Demon King, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 3: Friendly newbie village



The red words indicating the damage done floated out again, and the Slime's friendly status disappeared.

The slime raised its body high again, shook it left and right to declare an attack, and performed the Slime Charge.

The speed of the attack was no different from before. Yang Yu easily dodged the attack while throwing out a new four-leaf clover.

The slime's attention was instantly attracted by the four-leaf clover. After bouncing and eating it, it became friendly with Yang Yu again.

"Attacking a slime in a friendly state will make the slime's friendly state disappear and reset the slime's attack state. As long as I keep resetting the slime's attack state, the slime will never be able to hit me."

The strategy is already clear in mind, so there is no need to continue fighting.

After leaving the battle, Yang Yu stood up and returned to the Novice Village.

Currently, his attack power is too weak and he can only cut off 1HP of the slime each time. It takes at least 192 normal attacks to defeat the slime, and he doesn't really want to use 192 normal attacks on the slime.

In addition, he did not prepare that many four-leaf clovers, which were the key material.

Just draw your sword and do it, it's easy.

The slime is the first enemy, and the method of gaining experience points from it is not feasible. Maybe you can achieve self-improvement through training, but doing so is too time-consuming and is a bad idea.

As the sun sets, the orange light casts an orange hue on the peaceful Novice Village. While Yang Yu is taking the shortest route home, he is thinking about how to become stronger.

At this time, a man walked towards him.

The man was about twenty-four or twenty-five, a little stout, and looked sloppy. He had a shiny bald head and exuded a cunning smell from head to toe.

Neither of them dodged each other, and the bald man even leaned towards Yang Yu. Their shoulders bumped into each other, and they stopped at the same time.

"Why don't you look at the road when you walk?"


It is better to have less trouble than more. Yang Yu bowed and apologized, but Wu Ke did not intend to let the matter go.

Wu Ke's name is Su Liang, and he is a well-known village bully. He has a brother who works in the city, and many people ask him to ask his brother to use the back door, which also becomes his capital to help the evil.

Su Liang often strolled around the village when he had nothing to do. When he saw someone's chicken grow up, he would praise without hesitation, "This chicken is growing well, very beautiful!", and then say affectionately, "Huh? This chicken seems to be lame, let me help heal it." And then... nothing happened. Tears of sadness flowed from the corners of his mouth as he helped others to liberate the chicken.

The fences in other people's vegetable fields were of no use to him. He often used the excuse that "these are things the villagers don't want, we can take them back. I'll only take a little this time, and come back next time when I'm hungry" to plunder at will, and the villagers dared not say anything.

When it was time for dinner, Su Liang went out hunting as usual and ran into Yang Yu.

Isn't this kid the son of the owner of the herbal medicine shop? He's been having trouble with his funds lately, and since he's going to make a lot of money in the future, he can just borrow a little from him.

With this plan in mind, Su Liangcai directed and acted out that scene himself.

"You don't have to apologize. I was just thinking about something important, and you accidentally bumped into me, disrupting my train of thought. Do you think you should give me some compensation?"

"Stop talking nonsense and start fighting!"

Su Liang had a black question mark on his face.

Why didn't this guy play by the rules? Shouldn't he just apologize and ask me for compensation? Why did he jump to the point where he had to fight

Yang Yu was overjoyed, with a smile of sudden enlightenment on his face. He looked at Su Liang with eyes shining, hungry and thirsty, almost drooling.

[Su Liang Level: LV2 HP: 42/42 MP: 11/11 Stamina: 20

Attributes: Strength 15, Defense 8, Intelligence 5, Special Defense 8, Agility 8, Endurance 5

Resistance: None


So that's how it is. So that's how it is. This is truly a true novice village. The initial enemy was not outside the village, but inside.

The slime is a bait, the real experience pack is right in front of you!

Yang Yu licked his lips and said, "Anyway, it will all come down to money in the end. I'll just make it clear, if you want to get money from me, you have to fight me. As long as you beat me, I'll give you all the money I have."

"You kid,"

What truth are you talking about? No, you are making some calculations.

Sensing something unusual, Su Liang narrowed his eyes, noticed the sword at Yang Yu's waist, and suddenly realized something, revealing a cunning smile.

"You carry a sword, no wonder you're so arrogant. Do you dare to put down the sword and fight me?"

An experience package should act like an experience package, hesitant and slow, like the minions in novels that appear when the hero needs practice. Stop talking nonsense and get straight to work.

Or was it because I was too arrogant, which made him wary? No, what I said just now was not arrogant at all. Never mind, even if I was a little arrogant.

In order not to scare away the experience pack, Yang Yu pretended to be embarrassed and said timidly: "This. That is something I learned to use the sword with great difficulty."

Looking at the trembling Yang Yu, Su Liang immediately confirmed his thoughts, bald head, and chuckled.

"Haha, you don't dare, right? I'm a little short on money recently, so lend me some money. Don't worry, I'm not against paying it back."

It’s not that I won’t pay it back, it’s just that I don’t know when the date will be, right

Yang Yu shook his head like a rattle, tears welled up in his eyes, his hands trembled slightly as he gripped the hilt of the sword, deliberately showing weakness, "No, even if I am unarmed, I will rely on my own strength to protect my property."

"You have some backbone. Don't regret it."

"I will never regret it! Come on!"

With a "bang", Yang Yu decisively threw the sword to the ground. The sound was sonorous and powerful, so decisive that it made Su Liang feel uneasy.

Was I being tricked? No, he was just pretending to be calm, relying on the power of others. This kind of guy who doesn't exercise often is no match for me. He was just bluffing.

In this village, Su Liang was only afraid of the big wolfdog from his second uncle's house in a fight. He didn't believe that he couldn't beat this little brat.

five minutes later

"I'm sorry. I was wrong."

Su Liang had a bruised face and he knelt on his knees and kowtowed to Yang Yu. His self-confidence had been completely shattered when Yang Yu punched him in the face.

Yang Yu was not very strong, but he moved as fast as a rabbit, as if he had received professional training and was very skilled in the movements. Su Liang's fists could not touch him at all, and he could only let Su Liang's hands hit him in the face again and again.

If this continued, his handsome face would be left with ugly scars, so Su Liang decisively admitted defeat and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Having gained the experience, Yang Yu ignored Su Liang and turned away without giving him any face.

Until this moment, Su Liang couldn't understand why the weak boy who was so weak before could beat him like this and act as if it was a matter of course.

"Has he been hiding all this time?"

Su Liang was shocked and confused.

(End of this chapter)