Demon King, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 120: This broken system is hinting something to me


Having reached the level cap, finding the next racial essence is imminent. Bai Jin’s illness is almost healed, and Yang Yu plans to continue leading the team to the Library of All Things.

The town where they stayed was not too far from the Library of Everything. It only took two or three days by horse-drawn carriage to reach the jurisdiction of the Library of Everything.

On the way, Yang Yu asked Bai Jin to explain the Library of All Things to Iyas.

The Library of All Things is located at the intersection of Rose, Setis, and Teren. It collects knowledge and information from all over the world. At the same time, the Library of All Things is also the place where high-level magicians in the world gather. It has existed for at least five hundred years.

The Library of All Things, located in the center of all human nations, maintains absolute neutrality. No matter how human history changes, as long as it does not affect the library, they will not intervene.

Throughout history, there have been many countries that wanted to conquer the Library of Everything, but most of them ended up in vain, and those that were conquered by force ended up in a miserable way.

Bai Jin knew very little about the library. She had never followed her master to the Library of All Things, and her master rarely talked about it.

When Bai Jin fell ill, she thought about going to the Library of All Things to look for a cure, but the retention fee alone was a considerable sum, so she had no choice but to give up.

I couldn't get much useful information from Bai Jin, so I could only ask someone after arriving at the library.

Yang Yu's intuition told him that such a huge library would not allow just anyone to go in and search for the information they needed.

Maybe you need to trigger a certain NPC's plot and get a pass to the library from him before you can enter the library to look up information.

Continuing to drive the carriage, Yang Yu saw a huge white wall in the distance, as if it was specially built to prevent the invasion of fifty-meter giants.

On the other side of the high wall is the jurisdiction of the Library of All Things.

The Library of All Things remains absolutely neutral towards humanity's war.

During wars, they would not interfere in any wars, and no country would dare to lay hands on the Library of Everything. Therefore, the Library of Everything naturally became an ideal refuge for refugees.

In order to prevent refugees from rushing into the Library of Everything, the Library of Everything built a high wall.

It seems ruthless, but in fact, this is the library's helplessness.

The refugees who were turned away, even though they could not enter the library's jurisdiction, settled down around the high walls and formed a considerable town.

For them, this is the farthest place from the war.

Instead of choosing to stay in the town, Yang Yu drove the carriage towards the pass, where several magicians were guarding it.

"Pay the detention fee, 10,000 per person."

Why the hell don't you guys go and rob it

When Yang Yu heard this amount, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Although he was surprised, he still had to pay the full amount.

Feeling distressed, he took out thirty thousand and gave them to the guarding magician, who then said:

"The detention fee has been paid. Now we will use magic to check if there are any prohibited items in your luggage. Please cooperate."

The magician raised his staff high, and a strange light swept across Yang Yu's entire carriage. The magicians all had serious expressions.

"Can you open the box behind you so we can check it?"

I don’t have any weapons of mass destruction with me. Even if I do, I have already stored them in the system. How could I be checked

Puzzled, Yang Yu opened the box the magician mentioned, only to see a light blue slime leisurely napping inside the box.

"Can't we bring slimes in?"

"Are you a monster user?"

"That's right."

"That's no problem. Just register and pay a certain amount of detention fee before you can enter."

"How much will it cost to bring this slime in?"

"According to the strength of this slime, it only costs thirty-two thousand."

"Thirty-two thousand?"

Yang Yu had a black question mark on his face.

What? Bringing one slime is more expensive than bringing two people, and it only costs... Could it be that some other monster masters have brought some weird monsters in

"Are you going to hand it over or not? If not, we can't let you in."

There was no other way, Yang Yu could only reluctantly take out another 32,000 yuan and hand it to the magician. The magician took out a piece of paper, scribbled something, handed it to Yang Yu to sign, and asked him to put his fingerprint on it.

Afterwards, Yang Yu and his friends received four blue cards that looked like library cards.

The magician told them that as long as they had these four cards, they could stay in the Library of Everything for a whole month. If the cards were lost or the time limit was exceeded, they would be expelled, so they must remember to manage their time well.

Holding the card, Yang Yu drove the carriage through the city gate.

On the other side of the city gate was a lush forest and a road that extended to an unknown place. It was still a long way to the real Library of All Things.

Sitting in the carriage, looking at the balance displayed on his system, Yang Yu sighed deeply.

I didn't expect to spend more than 60,000 yuan just to pass the checkpoint.

Not long ago, he sold some unused equipment to replenish his finances and replenished arrows for Iyas, thinking that he would not have to worry about financial problems for a while, but it turned out that he was in financial trouble again.

It looks like it's time to do something to replenish the economy.

Open the system and there are still three chances to draw the lottery.

All of them are rare. If you can draw something, you will definitely make a lot of money.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining a dragon pattern cheongsam (rare)]


[Congratulations to the player for obtaining an exquisite LO skirt (rare)]


[Congratulations to the player for obtaining a sailor school uniform (rare)]

Can these things be considered rare? They should be common. Could it be that I got the worst prize among the rare ones

One piece of women's clothing is fine, but why are there three pieces of women's clothing at once? I always feel like this damn system is hinting at me something.

Yang Yu was speechless for a while.

Looking at the three new women's clothing on the prop interface, I clicked on them. They were not equipment, but just simple women's clothing.

Yang Yu's last bit of fantasy was shattered.

Regardless of whether these clothes are strange or not, the question is whether it is possible to find people who share the same aesthetic standards as those in this world and sell them to them.

However, Yang Yu was not without valuable things on him. He still had half a barrel of resurrection potion from the Yinlan Union Research Institute.

As long as you sell it, it won't be a problem to have tens of millions.

Driving the carriage, Yang Yu was brewing the next marketing story.

At this moment, a man in tight clothes suddenly jumped out from the front of the road. The man looked flustered, looked around, walked quickly to Yang Yu's side, followed the pace of the carriage, and whispered softly,

"Brother, do you need that kind of stuff? I can assure you that everything here is genuine."

(End of this chapter)