Demon King, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 76: A village girl enters the city


Elves, with blond hair and blue eyes, ageless faces, pointed ears, and long lives, are a common race in various fantasy games.

Although there are differences in the race settings in different games, they basically cannot escape from the above points, and they are races whose images are completely fixed.

Because the appearance of elves conforms to the aesthetics of most people and will never grow old, they are also one of the races that most often appear in indescribable notebooks.

But, this is not the topic to discuss today.

In addition to their unforgettable racial appearance, elves have one particularly common setting.

Elves have a long life, but they do not use this long life to do anything. On the contrary, they live in a place far away from human beings, forming their own group, living a primitive life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset, and they never tire of it.

Therefore, in the game, we often see elves who are obviously 2,000 years old, but still behave like a young and ignorant girl of 17 or 18 years old, which is similar to a 700-800-year-old loli vampire.


There is no need to assume that the elves in this game world should be like the elves in common settings, living in small villages.

They have long lifespans and may know profound magic, but they have not seen much of the world.

To put it nicely, this is called living in peace without caring about worldly affairs.

To put it harshly, this means being a little village girl in the mountains forever.

It seems that Ias's village is not big. It is estimated that she can remember everyone in the village and their residences by herself, and she can live in peace with everyone and help each other.

In her opinion, human society is just a little bigger than a village, and there is no difference in essence.

People in this "village" know each other and help each other. When something big happens, other people will more or less participate in it and understand something more or less.

That's why she kept questioning me about the whereabouts of her brother, trying to get something out of me and asking me to help her and atone for what the "humanity" group had done.

How can I represent "humanity" as a group

One person can never represent a large group. At most, he can represent the opinions of the vast majority of people. And the larger the group, the harder it is to represent the opinions of the majority of people.

Looking at Ias who looked like she was taking it for granted, Yang Yu's eyes suddenly showed compassion and compassion.

In his opinion, Ias is just like a village girl entering the city.

After being deceived, she cried and cried, saying that no one in the city was good. Later, she even grabbed a person who was kind enough to help her find the liar and asked him to compensate her.

They are all city dwellers anyway, so if you pay the compensation, he will pay the same compensation.

Yang Yu calls it, the village girl’s first thought theory.

If you know the root cause of the disease, you will naturally know how to prescribe the right medicine.

Today, Yang Yu is going to show the village girl what it means to be trapped in urban routines. It is already too late for her to return to the countryside.

In the days that followed, Yang Yu also wanted to turn this rustic village girl into the most fashionable and modern girl.

When she returned to the village, she went from longing to contempt, from contempt to condescension, and then from condescension to sympathy. Finally, she suddenly realized that she had been just like them. In a daze, she returned to the time when she was a village girl. Finally, I couldn't help but burst into tears and silently vowed to make a huge contribution to rural development.

Gee—that picture is so beautiful.

Yang Yu could hardly wait to give her the cruelest beating in society.

"Why are you giggling all alone? I've begged you so, aren't you going to do something? If you don't do anything, won't your conscience be condemned? We obviously live in peace and are at peace with the outside world. , but you broke our peaceful life without permission, caught us, and treated us as commodities!" Ias looked at Yang Yu fiercely.

Yang Yu gently rubbed his chin, suppressed his smile, sat back on the chair, and said seriously: "It's not impossible to help you. But, I said before, if you want my help, you have to pay I pay."

The expression on Ias's face did not change, and she stared at Yang Yu. That expression was more like asking someone to repent quickly than asking for help.

"I expressed my opinion just now! Are all you humans so heartless?"

"Conscience?" Yang Yu sneered, folded his hands, and crossed his legs, "Miss Ias, some people do have conscience, and some people don't. Please don't generalize, Miss Ias."

Of course, I am a little bit of that kind, but things like conscience are always relative.

First of all, I was not the one who persecuted and kidnapped your village. Now you ask me to replace those people and use my conscience to compensate you. It’s like your neighbor’s child stole your cake, but you asked me to It's like a completely unrelated kid returning your cake.

Just imagine how you would feel if you were that completely unrelated child and someone asked you to return the cake for no reason. "

Biting her lip lightly, Ias realized that what she had just said was biased, but she did not change it.

"This cannot be generalized! It's like a group of children playing pranks and painting graffiti on the door. Even if some children didn't do anything but just watched, their consciences should be condemned! Because they had the opportunity to stand up and stop it, but chose to Nothing is done. But they still want remedial measures. As long as they stand up and point out which children did it, they can get rid of the inner condemnation.”

"Then let me ask you, do the younger brothers and sisters of your children also need to be condemned by their conscience? If there is a newborn baby, should his conscience be condemned as well?"

"How could it be? They have nothing to do with that matter at all." Ias denied loudly.

"Really? I thought you would definitely say that they will be condemned by their conscience to some extent." Yang Yu stretched out his hand and touched his chin, "Miss Eas, I have felt from the beginning... Do you think that Am I a person involved in the incident?"

"Is not it"

After saying this, Ias's confidence was obviously low.

Yang Yu did not make any breakthroughs, but continued step by step.

"Just because there are so many people, do you think I am with them? I think you are really flattering me. As you and I just gave an example, the children who graffiti are only a small part of the children. If it is just because of the small Some children formed a group, and the condemnation of their behavior spread to the entire circle of children, affecting the ignorant babies. Don't you think it is too much

Now, I can even confidently say that I am that little baby. All I did was sneak into the research institute and accidentally rescue you, that's all. It was only my momentary outburst of kindness that accidentally saved you.

I finally saved you, but you turned around and condemned me. Doesn’t your conscience hurt? "

(End of chapter)