Demon King Priest

Chapter 106: Sunlit night sky (Part 1)


At that moment, Ulysses didn't know whether to be happy or angry. Really, when he ran back, he had already realized that he would face that powerful monster with Yulia, no matter what the outcome was, he would not regret it.

The preface was withdrawn again. It was probably just a natural hidden sand pit. No wonder even he couldn't find it. It seems that Anne is simply unlucky...

"I know. I know. Ulysses, Yulia, I'm sorry, I seem to have scared you. I will say hello in advance next time."

It was a miracle that failed to bring happiness to anyone.

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'll treat him!" Ulysses had never used the healing technique so wastefully. In a few minutes, he almost used the healing technique to its full potential.

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

No, you must become stronger!

Well, it seems like she hasn't completely forgiven him yet... Ulysses remembered that this seemed to be a little prank invented by Rasha. However, it seems that kid-level pranks are similar everywhere.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, the three of them soon went home together. Of course, this level of misunderstanding will not cause any estrangement between them. However, since then, Yulia seems to have worked harder to exercise, although the results are still as bad as ever.

Unlike him who calmly admitted the gap between himself and Rasha and didn't take it to heart at all. That child worked harder than anyone else and never gave up his efforts even though he often fainted from exhaustion. In terms of effort, even Rasha might not be as good as her.

"Hey, hey, this is punishment." Annie walked over with a smile. However, when she was only about half a meter away from Ulysses, she suddenly sank and fell into a pit about the same size as Ulysses.

"Please, Rasha, please don't make so much noise when walking in the woods at night. Isn't it scary?" After the tension disappeared, Ulysses found that his back was soaked with cold sweat. .

Unlike him who calmly admitted the gap between himself and Rasha and didn't take it to heart at all. That child worked harder than anyone else and never gave up his efforts even though he often fainted from exhaustion. In terms of effort, even Rasha might not be as good as her.

If I think about it now, Yulia's appearance at that time was unusual. In Ulysses' view, a genius swordsman like Rasha cannot be compared to ordinary people. So I didn't take her extraordinary strength to heart, let alone have any thoughts of competing.

The preface was withdrawn again. It was probably just a natural hidden sand pit. No wonder even he couldn't find it. It seems that Anne is simply unlucky...

Well, it seems like she hasn't completely forgiven him yet... Ulysses remembered that this seemed to be a little prank invented by Rasha. However, it seems that kid-level pranks are similar everywhere.

He didn't think much about it when he made up his mind. Only now did he realize how nervous he was just now. By analogy, Yulia, who decided to sacrifice to buy time for him, must have been even more nervous.

However, that is just what he takes for granted. In fact, there was a person right next to him who never gave up chasing Rasha. Although the gap between the two is as insurmountable as a bottomless abyss. However, she never gave up.

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

"It's strange, does it get dawn so soon?" After noticing those few rays of golden light, Ulysses raised his head. Then, he saw that weird thing.

Unlike him who calmly admitted the gap between himself and Rasha and didn't take it to heart at all. That child worked harder than anyone else and never gave up his efforts even though he often fainted from exhaustion. In terms of effort, even Rasha might not be as good as her.

"Brother!" A voice as sweet as a silver bell shattered the sad memories. Angry at being left alone, Anne ran to Ulysses' side and looked at her irresponsible brother with the eyes of an abandoned animal.

He wanted to tell her that no matter whether she had strength or not, whether she could protect him or not, he would still like her and love her. Because she is his cutest sister.

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

If I think about it now, Yulia's appearance at that time was unusual. In Ulysses' view, a genius swordsman like Rasha cannot be compared to ordinary people. So I didn't take her extraordinary strength to heart, let alone have any thoughts of competing.

"Sorry, I remembered something." Ulysses stretched out his hand and touched Anne's hanging pink hair.

However, this bunker is really quite shallow. Compared to the hunter-style death pit that Rasha dug with his sword, which could be used to hunt bears, it was pitifully small, like the difference between a small pond and a lake. If Ulysses hadn't confirmed the location of the bunker with his eyes and stepped on it just right, he might have crossed over in one step.

"I know. I know. Ulysses, Yulia, I'm sorry, I seem to have scared you. I will say hello in advance next time."

But, a miracle happened.

"Aww, it hurts. Why, there is a big hole here!" Annie's voice, which seemed to be about to cry, came out from the big hole. It was definitely a genuine cry, not a fake one.

Yulia stared at the sword behind Rasha. It was a big sword that she couldn't pick up even with all her strength. The thick sword body and broad sword leaves exude a majestic power. This is not a child-level weapon, but a truly giant weapon. Even in Mira Village, there were less than ten people who could pick up that weapon and wield it.

Am I having bad luck tonight? Anne, who was pulled out by Ulysses, felt that she had been really bad tonight. Not only did he fall down in front of his brother, exposing his underwear, but he also completely misunderstood his brother, and finally fell into a sand pit in front of his brother.

However, in this world, it is not possible to achieve your wishes as long as you work hard. A genius like Rasha is not something that ordinary people can catch up with. Because Rasha is not the kind of genius who doesn't seek to improve because of his own qualifications. Her goal is to become a legendary hero. In order to become such a hero, she has been working hard and never slackened off.

"Please, Rasha, please don't make so much noise when walking in the woods at night. Isn't it scary?" After the tension disappeared, Ulysses found that his back was soaked with cold sweat. .

It turns out that Sister Rasha has already started actual combat training? Compared to her who could only practice basic moves with a wooden sword, she had advanced by an unknown number of levels. Now Sister Rasha, even if she and her brother really encounter that kind of ferocious monster in the forest, she will still have enough strength to protect her brother.

"Come on, come on, come on." Anne smiled like a kidnapper, and waved vigorously to Ulysses on a beach somewhere that was obviously not normal.

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

He didn't think much about it when he made up his mind. Only now did he realize how nervous he was just now. By analogy, Yulia, who decided to sacrifice to buy time for him, must have been even more nervous.

"I know. I know. Ulysses, Yulia, I'm sorry, I seem to have scared you. I will say hello in advance next time."

But she couldn't do anything, and even the only thing she could do was seen through by her brother. She will always be nothing more than a burden.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, the three of them soon went home together. Of course, this level of misunderstanding will not cause any estrangement between them. However, since then, Yulia seems to have worked harder to exercise, although the results are still as bad as ever.

Therefore, he must cherish this hard-won little happiness now, right

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

No, you must become stronger!

Just pretend you don't know... Ulysses walked over to where Anne was with a smile on his face. Then, he "suddenly" fell into a sand pit about one meter away from Annie.

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

"Rasha, remember. Next time you walk in the forest at night, don't look more like a monster than a monster!"

No, you must become stronger!

But, a miracle happened.

Am I having bad luck tonight? Anne, who was pulled out by Ulysses, felt that she had been really bad tonight. Not only did he fall down in front of his brother, exposing his underwear, but he also completely misunderstood his brother, and finally fell into a sand pit in front of his brother.

It turns out that Sister Rasha has already started actual combat training? Compared to her who could only practice basic moves with a wooden sword, she had advanced by an unknown number of levels. Now Sister Rasha, even if she and her brother really encounter that kind of ferocious monster in the forest, she will still have enough strength to protect her brother.

He didn't think much about it when he made up his mind. Only now did he realize how nervous he was just now. By analogy, Yulia, who decided to sacrifice to buy time for him, must have been even more nervous.

No matter how much pain she has to suffer or how much she has to pay, she still wants the power she can use to protect her brother!

But she couldn't do anything, and even the only thing she could do was seen through by her brother. She will always be nothing more than a burden.

He didn't think much about it when he made up his mind. Only now did he realize how nervous he was just now. By analogy, Yulia, who decided to sacrifice to buy time for him, must have been even more nervous.

In the endless wilderness, on the sword hill composed of countless weapons, silver braids fluttered in the air, and bright red eyes stared at this beautiful and ugly world. That is the realm of the sword of the lonely warrior, the world of the brave man who gives up everything for justice.

Withdrawing the preface, Ulysses discovered that Anne was very unique in setting up traps, and even he couldn't spot the second additional trap. Could it be that the first trap he stepped on was just a clumsy bait, and the real trump card was actually the second trap that was almost perfectly hidden

"Hey, hey, this is punishment." Annie walked over with a smile. However, when she was only about half a meter away from Ulysses, she suddenly sank and fell into a pit about the same size as Ulysses.

She doesn’t want to lose, but she definitely doesn’t want to lose to Sister Rasha.

No matter how much pain she has to suffer or how much she has to pay, she still wants the power she can use to protect her brother!

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

However, this bunker is really quite shallow. Compared to the hunter-style death pit that Rasha dug with his sword, which could be used to hunt bears, it was pitifully small, like the difference between a small pond and a lake. If Ulysses hadn't confirmed the location of the bunker with his eyes and stepped on it just right, he might have crossed over in one step.

"Brother, come with me. The beach here is really soft." Although it was just a small gesture, it seemed to be enough for Annie. She quickly forgave Ulysses for his rudeness and extended a ladylike invitation to him.

Am I having bad luck tonight? Anne, who was pulled out by Ulysses, felt that she had been really bad tonight. Not only did he fall down in front of his brother, exposing his underwear, but he also completely misunderstood his brother, and finally fell into a sand pit in front of his brother.

"Rasha, remember. Next time you walk in the forest at night, don't look more like a monster than a monster!"

"Aww, it hurts. Why, there is a big hole here!" Annie's voice, which seemed to be about to cry, came out from the big hole. It was definitely a genuine cry, not a fake one.

However, why was it Anne herself who stepped in? Wasn't this a trap set by her? And it is a secret trap of the professional master level.

However, that is just what he takes for granted. In fact, there was a person right next to him who never gave up chasing Rasha. Although the gap between the two is as insurmountable as a bottomless abyss. However, she never gave up.

Withdrawing the preface, Ulysses discovered that Anne was very unique in setting up traps, and even he couldn't spot the second additional trap. Could it be that the first trap he stepped on was just a clumsy bait, and the real trump card was actually the second trap that was almost perfectly hidden

"I know. I know. Ulysses, Yulia, I'm sorry, I seem to have scared you. I will say hello in advance next time."

It turns out that Sister Rasha has already started actual combat training? Compared to her who could only practice basic moves with a wooden sword, she had advanced by an unknown number of levels. Now Sister Rasha, even if she and her brother really encounter that kind of ferocious monster in the forest, she will still have enough strength to protect her brother.

"It's strange, does it get dawn so soon?" After noticing those few rays of golden light, Ulysses raised his head. Then, he saw that weird thing.

Well, it seems like she hasn't completely forgiven him yet... Ulysses remembered that this seemed to be a little prank invented by Rasha. However, it seems that kid-level pranks are similar everywhere.

No matter how much pain she has to suffer or how much she has to pay, she still wants the power she can use to protect her brother!

"Sorry, I remembered something." Ulysses stretched out his hand and touched Anne's hanging pink hair.

Am I having bad luck tonight? Anne, who was pulled out by Ulysses, felt that she had been really bad tonight. Not only did he fall down in front of his brother, exposing his underwear, but he also completely misunderstood his brother, and finally fell into a sand pit in front of his brother.

However, in this world, it is not possible to achieve your wishes as long as you work hard. A genius like Rasha is not something that ordinary people can catch up with. Because Rasha is not the kind of genius who doesn't seek to improve because of his own qualifications. Her goal is to become a legendary hero. In order to become such a hero, she has been working hard and never slackened off.

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

After educating Rasha on the common sense of walking at night, and after Rasha also apologized, the misunderstanding was finally resolved. Originally, it was impossible for any powerful magical beast to appear here. In a way, Ulysses also felt that he was making too much of a fuss.

Well, it seems like she hasn't completely forgiven him yet... Ulysses remembered that this seemed to be a little prank invented by Rasha. However, it seems that kid-level pranks are similar everywhere.

When Ulysses opened his eyes, the sad memories just now were far away from him. Instead, there was Annie, who had exactly the same face as Yulia, smiling in front of him.

It was a miracle that failed to bring happiness to anyone.

Therefore, he must cherish this hard-won little happiness now, right

If the target that the child was chasing was Rasha. Then, the target of Rasha's pursuit is the legendary hero. Faced with such an almost flawless genius, no matter how hard the child tried, he would never be able to catch up, and would instead get further and further away from her. In fact, it was the same. When Rasha resisted the giant sword and started his own adventure, that child was still in the theoretical practice stage.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, the three of them soon went home together. Of course, this level of misunderstanding will not cause any estrangement between them. However, since then, Yulia seems to have worked harder to exercise, although the results are still as bad as ever.

"Sorry, I remembered something." Ulysses stretched out his hand and touched Anne's hanging pink hair.

In the endless wilderness, on the sword hill composed of countless weapons, silver braids fluttered in the air, and bright red eyes stared at this beautiful and ugly world. That is the realm of the sword of the lonely warrior, the world of the brave man who gives up everything for justice.

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

If I think about it now, Yulia's appearance at that time was unusual. In Ulysses' view, a genius swordsman like Rasha cannot be compared to ordinary people. So I didn't take her extraordinary strength to heart, let alone have any thoughts of competing.

After educating Rasha on the common sense of walking at night, and after Rasha also apologized, the misunderstanding was finally resolved. Originally, it was impossible for any powerful magical beast to appear here. In a way, Ulysses also felt that he was making too much of a fuss.

If the target that the child was chasing was Rasha. Then, the target of Rasha's pursuit is the legendary hero. Faced with such an almost flawless genius, no matter how hard the child tried, he would never be able to catch up, and would instead get further and further away from her. In fact, it was the same. When Rasha resisted the giant sword and started his own adventure, that child was still in the theoretical practice stage.

Possessing too much power may not be as happy as imagined. However, it is impossible for her to know this. If he could go back in time, he would definitely stop her, even at the cost of his own life.

He wanted to tell her that no matter whether she had strength or not, whether she could protect him or not, he would still like her and love her. Because she is his cutest sister.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'll treat him!" Ulysses had never used the healing technique so wastefully. In a few minutes, he almost used the healing technique to its full potential.

This is also his sister, a somewhat magical sister who comes out of the books he owns. This time, he will definitely cherish it. He will never and cannot lose it again.

After educating Rasha on the common sense of walking at night, and after Rasha also apologized, the misunderstanding was finally resolved. Originally, it was impossible for any powerful magical beast to appear here. In a way, Ulysses also felt that he was making too much of a fuss.

However, that is just what he takes for granted. In fact, there was a person right next to him who never gave up chasing Rasha. Although the gap between the two is as insurmountable as a bottomless abyss. However, she never gave up.

However, in this world, it is not possible to achieve your wishes as long as you work hard. A genius like Rasha is not something that ordinary people can catch up with. Because Rasha is not the kind of genius who doesn't seek to improve because of his own qualifications. Her goal is to become a legendary hero. In order to become such a hero, she has been working hard and never slackened off.

But, a miracle happened.

Unlike him who calmly admitted the gap between himself and Rasha and didn't take it to heart at all. That child worked harder than anyone else and never gave up his efforts even though he often fainted from exhaustion. In terms of effort, even Rasha might not be as good as her.

Am I having bad luck tonight? Anne, who was pulled out by Ulysses, felt that she had been really bad tonight. Not only did he fall down in front of his brother, exposing his underwear, but he also completely misunderstood his brother, and finally fell into a sand pit in front of his brother.

No matter how much pain she has to suffer or how much she has to pay, she still wants the power she can use to protect her brother!

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

Unlike him who calmly admitted the gap between himself and Rasha and didn't take it to heart at all. That child worked harder than anyone else and never gave up his efforts even though he often fainted from exhaustion. In terms of effort, even Rasha might not be as good as her.

"I know. I know. Ulysses, Yulia, I'm sorry, I seem to have scared you. I will say hello in advance next time."

It's really similar. If Yulia could live until now, not pursue that kind of power, and be by his side peacefully, it would be like this, right? There was no sharp aura unique to that brave man, no indifferent eyes, only eyes that were as cute as a small animal, purely admiring him.

However, in this world, it is not possible to achieve your wishes as long as you work hard. A genius like Rasha is not something that ordinary people can catch up with. Because Rasha is not the kind of genius who doesn't seek to improve because of his own qualifications. Her goal is to become a legendary hero. In order to become such a hero, she has been working hard and never slackened off.

Yulia stared at the sword behind Rasha. It was a big sword that she couldn't pick up even with all her strength. The thick sword body and broad sword leaves exude a majestic power. This is not a child-level weapon, but a truly giant weapon. Even in Mira Village, there were less than ten people who could pick up that weapon and wield it.

After educating Rasha on the common sense of walking at night, and after Rasha also apologized, the misunderstanding was finally resolved. Originally, it was impossible for any powerful magical beast to appear here. In a way, Ulysses also felt that he was making too much of a fuss.

The preface was withdrawn again. It was probably just a natural hidden sand pit. No wonder even he couldn't find it. It seems that Anne is simply unlucky...

If I think about it now, Yulia's appearance at that time was unusual. In Ulysses' view, a genius swordsman like Rasha cannot be compared to ordinary people. So I didn't take her extraordinary strength to heart, let alone have any thoughts of competing.

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

In the endless wilderness, on the sword hill composed of countless weapons, silver braids fluttered in the air, and bright red eyes stared at this beautiful and ugly world. That is the realm of the sword of the lonely warrior, the world of the brave man who gives up everything for justice.

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

If the target that the child was chasing was Rasha. Then, the target of Rasha's pursuit is the legendary hero. Faced with such an almost flawless genius, no matter how hard the child tried, he would never be able to catch up, and would instead get further and further away from her. In fact, it was the same. When Rasha resisted the giant sword and started his own adventure, that child was still in the theoretical practice stage.

It was a miracle that failed to bring happiness to anyone.

No, you must become stronger!

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

This is also his sister, a somewhat magical sister who comes out of the books he owns. This time, he will definitely cherish it. He will never and cannot lose it again.

Withdrawing the preface, Ulysses discovered that Anne was very unique in setting up traps, and even he couldn't spot the second additional trap. Could it be that the first trap he stepped on was just a clumsy bait, and the real trump card was actually the second trap that was almost perfectly hidden

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

Just pretend you don't know... Ulysses walked over to where Anne was with a smile on his face. Then, he "suddenly" fell into a sand pit about one meter away from Annie.

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

But, a miracle happened.

Possessing too much power may not be as happy as imagined. However, it is impossible for her to know this. If he could go back in time, he would definitely stop her, even at the cost of his own life.

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

However, in this world, it is not possible to achieve your wishes as long as you work hard. A genius like Rasha is not something that ordinary people can catch up with. Because Rasha is not the kind of genius who doesn't seek to improve because of his own qualifications. Her goal is to become a legendary hero. In order to become such a hero, she has been working hard and never slackened off.

However, in this world, it is not possible to achieve your wishes as long as you work hard. A genius like Rasha is not something that ordinary people can catch up with. Because Rasha is not the kind of genius who doesn't seek to improve because of his own qualifications. Her goal is to become a legendary hero. In order to become such a hero, she has been working hard and never slackened off.

This is also his sister, a somewhat magical sister who comes out of the books he owns. This time, he will definitely cherish it. He will never and cannot lose it again.

In the endless wilderness, on the sword hill composed of countless weapons, silver braids fluttered in the air, and bright red eyes stared at this beautiful and ugly world. That is the realm of the sword of the lonely warrior, the world of the brave man who gives up everything for justice.

"Rasha, remember. Next time you walk in the forest at night, don't look more like a monster than a monster!"

After the misunderstanding was resolved, the three of them soon went home together. Of course, this level of misunderstanding will not cause any estrangement between them. However, since then, Yulia seems to have worked harder to exercise, although the results are still as bad as ever.

No, you must become stronger!

Therefore, he must cherish this hard-won little happiness now, right

After the misunderstanding was resolved, the three of them soon went home together. Of course, this level of misunderstanding will not cause any estrangement between them. However, since then, Yulia seems to have worked harder to exercise, although the results are still as bad as ever.

It turns out that Sister Rasha has already started actual combat training? Compared to her who could only practice basic moves with a wooden sword, she had advanced by an unknown number of levels. Now Sister Rasha, even if she and her brother really encounter that kind of ferocious monster in the forest, she will still have enough strength to protect her brother.

It was a miracle that failed to bring happiness to anyone.

"Hey, hey, this is punishment." Annie walked over with a smile. However, when she was only about half a meter away from Ulysses, she suddenly sank and fell into a pit about the same size as Ulysses.

"It's strange, does it get dawn so soon?" After noticing those few rays of golden light, Ulysses raised his head. Then, he saw that weird thing.

"Brother, come with me. The beach here is really soft." Although it was just a small gesture, it seemed to be enough for Annie. She quickly forgave Ulysses for his rudeness and extended a ladylike invitation to him.

However, in this world, it is not possible to achieve your wishes as long as you work hard. A genius like Rasha is not something that ordinary people can catch up with. Because Rasha is not the kind of genius who doesn't seek to improve because of his own qualifications. Her goal is to become a legendary hero. In order to become such a hero, she has been working hard and never slackened off.

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

No matter how much pain she has to suffer or how much she has to pay, she still wants the power she can use to protect her brother!

"Please, Rasha, please don't make so much noise when walking in the woods at night. Isn't it scary?" After the tension disappeared, Ulysses found that his back was soaked with cold sweat. .

He wanted to tell her that no matter whether she had strength or not, whether she could protect him or not, he would still like her and love her. Because she is his cutest sister.

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

"Brother!" A voice as sweet as a silver bell shattered the sad memories. Angry at being left alone, Anne ran to Ulysses' side and looked at her irresponsible brother with the eyes of an abandoned animal.

The preface was withdrawn again. It was probably just a natural hidden sand pit. No wonder even he couldn't find it. It seems that Anne is simply unlucky...

She doesn’t want to lose, but she definitely doesn’t want to lose to Sister Rasha.

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

She doesn’t want to lose, but she definitely doesn’t want to lose to Sister Rasha.

"Sorry, I remembered something." Ulysses stretched out his hand and touched Anne's hanging pink hair.

If I think about it now, Yulia's appearance at that time was unusual. In Ulysses' view, a genius swordsman like Rasha cannot be compared to ordinary people. So I didn't take her extraordinary strength to heart, let alone have any thoughts of competing.

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

However, this bunker is really quite shallow. Compared to the hunter-style death pit that Rasha dug with his sword, which could be used to hunt bears, it was pitifully small, like the difference between a small pond and a lake. If Ulysses hadn't confirmed the location of the bunker with his eyes and stepped on it just right, he might have crossed over in one step.

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

However, in this world, it is not possible to achieve your wishes as long as you work hard. A genius like Rasha is not something that ordinary people can catch up with. Because Rasha is not the kind of genius who doesn't seek to improve because of his own qualifications. Her goal is to become a legendary hero. In order to become such a hero, she has been working hard and never slackened off.

"Hey, hey, this is punishment." Annie walked over with a smile. However, when she was only about half a meter away from Ulysses, she suddenly sank and fell into a pit about the same size as Ulysses.

However, this bunker is really quite shallow. Compared to the hunter-style death pit that Rasha dug with his sword, which could be used to hunt bears, it was pitifully small, like the difference between a small pond and a lake. If Ulysses hadn't confirmed the location of the bunker with his eyes and stepped on it just right, he might have crossed over in one step.

It's really similar. If Yulia could live until now, not pursue that kind of power, and be by his side peacefully, it would be like this, right? There was no sharp aura unique to that brave man, no indifferent eyes, only eyes that were as cute as a small animal, purely admiring him.

But she couldn't do anything, and even the only thing she could do was seen through by her brother. She will always be nothing more than a burden.

"Sorry, I remembered something." Ulysses stretched out his hand and touched Anne's hanging pink hair.

No matter how much pain she has to suffer or how much she has to pay, she still wants the power she can use to protect her brother!

"Rasha, remember. Next time you walk in the forest at night, don't look more like a monster than a monster!"

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

No, you must become stronger!

"Come on, come on, come on." Anne smiled like a kidnapper, and waved vigorously to Ulysses on a beach somewhere that was obviously not normal.

Possessing too much power may not be as happy as imagined. However, it is impossible for her to know this. If he could go back in time, he would definitely stop her, even at the cost of his own life.

However, this bunker is really quite shallow. Compared to the hunter-style death pit that Rasha dug with his sword, which could be used to hunt bears, it was pitifully small, like the difference between a small pond and a lake. If Ulysses hadn't confirmed the location of the bunker with his eyes and stepped on it just right, he might have crossed over in one step.

If I think about it now, Yulia's appearance at that time was unusual. In Ulysses' view, a genius swordsman like Rasha cannot be compared to ordinary people. So I didn't take her extraordinary strength to heart, let alone have any thoughts of competing.

Yulia stared at the sword behind Rasha. It was a big sword that she couldn't pick up even with all her strength. The thick sword body and broad sword leaves exude a majestic power. This is not a child-level weapon, but a truly giant weapon. Even in Mira Village, there were less than ten people who could pick up that weapon and wield it.

No, you must become stronger!

It's really similar. If Yulia could live until now, not pursue that kind of power, and be by his side peacefully, it would be like this, right? There was no sharp aura unique to that brave man, no indifferent eyes, only eyes that were as cute as a small animal, purely admiring him.

He wanted to tell her that no matter whether she had strength or not, whether she could protect him or not, he would still like her and love her. Because she is his cutest sister.

No matter how much pain she has to suffer or how much she has to pay, she still wants the power she can use to protect her brother!

"Rasha, remember. Next time you walk in the forest at night, don't look more like a monster than a monster!"

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

It's really similar. If Yulia could live until now, not pursue that kind of power, and be by his side peacefully, it would be like this, right? There was no sharp aura unique to that brave man, no indifferent eyes, only eyes that were as cute as a small animal, purely admiring him.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, the three of them soon went home together. Of course, this level of misunderstanding will not cause any estrangement between them. However, since then, Yulia seems to have worked harder to exercise, although the results are still as bad as ever.

"Brother, come with me. The beach here is really soft." Although it was just a small gesture, it seemed to be enough for Annie. She quickly forgave Ulysses for his rudeness and extended a ladylike invitation to him.

Possessing too much power may not be as happy as imagined. However, it is impossible for her to know this. If he could go back in time, he would definitely stop her, even at the cost of his own life.

Possessing too much power may not be as happy as imagined. However, it is impossible for her to know this. If he could go back in time, he would definitely stop her, even at the cost of his own life.

If the target that the child was chasing was Rasha. Then, the target of Rasha's pursuit is the legendary hero. Faced with such an almost flawless genius, no matter how hard the child tried, he would never be able to catch up, and would instead get further and further away from her. In fact, it was the same. When Rasha resisted the giant sword and started his own adventure, that child was still in the theoretical practice stage.

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

Therefore, he must cherish this hard-won little happiness now, right

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

This is also his sister, a somewhat magical sister who comes out of the books he owns. This time, he will definitely cherish it. He will never and cannot lose it again.

In the endless wilderness, on the sword hill composed of countless weapons, silver braids fluttered in the air, and bright red eyes stared at this beautiful and ugly world. That is the realm of the sword of the lonely warrior, the world of the brave man who gives up everything for justice.

"Please, Rasha, please don't make so much noise when walking in the woods at night. Isn't it scary?" After the tension disappeared, Ulysses found that his back was soaked with cold sweat. .

She doesn’t want to lose, but she definitely doesn’t want to lose to Sister Rasha.

Therefore, he must cherish this hard-won little happiness now, right

It turns out that Sister Rasha has already started actual combat training? Compared to her who could only practice basic moves with a wooden sword, she had advanced by an unknown number of levels. Now Sister Rasha, even if she and her brother really encounter that kind of ferocious monster in the forest, she will still have enough strength to protect her brother.

If I think about it now, Yulia's appearance at that time was unusual. In Ulysses' view, a genius swordsman like Rasha cannot be compared to ordinary people. So I didn't take her extraordinary strength to heart, let alone have any thoughts of competing.

She doesn’t want to lose, but she definitely doesn’t want to lose to Sister Rasha.

If the target that the child was chasing was Rasha. Then, the target of Rasha's pursuit is the legendary hero. Faced with such an almost flawless genius, no matter how hard the child tried, he would never be able to catch up, and would instead get further and further away from her. In fact, it was the same. When Rasha resisted the giant sword and started his own adventure, that child was still in the theoretical practice stage.

"Aww, it hurts. Why, there is a big hole here!" Annie's voice, which seemed to be about to cry, came out from the big hole. It was definitely a genuine cry, not a fake one.

When Ulysses opened his eyes, the sad memories just now were far away from him. Instead, there was Annie, who had exactly the same face as Yulia, smiling in front of him.

"Please, Rasha, please don't make so much noise when walking in the woods at night. Isn't it scary?" After the tension disappeared, Ulysses found that his back was soaked with cold sweat. .

When Ulysses opened his eyes, the sad memories just now were far away from him. Instead, there was Annie, who had exactly the same face as Yulia, smiling in front of him.

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

"Rasha, remember. Next time you walk in the forest at night, don't look more like a monster than a monster!"

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

Am I having bad luck tonight? Anne, who was pulled out by Ulysses, felt that she had been really bad tonight. Not only did he fall down in front of his brother, exposing his underwear, but he also completely misunderstood his brother, and finally fell into a sand pit in front of his brother.

"It's strange, does it get dawn so soon?" After noticing those few rays of golden light, Ulysses raised his head. Then, he saw that weird thing.

This is also his sister, a somewhat magical sister who comes out of the books he owns. This time, he will definitely cherish it. He will never and cannot lose it again.

No, you must become stronger!

It's really similar. If Yulia could live until now, not pursue that kind of power, and be by his side peacefully, it would be like this, right? There was no sharp aura unique to that brave man, no indifferent eyes, only eyes that were as cute as a small animal, purely admiring him.

The preface was withdrawn again. It was probably just a natural hidden sand pit. No wonder even he couldn't find it. It seems that Anne is simply unlucky...

No, you must become stronger!

"It's strange, does it get dawn so soon?" After noticing those few rays of golden light, Ulysses raised his head. Then, he saw that weird thing.

However, this bunker is really quite shallow. Compared to the hunter-style death pit that Rasha dug with his sword, which could be used to hunt bears, it was pitifully small, like the difference between a small pond and a lake. If Ulysses hadn't confirmed the location of the bunker with his eyes and stepped on it just right, he might have crossed over in one step.

"Brother!" A voice as sweet as a silver bell shattered the sad memories. Angry at being left alone, Anne ran to Ulysses' side and looked at her irresponsible brother with the eyes of an abandoned animal.

"Come on, come on, come on." Anne smiled like a kidnapper, and waved vigorously to Ulysses on a beach somewhere that was obviously not normal.

Just pretend you don't know... Ulysses walked over to where Anne was with a smile on his face. Then, he "suddenly" fell into a sand pit about one meter away from Annie.

Am I having bad luck tonight? Anne, who was pulled out by Ulysses, felt that she had been really bad tonight. Not only did he fall down in front of his brother, exposing his underwear, but he also completely misunderstood his brother, and finally fell into a sand pit in front of his brother.

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

This is also his sister, a somewhat magical sister who comes out of the books he owns. This time, he will definitely cherish it. He will never and cannot lose it again.

The preface was withdrawn again. It was probably just a natural hidden sand pit. No wonder even he couldn't find it. It seems that Anne is simply unlucky...

Well, it seems like she hasn't completely forgiven him yet... Ulysses remembered that this seemed to be a little prank invented by Rasha. However, it seems that kid-level pranks are similar everywhere.

Withdrawing the preface, Ulysses discovered that Anne was very unique in setting up traps, and even he couldn't spot the second additional trap. Could it be that the first trap he stepped on was just a clumsy bait, and the real trump card was actually the second trap that was almost perfectly hidden

After educating Rasha on the common sense of walking at night, and after Rasha also apologized, the misunderstanding was finally resolved. Originally, it was impossible for any powerful magical beast to appear here. In a way, Ulysses also felt that he was making too much of a fuss.

However, why was it Anne herself who stepped in? Wasn't this a trap set by her? And it is a secret trap of the professional master level.

Just pretend you don't know... Ulysses walked over to where Anne was with a smile on his face. Then, he "suddenly" fell into a sand pit about one meter away from Annie.

"Brother!" A voice as sweet as a silver bell shattered the sad memories. Angry at being left alone, Anne ran to Ulysses' side and looked at her irresponsible brother with the eyes of an abandoned animal.

She doesn’t want to lose, but she definitely doesn’t want to lose to Sister Rasha.

"Rasha, remember. Next time you walk in the forest at night, don't look more like a monster than a monster!"

Unfortunately, this monster is an acquaintance of his, and a very familiar one.

If the target that the child was chasing was Rasha. Then, the target of Rasha's pursuit is the legendary hero. Faced with such an almost flawless genius, no matter how hard the child tried, he would never be able to catch up, and would instead get further and further away from her. In fact, it was the same. When Rasha resisted the giant sword and started his own adventure, that child was still in the theoretical practice stage.

"Aww, it hurts. Why, there is a big hole here!" Annie's voice, which seemed to be about to cry, came out from the big hole. It was definitely a genuine cry, not a fake one.

"Aww, it hurts. Why, there is a big hole here!" Annie's voice, which seemed to be about to cry, came out from the big hole. It was definitely a genuine cry, not a fake one.

However, this bunker is really quite shallow. Compared to the hunter-style death pit that Rasha dug with his sword, which could be used to hunt bears, it was pitifully small, like the difference between a small pond and a lake. If Ulysses hadn't confirmed the location of the bunker with his eyes and stepped on it just right, he might have crossed over in one step.

Just pretend you don't know... Ulysses walked over to where Anne was with a smile on his face. Then, he "suddenly" fell into a sand pit about one meter away from Annie.

"Sorry, I remembered something." Ulysses stretched out his hand and touched Anne's hanging pink hair.

If I think about it now, Yulia's appearance at that time was unusual. In Ulysses' view, a genius swordsman like Rasha cannot be compared to ordinary people. So I didn't take her extraordinary strength to heart, let alone have any thoughts of competing.

After educating Rasha on the common sense of walking at night, and after Rasha also apologized, the misunderstanding was finally resolved. Originally, it was impossible for any powerful magical beast to appear here. In a way, Ulysses also felt that he was making too much of a fuss.

"Hey, hey, this is punishment." Annie walked over with a smile. However, when she was only about half a meter away from Ulysses, she suddenly sank and fell into a pit about the same size as Ulysses.

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

In the endless wilderness, on the sword hill composed of countless weapons, silver braids fluttered in the air, and bright red eyes stared at this beautiful and ugly world. That is the realm of the sword of the lonely warrior, the world of the brave man who gives up everything for justice.

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

Withdrawing the preface, Ulysses discovered that Anne was very unique in setting up traps, and even he couldn't spot the second additional trap. Could it be that the first trap he stepped on was just a clumsy bait, and the real trump card was actually the second trap that was almost perfectly hidden

"Sorry, I remembered something." Ulysses stretched out his hand and touched Anne's hanging pink hair.

He wanted to tell her that no matter whether she had strength or not, whether she could protect him or not, he would still like her and love her. Because she is his cutest sister.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'll treat him!" Ulysses had never used the healing technique so wastefully. In a few minutes, he almost used the healing technique to its full potential.

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

However, why was it Anne herself who stepped in? Wasn't this a trap set by her? And it is a secret trap of the professional master level.

"Brother, come with me. The beach here is really soft." Although it was just a small gesture, it seemed to be enough for Annie. She quickly forgave Ulysses for his rudeness and extended a ladylike invitation to him.

However, why was it Anne herself who stepped in? Wasn't this a trap set by her? And it is a secret trap of the professional master level.

However, that is just what he takes for granted. In fact, there was a person right next to him who never gave up chasing Rasha. Although the gap between the two is as insurmountable as a bottomless abyss. However, she never gave up.

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

However, this bunker is really quite shallow. Compared to the hunter-style death pit that Rasha dug with his sword, which could be used to hunt bears, it was pitifully small, like the difference between a small pond and a lake. If Ulysses hadn't confirmed the location of the bunker with his eyes and stepped on it just right, he might have crossed over in one step.

Just pretend you don't know... Ulysses walked over to where Anne was with a smile on his face. Then, he "suddenly" fell into a sand pit about one meter away from Annie.

"Aww, it hurts. Why, there is a big hole here!" Annie's voice, which seemed to be about to cry, came out from the big hole. It was definitely a genuine cry, not a fake one.

She doesn’t want to lose, but she definitely doesn’t want to lose to Sister Rasha.

Possessing too much power may not be as happy as imagined. However, it is impossible for her to know this. If he could go back in time, he would definitely stop her, even at the cost of his own life.

"Rasha, remember. Next time you walk in the forest at night, don't look more like a monster than a monster!"

However, that is just what he takes for granted. In fact, there was a person right next to him who never gave up chasing Rasha. Although the gap between the two is as insurmountable as a bottomless abyss. However, she never gave up.

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

When Ulysses opened his eyes, the sad memories just now were far away from him. Instead, there was Annie, who had exactly the same face as Yulia, smiling in front of him.

The preface was withdrawn again. It was probably just a natural hidden sand pit. No wonder even he couldn't find it. It seems that Anne is simply unlucky...

If the target that the child was chasing was Rasha. Then, the target of Rasha's pursuit is the legendary hero. Faced with such an almost flawless genius, no matter how hard the child tried, he would never be able to catch up, and would instead get further and further away from her. In fact, it was the same. When Rasha resisted the giant sword and started his own adventure, that child was still in the theoretical practice stage.

"Please, Rasha, please don't make so much noise when walking in the woods at night. Isn't it scary?" After the tension disappeared, Ulysses found that his back was soaked with cold sweat. .

No, you must become stronger!

"Aww, it hurts. Why, there is a big hole here!" Annie's voice, which seemed to be about to cry, came out from the big hole. It was definitely a genuine cry, not a fake one.

Am I having bad luck tonight? Anne, who was pulled out by Ulysses, felt that she had been really bad tonight. Not only did he fall down in front of his brother, exposing his underwear, but he also completely misunderstood his brother, and finally fell into a sand pit in front of his brother.

Without a miracle, the gap would have been even larger and even more insurmountable. Rasha's figure has long reached the point where neither Ulysses nor the child can catch up.

Just pretend you don't know... Ulysses walked over to where Anne was with a smile on his face. Then, he "suddenly" fell into a sand pit about one meter away from Annie.

Therefore, he must cherish this hard-won little happiness now, right

Withdrawing the preface, Ulysses discovered that Anne was very unique in setting up traps, and even he couldn't spot the second additional trap. Could it be that the first trap he stepped on was just a clumsy bait, and the real trump card was actually the second trap that was almost perfectly hidden

"Because those branches were annoying and I couldn't find the way, I walked in a straight line after seeing your ball of light. However, I didn't expect it was you and Yulia." Rasha put away the big sword in his hand , put it behind the shoulder. Just now, it was this giant sword that made the sound of the advancing monster that was no less terrifying.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, the three of them soon went home together. Of course, this level of misunderstanding will not cause any estrangement between them. However, since then, Yulia seems to have worked harder to exercise, although the results are still as bad as ever.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'll treat him!" Ulysses had never used the healing technique so wastefully. In a few minutes, he almost used the healing technique to its full potential.

"Sorry, I remembered something." Ulysses stretched out his hand and touched Anne's hanging pink hair.

Unlike him who calmly admitted the gap between himself and Rasha and didn't take it to heart at all. That child worked harder than anyone else and never gave up his efforts even though he often fainted from exhaustion. In terms of effort, even Rasha might not be as good as her.

However, that is just what he takes for granted. In fact, there was a person right next to him who never gave up chasing Rasha. Although the gap between the two is as insurmountable as a bottomless abyss. However, she never gave up.

At that moment, Ulysses didn't know whether to be happy or angry. Really, when he ran back, he had already realized that he would face that powerful monster with Yulia, no matter what the outcome was, he would not regret it.

"Sorry, I remembered something." Ulysses stretched out his hand and touched Anne's hanging pink hair.

It was a miracle that failed to bring happiness to anyone.

It's really similar. If Yulia could live until now, not pursue that kind of power, and be by his side peacefully, it would be like this, right? There was no sharp aura unique to that brave man, no indifferent eyes, only eyes that were as cute as a small animal, purely admiring him.

Soft white light continued to shine by the small lake, and at some point, a few golden lights also mixed in.

"Okay." Ulysses closed his eyes. Everything in the past has passed. No matter how hard he tried, Yulia, who was no longer in this world, could never come back. The moment the sword hero's body was pierced by his magic sword, everything was over.

No matter how much pain she has to suffer or how much she has to pay, she still wants the power she can use to protect her brother!

"It's strange, does it get dawn so soon?" After noticing those few rays of golden light, Ulysses raised his head. Then, he saw that weird thing.

Just pretend you don't know... Ulysses walked over to where Anne was with a smile on his face. Then, he "suddenly" fell into a sand pit about one meter away from Annie.

"Brother, come with me. The beach here is really soft." Although it was just a small gesture, it seemed to be enough for Annie. She quickly forgave Ulysses for his rudeness and extended a ladylike invitation to him.

The preface was withdrawn again. It was probably just a natural hidden sand pit. No wonder even he couldn't find it. It seems that Anne is simply unlucky...

"Aww, it hurts. Why, there is a big hole here!" Annie's voice, which seemed to be about to cry, came out from the big hole. It was definitely a genuine cry, not a fake one.

He wanted to tell her that no matter whether she had strength or not, whether she could protect him or not, he would still like her and love her. Because she is his cutest sister.

"Come on, come on, come on." Anne smiled like a kidnapper, and waved vigorously to Ulysses on a beach somewhere that was obviously not normal.

"It's strange, does it get dawn so soon?" After noticing those few rays of golden light, Ulysses raised his head. Then, he saw that weird thing.