Demon King, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 30: Goblin King


In the room, the densely packed crystal balls lost their messages one by one. The Goblin King sitting on the throne fixed his gaze. Ten years had passed since he completed the unification of the various tribes. The long-lost sense of tension once again surged into his heart.

Although it is worshipped by the goblins, it knows that it is still a frog in the well and there are many things that can threaten its rule.

Originally, it was just a goblin that could be seen everywhere, surviving in the forest, even if it tried its best.

Living like a wild beast is normal for most goblins, but it doesn't think so, especially when it sees adventurers wearing exquisite armor and active as hunters in the forest.

Why do they have such sophisticated weapons, why can they wear such gorgeous armor, and why can they hunt prey and our tribes at will

These questions have been filling the heart of the young Goblin King. Finally one day, he set a trap and switched his role from prey to hunter.

Perhaps the adventurer was too stupid, or perhaps it was too relaxed after hunting its prey, and its first plan succeeded.

It not only got the prey from the hunters, but also got the equipment from them. Even though the equipment was not suitable for it, it still took it back.

When the goblins living in the cave saw it bringing back food, they went forward to eat it without saying a word. Sharing food is an unwritten rule among goblins.

However, this rule only applies to strong goblins. Old and weak goblins are only worthy of a little food that can barely fill their stomachs.

Perhaps because its clever brain consumes a lot of energy, it gets hungry easily when it is young, and the little food it gets is not enough to fill its stomach. Whenever it asks for food, it is always stared at aggressively by adult goblins.

Fearing that gaze, it was hungry for a long time in its childhood. Fortunately, it survived its childhood by relying on its intelligence and using its companions to identify edible plants.

Now, facing its own kind eating voraciously, it didn't feel any affection for them at all, but was instead filled with disgust.

After that food sharing, the adult goblins had already regarded him as a powerful goblin and were willing to share a piece of the food with him, but he just looked at his fellow goblin as if he were a beast.

It is no longer the same kind of creature as them.

The Goblin King gave all the food he was given to the weak and young goblins, because he knew what kind of rewards he would get for such charity.

Give a dog a bone and educate it, and it will work hard for you.

The Goblin King continued to use his intelligence to seize food and resources from humans, and even learned certain knowledge and magic from humans. Gradually, his status in the goblin tribe became higher and higher.

But in contrast, its reputation in the human world has become increasingly bad, and there are even special missions to investigate and hunt it.

It was also because of that mission that someone deliberately fell into its trap and set an ambush.

It almost died in the encirclement of humans, but fortunately it captured a magician as a prisoner and finally escaped with injuries.

That time, one of its arms was almost completely shattered.

It knew very well what would happen to a disabled goblin among the goblin clan.

The landlord had no surplus food.

What's more, large-scale deforestation by humans is also related to it, and the death of a large number of fellow tribesmen is bound to cause dissatisfaction among the race.

If I go back, at best I will be isolated to death, at worst I will be torn to pieces alive.

The world of goblins is so cruel.

It could only hide everywhere and survive on the dried meat it had prepared in advance.

Perhaps, everything was destined, and while hiding, it found a nest.

It was originally the nest of a giant snake, but the snake was conquered a few days ago, leaving only this empty nest. It was dark, damp and mysterious, making it a perfect place to take refuge.

It hid there, and unexpectedly, its magic resonated with a certain stone, and instinct drove it to repeatedly hit the ordinary stone.

One day, two days, three days. It didn't know how much time had passed.

The stone broke into pieces, revealing a red gem that shone brightly even in the dim cave.

The gem seemed to have a magical power that made it swallow itself. Even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance, the Goblin King wanted to survive, so he swallowed the ruby.

A large amount of ancient knowledge poured into its brain like a flood.

That gem is an ancient relic from the ancient Goblin Empire.

In the distant ancient times, goblins also had a glorious past. The reason why they became so smart was not because of some strange mutation, but because of a phenomenon of atavism. The imperial blood hidden in their bodies awakened.

From then on, its life trajectory changed and it leapt into the dragon Aotian among the goblins.

It returned to the tribe, and with its powerful strength, it overthrew the current tribe leader. With the support of the goblins, it became the new tribe leader. It developed technology, strengthened the tribe's strength, and then overthrew other short-sighted goblin tribes one by one, becoming the well-deserved Goblin King.

But it has never gotten involved in the human race.

It knows that humans are very cunning and possess a wealth of knowledge, and it has been accumulating strength for a long time.

Invading the human world, guided by the relics, it found the legacy left by the ancient Goblin King and became the real Goblin King II.

In this way, many years passed. A few days ago, the Goblin King reached a bottleneck. The tribe was strong in soldiers and horses, and had sufficient food and grass. He thought the time was ripe and launched his long-planned plan.

It first sent its men to attack several villages, creating the illusion that the goblin race was reviving and attracting adventurers into the forest.

The next step is to send a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people to fight, creating another illusion that the revived goblins are very weak, thus attracting more people to go goblin hunting.

Then, they closed the net, set new traps, and harvested new adventurers.

However, halfway through the plan, developments may not be in line with expectations.

A huge rock fell from the sky. In the critical moment, the rescue team actually united together. Not only were they not crushed by the rock, they also detected the eye that it took six years to place in the forest.

At this point, the Goblin King had to admit that he had still underestimated humans, so he sent out the goblin assassination team that he had carefully trained and adjusted with the power of the gems in his body.

Originally, it did not want to use this elite force that was intended for invasion. But now the situation was far beyond its expectations, and it had to send out the assassination force. Even if it risked the loss of this assassination force that it had assembled with great difficulty, it was bound to eliminate those adventurers.

But the plan went wrong again.

It is no longer allowed to fail.

The Goblin King pressed all the buttons on the chair, and dozens of goblins rushed into the room full of crystal balls. They all bowed and kowtowing to the Goblin King and were extremely respectful.

"Our king! What do you want?"

"Everyone, listen up! Get into the highest level of combat readiness. I will personally go into battle."

Please collect, recommend, and vote for me.

(End of this chapter)