Demon King Priest

Chapter 27: Thoughts from afar (Part 2)


"Here we come, be careful, Mihalu." The moment Helen started to activate, Arselia held the golden holy sword Exkaliba in her hand, and at the same time forcibly deployed her current strongest power. .

Different from those previous battles, now, Alselia is fighting for "protection" with all her strength. Because Helen is really too dangerous now.

But so does she. What's more, now, she is not fighting alone.

According to Arselia's own estimation, after a while, even Sharon, who goes all out, may not be able to successfully suppress the rampaging Helen. By then, there will really be a big problem.

"Awaken, Excaliba!" This power is not allowed to be used on humans. However, in the judgment of the Golden Holy Sword, Helen is not a "human being". Therefore, it can effectively counter the destructive power burst out by Helen in a short period of time.

Just a few days ago, she actually used her power to destroy half of the entire castle, thus completely getting rid of Sharon's suppression. If Leilu, Fali, and the Heroic Spirit King Yuke hadn't happened to be here at that time, relying on the power of several other apostles, there really would have been no way to stop her from carrying out her own plan to "find her father."

At the same time, Arselia was also sprinting. Dragging the golden holy sword to the ground, she was desperately sprinting towards Helen who was knocked away. The excessively high-speed sprint caused the golden holy sword to draw a deep mark on the ground and make a harsh noise at the same time.

Between the seals filled with dark power, the golden light in Alselia's hand seemed extremely dazzling and sacred. This is the original posture of the golden holy sword Excaliba, fighting against all evil forces. Also hundreds of years ago, they fought against the powerful Death Knights.

"Here we come, be careful, Mihalu." The moment Helen started to activate, Arselia held the golden holy sword Exkaliba in her hand, and at the same time forcibly deployed her current strongest power. .

The content of that plan was extremely simple, that is, "a simple plan to destroy everything she saw and sweep across the entire continent until she found her father." It was referred to as the "Looking for Dad" plan.

In the castle on the ground, huge cracks appeared in four areas, which were traces caused by Sharon channeling the power of Helen's final blow.

"The all-out attack has begun. The colorless lock wrapped around my hand starts to shine." Miharu, who joined forces with Arselia to fight against Helen in the recent chaos, quickly understood what Arselia meant. He raised his right fist.

In this way, Helen's attack power will be greatly reduced under the suppression of Sharon who is going all out and supported by the entire castle. At present, it only requires Arselia and several other apostles to take turns to assist, which can roughly suppress the weakened Helen. (Because Helen would not lose control until she fully recovered...) Finally, a way was found to prevent Helen from escaping.

Mihalu, who was assisting Arselia, fell directly to the ground, gasping for air. Although she only received a small portion of Helen's attacks, that was already beyond her limit. If she hadn't really grown a lot in the recent series of battles, she would have been eliminated long ago.

"My name is Arselia, the master of the holy sword Exkalibah. According to the power of the oath, I will be given undefeated." Facing the menacing first apostle, Arselia closed her eyes and gently reciting ancient oaths.

"Here we come, be careful, Mihalu." The moment Helen started to activate, Arselia held the golden holy sword Exkaliba in her hand, and at the same time forcibly deployed her current strongest power. .

"My name is Arselia, the master of the holy sword Exkalibah. According to the power of the oath, I will be given undefeated." Facing the menacing first apostle, Arselia closed her eyes and gently reciting ancient oaths.

Powerful sacred light descended on Arselia's body, filling her whole body with powerful power.

In the castle on the ground, huge cracks appeared in four areas, which were traces caused by Sharon channeling the power of Helen's final blow.

Powerful sacred light descended on Arselia's body, filling her whole body with powerful power.

"Ding!" At the critical moment, Arselia's sword blocked Helen's fist. Helen, who was out of control, didn't hold back any words and directly threw out her strongest punch.

Arselia, who seized the opportunity, took the initiative to retreat, then held the golden holy sword fiercely and made a violent spinning slash.

"Here we come, be careful, Mihalu." The moment Helen started to activate, Arselia held the golden holy sword Exkaliba in her hand, and at the same time forcibly deployed her current strongest power. .

Aya once told Alselia that after releasing the strongest power three times, Helen would automatically enter a semi-sleep state until the four-day holy essence can be activated again. The last time, when Helen completely lost control, it was the entire apostle group plus Fali, the King of Heroic Spirits Yuke, and Leilu who happened to come to the castle, who made Helen use up the four-day Holy Essence three times at once, forcing her to enter. In a semi-sleep state.

"Everyone... get away..." The murderous shout exploded between the seals along with Helen's wave.

Different from those previous battles, now, Alselia is fighting for "protection" with all her strength. Because Helen is really too dangerous now.

"Everyone... get away..." The murderous shout exploded between the seals along with Helen's wave.

In this way, Helen's attack power will be greatly reduced under the suppression of Sharon who is going all out and supported by the entire castle. At present, it only requires Arselia and several other apostles to take turns to assist, which can roughly suppress the weakened Helen. (Because Helen would not lose control until she fully recovered...) Finally, a way was found to prevent Helen from escaping.

"Awaken, Excaliba!" This power is not allowed to be used on humans. However, in the judgment of the Golden Holy Sword, Helen is not a "human being". Therefore, it can effectively counter the destructive power burst out by Helen in a short period of time.

Just a few days ago, she actually used her power to destroy half of the entire castle, thus completely getting rid of Sharon's suppression. If Leilu, Fali, and the Heroic Spirit King Yuke hadn't happened to be here at that time, relying on the power of several other apostles, there really would have been no way to stop her from carrying out her own plan to "find her father."

One, two, three, dark dragon shadows that could not be confirmed with the naked eye shot out from Helen's hands. They were the shadows of the dark dragon in the dragon-killing and destruction sword style that she learned from Ulysses and transformed. The targets of these shadows are naturally Sharon, Alselia, and Mihalu in the sealed room.

This is Helen, the first apostle with defense capabilities beyond human imagination, and the strongest weapon of the new demon king Ulysses.

Just a few days ago, she actually used her power to destroy half of the entire castle, thus completely getting rid of Sharon's suppression. If Leilu, Fali, and the Heroic Spirit King Yuke hadn't happened to be here at that time, relying on the power of several other apostles, there really would have been no way to stop her from carrying out her own plan to "find her father."

Mihalu, who was assisting Arselia, fell directly to the ground, gasping for air. Although she only received a small portion of Helen's attacks, that was already beyond her limit. If she hadn't really grown a lot in the recent series of battles, she would have been eliminated long ago.

The only good thing is that after realizing Helen's current danger, Aya once again modified the magic circle in the castle. While losing most of its defensive capabilities, it concentrated almost all its power on this seal to block and suppress Helen. Those black chains are the embodiment of the power of this huge castle.

The content of that plan was extremely simple, that is, "a simple plan to destroy everything she saw and sweep across the entire continent until she found her father." It was referred to as the "Looking for Dad" plan.

Half a minute later, the violent shaking stopped. The apostles who were fighting each other also revealed their figures.

Half a minute later, the violent shaking stopped. The apostles who were fighting each other also revealed their figures.

"Haha! Flame impact!" A blazing white light hit Helen's body from the side. Although it failed to cause any damage to her, it successfully shook her body.

She is not the type like Tina and Ifia who would consider suggestions and methods. In fact, she was the most angry and frantic about Ulysses' missing state. If someone doesn't stop him, he will definitely dive into that great plan called "Looking for Dad" which can actually be equivalent to "Destroying the World" without any hesitation.

Half a minute later, the violent shaking stopped. The apostles who were fighting each other also revealed their figures.

In this way, Helen's attack power will be greatly reduced under the suppression of Sharon who is going all out and supported by the entire castle. At present, it only requires Arselia and several other apostles to take turns to assist, which can roughly suppress the weakened Helen. (Because Helen would not lose control until she fully recovered...) Finally, a way was found to prevent Helen from escaping.

She is not the type like Tina and Ifia who would consider suggestions and methods. In fact, she was the most angry and frantic about Ulysses' missing state. If someone doesn't stop him, he will definitely dive into that great plan called "Looking for Dad" which can actually be equivalent to "Destroying the World" without any hesitation.

One, two, three, dark dragon shadows that could not be confirmed with the naked eye shot out from Helen's hands. They were the shadows of the dark dragon in the dragon-killing and destruction sword style that she learned from Ulysses and transformed. The targets of these shadows are naturally Sharon, Alselia, and Mihalu in the sealed room.

The intense light spread from Mihalu's right hand to her shoulders, waist, and feet. This was a precursor to her all-out attack.

As a weapon, Helen, the first apostle, once she loses control, the destructive power she unleashes is simply unimaginable to others. That day, if Leilu and Arselia hadn't teamed up to make her take the initiative to use the destructive power limited to three times in anger, I'm afraid the entire city of Sophia would have been completely destroyed by her.

Helen's body was knocked away directly, but that was all. Even the full attack of the Golden Holy Sword only caused a tear in her white pajamas with the ability to automatically repair, and it was completely restored in the air.

"Go!" This was Mihalu's all-out blow, and it was also a blow that gathered all her will and confidence. Even if the opponent is Helen, she will never take a step back.

"Ding!" At the critical moment, Arselia's sword blocked Helen's fist. Helen, who was out of control, didn't hold back any words and directly threw out her strongest punch.

In this way, Helen's attack power will be greatly reduced under the suppression of Sharon who is going all out and supported by the entire castle. At present, it only requires Arselia and several other apostles to take turns to assist, which can roughly suppress the weakened Helen. (Because Helen would not lose control until she fully recovered...) Finally, a way was found to prevent Helen from escaping.

The intense light spread from Mihalu's right hand to her shoulders, waist, and feet. This was a precursor to her all-out attack.

The content of that plan was extremely simple, that is, "a simple plan to destroy everything she saw and sweep across the entire continent until she found her father." It was referred to as the "Looking for Dad" plan.

He became stronger again, and Arselia, who used the power of the golden holy sword Exkaliba to block Helen's attack head-on, felt this clearly. Even with Sharon's full suppression, Helen can still throw such a powerful punch, which shows that her strength has increased compared to that at the Brave Tournament.

Helen's body was knocked away directly, but that was all. Even the full attack of the Golden Holy Sword only caused a tear in her white pajamas with the ability to automatically repair, and it was completely restored in the air.

In the castle on the ground, huge cracks appeared in four areas, which were traces caused by Sharon channeling the power of Helen's final blow.

But so does she. What's more, now, she is not fighting alone.

"Here we come, be careful, Mihalu." The moment Helen started to activate, Arselia held the golden holy sword Exkaliba in her hand, and at the same time forcibly deployed her current strongest power. .

Arselia quickly followed up. Having fought against Helen many times, she certainly knew that such an attack would not be able to hurt Helen at all. However, that didn't matter. Her all-out attack was not to defeat Helen from the beginning, but to stop Helen.

The initiator of the attack, Helen, who was likely to carry out a "search for her father" (i.e., a "world destruction plan") as long as she left here, returned to her original place and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Between the seals filled with dark power, the golden light in Alselia's hand seemed extremely dazzling and sacred. This is the original posture of the golden holy sword Excaliba, fighting against all evil forces. Also hundreds of years ago, they fought against the powerful Death Knights.

At the same time, Arselia was also sprinting. Dragging the golden holy sword to the ground, she was desperately sprinting towards Helen who was knocked away. The excessively high-speed sprint caused the golden holy sword to draw a deep mark on the ground and make a harsh noise at the same time.

"Ding!" At the critical moment, Arselia's sword blocked Helen's fist. Helen, who was out of control, didn't hold back any words and directly threw out her strongest punch.

Centered on the chain wrapped around her hand, powerful magic swirled and swam around her in a spiral shape. If Arselia, who holds the golden holy sword Exkalibah, is the sun, then she is the storm, a powerful storm that sweeps everything away.

"Haha! Flame impact!" A blazing white light hit Helen's body from the side. Although it failed to cause any damage to her, it successfully shook her body.

He became stronger again, and Arselia, who used the power of the golden holy sword Exkaliba to block Helen's attack head-on, felt this clearly. Even with Sharon's full suppression, Helen can still throw such a powerful punch, which shows that her strength has increased compared to that at the Brave Tournament.

At the same time, Arselia was also sprinting. Dragging the golden holy sword to the ground, she was desperately sprinting towards Helen who was knocked away. The excessively high-speed sprint caused the golden holy sword to draw a deep mark on the ground and make a harsh noise at the same time.

Helen's body was knocked away directly, but that was all. Even the full attack of the Golden Holy Sword only caused a tear in her white pajamas with the ability to automatically repair, and it was completely restored in the air.

Arselia, who seized the opportunity, took the initiative to retreat, then held the golden holy sword fiercely and made a violent spinning slash.

"Go!" This was Mihalu's all-out blow, and it was also a blow that gathered all her will and confidence. Even if the opponent is Helen, she will never take a step back.

"Haha! Flame impact!" A blazing white light hit Helen's body from the side. Although it failed to cause any damage to her, it successfully shook her body.

"Ding!" A dazzling golden flash rippled from the sword, which was the color of the direct confrontation between the golden holy sword and Helen's body. The powerful magic power hit Helen's seemingly slender body without any hindrance.

"Go!" This was Mihalu's all-out blow, and it was also a blow that gathered all her will and confidence. Even if the opponent is Helen, she will never take a step back.

The initiator of the attack, Helen, who was likely to carry out a "search for her father" (i.e., a "world destruction plan") as long as she left here, returned to her original place and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Focusing on Sharon's space suppression, and then Alselia and Mihalu teaming up to force Helen to release her power when she is out of control, this is the only way the apostles have found to calm Helen down.

At the same time, Arselia was also sprinting. Dragging the golden holy sword to the ground, she was desperately sprinting towards Helen who was knocked away. The excessively high-speed sprint caused the golden holy sword to draw a deep mark on the ground and make a harsh noise at the same time.

"Everyone... get away..." The murderous shout exploded between the seals along with Helen's wave.

Helen's body was knocked away directly, but that was all. Even the full attack of the Golden Holy Sword only caused a tear in her white pajamas with the ability to automatically repair, and it was completely restored in the air.

Focusing on Sharon's space suppression, and then Alselia and Mihalu teaming up to force Helen to release her power when she is out of control, this is the only way the apostles have found to calm Helen down.

According to Arselia's own estimation, after a while, even Sharon, who goes all out, may not be able to successfully suppress the rampaging Helen. By then, there will really be a big problem.

Just a few days ago, she actually used her power to destroy half of the entire castle, thus completely getting rid of Sharon's suppression. If Leilu, Fali, and the Heroic Spirit King Yuke hadn't happened to be here at that time, relying on the power of several other apostles, there really would have been no way to stop her from carrying out her own plan to "find her father."

Different from those previous battles, now, Alselia is fighting for "protection" with all her strength. Because Helen is really too dangerous now.

In this way, Helen's attack power will be greatly reduced under the suppression of Sharon who is going all out and supported by the entire castle. At present, it only requires Arselia and several other apostles to take turns to assist, which can roughly suppress the weakened Helen. (Because Helen would not lose control until she fully recovered...) Finally, a way was found to prevent Helen from escaping.

This is Helen, the first apostle with defense capabilities beyond human imagination, and the strongest weapon of the new demon king Ulysses.

In the castle on the ground, huge cracks appeared in four areas, which were traces caused by Sharon channeling the power of Helen's final blow.

Centered on the chain wrapped around her hand, powerful magic swirled and swam around her in a spiral shape. If Arselia, who holds the golden holy sword Exkalibah, is the sun, then she is the storm, a powerful storm that sweeps everything away.

"Ding!" A dazzling golden flash rippled from the sword, which was the color of the direct confrontation between the golden holy sword and Helen's body. The powerful magic power hit Helen's seemingly slender body without any hindrance.

Now, I am afraid that only Ulysses himself can stop Helen. Otherwise, when her strength grows to the point where she can easily break free from Sharon's shackles, she will definitely rush out without hesitation, and then implement her own "finding daddy" (world destruction) plan.

Focusing on Sharon's space suppression, and then Alselia and Mihalu teaming up to force Helen to release her power when she is out of control, this is the only way the apostles have found to calm Helen down.

"Confirmed, the first apostle has entered a stable state and the suppression is successful. In the next ten hours, there should be no more out-of-control situations." Sharon, who suffered the most damage, fell from the air. If it were not supported by the magic circle of the entire castle, , she must be the first to die.

Arselia quickly followed up. Having fought against Helen many times, she certainly knew that such an attack would not be able to hurt Helen at all. However, that didn't matter. Her all-out attack was not to defeat Helen from the beginning, but to stop Helen.

He became stronger again, and Arselia, who used the power of the golden holy sword Exkaliba to block Helen's attack head-on, felt this clearly. Even with Sharon's full suppression, Helen can still throw such a powerful punch, which shows that her strength has increased compared to that at the Brave Tournament.

The only good thing is that after realizing Helen's current danger, Aya once again modified the magic circle in the castle. While losing most of its defensive capabilities, it concentrated almost all its power on this seal to block and suppress Helen. Those black chains are the embodiment of the power of this huge castle.

At the same time that Helen was knocked away, the chains extending from Sharon's side were wrapped around her again, starting a new round of blockade.

The intense light spread from Mihalu's right hand to her shoulders, waist, and feet. This was a precursor to her all-out attack.

However, this is definitely not a good idea. As the time spent missing Ulysses increased, it became clear that Helen was losing control more and more.

At the same time that Helen was knocked away, the chains extending from Sharon's side were wrapped around her again, starting a new round of blockade.

"The all-out attack has begun. The colorless lock wrapped around my hand starts to shine." Miharu, who joined forces with Arselia to fight against Helen in the recent chaos, quickly understood what Arselia meant. He raised his right fist.

At the same time that Helen was knocked away, the chains extending from Sharon's side were wrapped around her again, starting a new round of blockade.

"Mihalu!" In the past few days of cooperation, Arselia has formed a quite tacit understanding with Mihalu and Sharon. Almost as soon as she starts to move, they will naturally start to attack her. .

After that, as long as Helen reaches a level where she can resume action, she will immediately lose control and break away from Sharon's suppression. At this time, the girls of the Apostle Group must desperately come between the seals to stop her.

"Mihalu!" In the past few days of cooperation, Arselia has formed a quite tacit understanding with Mihalu and Sharon. Almost as soon as she starts to move, they will naturally start to attack her. .

Just a few days ago, she actually used her power to destroy half of the entire castle, thus completely getting rid of Sharon's suppression. If Leilu, Fali, and the Heroic Spirit King Yuke hadn't happened to be here at that time, relying on the power of several other apostles, there really would have been no way to stop her from carrying out her own plan to "find her father."

As the main force in the fight, Arselia held the sword in both hands and stood precariously on the ground. The armor on her body was already scarred from the previous battle, and her pretty face showed a rare tired expression.

Aya once told Alselia that after releasing the strongest power three times, Helen would automatically enter a semi-sleep state until the four-day holy essence can be activated again. The last time, when Helen completely lost control, it was the entire apostle group plus Fali, the King of Heroic Spirits Yuke, and Leilu who happened to come to the castle, who made Helen use up the four-day Holy Essence three times at once, forcing her to enter. In a semi-sleep state.

"The all-out attack has begun. The colorless lock wrapped around my hand starts to shine." Miharu, who joined forces with Arselia to fight against Helen in the recent chaos, quickly understood what Arselia meant. He raised his right fist.

"Everyone... get away..." The murderous shout exploded between the seals along with Helen's wave.

According to Arselia's own estimation, after a while, even Sharon, who goes all out, may not be able to successfully suppress the rampaging Helen. By then, there will really be a big problem.

"The all-out attack has begun. The colorless lock wrapped around my hand starts to shine." Miharu, who joined forces with Arselia to fight against Helen in the recent chaos, quickly understood what Arselia meant. He raised his right fist.

Powerful sacred light descended on Arselia's body, filling her whole body with powerful power.

Centered on the chain wrapped around her hand, powerful magic swirled and swam around her in a spiral shape. If Arselia, who holds the golden holy sword Exkalibah, is the sun, then she is the storm, a powerful storm that sweeps everything away.

"Here we come, be careful, Mihalu." The moment Helen started to activate, Arselia held the golden holy sword Exkaliba in her hand, and at the same time forcibly deployed her current strongest power. .

"Awaken, Excaliba!" This power is not allowed to be used on humans. However, in the judgment of the Golden Holy Sword, Helen is not a "human being". Therefore, it can effectively counter the destructive power burst out by Helen in a short period of time.

As the main force in the fight, Arselia held the sword in both hands and stood precariously on the ground. The armor on her body was already scarred from the previous battle, and her pretty face showed a rare tired expression.

"Mihalu!" In the past few days of cooperation, Arselia has formed a quite tacit understanding with Mihalu and Sharon. Almost as soon as she starts to move, they will naturally start to attack her. .

This is Helen, the first apostle with defense capabilities beyond human imagination, and the strongest weapon of the new demon king Ulysses.

"Ding!" At the critical moment, Arselia's sword blocked Helen's fist. Helen, who was out of control, didn't hold back any words and directly threw out her strongest punch.

Focusing on Sharon's space suppression, and then Alselia and Mihalu teaming up to force Helen to release her power when she is out of control, this is the only way the apostles have found to calm Helen down.

She is not the type like Tina and Ifia who would consider suggestions and methods. In fact, she was the most angry and frantic about Ulysses' missing state. If someone doesn't stop him, he will definitely dive into that great plan called "Looking for Dad" which can actually be equivalent to "Destroying the World" without any hesitation.

The intense light spread from Mihalu's right hand to her shoulders, waist, and feet. This was a precursor to her all-out attack.

Arselia quickly followed up. Having fought against Helen many times, she certainly knew that such an attack would not be able to hurt Helen at all. However, that didn't matter. Her all-out attack was not to defeat Helen from the beginning, but to stop Helen.

The initiator of the attack, Helen, who was likely to carry out a "search for her father" (i.e., a "world destruction plan") as long as she left here, returned to her original place and fell into a peaceful sleep.

After that, as long as Helen reaches a level where she can resume action, she will immediately lose control and break away from Sharon's suppression. At this time, the girls of the Apostle Group must desperately come between the seals to stop her.

Focusing on Sharon's space suppression, and then Alselia and Mihalu teaming up to force Helen to release her power when she is out of control, this is the only way the apostles have found to calm Helen down.

"Awaken, Excaliba!" This power is not allowed to be used on humans. However, in the judgment of the Golden Holy Sword, Helen is not a "human being". Therefore, it can effectively counter the destructive power burst out by Helen in a short period of time.

Now, I am afraid that only Ulysses himself can stop Helen. Otherwise, when her strength grows to the point where she can easily break free from Sharon's shackles, she will definitely rush out without hesitation, and then implement her own "finding daddy" (world destruction) plan.

"Go!" This was Mihalu's all-out blow, and it was also a blow that gathered all her will and confidence. Even if the opponent is Helen, she will never take a step back.

"Ding!" At the critical moment, Arselia's sword blocked Helen's fist. Helen, who was out of control, didn't hold back any words and directly threw out her strongest punch.

Aya once told Alselia that after releasing the strongest power three times, Helen would automatically enter a semi-sleep state until the four-day holy essence can be activated again. The last time, when Helen completely lost control, it was the entire apostle group plus Fali, the King of Heroic Spirits Yuke, and Leilu who happened to come to the castle, who made Helen use up the four-day Holy Essence three times at once, forcing her to enter. In a semi-sleep state.

At the same time, Arselia was also sprinting. Dragging the golden holy sword to the ground, she was desperately sprinting towards Helen who was knocked away. The excessively high-speed sprint caused the golden holy sword to draw a deep mark on the ground and make a harsh noise at the same time.

Arselia quickly followed up. Having fought against Helen many times, she certainly knew that such an attack would not be able to hurt Helen at all. However, that didn't matter. Her all-out attack was not to defeat Helen from the beginning, but to stop Helen.

"Everyone... get away..." The murderous shout exploded between the seals along with Helen's wave.

"Everyone... get away..." The murderous shout exploded between the seals along with Helen's wave.

"Go!" This was Mihalu's all-out blow, and it was also a blow that gathered all her will and confidence. Even if the opponent is Helen, she will never take a step back.

This is Helen, the first apostle with defense capabilities beyond human imagination, and the strongest weapon of the new demon king Ulysses.

"Go!" This was Mihalu's all-out blow, and it was also a blow that gathered all her will and confidence. Even if the opponent is Helen, she will never take a step back.

As a weapon, Helen, the first apostle, once she loses control, the destructive power she unleashes is simply unimaginable to others. That day, if Leilu and Arselia hadn't teamed up to make her take the initiative to use the destructive power limited to three times in anger, I'm afraid the entire city of Sophia would have been completely destroyed by her.

One, two, three, dark dragon shadows that could not be confirmed with the naked eye shot out from Helen's hands. They were the shadows of the dark dragon in the dragon-killing and destruction sword style that she learned from Ulysses and transformed. The targets of these shadows are naturally Sharon, Alselia, and Mihalu in the sealed room.

"Confirmed, the first apostle has entered a stable state and the suppression is successful. In the next ten hours, there should be no more out-of-control situations." Sharon, who suffered the most damage, fell from the air. If it were not supported by the magic circle of the entire castle, , she must be the first to die.

The only good thing is that after realizing Helen's current danger, Aya once again modified the magic circle in the castle. While losing most of its defensive capabilities, it concentrated almost all its power on this seal to block and suppress Helen. Those black chains are the embodiment of the power of this huge castle.

One, two, three, dark dragon shadows that could not be confirmed with the naked eye shot out from Helen's hands. They were the shadows of the dark dragon in the dragon-killing and destruction sword style that she learned from Ulysses and transformed. The targets of these shadows are naturally Sharon, Alselia, and Mihalu in the sealed room.

Helen's body was knocked away directly, but that was all. Even the full attack of the Golden Holy Sword only caused a tear in her white pajamas with the ability to automatically repair, and it was completely restored in the air.

According to Arselia's own estimation, after a while, even Sharon, who goes all out, may not be able to successfully suppress the rampaging Helen. By then, there will really be a big problem.

Helen's body was knocked away directly, but that was all. Even the full attack of the Golden Holy Sword only caused a tear in her white pajamas with the ability to automatically repair, and it was completely restored in the air.

"Boom!" Golden, white, and black lights intertwined instantly, illuminating the entire seal brightly. The huge room was shaken by the powerful magic power, and it looked as if it might collapse completely at any time.

Half a minute later, the violent shaking stopped. The apostles who were fighting each other also revealed their figures.

Helen, who usually did not show her emotions and would only show her smile in front of Ulysses, could be said to have experienced an extreme deterioration in her mood after losing Ulysses, and her control over her physical strength also deteriorated.

Arselia, who seized the opportunity, took the initiative to retreat, then held the golden holy sword fiercely and made a violent spinning slash.

In the castle on the ground, huge cracks appeared in four areas, which were traces caused by Sharon channeling the power of Helen's final blow.

Half a minute later, the violent shaking stopped. The apostles who were fighting each other also revealed their figures.

Focusing on Sharon's space suppression, and then Alselia and Mihalu teaming up to force Helen to release her power when she is out of control, this is the only way the apostles have found to calm Helen down.

"Here we come, be careful, Mihalu." The moment Helen started to activate, Arselia held the golden holy sword Exkaliba in her hand, and at the same time forcibly deployed her current strongest power. .

Powerful sacred light descended on Arselia's body, filling her whole body with powerful power.

Now, I am afraid that only Ulysses himself can stop Helen. Otherwise, when her strength grows to the point where she can easily break free from Sharon's shackles, she will definitely rush out without hesitation, and then implement her own "finding daddy" (world destruction) plan.

The initiator of the attack, Helen, who was likely to carry out a "search for her father" (i.e., a "world destruction plan") as long as she left here, returned to her original place and fell into a peaceful sleep.

"Go!" This was Mihalu's all-out blow, and it was also a blow that gathered all her will and confidence. Even if the opponent is Helen, she will never take a step back.

"Haha! Flame impact!" A blazing white light hit Helen's body from the side. Although it failed to cause any damage to her, it successfully shook her body.

Arselia quickly followed up. Having fought against Helen many times, she certainly knew that such an attack would not be able to hurt Helen at all. However, that didn't matter. Her all-out attack was not to defeat Helen from the beginning, but to stop Helen.

Centered on the chain wrapped around her hand, powerful magic swirled and swam around her in a spiral shape. If Arselia, who holds the golden holy sword Exkalibah, is the sun, then she is the storm, a powerful storm that sweeps everything away.

At the same time, Arselia was also sprinting. Dragging the golden holy sword to the ground, she was desperately sprinting towards Helen who was knocked away. The excessively high-speed sprint caused the golden holy sword to draw a deep mark on the ground and make a harsh noise at the same time.

Helen's body was knocked away directly, but that was all. Even the full attack of the Golden Holy Sword only caused a tear in her white pajamas with the ability to automatically repair, and it was completely restored in the air.

As the main force in the fight, Arselia held the sword in both hands and stood precariously on the ground. The armor on her body was already scarred from the previous battle, and her pretty face showed a rare tired expression.

"Ding!" At the critical moment, Arselia's sword blocked Helen's fist. Helen, who was out of control, didn't hold back any words and directly threw out her strongest punch.

"Ding!" A dazzling golden flash rippled from the sword, which was the color of the direct confrontation between the golden holy sword and Helen's body. The powerful magic power hit Helen's seemingly slender body without any hindrance.

"The all-out attack has begun. The colorless lock wrapped around my hand starts to shine." Miharu, who joined forces with Arselia to fight against Helen in the recent chaos, quickly understood what Arselia meant. He raised his right fist.

Mihalu, who was assisting Arselia, fell directly to the ground, gasping for air. Although she only received a small portion of Helen's attacks, that was already beyond her limit. If she hadn't really grown a lot in the recent series of battles, she would have been eliminated long ago.

"Everyone... get away..." The murderous shout exploded between the seals along with Helen's wave.

Just a few days ago, she actually used her power to destroy half of the entire castle, thus completely getting rid of Sharon's suppression. If Leilu, Fali, and the Heroic Spirit King Yuke hadn't happened to be here at that time, relying on the power of several other apostles, there really would have been no way to stop her from carrying out her own plan to "find her father."

Powerful sacred light descended on Arselia's body, filling her whole body with powerful power.

She is not the type like Tina and Ifia who would consider suggestions and methods. In fact, she was the most angry and frantic about Ulysses' missing state. If someone doesn't stop him, he will definitely dive into that great plan called "Looking for Dad" which can actually be equivalent to "Destroying the World" without any hesitation.

"Go!" This was Mihalu's all-out blow, and it was also a blow that gathered all her will and confidence. Even if the opponent is Helen, she will never take a step back.

"Ding!" A dazzling golden flash rippled from the sword, which was the color of the direct confrontation between the golden holy sword and Helen's body. The powerful magic power hit Helen's seemingly slender body without any hindrance.

In the castle on the ground, huge cracks appeared in four areas, which were traces caused by Sharon channeling the power of Helen's final blow.

Half a minute later, the violent shaking stopped. The apostles who were fighting each other also revealed their figures.

At the same time that Helen was knocked away, the chains extending from Sharon's side were wrapped around her again, starting a new round of blockade.

However, this is definitely not a good idea. As the time spent missing Ulysses increased, it became clear that Helen was losing control more and more.

But so does she. What's more, now, she is not fighting alone.

In this way, Helen's attack power will be greatly reduced under the suppression of Sharon who is going all out and supported by the entire castle. At present, it only requires Arselia and several other apostles to take turns to assist, which can roughly suppress the weakened Helen. (Because Helen would not lose control until she fully recovered...) Finally, a way was found to prevent Helen from escaping.

Focusing on Sharon's space suppression, and then Alselia and Mihalu teaming up to force Helen to release her power when she is out of control, this is the only way the apostles have found to calm Helen down.

According to Arselia's own estimation, after a while, even Sharon, who goes all out, may not be able to successfully suppress the rampaging Helen. By then, there will really be a big problem.

Aya once told Alselia that after releasing the strongest power three times, Helen would automatically enter a semi-sleep state until the four-day holy essence can be activated again. The last time, when Helen completely lost control, it was the entire apostle group plus Fali, the King of Heroic Spirits Yuke, and Leilu who happened to come to the castle, who made Helen use up the four-day Holy Essence three times at once, forcing her to enter. In a semi-sleep state.

"Confirmed, the first apostle has entered a stable state and the suppression is successful. In the next ten hours, there should be no more out-of-control situations." Sharon, who suffered the most damage, fell from the air. If it were not supported by the magic circle of the entire castle, , she must be the first to die.

Mihalu, who was assisting Arselia, fell directly to the ground, gasping for air. Although she only received a small portion of Helen's attacks, that was already beyond her limit. If she hadn't really grown a lot in the recent series of battles, she would have been eliminated long ago.

Arselia quickly followed up. Having fought against Helen many times, she certainly knew that such an attack would not be able to hurt Helen at all. However, that didn't matter. Her all-out attack was not to defeat Helen from the beginning, but to stop Helen.

Focusing on Sharon's space suppression, and then Alselia and Mihalu teaming up to force Helen to release her power when she is out of control, this is the only way the apostles have found to calm Helen down.

He became stronger again, and Arselia, who used the power of the golden holy sword Exkaliba to block Helen's attack head-on, felt this clearly. Even with Sharon's full suppression, Helen can still throw such a powerful punch, which shows that her strength has increased compared to that at the Brave Tournament.

One, two, three, dark dragon shadows that could not be confirmed with the naked eye shot out from Helen's hands. They were the shadows of the dark dragon in the dragon-killing and destruction sword style that she learned from Ulysses and transformed. The targets of these shadows are naturally Sharon, Alselia, and Mihalu in the sealed room.

Powerful sacred light descended on Arselia's body, filling her whole body with powerful power.

Aya once told Alselia that after releasing the strongest power three times, Helen would automatically enter a semi-sleep state until the four-day holy essence can be activated again. The last time, when Helen completely lost control, it was the entire apostle group plus Fali, the King of Heroic Spirits Yuke, and Leilu who happened to come to the castle, who made Helen use up the four-day Holy Essence three times at once, forcing her to enter. In a semi-sleep state.

"Go!" This was Mihalu's all-out blow, and it was also a blow that gathered all her will and confidence. Even if the opponent is Helen, she will never take a step back.

Just a few days ago, she actually used her power to destroy half of the entire castle, thus completely getting rid of Sharon's suppression. If Leilu, Fali, and the Heroic Spirit King Yuke hadn't happened to be here at that time, relying on the power of several other apostles, there really would have been no way to stop her from carrying out her own plan to "find her father."

Mihalu, who was assisting Arselia, fell directly to the ground, gasping for air. Although she only received a small portion of Helen's attacks, that was already beyond her limit. If she hadn't really grown a lot in the recent series of battles, she would have been eliminated long ago.

Half a minute later, the violent shaking stopped. The apostles who were fighting each other also revealed their figures.

"Haha! Flame impact!" A blazing white light hit Helen's body from the side. Although it failed to cause any damage to her, it successfully shook her body.

After that, as long as Helen reaches a level where she can resume action, she will immediately lose control and break away from Sharon's suppression. At this time, the girls of the Apostle Group must desperately come between the seals to stop her.

Mihalu, who was assisting Arselia, fell directly to the ground, gasping for air. Although she only received a small portion of Helen's attacks, that was already beyond her limit. If she hadn't really grown a lot in the recent series of battles, she would have been eliminated long ago.

But so does she. What's more, now, she is not fighting alone.

Just a few days ago, she actually used her power to destroy half of the entire castle, thus completely getting rid of Sharon's suppression. If Leilu, Fali, and the Heroic Spirit King Yuke hadn't happened to be here at that time, relying on the power of several other apostles, there really would have been no way to stop her from carrying out her own plan to "find her father."

Helen's body was knocked away directly, but that was all. Even the full attack of the Golden Holy Sword only caused a tear in her white pajamas with the ability to automatically repair, and it was completely restored in the air.

After that, as long as Helen reaches a level where she can resume action, she will immediately lose control and break away from Sharon's suppression. At this time, the girls of the Apostle Group must desperately come between the seals to stop her.

Mihalu, who was assisting Arselia, fell directly to the ground, gasping for air. Although she only received a small portion of Helen's attacks, that was already beyond her limit. If she hadn't really grown a lot in the recent series of battles, she would have been eliminated long ago.

Mihalu, who was assisting Arselia, fell directly to the ground, gasping for air. Although she only received a small portion of Helen's attacks, that was already beyond her limit. If she hadn't really grown a lot in the recent series of battles, she would have been eliminated long ago.

However, this is definitely not a good idea. As the time spent missing Ulysses increased, it became clear that Helen was losing control more and more.

The only good thing is that after realizing Helen's current danger, Aya once again modified the magic circle in the castle. While losing most of its defensive capabilities, it concentrated almost all its power on this seal to block and suppress Helen. Those black chains are the embodiment of the power of this huge castle.

As a weapon, Helen, the first apostle, once she loses control, the destructive power she unleashes is simply unimaginable to others. That day, if Leilu and Arselia hadn't teamed up to make her take the initiative to use the destructive power limited to three times in anger, I'm afraid the entire city of Sophia would have been completely destroyed by her.

"Ding!" A dazzling golden flash rippled from the sword, which was the color of the direct confrontation between the golden holy sword and Helen's body. The powerful magic power hit Helen's seemingly slender body without any hindrance.

He became stronger again, and Arselia, who used the power of the golden holy sword Exkaliba to block Helen's attack head-on, felt this clearly. Even with Sharon's full suppression, Helen can still throw such a powerful punch, which shows that her strength has increased compared to that at the Brave Tournament.

In this way, Helen's attack power will be greatly reduced under the suppression of Sharon who is going all out and supported by the entire castle. At present, it only requires Arselia and several other apostles to take turns to assist, which can roughly suppress the weakened Helen. (Because Helen would not lose control until she fully recovered...) Finally, a way was found to prevent Helen from escaping.

"Everyone... get away..." The murderous shout exploded between the seals along with Helen's wave.

This is Helen, the first apostle with defense capabilities beyond human imagination, and the strongest weapon of the new demon king Ulysses.

Aya once told Alselia that after releasing the strongest power three times, Helen would automatically enter a semi-sleep state until the four-day holy essence can be activated again. The last time, when Helen completely lost control, it was the entire apostle group plus Fali, the King of Heroic Spirits Yuke, and Leilu who happened to come to the castle, who made Helen use up the four-day Holy Essence three times at once, forcing her to enter. In a semi-sleep state.

"Ding!" At the critical moment, Arselia's sword blocked Helen's fist. Helen, who was out of control, didn't hold back any words and directly threw out her strongest punch.

Different from those previous battles, now, Alselia is fighting for "protection" with all her strength. Because Helen is really too dangerous now.

Mihalu, who was assisting Arselia, fell directly to the ground, gasping for air. Although she only received a small portion of Helen's attacks, that was already beyond her limit. If she hadn't really grown a lot in the recent series of battles, she would have been eliminated long ago.

However, this is definitely not a good idea. As the time spent missing Ulysses increased, it became clear that Helen was losing control more and more.

Between the seals filled with dark power, the golden light in Alselia's hand seemed extremely dazzling and sacred. This is the original posture of the golden holy sword Excaliba, fighting against all evil forces. Also hundreds of years ago, they fought against the powerful Death Knights.

Now, I am afraid that only Ulysses himself can stop Helen. Otherwise, when her strength grows to the point where she can easily break free from Sharon's shackles, she will definitely rush out without hesitation, and then implement her own "finding daddy" (world destruction) plan.

In the castle on the ground, huge cracks appeared in four areas, which were traces caused by Sharon channeling the power of Helen's final blow.

According to Arselia's own estimation, after a while, even Sharon, who goes all out, may not be able to successfully suppress the rampaging Helen. By then, there will really be a big problem.

Helen, who usually did not show her emotions and would only show her smile in front of Ulysses, could be said to have experienced an extreme deterioration in her mood after losing Ulysses, and her control over her physical strength also deteriorated.

The only good thing is that after realizing Helen's current danger, Aya once again modified the magic circle in the castle. While losing most of its defensive capabilities, it concentrated almost all its power on this seal to block and suppress Helen. Those black chains are the embodiment of the power of this huge castle.

The only good thing is that after realizing Helen's current danger, Aya once again modified the magic circle in the castle. While losing most of its defensive capabilities, it concentrated almost all its power on this seal to block and suppress Helen. Those black chains are the embodiment of the power of this huge castle.

Between the seals filled with dark power, the golden light in Alselia's hand seemed extremely dazzling and sacred. This is the original posture of the golden holy sword Excaliba, fighting against all evil forces. Also hundreds of years ago, they fought against the powerful Death Knights.

According to Arselia's own estimation, after a while, even Sharon, who goes all out, may not be able to successfully suppress the rampaging Helen. By then, there will really be a big problem.

At the same time, Arselia was also sprinting. Dragging the golden holy sword to the ground, she was desperately sprinting towards Helen who was knocked away. The excessively high-speed sprint caused the golden holy sword to draw a deep mark on the ground and make a harsh noise at the same time.

Just a few days ago, she actually used her power to destroy half of the entire castle, thus completely getting rid of Sharon's suppression. If Leilu, Fali, and the Heroic Spirit King Yuke hadn't happened to be here at that time, relying on the power of several other apostles, there really would have been no way to stop her from carrying out her own plan to "find her father."

She is not the type like Tina and Ifia who would consider suggestions and methods. In fact, she was the most angry and frantic about Ulysses' missing state. If someone doesn't stop him, he will definitely dive into that great plan called "Looking for Dad" which can actually be equivalent to "Destroying the World" without any hesitation.

"My name is Arselia, the master of the holy sword Exkalibah. According to the power of the oath, I will be given undefeated." Facing the menacing first apostle, Arselia closed her eyes and gently reciting ancient oaths.

The initiator of the attack, Helen, who was likely to carry out a "search for her father" (i.e., a "world destruction plan") as long as she left here, returned to her original place and fell into a peaceful sleep.

"Mihalu!" In the past few days of cooperation, Arselia has formed a quite tacit understanding with Mihalu and Sharon. Almost as soon as she starts to move, they will naturally start to attack her. .

Powerful sacred light descended on Arselia's body, filling her whole body with powerful power.

"My name is Arselia, the master of the holy sword Exkalibah. According to the power of the oath, I will be given undefeated." Facing the menacing first apostle, Arselia closed her eyes and gently reciting ancient oaths.

Now, I am afraid that only Ulysses himself can stop Helen. Otherwise, when her strength grows to the point where she can easily break free from Sharon's shackles, she will definitely rush out without hesitation, and then implement her own "finding daddy" (world destruction) plan.

The only good thing is that after realizing Helen's current danger, Aya once again modified the magic circle in the castle. While losing most of its defensive capabilities, it concentrated almost all its power on this seal to block and suppress Helen. Those black chains are the embodiment of the power of this huge castle.

"Everyone... get away..." The murderous shout exploded between the seals along with Helen's wave.

"Mihalu!" In the past few days of cooperation, Arselia has formed a quite tacit understanding with Mihalu and Sharon. Almost as soon as she starts to move, they will naturally start to attack her. .

The initiator of the attack, Helen, who was likely to carry out a "search for her father" (i.e., a "world destruction plan") as long as she left here, returned to her original place and fell into a peaceful sleep.

She is not the type like Tina and Ifia who would consider suggestions and methods. In fact, she was the most angry and frantic about Ulysses' missing state. If someone doesn't stop him, he will definitely dive into that great plan called "Looking for Dad" which can actually be equivalent to "Destroying the World" without any hesitation.