Demon King Priest

Chapter 113: Mobile Church (Part 2)


At first, Jusis didn't notice anything unusual. In this church where time seems to have stood still, everything remains the same as before. The white light that just shined from the cross did not change anything in this church. Everything around him was still the same as before. Clean and tidy, not even a trace of dust can be seen.

Vaguely, an answer appeared in his mind.

Let alone a seventh-level expert, even an eighth-level expert would be unable to move even an inch. Only monsters with dark bloodline can live here. This is a paradise for monsters of dark power and a forbidden area for humans.

In this place of absolute darkness, that's where the only light is. The location where it appears is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It appears randomly in various places in the dark forest, as if it has its own consciousness.

After trying to shout a few more times, Jussis discovered that the person who seemed to be in the fog was no longer nearby. Judging from the voice, it seems to be female. However, the voice was a little strange, and he couldn't tell his age. That sound, like a river in the dark, has a strange dark charm.

Here, where? Looking at the scenery in front of him, Jussis was puzzled. It seemed that he had just been praying in church for a few hours. Why, when I opened the church door again, it was like entering another world.

"I didn't hear you clearly, can you say it again?" Yossi shouted with great effort.

From those fragmented words, the female voice asked him to find her somewhere.

"Ta! Ta!" In the silent church, Jussis's footsteps seemed particularly clear. I don't know why, but Jussis has a natural affinity for this place. Perhaps it's because this is the place where he and Anne met.

It's almost time to go back. Now that he knew that Anne was not here, he seemed to have finished praying, and Jussis was ready to go back to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish.

Although they are still woods, they are different. They are completely different. They are not the same thing at all. Even after just one glance, the feeling of darkness and depth gave people a huge sense of depression. It definitely couldn't be the grove when he entered.

Is it an illusion? Jussis looked back and saw nothing. So he closed the door and walked inside the church again.

Although he told Sebas not to disturb him, if he didn't go back for too long, his absence would definitely be exposed.

No matter how much it changes, the small forest in my impression will never become like that. What exactly is going on

The moment he closed the door, the cold feeling suddenly disappeared, and the sacred and natural atmosphere that he was familiar with was still floating in the church. It seems that as long as the door is closed, nothing from the outside world can affect it at all.

After praying once more in front of the white cross of the church, Jussis turned around and prepared to leave the church.

After praying once more in front of the white cross of the church, Jussis turned around and prepared to leave the church.

what is that? Jussis closed his eyes. It was strange. Was he hallucinating? Why did I see scenery I had never seen before

At first, Jusis didn't notice anything unusual. In this church where time seems to have stood still, everything remains the same as before. The white light that just shined from the cross did not change anything in this church. Everything around him was still the same as before. Clean and tidy, not even a trace of dust can be seen.

However, what appeared in front of him now was a bottomless black forest. It is a real black forest, even the trees are dark black, and there is a chilling and cold atmosphere in the air. Faintly, something could be heard wailing.

"It's really rare. There are actually outsiders coming here, and they are coming from the mobile church. Are you a saint of the Supreme Religion?" Before Jussis could accept that he had been taken away by the church, he didn't know. At that moment, a voice came from the dark woods.

"Ta! Ta!" In the silent church, Jussis's footsteps seemed particularly clear. I don't know why, but Jussis has a natural affinity for this place. Perhaps it's because this is the place where he and Anne met.

Probably, the church he was in was the only light here. Even in this bottomless darkness, there is still a faint light. Normally, this light seems as insignificant as a firefly. But in this black forest where there is almost no light, it is particularly conspicuous.

No matter how much it changes, the small forest in my impression will never become like that. What exactly is going on

"Click!" Pushing the door of the church open, Jussis saw the familiar woods—according to normal circumstances, it should be like this.

This is definitely not near his teacher's castle, Jussis is sure. When searching for this church, he almost searched the territory near his teacher's castle. But I have never seen such plants and such a dangerous environment.

No matter how much it changes, the small forest in my impression will never become like that. What exactly is going on

It's almost time to go back. Now that he knew that Anne was not here, he seemed to have finished praying, and Jussis was ready to go back to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish.

"Crack!" Jussis opened the church door again. This time, he didn't close it immediately. But seriously. Without hesitation, he imprinted everything he saw into his mind.

With this thought, Jussis returned to the church again. However, the moment he opened the door of the church, there was a sudden chill behind him, as if someone somewhere was watching him.

Um? Jussis blinked, then closed the door, isolating everything he saw outside again.

"I didn't hear you clearly, can you say it again?" Yossi shouted with great effort.

Let alone a seventh-level expert, even an eighth-level expert would be unable to move even an inch. Only monsters with dark bloodline can live here. This is a paradise for monsters of dark power and a forbidden area for humans.

However, for Jussis, it seems more important to return to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, as soon as possible.

Just as he thought, the location of the church had changed. This was something he could tell at a glance. However, even if it was indeed confirmed, Jussis still found it unbelievable.

Due to the presence of fog, the sound seemed a bit drifting, making it unclear where it came from. In the black forest, this sudden sound made people feel even more chilled behind their backs.

what is that? Jussis closed his eyes. It was strange. Was he hallucinating? Why did I see scenery I had never seen before

"Click!" Pushing the door of the church open, Jussis saw the familiar woods—according to normal circumstances, it should be like this.

Although they are still woods, they are different. They are completely different. They are not the same thing at all. Even after just one glance, the feeling of darkness and depth gave people a huge sense of depression. It definitely couldn't be the grove when he entered.

It's almost time to go back. Now that he knew that Anne was not here, he seemed to have finished praying, and Jussis was ready to go back to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish.

This is an unfamiliar area, an area he has never been to. Before he knew it, he was here with the church.

"It's really rare. There are actually outsiders coming here, and they are coming from the mobile church. Are you a saint of the Supreme Religion?" Before Jussis could accept that he had been taken away by the church, he didn't know. At that moment, a voice came from the dark woods.

Although they are still woods, they are different. They are completely different. They are not the same thing at all. Even after just one glance, the feeling of darkness and depth gave people a huge sense of depression. It definitely couldn't be the grove when he entered.

In this place of absolute darkness, that's where the only light is. The location where it appears is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It appears randomly in various places in the dark forest, as if it has its own consciousness.

He remembered that before entering the church, he passed through a green coniferous forest and many short shrubs, all of which were typical northern forest plants. There are many small animals in that forest.

With this thought, Jussis returned to the church again. However, the moment he opened the door of the church, there was a sudden chill behind him, as if someone somewhere was watching him.

However, what few people know is that in this place where dark monsters are everywhere, and even sunlight cannot dispel the power of darkness, a small church will appear from time to time.

"Ga! Ga!" Seemingly attracted by the light emitted by the church, some black crows flew over from the sky. But after getting really close, they couldn't get any closer. It was as if there was an invisible wall blocking their progress.

From those fragmented words, the female voice asked him to find her somewhere.

No matter how much it changes, the small forest in my impression will never become like that. What exactly is going on

He remembered that before entering the church, he passed through a green coniferous forest and many short shrubs, all of which were typical northern forest plants. There are many small animals in that forest.

"Who?" Jussis looked around him curiously. For him, the surrounding environment is actually not that scary. From the moment he became conscious, he had no fear of the dark. Even walking alone on the ice and snow at night, there is no unnatural feeling. Therefore, this kind of dark environment that can cause normal people to collapse actually has no impact on him.

However, if that is really the answer, then... Jussis turned around and looked at the church behind him in disbelief.

"Crack!" Jussis opened the church door again. This time, he didn't close it immediately. But seriously. Without hesitation, he imprinted everything he saw into his mind.

However, what few people know is that in this place where dark monsters are everywhere, and even sunlight cannot dispel the power of darkness, a small church will appear from time to time.

I'm sorry, Ice Phoenix's mother wants me to listen to the teacher. The teacher wants me to communicate more with other humans of the same age, so I can't find you for the time being.

He remembered that before entering the church, he passed through a green coniferous forest and many short shrubs, all of which were typical northern forest plants. There are many small animals in that forest.

"Ta! Ta!" In the silent church, Jussis's footsteps seemed particularly clear. I don't know why, but Jussis has a natural affinity for this place. Perhaps it's because this is the place where he and Anne met.

"Ta! Ta!" In the silent church, Jussis's footsteps seemed particularly clear. I don't know why, but Jussis has a natural affinity for this place. Perhaps it's because this is the place where he and Anne met.

Similarly, there is a black mist that permeates the entire forest. The mist that shrouded the entire dark forest surged over almost as soon as the church appeared. But like those crows, they were blocked a hundred meters away from the church.

"Click!" Pushing the door of the church open, Jussis saw the familiar woods—according to normal circumstances, it should be like this.

Just as he thought, the location of the church had changed. This was something he could tell at a glance. However, even if it was indeed confirmed, Jussis still found it unbelievable.

No matter how you look at it, this place cannot be near his teacher's castle. Could it be... Jussis raised his head and found that the position of the stars and even the moon had subtly changed.

Similarly, there is a black mist that permeates the entire forest. The mist that shrouded the entire dark forest surged over almost as soon as the church appeared. But like those crows, they were blocked a hundred meters away from the church.

"Who?" Jussis looked around him curiously. For him, the surrounding environment is actually not that scary. From the moment he became conscious, he had no fear of the dark. Even walking alone on the ice and snow at night, there is no unnatural feeling. Therefore, this kind of dark environment that can cause normal people to collapse actually has no impact on him.

However, what appeared in front of him now was a bottomless black forest. It is a real black forest, even the trees are dark black, and there is a chilling and cold atmosphere in the air. Faintly, something could be heard wailing.

He remembered that before entering the church, he passed through a green coniferous forest and many short shrubs, all of which were typical northern forest plants. There are many small animals in that forest.

"The name... has... meaning to me. Since you... Mobile Church... then you have... qualifications... If you want to get..., then... find me. However, you have to... go through... after the fog... I am The end..." The voice coming from the fog became more blurred, and finally disappeared completely into the black fog.

Although they are still woods, they are different. They are completely different. They are not the same thing at all. Even after just one glance, the feeling of darkness and depth gave people a huge sense of depression. It definitely couldn't be the grove when he entered.

I'm sorry, Ice Phoenix's mother wants me to listen to the teacher. The teacher wants me to communicate more with other humans of the same age, so I can't find you for the time being.

Probably, the church he was in was the only light here. Even in this bottomless darkness, there is still a faint light. Normally, this light seems as insignificant as a firefly. But in this black forest where there is almost no light, it is particularly conspicuous.

"It's really rare. There are actually outsiders coming here, and they are coming from the mobile church. Are you a saint of the Supreme Religion?" Before Jussis could accept that he had been taken away by the church, he didn't know. At that moment, a voice came from the dark woods.

Vaguely, an answer appeared in his mind.

However, for Jussis, it seems more important to return to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, as soon as possible.

"Crack!" Jussis opened the church door again. This time, he didn't close it immediately. But seriously. Without hesitation, he imprinted everything he saw into his mind.

Is it an illusion? Jussis looked back and saw nothing. So he closed the door and walked inside the church again.

"The name... has... meaning to me. Since you... Mobile Church... then you have... qualifications... If you want to get..., then... find me. However, you have to... go through... after the fog... I am The end..." The voice coming from the fog became more blurred, and finally disappeared completely into the black fog.

"Who? I've almost forgotten it myself. I've been here for a long time. If I remember correctly, my current name should be..." I don't know if it was blocked by the thick fog, but the voice coming from the fog gradually changed. It was so blurry that even Jussis, who had very good hearing, couldn't understand the last few words.

This is definitely not near his teacher's castle, Jussis is sure. When searching for this church, he almost searched the territory near his teacher's castle. But I have never seen such plants and such a dangerous environment.

It's almost time to go back. Now that he knew that Anne was not here, he seemed to have finished praying, and Jussis was ready to go back to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish.

At first, Jusis didn't notice anything unusual. In this church where time seems to have stood still, everything remains the same as before. The white light that just shined from the cross did not change anything in this church. Everything around him was still the same as before. Clean and tidy, not even a trace of dust can be seen.

"Ga! Ga!" Seemingly attracted by the light emitted by the church, some black crows flew over from the sky. But after getting really close, they couldn't get any closer. It was as if there was an invisible wall blocking their progress.

However, for Jussis, it seems more important to return to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, as soon as possible.

From those fragmented words, the female voice asked him to find her somewhere.

Is it an illusion? Jussis looked back and saw nothing. So he closed the door and walked inside the church again.

This is an unfamiliar area, an area he has never been to. Before he knew it, he was here with the church.

"Ta! Ta!" In the silent church, Jussis's footsteps seemed particularly clear. I don't know why, but Jussis has a natural affinity for this place. Perhaps it's because this is the place where he and Anne met.

Vaguely, an answer appeared in his mind.

Although they are still woods, they are different. They are completely different. They are not the same thing at all. Even after just one glance, the feeling of darkness and depth gave people a huge sense of depression. It definitely couldn't be the grove when he entered.

After praying once more in front of the white cross of the church, Jussis turned around and prepared to leave the church.

Similarly, there is a black mist that permeates the entire forest. The mist that shrouded the entire dark forest surged over almost as soon as the church appeared. But like those crows, they were blocked a hundred meters away from the church.

"Crack!" Jussis opened the church door again. This time, he didn't close it immediately. But seriously. Without hesitation, he imprinted everything he saw into his mind.

Due to the presence of fog, the sound seemed a bit drifting, making it unclear where it came from. In the black forest, this sudden sound made people feel even more chilled behind their backs.

"The name... has... meaning to me. Since you... Mobile Church... then you have... qualifications... If you want to get..., then... find me. However, you have to... go through... after the fog... I am The end..." The voice coming from the fog became more blurred, and finally disappeared completely into the black fog.

Look at this ordinary looking church. For the first time, Jusis realized the power it possessed, but this power that could protect everything was precious enough.

Similarly, there is a black mist that permeates the entire forest. The mist that shrouded the entire dark forest surged over almost as soon as the church appeared. But like those crows, they were blocked a hundred meters away from the church.

Here, where? Looking at the scenery in front of him, Jussis was puzzled. It seemed that he had just been praying in church for a few hours. Why, when I opened the church door again, it was like entering another world.

It's almost time to go back. Now that he knew that Anne was not here, he seemed to have finished praying, and Jussis was ready to go back to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish.

Let alone a seventh-level expert, even an eighth-level expert would be unable to move even an inch. Only monsters with dark bloodline can live here. This is a paradise for monsters of dark power and a forbidden area for humans.

With this thought, Jussis returned to the church again. However, the moment he opened the door of the church, there was a sudden chill behind him, as if someone somewhere was watching him.

Although he told Sebas not to disturb him, if he didn't go back for too long, his absence would definitely be exposed.

"It's really rare. There are actually outsiders coming here, and they are coming from the mobile church. Are you a saint of the Supreme Religion?" Before Jussis could accept that he had been taken away by the church, he didn't know. At that moment, a voice came from the dark woods.

what is that? Jussis closed his eyes. It was strange. Was he hallucinating? Why did I see scenery I had never seen before

"The name... has... meaning to me. Since you... Mobile Church... then you have... qualifications... If you want to get..., then... find me. However, you have to... go through... after the fog... I am The end..." The voice coming from the fog became more blurred, and finally disappeared completely into the black fog.

I'm sorry, Ice Phoenix's mother wants me to listen to the teacher. The teacher wants me to communicate more with other humans of the same age, so I can't find you for the time being.

No matter how you look at it, this place cannot be near his teacher's castle. Could it be... Jussis raised his head and found that the position of the stars and even the moon had subtly changed.

From those fragmented words, the female voice asked him to find her somewhere.

"It's really rare. There are actually outsiders coming here, and they are coming from the mobile church. Are you a saint of the Supreme Religion?" Before Jussis could accept that he had been taken away by the church, he didn't know. At that moment, a voice came from the dark woods.

The Mobile Church—this is what the dark beings living here call this church. It is one of the most incredible buildings in the forest.

However, what few people know is that in this place where dark monsters are everywhere, and even sunlight cannot dispel the power of darkness, a small church will appear from time to time.

This is not a world that humans can come to. In the north, this is one of the famous forbidden areas, a black forest filled with countless dark monsters. The dark monsters living here range from level one to level eight. What's even more terrifying is that although these monsters usually kill each other to obtain more flesh and blood, once humans appear, they will immediately join forces and attack humans desperately.

Vaguely, an answer appeared in his mind.

"Who?" Jussis looked around him curiously. For him, the surrounding environment is actually not that scary. From the moment he became conscious, he had no fear of the dark. Even walking alone on the ice and snow at night, there is no unnatural feeling. Therefore, this kind of dark environment that can cause normal people to collapse actually has no impact on him.

Look at this ordinary looking church. For the first time, Jusis realized the power it possessed, but this power that could protect everything was precious enough.

The Mobile Church—this is what the dark beings living here call this church. It is one of the most incredible buildings in the forest.

However, if that is really the answer, then... Jussis turned around and looked at the church behind him in disbelief.

However, what few people know is that in this place where dark monsters are everywhere, and even sunlight cannot dispel the power of darkness, a small church will appear from time to time.

No matter how you look at it, this place cannot be near his teacher's castle. Could it be... Jussis raised his head and found that the position of the stars and even the moon had subtly changed.

However, what appeared in front of him now was a bottomless black forest. It is a real black forest, even the trees are dark black, and there is a chilling and cold atmosphere in the air. Faintly, something could be heard wailing.

At first, Jusis didn't notice anything unusual. In this church where time seems to have stood still, everything remains the same as before. The white light that just shined from the cross did not change anything in this church. Everything around him was still the same as before. Clean and tidy, not even a trace of dust can be seen.

Just as he thought, the location of the church had changed. This was something he could tell at a glance. However, even if it was indeed confirmed, Jussis still found it unbelievable.

After trying to shout a few more times, Jussis discovered that the person who seemed to be in the fog was no longer nearby. Judging from the voice, it seems to be female. However, the voice was a little strange, and he couldn't tell his age. That sound, like a river in the dark, has a strange dark charm.

However, what appeared in front of him now was a bottomless black forest. It is a real black forest, even the trees are dark black, and there is a chilling and cold atmosphere in the air. Faintly, something could be heard wailing.

However, who was talking to him in the fog just now? Why did she want him to find him? Generally speaking, people don't seem to talk like that when they meet for the first time.

It’s different, it’s completely different! The place where the church is located, including some of the plants on the edge of the church, is completely different from what it was not long ago. In other words, the place where the church is now and the place he entered not long ago are not the same location at all.

Um? Jussis blinked, then closed the door, isolating everything he saw outside again.

Vaguely, an answer appeared in his mind.

"Strange, am I mistaken?" In the black mist, a lonely figure held a parasol and walked among countless monsters. Where she passed, all the monsters bowed their heads obediently, making way for the walking figure like well-raised pets.

"The name... has... meaning to me. Since you... Mobile Church... then you have... qualifications... If you want to get..., then... find me. However, you have to... go through... after the fog... I am The end..." The voice coming from the fog became more blurred, and finally disappeared completely into the black fog.

This is an unfamiliar area, an area he has never been to. Before he knew it, he was here with the church.

"Crack!" Jussis opened the church door again. This time, he didn't close it immediately. But seriously. Without hesitation, he imprinted everything he saw into his mind.

Vaguely, an answer appeared in his mind.

"I didn't hear you clearly, can you say it again?" Yossi shouted with great effort.

Just as he thought, the location of the church had changed. This was something he could tell at a glance. However, even if it was indeed confirmed, Jussis still found it unbelievable.

Look at this ordinary looking church. For the first time, Jusis realized the power it possessed, but this power that could protect everything was precious enough.

what is that? Jussis closed his eyes. It was strange. Was he hallucinating? Why did I see scenery I had never seen before

Just as he thought, the location of the church had changed. This was something he could tell at a glance. However, even if it was indeed confirmed, Jussis still found it unbelievable.

This is definitely not near his teacher's castle, Jussis is sure. When searching for this church, he almost searched the territory near his teacher's castle. But I have never seen such plants and such a dangerous environment.

This means that this church, the church where he and Anne first met, is actually - mobile.

However, for Jussis, it seems more important to return to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, as soon as possible.

Let alone a seventh-level expert, even an eighth-level expert would be unable to move even an inch. Only monsters with dark bloodline can live here. This is a paradise for monsters of dark power and a forbidden area for humans.

Although they are still woods, they are different. They are completely different. They are not the same thing at all. Even after just one glance, the feeling of darkness and depth gave people a huge sense of depression. It definitely couldn't be the grove when he entered.

"Who? I've almost forgotten it myself. I've been here for a long time. If I remember correctly, my current name should be..." I don't know if it was blocked by the thick fog, but the voice coming from the fog gradually changed. It was so blurry that even Jussis, who had very good hearing, couldn't understand the last few words.

After praying once more in front of the white cross of the church, Jussis turned around and prepared to leave the church.

Um? Jussis blinked, then closed the door, isolating everything he saw outside again.

"It's really rare. There are actually outsiders coming here, and they are coming from the mobile church. Are you a saint of the Supreme Religion?" Before Jussis could accept that he had been taken away by the church, he didn't know. At that moment, a voice came from the dark woods.

"It's really rare. There are actually outsiders coming here, and they are coming from the mobile church. Are you a saint of the Supreme Religion?" Before Jussis could accept that he had been taken away by the church, he didn't know. At that moment, a voice came from the dark woods.

"Ta! Ta!" In the silent church, Jussis's footsteps seemed particularly clear. I don't know why, but Jussis has a natural affinity for this place. Perhaps it's because this is the place where he and Anne met.

"Ta! Ta!" In the silent church, Jussis's footsteps seemed particularly clear. I don't know why, but Jussis has a natural affinity for this place. Perhaps it's because this is the place where he and Anne met.

Due to the presence of fog, the sound seemed a bit drifting, making it unclear where it came from. In the black forest, this sudden sound made people feel even more chilled behind their backs.

Due to the presence of fog, the sound seemed a bit drifting, making it unclear where it came from. In the black forest, this sudden sound made people feel even more chilled behind their backs.

He remembered that before entering the church, he passed through a green coniferous forest and many short shrubs, all of which were typical northern forest plants. There are many small animals in that forest.

It's almost time to go back. Now that he knew that Anne was not here, he seemed to have finished praying, and Jussis was ready to go back to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish.

Probably, the church he was in was the only light here. Even in this bottomless darkness, there is still a faint light. Normally, this light seems as insignificant as a firefly. But in this black forest where there is almost no light, it is particularly conspicuous.

In this place of absolute darkness, that's where the only light is. The location where it appears is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It appears randomly in various places in the dark forest, as if it has its own consciousness.

However, who was talking to him in the fog just now? Why did she want him to find him? Generally speaking, people don't seem to talk like that when they meet for the first time.

Vaguely, an answer appeared in his mind.

"Who?" Jussis looked around him curiously. For him, the surrounding environment is actually not that scary. From the moment he became conscious, he had no fear of the dark. Even walking alone on the ice and snow at night, there is no unnatural feeling. Therefore, this kind of dark environment that can cause normal people to collapse actually has no impact on him.

Let alone a seventh-level expert, even an eighth-level expert would be unable to move even an inch. Only monsters with dark bloodline can live here. This is a paradise for monsters of dark power and a forbidden area for humans.

Although he told Sebas not to disturb him, if he didn't go back for too long, his absence would definitely be exposed.

Just as he thought, the location of the church had changed. This was something he could tell at a glance. However, even if it was indeed confirmed, Jussis still found it unbelievable.

"Crack!" Jussis opened the church door again. This time, he didn't close it immediately. But seriously. Without hesitation, he imprinted everything he saw into his mind.

"It's really rare. There are actually outsiders coming here, and they are coming from the mobile church. Are you a saint of the Supreme Religion?" Before Jussis could accept that he had been taken away by the church, he didn't know. At that moment, a voice came from the dark woods.

From those fragmented words, the female voice asked him to find her somewhere.

"Ga! Ga!" Seemingly attracted by the light emitted by the church, some black crows flew over from the sky. But after getting really close, they couldn't get any closer. It was as if there was an invisible wall blocking their progress.

However, if that is really the answer, then... Jussis turned around and looked at the church behind him in disbelief.

"Who? I've almost forgotten it myself. I've been here for a long time. If I remember correctly, my current name should be..." I don't know if it was blocked by the thick fog, but the voice coming from the fog gradually changed. It was so blurry that even Jussis, who had very good hearing, couldn't understand the last few words.

what is that? Jussis closed his eyes. It was strange. Was he hallucinating? Why did I see scenery I had never seen before

Similarly, there is a black mist that permeates the entire forest. The mist that shrouded the entire dark forest surged over almost as soon as the church appeared. But like those crows, they were blocked a hundred meters away from the church.

"I didn't hear you clearly, can you say it again?" Yossi shouted with great effort.

"Who?" Jussis looked around him curiously. For him, the surrounding environment is actually not that scary. From the moment he became conscious, he had no fear of the dark. Even walking alone on the ice and snow at night, there is no unnatural feeling. Therefore, this kind of dark environment that can cause normal people to collapse actually has no impact on him.

He remembered that before entering the church, he passed through a green coniferous forest and many short shrubs, all of which were typical northern forest plants. There are many small animals in that forest.

"The name... has... meaning to me. Since you... Mobile Church... then you have... qualifications... If you want to get..., then... find me. However, you have to... go through... after the fog... I am The end..." The voice coming from the fog became more blurred, and finally disappeared completely into the black fog.

Although they are still woods, they are different. They are completely different. They are not the same thing at all. Even after just one glance, the feeling of darkness and depth gave people a huge sense of depression. It definitely couldn't be the grove when he entered.

"Crack!" Jussis opened the church door again. This time, he didn't close it immediately. But seriously. Without hesitation, he imprinted everything he saw into his mind.

Look at this ordinary looking church. For the first time, Jusis realized the power it possessed, but this power that could protect everything was precious enough.

However, who was talking to him in the fog just now? Why did she want him to find him? Generally speaking, people don't seem to talk like that when they meet for the first time.

Let alone a seventh-level expert, even an eighth-level expert would be unable to move even an inch. Only monsters with dark bloodline can live here. This is a paradise for monsters of dark power and a forbidden area for humans.

After trying to shout a few more times, Jussis discovered that the person who seemed to be in the fog was no longer nearby. Judging from the voice, it seems to be female. However, the voice was a little strange, and he couldn't tell his age. That sound, like a river in the dark, has a strange dark charm.

Similarly, there is a black mist that permeates the entire forest. The mist that shrouded the entire dark forest surged over almost as soon as the church appeared. But like those crows, they were blocked a hundred meters away from the church.

After trying to shout a few more times, Jussis discovered that the person who seemed to be in the fog was no longer nearby. Judging from the voice, it seems to be female. However, the voice was a little strange, and he couldn't tell his age. That sound, like a river in the dark, has a strange dark charm.

"Who?" Jussis looked around him curiously. For him, the surrounding environment is actually not that scary. From the moment he became conscious, he had no fear of the dark. Even walking alone on the ice and snow at night, there is no unnatural feeling. Therefore, this kind of dark environment that can cause normal people to collapse actually has no impact on him.

It's an incredible place. It seems that as long as you get here, you don't have to think about anything or worry about anything.

No matter how much it changes, the small forest in my impression will never become like that. What exactly is going on

From those fragmented words, the female voice asked him to find her somewhere.

With this thought, Jussis returned to the church again. However, the moment he opened the door of the church, there was a sudden chill behind him, as if someone somewhere was watching him.

However, what few people know is that in this place where dark monsters are everywhere, and even sunlight cannot dispel the power of darkness, a small church will appear from time to time.

However, for Jussis, it seems more important to return to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, as soon as possible.

"I didn't hear you clearly, can you say it again?" Yossi shouted with great effort.

"I didn't hear you clearly, can you say it again?" Yossi shouted with great effort.

This is an unfamiliar area, an area he has never been to. Before he knew it, he was here with the church.

I'm sorry, Ice Phoenix's mother wants me to listen to the teacher. The teacher wants me to communicate more with other humans of the same age, so I can't find you for the time being.

In this place of absolute darkness, that's where the only light is. The location where it appears is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It appears randomly in various places in the dark forest, as if it has its own consciousness.

"Who? I've almost forgotten it myself. I've been here for a long time. If I remember correctly, my current name should be..." I don't know if it was blocked by the thick fog, but the voice coming from the fog gradually changed. It was so blurry that even Jussis, who had very good hearing, couldn't understand the last few words.

This is not a world that humans can come to. In the north, this is one of the famous forbidden areas, a black forest filled with countless dark monsters. The dark monsters living here range from level one to level eight. What's even more terrifying is that although these monsters usually kill each other to obtain more flesh and blood, once humans appear, they will immediately join forces and attack humans desperately.

With this thought, Jussis returned to the church again. However, the moment he opened the door of the church, there was a sudden chill behind him, as if someone somewhere was watching him.

"Who?" Jussis looked around him curiously. For him, the surrounding environment is actually not that scary. From the moment he became conscious, he had no fear of the dark. Even walking alone on the ice and snow at night, there is no unnatural feeling. Therefore, this kind of dark environment that can cause normal people to collapse actually has no impact on him.

He remembered that before entering the church, he passed through a green coniferous forest and many short shrubs, all of which were typical northern forest plants. There are many small animals in that forest.

"Who?" Jussis looked around him curiously. For him, the surrounding environment is actually not that scary. From the moment he became conscious, he had no fear of the dark. Even walking alone on the ice and snow at night, there is no unnatural feeling. Therefore, this kind of dark environment that can cause normal people to collapse actually has no impact on him.

"Who? I've almost forgotten it myself. I've been here for a long time. If I remember correctly, my current name should be..." I don't know if it was blocked by the thick fog, but the voice coming from the fog gradually changed. It was so blurry that even Jussis, who had very good hearing, couldn't understand the last few words.

Is it an illusion? Jussis looked back and saw nothing. So he closed the door and walked inside the church again.

"Strange, am I mistaken?" In the black mist, a lonely figure held a parasol and walked among countless monsters. Where she passed, all the monsters bowed their heads obediently, making way for the walking figure like well-raised pets.

This means that this church, the church where he and Anne first met, is actually - mobile.

This is not a world that humans can come to. In the north, this is one of the famous forbidden areas, a black forest filled with countless dark monsters. The dark monsters living here range from level one to level eight. What's even more terrifying is that although these monsters usually kill each other to obtain more flesh and blood, once humans appear, they will immediately join forces and attack humans desperately.

The moment he closed the door, the cold feeling suddenly disappeared, and the sacred and natural atmosphere that he was familiar with was still floating in the church. It seems that as long as the door is closed, nothing from the outside world can affect it at all.

Similarly, there is a black mist that permeates the entire forest. The mist that shrouded the entire dark forest surged over almost as soon as the church appeared. But like those crows, they were blocked a hundred meters away from the church.

No matter how you look at it, this place cannot be near his teacher's castle. Could it be... Jussis raised his head and found that the position of the stars and even the moon had subtly changed.

It's an incredible place. It seems that as long as you get here, you don't have to think about anything or worry about anything.

No matter how you look at it, this place cannot be near his teacher's castle. Could it be... Jussis raised his head and found that the position of the stars and even the moon had subtly changed.

Probably, the church he was in was the only light here. Even in this bottomless darkness, there is still a faint light. Normally, this light seems as insignificant as a firefly. But in this black forest where there is almost no light, it is particularly conspicuous.

Let alone a seventh-level expert, even an eighth-level expert would be unable to move even an inch. Only monsters with dark bloodline can live here. This is a paradise for monsters of dark power and a forbidden area for humans.

"Who? I've almost forgotten it myself. I've been here for a long time. If I remember correctly, my current name should be..." I don't know if it was blocked by the thick fog, but the voice coming from the fog gradually changed. It was so blurry that even Jussis, who had very good hearing, couldn't understand the last few words.

It's an incredible place. It seems that as long as you get here, you don't have to think about anything or worry about anything.

It's almost time to go back. Now that he knew that Anne was not here, he seemed to have finished praying, and Jussis was ready to go back to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish.

At first, Jusis didn't notice anything unusual. In this church where time seems to have stood still, everything remains the same as before. The white light that just shined from the cross did not change anything in this church. Everything around him was still the same as before. Clean and tidy, not even a trace of dust can be seen.

However, for Jussis, it seems more important to return to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, as soon as possible.

"Click!" Pushing the door of the church open, Jussis saw the familiar woods—according to normal circumstances, it should be like this.

It's an incredible place. It seems that as long as you get here, you don't have to think about anything or worry about anything.

He remembered that before entering the church, he passed through a green coniferous forest and many short shrubs, all of which were typical northern forest plants. There are many small animals in that forest.

This is definitely not near his teacher's castle, Jussis is sure. When searching for this church, he almost searched the territory near his teacher's castle. But I have never seen such plants and such a dangerous environment.

Although they are still woods, they are different. They are completely different. They are not the same thing at all. Even after just one glance, the feeling of darkness and depth gave people a huge sense of depression. It definitely couldn't be the grove when he entered.

Look at this ordinary looking church. For the first time, Jusis realized the power it possessed, but this power that could protect everything was precious enough.

However, if that is really the answer, then... Jussis turned around and looked at the church behind him in disbelief.

No matter how much it changes, the small forest in my impression will never become like that. What exactly is going on

The Mobile Church—this is what the dark beings living here call this church. It is one of the most incredible buildings in the forest.

The Mobile Church—this is what the dark beings living here call this church. It is one of the most incredible buildings in the forest.

However, who was talking to him in the fog just now? Why did she want him to find him? Generally speaking, people don't seem to talk like that when they meet for the first time.

"Who? I've almost forgotten it myself. I've been here for a long time. If I remember correctly, my current name should be..." I don't know if it was blocked by the thick fog, but the voice coming from the fog gradually changed. It was so blurry that even Jussis, who had very good hearing, couldn't understand the last few words.

Um? Jussis blinked, then closed the door, isolating everything he saw outside again.

After praying once more in front of the white cross of the church, Jussis turned around and prepared to leave the church.

After trying to shout a few more times, Jussis discovered that the person who seemed to be in the fog was no longer nearby. Judging from the voice, it seems to be female. However, the voice was a little strange, and he couldn't tell his age. That sound, like a river in the dark, has a strange dark charm.

"Ga! Ga!" Seemingly attracted by the light emitted by the church, some black crows flew over from the sky. But after getting really close, they couldn't get any closer. It was as if there was an invisible wall blocking their progress.

In this place of absolute darkness, that's where the only light is. The location where it appears is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It appears randomly in various places in the dark forest, as if it has its own consciousness.

In this place of absolute darkness, that's where the only light is. The location where it appears is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It appears randomly in various places in the dark forest, as if it has its own consciousness.

"Crack!" Jussis opened the church door again. This time, he didn't close it immediately. But seriously. Without hesitation, he imprinted everything he saw into his mind.

"The name... has... meaning to me. Since you... Mobile Church... then you have... qualifications... If you want to get..., then... find me. However, you have to... go through... after the fog... I am The end..." The voice coming from the fog became more blurred, and finally disappeared completely into the black fog.

"Strange, am I mistaken?" In the black mist, a lonely figure held a parasol and walked among countless monsters. Where she passed, all the monsters bowed their heads obediently, making way for the walking figure like well-raised pets.

He remembered that before entering the church, he passed through a green coniferous forest and many short shrubs, all of which were typical northern forest plants. There are many small animals in that forest.

In this place of absolute darkness, that's where the only light is. The location where it appears is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It appears randomly in various places in the dark forest, as if it has its own consciousness.

Due to the presence of fog, the sound seemed a bit drifting, making it unclear where it came from. In the black forest, this sudden sound made people feel even more chilled behind their backs.

It's almost time to go back. Now that he knew that Anne was not here, he seemed to have finished praying, and Jussis was ready to go back to the castle of his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish.

Probably, the church he was in was the only light here. Even in this bottomless darkness, there is still a faint light. Normally, this light seems as insignificant as a firefly. But in this black forest where there is almost no light, it is particularly conspicuous.

This means that this church, the church where he and Anne first met, is actually - mobile.

This is not a world that humans can come to. In the north, this is one of the famous forbidden areas, a black forest filled with countless dark monsters. The dark monsters living here range from level one to level eight. What's even more terrifying is that although these monsters usually kill each other to obtain more flesh and blood, once humans appear, they will immediately join forces and attack humans desperately.

Similarly, there is a black mist that permeates the entire forest. The mist that shrouded the entire dark forest surged over almost as soon as the church appeared. But like those crows, they were blocked a hundred meters away from the church.

"Ta! Ta!" In the silent church, Jussis's footsteps seemed particularly clear. I don't know why, but Jussis has a natural affinity for this place. Perhaps it's because this is the place where he and Anne met.

Is it an illusion? Jussis looked back and saw nothing. So he closed the door and walked inside the church again.

However, if that is really the answer, then... Jussis turned around and looked at the church behind him in disbelief.

However, if that is really the answer, then... Jussis turned around and looked at the church behind him in disbelief.

Let alone a seventh-level expert, even an eighth-level expert would be unable to move even an inch. Only monsters with dark bloodline can live here. This is a paradise for monsters of dark power and a forbidden area for humans.

"It's really rare. There are actually outsiders coming here, and they are coming from the mobile church. Are you a saint of the Supreme Religion?" Before Jussis could accept that he had been taken away by the church, he didn't know. At that moment, a voice came from the dark woods.

"Who? I've almost forgotten it myself. I've been here for a long time. If I remember correctly, my current name should be..." I don't know if it was blocked by the thick fog, but the voice coming from the fog gradually changed. It was so blurry that even Jussis, who had very good hearing, couldn't understand the last few words.

However, what few people know is that in this place where dark monsters are everywhere, and even sunlight cannot dispel the power of darkness, a small church will appear from time to time.

what is that? Jussis closed his eyes. It was strange. Was he hallucinating? Why did I see scenery I had never seen before

Let alone a seventh-level expert, even an eighth-level expert would be unable to move even an inch. Only monsters with dark bloodline can live here. This is a paradise for monsters of dark power and a forbidden area for humans.

"Click!" Pushing the door of the church open, Jussis saw the familiar woods—according to normal circumstances, it should be like this.

In this place of absolute darkness, that's where the only light is. The location where it appears is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It appears randomly in various places in the dark forest, as if it has its own consciousness.

From those fragmented words, the female voice asked him to find her somewhere.

Although he told Sebas not to disturb him, if he didn't go back for too long, his absence would definitely be exposed.

In this place of absolute darkness, that's where the only light is. The location where it appears is not fixed, and the time is not fixed. It appears randomly in various places in the dark forest, as if it has its own consciousness.

"Crack!" Jussis opened the church door again. This time, he didn't close it immediately. But seriously. Without hesitation, he imprinted everything he saw into his mind.

Um? Jussis blinked, then closed the door, isolating everything he saw outside again.

After trying to shout a few more times, Jussis discovered that the person who seemed to be in the fog was no longer nearby. Judging from the voice, it seems to be female. However, the voice was a little strange, and he couldn't tell his age. That sound, like a river in the dark, has a strange dark charm.

"I didn't hear you clearly, can you say it again?" Yossi shouted with great effort.

"Who? I've almost forgotten it myself. I've been here for a long time. If I remember correctly, my current name should be..." I don't know if it was blocked by the thick fog, but the voice coming from the fog gradually changed. It was so blurry that even Jussis, who had very good hearing, couldn't understand the last few words.

The Mobile Church—this is what the dark beings living here call this church. It is one of the most incredible buildings in the forest.

After praying once more in front of the white cross of the church, Jussis turned around and prepared to leave the church.

"Strange, am I mistaken?" In the black mist, a lonely figure held a parasol and walked among countless monsters. Where she passed, all the monsters bowed their heads obediently, making way for the walking figure like well-raised pets.

However, if that is really the answer, then... Jussis turned around and looked at the church behind him in disbelief.

"Ta! Ta!" In the silent church, Jussis's footsteps seemed particularly clear. I don't know why, but Jussis has a natural affinity for this place. Perhaps it's because this is the place where he and Anne met.

Although they are still woods, they are different. They are completely different. They are not the same thing at all. Even after just one glance, the feeling of darkness and depth gave people a huge sense of depression. It definitely couldn't be the grove when he entered.

Um? Jussis blinked, then closed the door, isolating everything he saw outside again.

This is an unfamiliar area, an area he has never been to. Before he knew it, he was here with the church.

"Who?" Jussis looked around him curiously. For him, the surrounding environment is actually not that scary. From the moment he became conscious, he had no fear of the dark. Even walking alone on the ice and snow at night, there is no unnatural feeling. Therefore, this kind of dark environment that can cause normal people to collapse actually has no impact on him.