the classic misdirection puzzle, and now the trolley problem

Yang Yu sighed.

When Yang Yu encountered the trolley problem for the first time, he was troubled for a long time. Sacrificing one person could save the lives of five people, but changing the route would force an innocent person to be implicated. It was a difficult choice.

Back to the present, Yang Yu will not bother about this boring question anymore.

"What would you do?" Yang Yu smiled, "Just do whatever you want to do at that time!"

The unexpected answer made Aimon open his eyes slightly and forget all the questions he had prepared.

“That’s not an answer, is it?”

"That can't be considered a problem, right

Human life is priceless, and comparing it is foolish.

If one day you are walking on the street, a doctor named Zhang San suddenly grabs your shoulder and says to you, "Young man, I have five critically ill patients here. They have problems with their heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys and are about to die. Could you please sacrifice yourself? If you die, thousands of families will be happy."

Do you think this is appropriate

Obviously inappropriate.

If that really happens, can you imagine how terrible the world will become

Everyone's life will be clearly priced, and everyone's life will be used as a prop for the happiness of more people.

For the vast majority of people, their lives are priceless. Putting their lives on the scale is unacceptable to anyone, even the heroes who stand up at the critical moment.

So, no matter which choice you make for that question, it will be a thankless task.

Just do what your heart tells you. If you want to save those five people, then go ahead and save them. If you don't want that girl to die, then don't let her die.

It is possible that the five people who were rescued will feel at peace, while the little girl's parents will hate you to the core; it is possible that you will be condemned by society for not stopping the carriage.

The results of either option are likely to be no better.

What matters is the courage to face the consequences after you make the choice.”

Yang Yu drew the sword from his waist towards Amon who was half floating in the air.

"You suddenly asked this question, and I can probably imagine what's going on.

You said that after you were cleansed, you fell into depravity again.

In your life, you must have made many choices similar to the trolley problem.

As you make more and more choices, you have to bear more and more consequences. You start to question your own decisions. Finally, your mentality collapses. You shout "It's not my fault, it's the world's fault" and choose to fall.

Now, seeing my companion suddenly fall, what you are thinking now is, 'If I ask him to choose between two people fighting and surviving at all costs and all of them being destroyed, what will he do?' That's why I suddenly asked me this question.

Am I right? "

With an indescribable relief in his eyes, Amon slowly flapped his wings, raised his head and looked at the blue sky, but saw only the cold ceiling.

"You are incredible. It's as if all my confusions have been solved. The relief I felt before I died was actually like this. After I die, I don't have to endure anything anymore. No matter what happens in the world, it has nothing to do with me. That's why I feel so relieved."

"It's not me who is incredible. The words I just said to you are not something I can say alone. I learned them from countless games and countless people. What is truly incredible is those people who know the cruelty of the world but still love life with a smile.

What do you think? Do you think what I said makes sense? "

“I really learned a lot”

Amon turned his gaze back to Yang Yu, flapping his wings, and the black spear drew a strange arc in the sky. A crescent-shaped black light flew towards Yang Yu. Yang Yu stepped back, completely avoiding Amon's first attack.

"Since you know my purpose, and you also know that I want to force you to make a choice, can I tell you your choice? Do you want to save the seriously ill girl and cause the whole group to be wiped out, or give up on her and defeat me?"

"Do you even need to ask this?" Before Amon finished his question, Yang Yu charged forward with a confident smile on his face, "Of course, everyone must conquer this maze alive!"

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(End of this chapter)