Demon King, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1786: Final remarks


Final remarks

The story ends here.

Thank you all for your company along the way.

When I first conceived of this book, I wanted to try to write about people who live in different worlds but are extremely real.

Therefore, I will not avoid describing some shortcomings of the protagonists.

I feel that this is a form of growth only when I know my own shortcomings and gradually overcome my immature self.

The protagonist was arrogant at first and only regarded the world as a game. Even though he became aware of it later, he pretended not to be aware of it. When the weight of life really fell on him, he gradually abandoned some of his past ideas and went on.

The same goes for Iyas and Bai Jin, or the other protagonists.

The most controversial person, and also the least controversial one, should be Iyas.

I was somewhat aware at the time of the possible consequences of what I was writing.

This is different from people's simple pursuit of pleasure and enjoyment. I know that in such a fast-paced life, many people read novels just for fun.

But at that time, that change was the only way for me to continue writing.

To be honest, this book was a bit unpopular from the beginning.

As a semi-newcomer, it is difficult to stand out in such a huge sea of books.

If you open the historical glory of Qidian, you should be able to see how long it took for this book to be collected from the beginning to the point where it has 300 collections.

If you don't want to look through it, I can tell you here that when this book with 300,000 words was put on the shelves, it only had about a hundred collections.

When it reached one thousand collections, it must have been almost 900,000 words!

The story of Iyas is in three to four hundred chapters, and each chapter is about two thousand words. You should understand it, right

After being confused, I finally decided to change my style.

This is bound to make some readers unable to stand the change in style and abandon the book.

When more people came later, many of them gave up.

It doesn't matter whether I regret it later or not. At that time, doing that was the only way for me to continue writing.

My only regret is not polishing this work more.

During the war chapter, it happened to be quite busy and basically could only be updated in the early morning, which caused a series of problems.

In order to keep up with the updates, quality decline, typos, watery plots, etc. weighed down like huge mountains.

When I was making revisions, I was always half asleep. Sometimes when I was tired and was lying on the bed making revisions, the phone would unconsciously hit my face, and I would input some irrelevant things.

Although some were cleared in time, some became stains.

When writing the war chapter, I was a little too greedy and tried to cover everything, which affected the overall rhythm and caused procrastination.

If it is rewritten, some places can be glossed over with just hints, and the war chapter should be compressed to about two-thirds to one-half, which will also improve the viewing experience.

I have always wanted to make this work closer to the work I have in mind, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in some areas.

If I rely too much on the works that are in my mind, they will gradually deviate from the narrow definition of online literature.

But in my opinion, the Internet is just a carrier.

Online literature is just literature serialized on the Internet.

But also because online literature is serialized on the Internet, if it does not compromise with readers in certain aspects, it will be drowned in the vast flood of information.

Realizing this, I have been trying to find a balance between the two.

As a result, some plot deletions and modifications were made and some settings were abandoned.

Who still remembers that there were seven people in the beginning of "Lonely Island"? You should just pretend that the ones who didn't show up were guarding the house.

The plot was modified, including the ending and the final battle.

You have all seen it to the end, so I won’t send out knives anymore.

Of course, some deletions and modifications are made just to avoid certain problems.

Remember when I was writing The Library of Everything, there was an old man selling information

There is a long plot after this. After Yang Yu finished that plot, he still couldn't enter the Library of Everything, so he went to find Hani. After deleting that plot, I felt that the plot before the Light of Despair was a bit empty, so I added a paragraph.

If I were to talk about every deletion and modification, it would be an extremely long topic.

Let’s stop here.

I have basically said everything I can think of for now.

Thank you for your recording and company, thank you for your rewards, monthly tickets, subscriptions, and recommendation tickets.

Because I always wanted to write the book well, I didn’t thank you all at the end of each chapter.

But it is your support that gives me the motivation to continue updating.

Finally, let me talk about my next new book plan.

I have three more long novels that I want to write now, and all three will be at least over a million words.

A unique fantasy, a distinctive science fiction, and an epic war group portrait.

There are also some scattered medium-length and long novels, whose word count may range from tens of thousands to millions of words, and no more than one and a half million words at most.

Most of them are just a thought, the world I see in my dreams.

They were interesting, so I wanted to write them down.

My two favorite stories are the love story between a boy with memories of his past life and a girl with albinism, and the unyielding struggle of a stubborn old man.

I won't ask you, who like this book, to continue to like my next stories.

After all, the subject matter I am about to cover is very broad.

Everyone has different preferences. If you want to satisfy the tastes of some people, you must abandon others.

If the next story is not your favorite, try waiting for other stories.

I will do my best to write every story I imagine.

I think the best goodbye would be when you accidentally read another book of mine and you really think that book is very good. When you look up the author, you will be surprised to find that he is the author of the novel you read before.

Personally, I don’t want readers to unconditionally support a book just because the author is someone or because they have read his works before.

I have always believed that looking at the author when choosing a book is just a convenience. If one of his books suits your taste, his next book will probably suit your taste as well.

That’s all, nothing more.

This is also the reason why I don’t manage it very well. I hope that you recognize the book rather than me personally.

To be honest, I have many shortcomings.

I admit that another reason for not operating is fear of trouble and laziness.

The next book and the next book will probably be the same.

But it’s hard to say about this kind of thing.

The more I know about this world, the more I understand the cruelty of certain things. Even so, I want to live optimistically.

If one day, I bow down for a few pieces of silver.

When you insult me, please remember that I once had dreams.

Hahaha, I feel like I accidentally talked about some heavy topics.

Don't take it too seriously.

There are many people whose dreams are broken. One more or one less won’t make much difference.

I wrote so much just to keep myself true to myself.

There are many things that need to be prepared before writing the next book.

Rest, take a break.

Some things need to be done during the rest time, such as pulling a tooth, changing computers, adjusting work and rest schedules, etc.

If nothing goes wrong, the next book should be released in August.

The image of the male protagonist has gradually become clear in my mind.

“Want to write my story

If you can really write it, then write it openly!

There is no need to use any fancy words to decorate.

Just tell my story, our story, exactly as it is! ”

The first half of the story is more about adventure, while the second half is more about farming.

This should be considered as half a new book preview.

I personally don’t like sameness.

Therefore, I will not stick to the traditional protagonist or likable character.

I hope that they are real people living in my writing.

The next book is coming soon, very soon.

(Right click, create new folder, create new document)

What, you said there will be a sequel to this book, there should be one, right

Ha ha.

Well, everyone, we'll see you again if we're lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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