Demon King, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 23: Does this give you a feeling of being appointed?


I didn't notice anything. I was just disgusted by the fact that someone stole my monster.

For the sake of the overall situation, Yang Yu certainly could not speak out his true thoughts, and could only say in a serious tone:

"The road ahead is long. I'm afraid that our resistance to the goblin group here is also part of the calculations of the mastermind. Perhaps now, the mastermind deep in the forest is monitoring our every move in some way. If we want to get out of this predicament, we must get rid of their surveillance and make some unexpected decisions to catch them off guard."

Anderno nodded and agreed: "When something like this happens, we must prepare for the worst. It is estimated that it really has something that can monitor our every move. It should not be a simple detection magic. If it is a simple detection magic, I will find it as long as I raise my head. Mr. Yang Yu, what do you think?"

How would I know that

Yang Yu raised his head and looked towards the treetops.

I don't know magic, and I looked around during the fight just now, but I didn't find any object marked "strange item". I'm not a thief, so I can't climb up a tree to see if the other party has props like a telescope. You ask this question simply to embarrass me.

Just when Yang Yu was about to suggest using scouts to climb up to the treetops to scout around, Androno showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

"I see. The tree canopy is the most likely place. You are indeed able to notice such details."

Meow meow meow

What are you talking about? What did you suddenly understand

I just took a look at the tree canopy. How can you be so sure that the tree canopy is the most likely place to hide the view

Yang Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Seeing Andernuo's serious look, he naturally couldn't blurt out what was in his mind, so he could only agree with him.

"I didn't expect you to notice it, Mr. Andeno. I thought I was the only one who noticed it. The best place to put a ward is indeed high up. It's a pity that I don't know much about magic and I'm not a professional at all. It looks like the ambushing goblins won't come up for a while, so we have plenty of time to rest. How about sending a few magicians who can climb trees to take a look? Even if the guess is wrong, there's no loss."

"That makes sense! I'll go and arrange it."

Showing off his luxurious muscles, Androno walked towards the team of magicians and conveyed his ideas. Soon, several thin magicians were selected and carried to the tree canopy by the thieves. Under Androno's instructions, they focused on inspecting the tree canopy.

Suddenly, the system made a "ding" sound, and a new task popped up on Yang Yu's panel. When he opened it, he found that it was a legendary border task that he had never seen before.

[Source crusade: In the forest, there has always been a pair of eyes watching you. It is it that has caused the disappearance of a large number of adventurers. Its purpose is not yet known, but you have a vague feeling that something is wrong. You must give it a fatal blow before it completes its growth and completely strangle it in the cradle.

Mission requirements: Subjugate or completely conquer the target specified in the mission.

Rewards: Experience???, three draws (100% for skills once; 100% for rare or higher items once; 100% for equipment once), random resistance, free attribute points +100, skill points +50.]

Looking at the task given by the system, Yang Yu was stunned. This was a truly generous move. His dissatisfaction with the monster being robbed was completely swept away by this task. The only thing left in his mind was how to defeat the mastermind behind the scenes and get the reward.

But soon, he calmed down. With such a rich reward, the difficulty of this task was self-evident.

"Report! We found strange traces of magic power, and we also found this."

A magician handed a gelatinous object the size of a pinhole to Andno. Other magicians also found similar things. After a careful count, they found that there were more than twenty small beads in the area where they were, all of which had strange traces of magic.

"It is indeed the case." Andno clenched the small beads and crushed them into pieces. The magic in them floated away and completely dissipated into the air.

Andernuo turned to look at Yang Yu, and saw that Yang Yu looked thoughtful again, and he was amazed in his heart.

The young are really to be feared.

After Yang Yu finished thinking, Androno walked forward and showed Yang Yu what he had found.

"The mastermind behind this is probably using this thing to monitor us. The goblins' subtle dodging before was to prevent themselves from covering up these things and losing sight. Don't worry, I have destroyed these things. Before destroying them, I asked some magicians to remember the smell of this magic. As long as they follow us to investigate, we can prevent our subsequent whereabouts from being exposed."

"That's good." Yang Yu agreed and then asked, "So what should we do next?"

Anderno looked at Yang Yu eagerly, "What do you think?"

Why are you looking at me? You are the leader of this adventure group, and you make the decisions.

Or do you need help making a decision now as part of the mission

However, there was too little intelligence to make a decision. No matter where the enemy was hiding, how many troops they had, what their specific attributes were, or what skills they had, it was very difficult to make the right decision.

Yang Yu frowned, which was rare for him, and decided to persuade Andernuo to proceed step by step.

"I think we should send some people to conduct reconnaissance, while the rest of us wait for the rescue team to arrive. After they meet up, we can decide whether to attack the mountain in one go or go back to rest based on the intelligence we get from the reconnaissance."

"This is a very stable method, which coincides with my idea. As for the selection of personnel, do you have any suitable candidates?" Andeno asked.

The suggestion was successfully adopted, and new questions followed. Yang Yu thought for a while and said:

"Those who go to investigate must be bold and careful, with strong insight and observation. They must be flexible in thinking, and when faced with difficulties, they must be able to make the right decisions and escape smoothly. They must be clear about their mission and never fight to the bitter end. Unfortunately, I am not very familiar with the members of this adventure group, so I don't know who meets the requirements. Captain Andeno, you are the mentor of the Adventurer's Guild, and there must be many people you know among them. Who do you think is the most suitable?"

The choice returned to Androno, and he stretched out his finger and pointed at Yang Yu almost without hesitation.

"I think you are the most suitable and meet the requirements."

Huh? WTF

Thinking about it, I said so much, but in the end I still have to go? Doesn't it feel like I've been chosen

Yang Yu scratched the back of his head. If he had known earlier, he should have added the words "handsome and elegant" when he made the request.

(End of this chapter)