Demon King Priest

Chapter 110: Lost and found


Ulysses stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to retain the girl who disappeared like a dream by the beautiful lake. But his hand touched nothing. It's as if nothing existed there from the beginning.

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

"That... wasn't a dream." Yosis stretched out his right hand and touched the position of his heart. Even now, he could clearly feel the dull pain there. He had never felt this sad feeling before. But without anyone having to teach him, he knew that this was what "sadness" and "heartache" felt like.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

He had always been protected by the warm wings of Ice Phoenix's mother. He had never felt such sadness before. However, only at that moment, when the sister disappeared in front of him in the dream, he felt the same as he did in the dream.

Jussis had a dream. In the dream, he was extremely powerful and could easily fly into the sky. He could even tear the sun in the night sky to pieces with just a swing of his sword. That kind of powerful power made him feel envious and excited. It was the power he had longed for but had never had.

The air was unusually fresh, and the cool wind blew Ulysses' black hair. It seemed to remind him that this was not a dream, but reality.

Whether it's love or destiny, don't give up simply.

The sister in the dream is very cute, admires him very much, and relies on him very much. Walk with him on the beach by the lake and watch the stars in the night sky. Until the early morning light appeared in the sky.

But is this really not a dream? Everything that started last night still feels a bit unrealistic even when I think about it now. The missing books, the mysterious church, the girl with the same face as his sister, the sun appearing in the night sky, and the sister disappearing in the morning mist.

"That... wasn't a dream." Yosis stretched out his right hand and touched the position of his heart. Even now, he could clearly feel the dull pain there. He had never felt this sad feeling before. But without anyone having to teach him, he knew that this was what "sadness" and "heartache" felt like.

Sadness, pain, and being overwhelmed, these negative emotions that Jusis had never felt before surrounded him, making him completely lose his enthusiasm for learning for the first time.

Sad memories kept appearing, and the recovered memories kept hurting Ulysses' own body, and the magic power in his body began to temporarily lose control. The feeling that the happiness he once had suddenly disappeared in front of him was even more sad than if he had never had it at all.

In the dream, he had a sister, a very, very cute sister, but her actions were very inappropriate. She was locked in a white cabinet and then rescued by him.

Dreams are not all beautiful. At the end, he loses his sister, disappearing right before his eyes. He couldn't keep her, and he didn't even know where she went. I could only look at the place where she disappeared, the beach of the beautiful little lake, with melancholy and sad eyes.

Jussis's body trembled suddenly, this singing voice, and this familiar feeling. It's her, yes, it's Anne. The sister who appeared in his dream, no, was the sister who appeared in front of him but disappeared again.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

Everything is so unrealistic!

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

Only those who have lost it will know how precious that feeling is. This time, he will definitely be more careful to protect this book with incredible power, and will never let it disappear again.

However, only this feeling, this feeling of heartache, is the most real. Whether it's a dream or reality, has he lost it again

But after that, everything started to feel blurry, like a dream.

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

But is this really not a dream? Everything that started last night still feels a bit unrealistic even when I think about it now. The missing books, the mysterious church, the girl with the same face as his sister, the sun appearing in the night sky, and the sister disappearing in the morning mist.

Sadness, pain, and being overwhelmed, these negative emotions that Jusis had never felt before surrounded him, making him completely lose his enthusiasm for learning for the first time.

It's the same as that time, no matter how hard he works or how desperate he is. In the end, can you still just watch the most important thing disappear in front of you

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

Now, he finally knew what it would be like to lose the most important thing to him. It is the feeling that the heart seems to be lost, the feeling that the whole person can no longer continue to live well.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

That kind of thing is not allowed.

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

Jussis had a dream. In the dream, he was extremely powerful and could easily fly into the sky. He could even tear the sun in the night sky to pieces with just a swing of his sword. That kind of powerful power made him feel envious and excited. It was the power he had longed for but had never had.

Don’t lie about your feelings, speak out if you’re afraid.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

But is this really not a dream? Everything that started last night still feels a bit unrealistic even when I think about it now. The missing books, the mysterious church, the girl with the same face as his sister, the sun appearing in the night sky, and the sister disappearing in the morning mist.

He lost it again, that feeling of heartache, even when he was dreaming, he could feel it, and that feeling of a big hole in his chest still remained in his body until now.

It will not be simply taken away.

A feeling of sadness and pain spread quickly in Ulysses' heart. For him, it was like a repeat of that day in his memory. The only difference is that that time, he couldn't do anything; but this time, he did everything he could, but still lost.

The sister in the dream is very cute, admires him very much, and relies on him very much. Walk with him on the beach by the lake and watch the stars in the night sky. Until the early morning light appeared in the sky.

Sad memories kept appearing, and the recovered memories kept hurting Ulysses' own body, and the magic power in his body began to temporarily lose control. The feeling that the happiness he once had suddenly disappeared in front of him was even more sad than if he had never had it at all.

That sister's name is - Anne, she is a frail but extremely strong girl. At the same time, she is also a strange sister who is a bit clumsy and does things very poorly.

Don't give up your hope until the last moment.

Everything is so unrealistic!

It hurts... The severe pain from the bottom of his heart made Ulysses, who did not give up hope even when Rasha's Dragon King Destruction Sword penetrated his body, show an expression of extreme pain. This kind of injury caused him more pain than any curse or any weapon.

It's the same as that time, no matter how hard he works or how desperate he is. In the end, can you still just watch the most important thing disappear in front of you

Whether it's love or destiny, don't give up simply.

I don't understand, but the feeling of regaining something important, the feeling of the lost thing coming to me again, has made Jussis feel more excited than ever before.

The dream ends here. However, he had no impression of what happened in the end. Including what he was thinking about and what he was sad about in the dream, he couldn't remember. In the dream, he was like a bystander, watching his other self, who was more mature and powerful than himself, sadly and helplessly returning to the castle belonging to his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish. Then, fell asleep.

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

But is this really not a dream? Everything that started last night still feels a bit unrealistic even when I think about it now. The missing books, the mysterious church, the girl with the same face as his sister, the sun appearing in the night sky, and the sister disappearing in the morning mist.

Also, lost... will there be another chance to meet and greet... Anne... I don't just regard you as a substitute for Yulia... As I said, you are my sister. No matter what kind of wish you want, I will try my best to help you realize it...

Stay strong and keep your chest up.

It's the same as that time, no matter how hard he works or how desperate he is. In the end, can you still just watch the most important thing disappear in front of you

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

The air was unusually fresh, and the cool wind blew Ulysses' black hair. It seemed to remind him that this was not a dream, but reality.

Sadness, pain, and being overwhelmed, these negative emotions that Jusis had never felt before surrounded him, making him completely lose his enthusiasm for learning for the first time.

The cover of the book was very familiar to him, the name was also very familiar to him, and everything about it was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

It hurts... so hard... my head...

But after that, everything started to feel blurry, like a dream.

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

It hurts... so hard... my head...

Only those who have lost it will know how precious that feeling is. This time, he will definitely be more careful to protect this book with incredible power, and will never let it disappear again.

Sad memories kept appearing, and the recovered memories kept hurting Ulysses' own body, and the magic power in his body began to temporarily lose control. The feeling that the happiness he once had suddenly disappeared in front of him was even more sad than if he had never had it at all.

This was an unprecedented bad mood until he glanced at the corner of the desk and saw the book that should have disappeared from his memory.

It will not be simply taken away.

By the time he woke up, it was already noon. The sunlight shining through the window was unusually bright, but for some reason, he wasn't happy at all.

The air was unusually fresh, and the cool wind blew Ulysses' black hair. It seemed to remind him that this was not a dream, but reality.

Even when he opened the door of the white holy cabinet with both hands, he was quite impressed.

Dreams are not all beautiful. At the end, he loses his sister, disappearing right before his eyes. He couldn't keep her, and he didn't even know where she went. I could only look at the place where she disappeared, the beach of the beautiful little lake, with melancholy and sad eyes.

Go back... Go back to the teacher's castle... Ulysses turned around, no longer looking at the lake that once brought him beautiful memories, but now it only made him sad, and flew back to the water as fast as possible. Sage Cavendish's castle.

Stay strong and keep your chest up.

Dreams are not all beautiful. At the end, he loses his sister, disappearing right before his eyes. He couldn't keep her, and he didn't even know where she went. I could only look at the place where she disappeared, the beach of the beautiful little lake, with melancholy and sad eyes.

The vivid feeling, as if a real girl had been shrunk and placed on the cover of a book using some special method, has been deeply imprinted in Jusis's mind.

In the dream, he had a sister, a very, very cute sister, but her actions were very inappropriate. She was locked in a white cabinet and then rescued by him.

That kind of thing is not allowed.

Only those who have lost it will know how precious that feeling is. This time, he will definitely be more careful to protect this book with incredible power, and will never let it disappear again.

In the dream, he had a sister, a very, very cute sister, but her actions were very inappropriate. She was locked in a white cabinet and then rescued by him.

Jussis's body trembled suddenly, this singing voice, and this familiar feeling. It's her, yes, it's Anne. The sister who appeared in his dream, no, was the sister who appeared in front of him but disappeared again.

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

Jussis had a dream. In the dream, he was extremely powerful and could easily fly into the sky. He could even tear the sun in the night sky to pieces with just a swing of his sword. That kind of powerful power made him feel envious and excited. It was the power he had longed for but had never had.

From today on, this book will always be with him and become his most precious treasure.

Don't give up your hope until the last moment.

That must be the case, yes! A feeling of overjoyment swept through Jusis's body, which suddenly diluted the sadness and heartache just now. This feeling is like a person traveling in the desert seeing an oasis, or a drowning person clinging to a tree.

It was not a beautiful dream, or in other words, it was only half a beautiful dream. Every minute he spent with his sister, he was happy and happy in his dream. Until, finally, that cruel moment comes.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

In the dream, he had a sister, a very, very cute sister, but her actions were very inappropriate. She was locked in a white cabinet and then rescued by him.

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

Don't give up your hope until the last moment.

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

Don't give up your hope until the last moment.

But is this really not a dream? Everything that started last night still feels a bit unrealistic even when I think about it now. The missing books, the mysterious church, the girl with the same face as his sister, the sun appearing in the night sky, and the sister disappearing in the morning mist.

Everything is so unrealistic!

Ulysses stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to retain the girl who disappeared like a dream by the beautiful lake. But his hand touched nothing. It's as if nothing existed there from the beginning.

The sister in the dream is very cute, admires him very much, and relies on him very much. Walk with him on the beach by the lake and watch the stars in the night sky. Until the early morning light appeared in the sky.

He lost it again, that feeling of heartache, even when he was dreaming, he could feel it, and that feeling of a big hole in his chest still remained in his body until now.

"That... wasn't a dream." Yosis stretched out his right hand and touched the position of his heart. Even now, he could clearly feel the dull pain there. He had never felt this sad feeling before. But without anyone having to teach him, he knew that this was what "sadness" and "heartache" felt like.

In the dream, he had a sister, a very, very cute sister, but her actions were very inappropriate. She was locked in a white cabinet and then rescued by him.

Sad memories kept appearing, and the recovered memories kept hurting Ulysses' own body, and the magic power in his body began to temporarily lose control. The feeling that the happiness he once had suddenly disappeared in front of him was even more sad than if he had never had it at all.

Dreams are not all beautiful. At the end, he loses his sister, disappearing right before his eyes. He couldn't keep her, and he didn't even know where she went. I could only look at the place where she disappeared, the beach of the beautiful little lake, with melancholy and sad eyes.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

The dream ends here. However, he had no impression of what happened in the end. Including what he was thinking about and what he was sad about in the dream, he couldn't remember. In the dream, he was like a bystander, watching his other self, who was more mature and powerful than himself, sadly and helplessly returning to the castle belonging to his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish. Then, fell asleep.

Was that really just a dream? Standing beside his desk, Jussis looked at his empty room in confusion. In fact, he was still very sober up until that time in the church.

By the time he woke up, it was already noon. The sunlight shining through the window was unusually bright, but for some reason, he wasn't happy at all.

He had always been protected by the warm wings of Ice Phoenix's mother. He had never felt such sadness before. However, only at that moment, when the sister disappeared in front of him in the dream, he felt the same as he did in the dream.

By the time he woke up, it was already noon. The sunlight shining through the window was unusually bright, but for some reason, he wasn't happy at all.

Open your eyes and look at the world with strength.

Jussis only had one such book. It was the only thing he asked for from his teacher, the Sage of Water, Cavendish. For him, it was the most important book.

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

Whether it's love or destiny, don't give up simply.

"The world has infinite possibilities. Maybe this is just a dream in this illusory and unreal world. However, in the dream, what you feel is the only reality. Chapter 2 of the sister's party has begun."

Jussis only had one such book. It was the only thing he asked for from his teacher, the Sage of Water, Cavendish. For him, it was the most important book.

Was that really just a dream? Standing beside his desk, Jussis looked at his empty room in confusion. In fact, he was still very sober up until that time in the church.

Also, lost... will there be another chance to meet and greet... Anne... I don't just regard you as a substitute for Yulia... As I said, you are my sister. No matter what kind of wish you want, I will try my best to help you realize it...

Also, lost... will there be another chance to meet and greet... Anne... I don't just regard you as a substitute for Yulia... As I said, you are my sister. No matter what kind of wish you want, I will try my best to help you realize it...

From today on, this book will always be with him and become his most precious treasure.

Ulysses stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to retain the girl who disappeared like a dream by the beautiful lake. But his hand touched nothing. It's as if nothing existed there from the beginning.

I don't understand, but the feeling of regaining something important, the feeling of the lost thing coming to me again, has made Jussis feel more excited than ever before.

From today on, this book will always be with him and become his most precious treasure.

Even when he opened the door of the white holy cabinet with both hands, he was quite impressed.

Open your eyes and look at the world with strength.

A feeling of sadness and pain spread quickly in Ulysses' heart. For him, it was like a repeat of that day in his memory. The only difference is that that time, he couldn't do anything; but this time, he did everything he could, but still lost.

It hurts... so hard... my head...

But after that, everything started to feel blurry, like a dream.

A feeling of sadness and pain spread quickly in Ulysses' heart. For him, it was like a repeat of that day in his memory. The only difference is that that time, he couldn't do anything; but this time, he did everything he could, but still lost.

The vivid feeling, as if a real girl had been shrunk and placed on the cover of a book using some special method, has been deeply imprinted in Jusis's mind.

Go back... Go back to the teacher's castle... Ulysses turned around, no longer looking at the lake that once brought him beautiful memories, but now it only made him sad, and flew back to the water as fast as possible. Sage Cavendish's castle.

Don’t lie about your feelings, speak out if you’re afraid.

Don't give up your hope until the last moment.

That sister's name is - Anne, she is a frail but extremely strong girl. At the same time, she is also a strange sister who is a bit clumsy and does things very poorly.

Under the sunlight that penetrates into the room through the cracks in the window, the cover of this book emits a beautiful and soft light. The painting on the cover is so cute, even the skin is full of vibrant colors. The fineness of the drawings is of the highest level, and even the folds at the corners of the skirt and the smoothness of the ribbons can be fully displayed.

It was not a beautiful dream, or in other words, it was only half a beautiful dream. Every minute he spent with his sister, he was happy and happy in his dream. Until, finally, that cruel moment comes.

Ulysses stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to retain the girl who disappeared like a dream by the beautiful lake. But his hand touched nothing. It's as if nothing existed there from the beginning.

The sister in the dream is very cute, admires him very much, and relies on him very much. Walk with him on the beach by the lake and watch the stars in the night sky. Until the early morning light appeared in the sky.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

Ulysses stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to retain the girl who disappeared like a dream by the beautiful lake. But his hand touched nothing. It's as if nothing existed there from the beginning.

The vivid feeling, as if a real girl had been shrunk and placed on the cover of a book using some special method, has been deeply imprinted in Jusis's mind.

I don't understand, but the feeling of regaining something important, the feeling of the lost thing coming to me again, has made Jussis feel more excited than ever before.

He lost it again, that feeling of heartache, even when he was dreaming, he could feel it, and that feeling of a big hole in his chest still remained in his body until now.

Dreams are not all beautiful. At the end, he loses his sister, disappearing right before his eyes. He couldn't keep her, and he didn't even know where she went. I could only look at the place where she disappeared, the beach of the beautiful little lake, with melancholy and sad eyes.

The dream ends here. However, he had no impression of what happened in the end. Including what he was thinking about and what he was sad about in the dream, he couldn't remember. In the dream, he was like a bystander, watching his other self, who was more mature and powerful than himself, sadly and helplessly returning to the castle belonging to his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish. Then, fell asleep.

Don't give up your hope until the last moment.

"That... wasn't a dream." Yosis stretched out his right hand and touched the position of his heart. Even now, he could clearly feel the dull pain there. He had never felt this sad feeling before. But without anyone having to teach him, he knew that this was what "sadness" and "heartache" felt like.

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

The sister in the dream is very cute, admires him very much, and relies on him very much. Walk with him on the beach by the lake and watch the stars in the night sky. Until the early morning light appeared in the sky.

He had always been protected by the warm wings of Ice Phoenix's mother. He had never felt such sadness before. However, only at that moment, when the sister disappeared in front of him in the dream, he felt the same as he did in the dream.

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

The vivid feeling, as if a real girl had been shrunk and placed on the cover of a book using some special method, has been deeply imprinted in Jusis's mind.

Jussis's body trembled suddenly, this singing voice, and this familiar feeling. It's her, yes, it's Anne. The sister who appeared in his dream, no, was the sister who appeared in front of him but disappeared again.

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

Also, lost... will there be another chance to meet and greet... Anne... I don't just regard you as a substitute for Yulia... As I said, you are my sister. No matter what kind of wish you want, I will try my best to help you realize it...

Now, he finally knew what it would be like to lose the most important thing to him. It is the feeling that the heart seems to be lost, the feeling that the whole person can no longer continue to live well.

Sad memories kept appearing, and the recovered memories kept hurting Ulysses' own body, and the magic power in his body began to temporarily lose control. The feeling that the happiness he once had suddenly disappeared in front of him was even more sad than if he had never had it at all.

Sadness, pain, and being overwhelmed, these negative emotions that Jusis had never felt before surrounded him, making him completely lose his enthusiasm for learning for the first time.

Jussis had a dream. In the dream, he was extremely powerful and could easily fly into the sky. He could even tear the sun in the night sky to pieces with just a swing of his sword. That kind of powerful power made him feel envious and excited. It was the power he had longed for but had never had.

In the dream, he had a sister, a very, very cute sister, but her actions were very inappropriate. She was locked in a white cabinet and then rescued by him.

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

That must be the case, yes! A feeling of overjoyment swept through Jusis's body, which suddenly diluted the sadness and heartache just now. This feeling is like a person traveling in the desert seeing an oasis, or a drowning person clinging to a tree.

The cover of the book was very familiar to him, the name was also very familiar to him, and everything about it was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

Ulysses stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to retain the girl who disappeared like a dream by the beautiful lake. But his hand touched nothing. It's as if nothing existed there from the beginning.

Sadness, pain, and being overwhelmed, these negative emotions that Jusis had never felt before surrounded him, making him completely lose his enthusiasm for learning for the first time.

"That... wasn't a dream." Yosis stretched out his right hand and touched the position of his heart. Even now, he could clearly feel the dull pain there. He had never felt this sad feeling before. But without anyone having to teach him, he knew that this was what "sadness" and "heartache" felt like.

Even when he opened the door of the white holy cabinet with both hands, he was quite impressed.

In the dream, he had a sister, a very, very cute sister, but her actions were very inappropriate. She was locked in a white cabinet and then rescued by him.

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

That kind of thing is not allowed.

This was an unprecedented bad mood until he glanced at the corner of the desk and saw the book that should have disappeared from his memory.

But after that, everything started to feel blurry, like a dream.

The name of the book is "Sister Party", and it is said to be a book that records the stories of twenty different sisters. However, now, he has only opened up the story of one of the sisters.

Whether it's love or destiny, don't give up simply.

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

The air was unusually fresh, and the cool wind blew Ulysses' black hair. It seemed to remind him that this was not a dream, but reality.

The air was unusually fresh, and the cool wind blew Ulysses' black hair. It seemed to remind him that this was not a dream, but reality.

Whether it's love or destiny, don't give up simply.

The cover of the book was very familiar to him, the name was also very familiar to him, and everything about it was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

Jussis only had one such book. It was the only thing he asked for from his teacher, the Sage of Water, Cavendish. For him, it was the most important book.

The cover of the book was very familiar to him, the name was also very familiar to him, and everything about it was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

Also, lost... will there be another chance to meet and greet... Anne... I don't just regard you as a substitute for Yulia... As I said, you are my sister. No matter what kind of wish you want, I will try my best to help you realize it...

That sister's name is - Anne, she is a frail but extremely strong girl. At the same time, she is also a strange sister who is a bit clumsy and does things very poorly.

Under the sunlight that penetrates into the room through the cracks in the window, the cover of this book emits a beautiful and soft light. The painting on the cover is so cute, even the skin is full of vibrant colors. The fineness of the drawings is of the highest level, and even the folds at the corners of the skirt and the smoothness of the ribbons can be fully displayed.

But is this really not a dream? Everything that started last night still feels a bit unrealistic even when I think about it now. The missing books, the mysterious church, the girl with the same face as his sister, the sun appearing in the night sky, and the sister disappearing in the morning mist.

He had always been protected by the warm wings of Ice Phoenix's mother. He had never felt such sadness before. However, only at that moment, when the sister disappeared in front of him in the dream, he felt the same as he did in the dream.

The name of the book is "Sister Party", and it is said to be a book that records the stories of twenty different sisters. However, now, he has only opened up the story of one of the sisters.

The cover of the book was very familiar to him, the name was also very familiar to him, and everything about it was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

The vivid feeling, as if a real girl had been shrunk and placed on the cover of a book using some special method, has been deeply imprinted in Jusis's mind.

It hurts... The severe pain from the bottom of his heart made Ulysses, who did not give up hope even when Rasha's Dragon King Destruction Sword penetrated his body, show an expression of extreme pain. This kind of injury caused him more pain than any curse or any weapon.

It was not a beautiful dream, or in other words, it was only half a beautiful dream. Every minute he spent with his sister, he was happy and happy in his dream. Until, finally, that cruel moment comes.

But after that, everything started to feel blurry, like a dream.

Open your eyes and look at the world with strength.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

"Chapter 2?" Jussis was stunned. Does the only reality in the dream refer to his dream-like state? What does it mean to be an illusory and unreal world

But is this really not a dream? Everything that started last night still feels a bit unrealistic even when I think about it now. The missing books, the mysterious church, the girl with the same face as his sister, the sun appearing in the night sky, and the sister disappearing in the morning mist.

Jussis only had one such book. It was the only thing he asked for from his teacher, the Sage of Water, Cavendish. For him, it was the most important book.

It's the same as that time, no matter how hard he works or how desperate he is. In the end, can you still just watch the most important thing disappear in front of you

Also, lost... will there be another chance to meet and greet... Anne... I don't just regard you as a substitute for Yulia... As I said, you are my sister. No matter what kind of wish you want, I will try my best to help you realize it...

This was an unprecedented bad mood until he glanced at the corner of the desk and saw the book that should have disappeared from his memory.

Stay strong and keep your chest up.

The vivid feeling, as if a real girl had been shrunk and placed on the cover of a book using some special method, has been deeply imprinted in Jusis's mind.

The cover of the book was very familiar to him, the name was also very familiar to him, and everything about it was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

The name of the book is "Sister Party", and it is said to be a book that records the stories of twenty different sisters. However, now, he has only opened up the story of one of the sisters.

Even when he opened the door of the white holy cabinet with both hands, he was quite impressed.

It was not a beautiful dream, or in other words, it was only half a beautiful dream. Every minute he spent with his sister, he was happy and happy in his dream. Until, finally, that cruel moment comes.

It's the same as that time, no matter how hard he works or how desperate he is. In the end, can you still just watch the most important thing disappear in front of you

From today on, this book will always be with him and become his most precious treasure.

Even when he opened the door of the white holy cabinet with both hands, he was quite impressed.

That sister's name is - Anne, she is a frail but extremely strong girl. At the same time, she is also a strange sister who is a bit clumsy and does things very poorly.

It hurts... The severe pain from the bottom of his heart made Ulysses, who did not give up hope even when Rasha's Dragon King Destruction Sword penetrated his body, show an expression of extreme pain. This kind of injury caused him more pain than any curse or any weapon.

That kind of thing is not allowed.

By the time he woke up, it was already noon. The sunlight shining through the window was unusually bright, but for some reason, he wasn't happy at all.

But after that, everything started to feel blurry, like a dream.

Opening the book, his fingers slid across a familiar trace, and a song full of hope for the world, like a fledgling's first song, began to echo around Jussis.

It was not a beautiful dream, or in other words, it was only half a beautiful dream. Every minute he spent with his sister, he was happy and happy in his dream. Until, finally, that cruel moment comes.

It hurts... The severe pain from the bottom of his heart made Ulysses, who did not give up hope even when Rasha's Dragon King Destruction Sword penetrated his body, show an expression of extreme pain. This kind of injury caused him more pain than any curse or any weapon.

It will not be simply taken away.

It hurts... The severe pain from the bottom of his heart made Ulysses, who did not give up hope even when Rasha's Dragon King Destruction Sword penetrated his body, show an expression of extreme pain. This kind of injury caused him more pain than any curse or any weapon.

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

It hurts... so hard... my head...

It will not be simply taken away.

The dream ends here. However, he had no impression of what happened in the end. Including what he was thinking about and what he was sad about in the dream, he couldn't remember. In the dream, he was like a bystander, watching his other self, who was more mature and powerful than himself, sadly and helplessly returning to the castle belonging to his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish. Then, fell asleep.

That kind of thing is not allowed.

The cover of the book was very familiar to him, the name was also very familiar to him, and everything about it was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

He had always been protected by the warm wings of Ice Phoenix's mother. He had never felt such sadness before. However, only at that moment, when the sister disappeared in front of him in the dream, he felt the same as he did in the dream.

Open your eyes and look at the world with strength.

From today on, this book will always be with him and become his most precious treasure.

The vivid feeling, as if a real girl had been shrunk and placed on the cover of a book using some special method, has been deeply imprinted in Jusis's mind.

"That... wasn't a dream." Yosis stretched out his right hand and touched the position of his heart. Even now, he could clearly feel the dull pain there. He had never felt this sad feeling before. But without anyone having to teach him, he knew that this was what "sadness" and "heartache" felt like.

Don't give up your hope until the last moment.

It was not a beautiful dream, or in other words, it was only half a beautiful dream. Every minute he spent with his sister, he was happy and happy in his dream. Until, finally, that cruel moment comes.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

"That... wasn't a dream." Yosis stretched out his right hand and touched the position of his heart. Even now, he could clearly feel the dull pain there. He had never felt this sad feeling before. But without anyone having to teach him, he knew that this was what "sadness" and "heartache" felt like.

Don't give up your hope until the last moment.

Whether it's love or destiny, don't give up simply.

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

The cover of the book was very familiar to him, the name was also very familiar to him, and everything about it was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

"The world has infinite possibilities. Maybe this is just a dream in this illusory and unreal world. However, in the dream, what you feel is the only reality. Chapter 2 of the sister's party has begun."

It was not a beautiful dream, or in other words, it was only half a beautiful dream. Every minute he spent with his sister, he was happy and happy in his dream. Until, finally, that cruel moment comes.

Stay strong and keep your chest up.

"Chapter 2?" Jussis was stunned. Does the only reality in the dream refer to his dream-like state? What does it mean to be an illusory and unreal world

Even with such great power, even though he didn't lose this time. However, fate is still playing tricks on him, making her disappear in front of him again

Don’t lie about your feelings, speak out if you’re afraid.

The sister in the dream is very cute, admires him very much, and relies on him very much. Walk with him on the beach by the lake and watch the stars in the night sky. Until the early morning light appeared in the sky.

Don’t lie about your feelings, speak out if you’re afraid.

Only those who have lost it will know how precious that feeling is. This time, he will definitely be more careful to protect this book with incredible power, and will never let it disappear again.

The dream ends here. However, he had no impression of what happened in the end. Including what he was thinking about and what he was sad about in the dream, he couldn't remember. In the dream, he was like a bystander, watching his other self, who was more mature and powerful than himself, sadly and helplessly returning to the castle belonging to his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish. Then, fell asleep.

Sad memories kept appearing, and the recovered memories kept hurting Ulysses' own body, and the magic power in his body began to temporarily lose control. The feeling that the happiness he once had suddenly disappeared in front of him was even more sad than if he had never had it at all.

Now, he finally knew what it would be like to lose the most important thing to him. It is the feeling that the heart seems to be lost, the feeling that the whole person can no longer continue to live well.

Jussis's body trembled suddenly, this singing voice, and this familiar feeling. It's her, yes, it's Anne. The sister who appeared in his dream, no, was the sister who appeared in front of him but disappeared again.

But is this really not a dream? Everything that started last night still feels a bit unrealistic even when I think about it now. The missing books, the mysterious church, the girl with the same face as his sister, the sun appearing in the night sky, and the sister disappearing in the morning mist.

"That... wasn't a dream." Yosis stretched out his right hand and touched the position of his heart. Even now, he could clearly feel the dull pain there. He had never felt this sad feeling before. But without anyone having to teach him, he knew that this was what "sadness" and "heartache" felt like.

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

But after that, everything started to feel blurry, like a dream.

Even when he opened the door of the white holy cabinet with both hands, he was quite impressed.

Whether it's love or destiny, don't give up simply.

That must be the case, yes! A feeling of overjoyment swept through Jusis's body, which suddenly diluted the sadness and heartache just now. This feeling is like a person traveling in the desert seeing an oasis, or a drowning person clinging to a tree.

Jussis only had one such book. It was the only thing he asked for from his teacher, the Sage of Water, Cavendish. For him, it was the most important book.

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

Turning to the first page of the book, Jussis saw the latest hint, a hint that he had ignored before.

Ulysses stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to retain the girl who disappeared like a dream by the beautiful lake. But his hand touched nothing. It's as if nothing existed there from the beginning.

Don’t lie about your feelings, speak out if you’re afraid.

"The world has infinite possibilities. Maybe this is just a dream in this illusory and unreal world. However, in the dream, what you feel is the only reality. Chapter 2 of the sister's party has begun."

It's the same as that time, no matter how hard he works or how desperate he is. In the end, can you still just watch the most important thing disappear in front of you

But is this really not a dream? Everything that started last night still feels a bit unrealistic even when I think about it now. The missing books, the mysterious church, the girl with the same face as his sister, the sun appearing in the night sky, and the sister disappearing in the morning mist.

Jussis's body trembled suddenly, this singing voice, and this familiar feeling. It's her, yes, it's Anne. The sister who appeared in his dream, no, was the sister who appeared in front of him but disappeared again.

Everything is so unrealistic!

On the eastern horizon, the sun that had just woken up from its sleep had already managed to crawl out half of its body. The soft morning mist floats quietly among the dense woods, and the faint sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots on the ground filled with fallen leaves.

By the time he woke up, it was already noon. The sunlight shining through the window was unusually bright, but for some reason, he wasn't happy at all.

No, it's not gone! Because, she is here, in this book! No? As long as this book exists, she will definitely appear again.

He had always been protected by the warm wings of Ice Phoenix's mother. He had never felt such sadness before. However, only at that moment, when the sister disappeared in front of him in the dream, he felt the same as he did in the dream.

"Chapter 2?" Jussis was stunned. Does the only reality in the dream refer to his dream-like state? What does it mean to be an illusory and unreal world

That sister's name is - Anne, she is a frail but extremely strong girl. At the same time, she is also a strange sister who is a bit clumsy and does things very poorly.

But after that, everything started to feel blurry, like a dream.

I don't understand, but the feeling of regaining something important, the feeling of the lost thing coming to me again, has made Jussis feel more excited than ever before.

Whether it's love or destiny, don't give up simply.

It was not a beautiful dream, or in other words, it was only half a beautiful dream. Every minute he spent with his sister, he was happy and happy in his dream. Until, finally, that cruel moment comes.

Only those who have lost it will know how precious that feeling is. This time, he will definitely be more careful to protect this book with incredible power, and will never let it disappear again.

In the dream, he had a sister, a very, very cute sister, but her actions were very inappropriate. She was locked in a white cabinet and then rescued by him.

"Chapter 2?" Jussis was stunned. Does the only reality in the dream refer to his dream-like state? What does it mean to be an illusory and unreal world

That sister's name is - Anne, she is a frail but extremely strong girl. At the same time, she is also a strange sister who is a bit clumsy and does things very poorly.

Under the sunlight that penetrates into the room through the cracks in the window, the cover of this book emits a beautiful and soft light. The painting on the cover is so cute, even the skin is full of vibrant colors. The fineness of the drawings is of the highest level, and even the folds at the corners of the skirt and the smoothness of the ribbons can be fully displayed.

The cover of the book was very familiar to him, the name was also very familiar to him, and everything about it was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

The sister in the dream is very cute, admires him very much, and relies on him very much. Walk with him on the beach by the lake and watch the stars in the night sky. Until the early morning light appeared in the sky.

From today on, this book will always be with him and become his most precious treasure.

The vivid feeling, as if a real girl had been shrunk and placed on the cover of a book using some special method, has been deeply imprinted in Jusis's mind.

From today on, this book will always be with him and become his most precious treasure.