Demon King Priest

Chapter 28: Thoughts from afar (Part 2)


While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

The so-called position of King Sophia means nothing to her. She was more concerned about whether Fali was happy than the throne.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

Next time you see him, you must punish him! In the name of Victoria, let him know the power of the state!

When he comes back, she will definitely let him compensate ten times or a hundred times for the mating debt he owed during this period!

Hydra is certainly not in a daze. In fact, she is doing something that is about to be completed, which is to repair the core that was damaged in her last decisive battle with Ulysses. Originally, it would take many years to fully recover from a serious injury like core destruction, but for some reason, after having many pleasant intercourses with Ulysses, her recovery was gaining momentum. By now, one of them is infinitely close to the complete state.

"Stupid cat, I'm different from guys like you who can't do anything. Look, there will be results soon." Hydera, who successfully recovered a clone, patted her chest confidently, and then said to This new doppelganger gave the order.

"Hydra, why haven't you gone to find your mate, that big pillow cat of Ulysses?"

Hydra is certainly not in a daze. In fact, she is doing something that is about to be completed, which is to repair the core that was damaged in her last decisive battle with Ulysses. Originally, it would take many years to fully recover from a serious injury like core destruction, but for some reason, after having many pleasant intercourses with Ulysses, her recovery was gaining momentum. By now, one of them is infinitely close to the complete state.

Although he is still a little weak, there are no signs of death at all. Because of this reason, the conflict between her and the black prince Edward was less. However, something seemed wrong. Recently, she had received reports of frequent contact between him and the Black Prince, and the two seemed to be planning something somewhere unknown to her.

"Wait, wait, don't stop! The real location hasn't been reflected yet! Oops, there's not enough time!" Aya, who had been concentrating on the crystal, hurriedly wrote down the area, but because there was too much time Due to the short time, she only got a general area.

"Don't worry about anything, no matter what method you use, go find Ulysses."

However, these have nothing to do with her. Whether they want to take back power or banish her, it doesn't matter to her. Originally, she had no desire for this throne. If anyone wanted to deal with those troublesome government affairs, let him do it.

At the same time, there were other people looking for the missing Ulysses in different places and in different ways.

"Hydra, why haven't you gone to find your mate, that big pillow cat of Ulysses?"

"Hydra, you have been in a daze for thirteen hours straight."

Hydra is certainly not in a daze. In fact, she is doing something that is about to be completed, which is to repair the core that was damaged in her last decisive battle with Ulysses. Originally, it would take many years to fully recover from a serious injury like core destruction, but for some reason, after having many pleasant intercourses with Ulysses, her recovery was gaining momentum. By now, one of them is infinitely close to the complete state.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

"Here... there is no smell..." Leilu, carrying a halberd, strolled through the streets of Sophia, shrugging her nose casually as she moved. Judging from her wild sense of smell, there was no scent of the person named "Ulysses" here.

Moreover, the possibility of staying here and waiting for Ulysses is very high. After all, based on her understanding of him, he was not the type who would just leave the people here alone.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

Moreover, the possibility of staying here and waiting for Ulysses is very high. After all, based on her understanding of him, he was not the type who would just leave the people here alone.

"Good boy, good boy, Fali, don't worry, you will be found soon. My sister has already lined up the army to take charge of the search." Victoria stroked little Fali's head while complaining that the girl suddenly disappeared without a trace. of Ulysses. What happened to make Xiao Fali so sad again? Fortunately, he still promised her that he would take good care of her.

"Hydra, you have a butterfly on your head."

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Big brother is gone again, gone again!" Sophia's little princess, the owner of the Dark Holy Grail, Fali, cried loudly in the arms of Princess Victoria, as big as a broken pearl. Big drops of tears kept falling from her beautiful big blue eyes, soaking the hem of her skirt.

However, before that, we had to find a way to appease Saya, who seemed to be in a bad situation. After that Brave Tournament ended, she seemed to have gone into her room and conducted some horrific research...

"If it weren't for this, I would have run away long ago. Saya's current situation is not reassuring at all." The two Hydras shrugged their shoulders. This is no joke. If Saya acts randomly, Those bugs before were nothing.

"Hey, it worked." Hydra in the form of a little girl stretched out two fingers and made a "V" gesture.

However, Ulysses is not the only one who is missing. After the festival accident, hundreds of people disappeared, and no one knew where they went. And among those who came back from the festival, many people also experienced some changes.

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

"Big stupid snake, there are rats there..." Kana, wearing a purple maid uniform, walked around the two dumb Hydras, trying to get her to come back from that world.

"Here... there is no smell..." Leilu, carrying a halberd, strolled through the streets of Sophia, shrugging her nose casually as she moved. Judging from her wild sense of smell, there was no scent of the person named "Ulysses" here.

However, these have nothing to do with her. Whether they want to take back power or banish her, it doesn't matter to her. Originally, she had no desire for this throne. If anyone wanted to deal with those troublesome government affairs, let him do it.

Hydra is certainly not in a daze. In fact, she is doing something that is about to be completed, which is to repair the core that was damaged in her last decisive battle with Ulysses. Originally, it would take many years to fully recover from a serious injury like core destruction, but for some reason, after having many pleasant intercourses with Ulysses, her recovery was gaining momentum. By now, one of them is infinitely close to the complete state.

Of all the searchers, there was probably only one person who truly understood what might have happened to Ulysses and why everyone could not find him. However, even she couldn't really understand why such a thing happened.

Clearly, though, her efforts seemed to have failed. No matter what she said, the two Hydras never recovered from their sluggish state.

"It looks like it's a new race. Let's do some research first, and then find the father who ran away irresponsibly."

"Hydra, you have been in a daze for thirteen hours straight."

The golden crystal began to automatically rotate at an even speed in the air. As the power of Demon King Ulysses was upgraded, Aya's power was also strengthened. This time, she used techniques that she had not been able to use before. She could rely on the power contained in the crystal to resonate with the power of other demons.

"If it weren't for this, I would have run away long ago. Saya's current situation is not reassuring at all." The two Hydras shrugged their shoulders. This is no joke. If Saya acts randomly, Those bugs before were nothing.

"Huh, no. But I have put a reward of millions of gold coins. If Ulysses appears, someone should come and report the news. By the way, in addition to me, the Supreme God Religion also seems to have something. The bounty seems to be a castle, or a territory." Heroic Spirit King Yu Ke turned the wine glass in his hand and said casually.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

This state has not lasted for a day or two. In fact, since the big pillow named Ulysses disappeared, Hydera has often been in this state. Well, although she was a little bit reluctant, it was really just a little bit reluctant. But it's definitely not to the level of Hydera. At most, it's just that I accidentally fried the omelette black...

However, at the moment when the crystal was about to stop completely, a black light suddenly flashed in the upper half of the crystal. But before Aiya could confirm, the entire crystal had automatically stopped running, leaving no trace on it. If Aya hadn't been so focused, she might not even have noticed the flash of light.

Finally, I found you again, Master.

"In the end, there is still no news? Don't cry, don't cry, Fali..." Victoria hurriedly comforted the little princess in her arms, putting all her grievances on the missing Ulysses.

"Hey, it worked." Hydra in the form of a little girl stretched out two fingers and made a "V" gesture.

"Stupid cat, I'm different from guys like you who can't do anything. Look, there will be results soon." Hydera, who successfully recovered a clone, patted her chest confidently, and then said to This new doppelganger gave the order.

"Here... there is no smell..." Leilu, carrying a halberd, strolled through the streets of Sophia, shrugging her nose casually as she moved. Judging from her wild sense of smell, there was no scent of the person named "Ulysses" here.

One of them is her current husband (albeit only in name), King Sophia Edward III. After returning from the festival where a major accident occurred, something seemed wrong with him. He was once judged by the Pope of the Supreme God himself to be unable to live much longer, but he miraculously regained a lot of vitality.

Hydra is certainly not in a daze. In fact, she is doing something that is about to be completed, which is to repair the core that was damaged in her last decisive battle with Ulysses. Originally, it would take many years to fully recover from a serious injury like core destruction, but for some reason, after having many pleasant intercourses with Ulysses, her recovery was gaining momentum. By now, one of them is infinitely close to the complete state.

"Huh, no. But I have put a reward of millions of gold coins. If Ulysses appears, someone should come and report the news. By the way, in addition to me, the Supreme God Religion also seems to have something. The bounty seems to be a castle, or a territory." Heroic Spirit King Yu Ke turned the wine glass in his hand and said casually.

"Huh, I got it. If I don't find him, I won't come back. You continue to wait here, and be careful not to let Shaye lose control. If she loses control, she will be more terrifying than that Helen." After giving the instructions, The new Hydra flew away without stopping.

Finally, I found you again, Master.

After being in a daze for ten hours, the two Hydras stood up with a "whoop" at the same time, and then at the same time showed a happy expression that they were done.

"Hydra, you have a butterfly on your head."

"Yuke, don't you have any news either?" Victoria comforted her little Fali while asking the King of Heroes Yuke, who was sitting casually aside. If you want to get information, the Heroic Spirit King Yuke may have better channels than her. After all, she has another advantage.

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and an hour has passed. Even if the loss of induction spells is small, the operation of the crystal will automatically stop.

"Hey, it worked." Hydra in the form of a little girl stretched out two fingers and made a "V" gesture.

However, Ulysses is not the only one who is missing. After the festival accident, hundreds of people disappeared, and no one knew where they went. And among those who came back from the festival, many people also experienced some changes.

"Hydra, why haven't you gone to find your mate, that big pillow cat of Ulysses?"

"Stupid cat, I'm different from guys like you who can't do anything. Look, there will be results soon." Hydera, who successfully recovered a clone, patted her chest confidently, and then said to This new doppelganger gave the order.

"Wait, wait, don't stop! The real location hasn't been reflected yet! Oops, there's not enough time!" Aya, who had been concentrating on the crystal, hurriedly wrote down the area, but because there was too much time Due to the short time, she only got a general area.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

"In the north? And, far, far away from here? Why did the master go there?" Although she still had a puzzled expression on her face, Aya's eyes were obviously full of smiles.

"In the end, there is still no news? Don't cry, don't cry, Fali..." Victoria hurriedly comforted the little princess in her arms, putting all her grievances on the missing Ulysses.

"Hydra, you have been in a daze for thirteen hours straight."

Sofia Palace, in the palace of the princess.

"Come out!" In the unanimous voice of the two, the sixth Hydra appeared in the air. This is not a temporary item like a puppet fruit, but a genuine clone of her with a complete resurrection core.

While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

When he comes back, she will definitely let him compensate ten times or a hundred times for the mating debt he owed during this period!

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

"Stupid cat, I'm different from guys like you who can't do anything. Look, there will be results soon." Hydera, who successfully recovered a clone, patted her chest confidently, and then said to This new doppelganger gave the order.

"Don't worry about anything, no matter what method you use, go find Ulysses."

"Wait, wait, don't stop! The real location hasn't been reflected yet! Oops, there's not enough time!" Aya, who had been concentrating on the crystal, hurriedly wrote down the area, but because there was too much time Due to the short time, she only got a general area.

This state has not lasted for a day or two. In fact, since the big pillow named Ulysses disappeared, Hydera has often been in this state. Well, although she was a little bit reluctant, it was really just a little bit reluctant. But it's definitely not to the level of Hydera. At most, it's just that I accidentally fried the omelette black...

"If it weren't for this, I would have run away long ago. Saya's current situation is not reassuring at all." The two Hydras shrugged their shoulders. This is no joke. If Saya acts randomly, Those bugs before were nothing.

"Don't worry about anything, no matter what method you use, go find Ulysses."

"If it weren't for this, I would have run away long ago. Saya's current situation is not reassuring at all." The two Hydras shrugged their shoulders. This is no joke. If Saya acts randomly, Those bugs before were nothing.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Big brother is gone again, gone again!" Sophia's little princess, the owner of the Dark Holy Grail, Fali, cried loudly in the arms of Princess Victoria, as big as a broken pearl. Big drops of tears kept falling from her beautiful big blue eyes, soaking the hem of her skirt.

"Huh, I got it. If I don't find him, I won't come back. You continue to wait here, and be careful not to let Shaye lose control. If she loses control, she will be more terrifying than that Helen." After giving the instructions, The new Hydra flew away without stopping.

This situation, to be honest, involves a lot of unknown things. Last time, even though Ulysses entered the powerful barrier created by the former sage of this world, she could still vaguely feel his presence. However, this time, the connection between all their apostles and their master was completely cut off, no, it should be said to be blocked. People who can do such things should not exist in this world.

"Huh, no. But I have put a reward of millions of gold coins. If Ulysses appears, someone should come and report the news. By the way, in addition to me, the Supreme God Religion also seems to have something. The bounty seems to be a castle, or a territory." Heroic Spirit King Yu Ke turned the wine glass in his hand and said casually.

At the same time, there were other people looking for the missing Ulysses in different places and in different ways.

"Huh, I got it. If I don't find him, I won't come back. You continue to wait here, and be careful not to let Shaye lose control. If she loses control, she will be more terrifying than that Helen." After giving the instructions, The new Hydra flew away without stopping.

"If it weren't for this, I would have run away long ago. Saya's current situation is not reassuring at all." The two Hydras shrugged their shoulders. This is no joke. If Saya acts randomly, Those bugs before were nothing.

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

However, before that, we had to find a way to appease Saya, who seemed to be in a bad situation. After that Brave Tournament ended, she seemed to have gone into her room and conducted some horrific research...

"Don't worry about anything, no matter what method you use, go find Ulysses."

"Hey, it worked." Hydra in the form of a little girl stretched out two fingers and made a "V" gesture.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Big brother is gone again, gone again!" Sophia's little princess, the owner of the Dark Holy Grail, Fali, cried loudly in the arms of Princess Victoria, as big as a broken pearl. Big drops of tears kept falling from her beautiful big blue eyes, soaking the hem of her skirt.

This state has not lasted for a day or two. In fact, since the big pillow named Ulysses disappeared, Hydera has often been in this state. Well, although she was a little bit reluctant, it was really just a little bit reluctant. But it's definitely not to the level of Hydera. At most, it's just that I accidentally fried the omelette black...

"Here... there is no smell..." Leilu, carrying a halberd, strolled through the streets of Sophia, shrugging her nose casually as she moved. Judging from her wild sense of smell, there was no scent of the person named "Ulysses" here.

Moreover, the possibility of staying here and waiting for Ulysses is very high. After all, based on her understanding of him, he was not the type who would just leave the people here alone.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

"Good boy, good boy, Fali, don't worry, you will be found soon. My sister has already lined up the army to take charge of the search." Victoria stroked little Fali's head while complaining that the girl suddenly disappeared without a trace. of Ulysses. What happened to make Xiao Fali so sad again? Fortunately, he still promised her that he would take good care of her.

While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

"Come out!" In the unanimous voice of the two, the sixth Hydra appeared in the air. This is not a temporary item like a puppet fruit, but a genuine clone of her with a complete resurrection core.

Moreover, the possibility of staying here and waiting for Ulysses is very high. After all, based on her understanding of him, he was not the type who would just leave the people here alone.

Next time you see him, you must punish him! In the name of Victoria, let him know the power of the state!

When he comes back, she will definitely let him compensate ten times or a hundred times for the mating debt he owed during this period!

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Big brother is gone again, gone again!" Sophia's little princess, the owner of the Dark Holy Grail, Fali, cried loudly in the arms of Princess Victoria, as big as a broken pearl. Big drops of tears kept falling from her beautiful big blue eyes, soaking the hem of her skirt.

"Come out!" In the unanimous voice of the two, the sixth Hydra appeared in the air. This is not a temporary item like a puppet fruit, but a genuine clone of her with a complete resurrection core.

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

However, before that, we had to find a way to appease Saya, who seemed to be in a bad situation. After that Brave Tournament ended, she seemed to have gone into her room and conducted some horrific research...

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and an hour has passed. Even if the loss of induction spells is small, the operation of the crystal will automatically stop.

At the same time, there were other people looking for the missing Ulysses in different places and in different ways.

"Huh, no. But I have put a reward of millions of gold coins. If Ulysses appears, someone should come and report the news. By the way, in addition to me, the Supreme God Religion also seems to have something. The bounty seems to be a castle, or a territory." Heroic Spirit King Yu Ke turned the wine glass in his hand and said casually.

"If it weren't for this, I would have run away long ago. Saya's current situation is not reassuring at all." The two Hydras shrugged their shoulders. This is no joke. If Saya acts randomly, Those bugs before were nothing.

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

This state has not lasted for a day or two. In fact, since the big pillow named Ulysses disappeared, Hydera has often been in this state. Well, although she was a little bit reluctant, it was really just a little bit reluctant. But it's definitely not to the level of Hydera. At most, it's just that I accidentally fried the omelette black...

"Huh, I got it. If I don't find him, I won't come back. You continue to wait here, and be careful not to let Shaye lose control. If she loses control, she will be more terrifying than that Helen." After giving the instructions, The new Hydra flew away without stopping.

Although he is still a little weak, there are no signs of death at all. Because of this reason, the conflict between her and the black prince Edward was less. However, something seemed wrong. Recently, she had received reports of frequent contact between him and the Black Prince, and the two seemed to be planning something somewhere unknown to her.

Finally, I found you again, Master.

Sofia Palace, in the palace of the princess.

"Big stupid snake, there are rats there..." Kana, wearing a purple maid uniform, walked around the two dumb Hydras, trying to get her to come back from that world.

"Isn't there any news about Ulysses from the church intelligence department? And about dad?" In the cathedral in Sophia, Noah frowned and asked the person responsible for collecting intelligence from the Supreme Religion.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Big brother is gone again, gone again!" Sophia's little princess, the owner of the Dark Holy Grail, Fali, cried loudly in the arms of Princess Victoria, as big as a broken pearl. Big drops of tears kept falling from her beautiful big blue eyes, soaking the hem of her skirt.

"Hydra, you have a butterfly on your head."

"Wait, wait, don't stop! The real location hasn't been reflected yet! Oops, there's not enough time!" Aya, who had been concentrating on the crystal, hurriedly wrote down the area, but because there was too much time Due to the short time, she only got a general area.

"Good boy, good boy, Fali, don't worry, you will be found soon. My sister has already lined up the army to take charge of the search." Victoria stroked little Fali's head while complaining that the girl suddenly disappeared without a trace. of Ulysses. What happened to make Xiao Fali so sad again? Fortunately, he still promised her that he would take good care of her.

After being in a daze for ten hours, the two Hydras stood up with a "whoop" at the same time, and then at the same time showed a happy expression that they were done.

"In the north? And, far, far away from here? Why did the master go there?" Although she still had a puzzled expression on her face, Aya's eyes were obviously full of smiles.

"Big stupid snake, there are rats there..." Kana, wearing a purple maid uniform, walked around the two dumb Hydras, trying to get her to come back from that world.

One of them is her current husband (albeit only in name), King Sophia Edward III. After returning from the festival where a major accident occurred, something seemed wrong with him. He was once judged by the Pope of the Supreme God himself to be unable to live much longer, but he miraculously regained a lot of vitality.

"Good boy, good boy, Fali, don't worry, you will be found soon. My sister has already lined up the army to take charge of the search." Victoria stroked little Fali's head while complaining that the girl suddenly disappeared without a trace. of Ulysses. What happened to make Xiao Fali so sad again? Fortunately, he still promised her that he would take good care of her.

"Stupid cat, I'm different from guys like you who can't do anything. Look, there will be results soon." Hydera, who successfully recovered a clone, patted her chest confidently, and then said to This new doppelganger gave the order.

"Hydra, why haven't you gone to find your mate, that big pillow cat of Ulysses?"

However, before that, we had to find a way to appease Saya, who seemed to be in a bad situation. After that Brave Tournament ended, she seemed to have gone into her room and conducted some horrific research...

"Big stupid snake, there are rats there..." Kana, wearing a purple maid uniform, walked around the two dumb Hydras, trying to get her to come back from that world.

The so-called position of King Sophia means nothing to her. She was more concerned about whether Fali was happy than the throne.

After being in a daze for ten hours, the two Hydras stood up with a "whoop" at the same time, and then at the same time showed a happy expression that they were done.

However, Ulysses is not the only one who is missing. After the festival accident, hundreds of people disappeared, and no one knew where they went. And among those who came back from the festival, many people also experienced some changes.

"In the north? And, far, far away from here? Why did the master go there?" Although she still had a puzzled expression on her face, Aya's eyes were obviously full of smiles.

"I'm sorry, not at all. They all seemed to have suddenly disappeared from this world. The last incident caused heavy losses to several units of the Holy Knights responsible for reconnaissance and search missions, and they have not been able to replace the personnel for the time being. Please forgive me. "

Finally, I found you again, Master.

"If it weren't for this, I would have run away long ago. Saya's current situation is not reassuring at all." The two Hydras shrugged their shoulders. This is no joke. If Saya acts randomly, Those bugs before were nothing.

This state has not lasted for a day or two. In fact, since the big pillow named Ulysses disappeared, Hydera has often been in this state. Well, although she was a little bit reluctant, it was really just a little bit reluctant. But it's definitely not to the level of Hydera. At most, it's just that I accidentally fried the omelette black...

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

"Isn't there any news about Ulysses from the church intelligence department? And about dad?" In the cathedral in Sophia, Noah frowned and asked the person responsible for collecting intelligence from the Supreme Religion.

Next time you see him, you must punish him! In the name of Victoria, let him know the power of the state!

One of them is her current husband (albeit only in name), King Sophia Edward III. After returning from the festival where a major accident occurred, something seemed wrong with him. He was once judged by the Pope of the Supreme God himself to be unable to live much longer, but he miraculously regained a lot of vitality.

However, at the moment when the crystal was about to stop completely, a black light suddenly flashed in the upper half of the crystal. But before Aiya could confirm, the entire crystal had automatically stopped running, leaving no trace on it. If Aya hadn't been so focused, she might not even have noticed the flash of light.

"Hydra, why haven't you gone to find your mate, that big pillow cat of Ulysses?"

She has been using this magic continuously for many days. If she can't be contacted again, then the golden crystal stored in her hand is about to be used up, and she might really have to consult Helen or Tina for their opinions.

Although he is still a little weak, there are no signs of death at all. Because of this reason, the conflict between her and the black prince Edward was less. However, something seemed wrong. Recently, she had received reports of frequent contact between him and the Black Prince, and the two seemed to be planning something somewhere unknown to her.

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and an hour has passed. Even if the loss of induction spells is small, the operation of the crystal will automatically stop.

"In the end, there is still no news? Don't cry, don't cry, Fali..." Victoria hurriedly comforted the little princess in her arms, putting all her grievances on the missing Ulysses.

"Hydra, you have been in a daze for thirteen hours straight."

"I'm sorry, not at all. They all seemed to have suddenly disappeared from this world. The last incident caused heavy losses to several units of the Holy Knights responsible for reconnaissance and search missions, and they have not been able to replace the personnel for the time being. Please forgive me. "

"In the north? And, far, far away from here? Why did the master go there?" Although she still had a puzzled expression on her face, Aya's eyes were obviously full of smiles.

However, these have nothing to do with her. Whether they want to take back power or banish her, it doesn't matter to her. Originally, she had no desire for this throne. If anyone wanted to deal with those troublesome government affairs, let him do it.

Although he is still a little weak, there are no signs of death at all. Because of this reason, the conflict between her and the black prince Edward was less. However, something seemed wrong. Recently, she had received reports of frequent contact between him and the Black Prince, and the two seemed to be planning something somewhere unknown to her.

However, before that, we had to find a way to appease Saya, who seemed to be in a bad situation. After that Brave Tournament ended, she seemed to have gone into her room and conducted some horrific research...

The so-called position of King Sophia means nothing to her. She was more concerned about whether Fali was happy than the throne.

However, Ulysses is not the only one who is missing. After the festival accident, hundreds of people disappeared, and no one knew where they went. And among those who came back from the festival, many people also experienced some changes.

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

"Yuke, don't you have any news either?" Victoria comforted her little Fali while asking the King of Heroes Yuke, who was sitting casually aside. If you want to get information, the Heroic Spirit King Yuke may have better channels than her. After all, she has another advantage.

"Come out!" In the unanimous voice of the two, the sixth Hydra appeared in the air. This is not a temporary item like a puppet fruit, but a genuine clone of her with a complete resurrection core.

The golden crystal began to automatically rotate at an even speed in the air. As the power of Demon King Ulysses was upgraded, Aya's power was also strengthened. This time, she used techniques that she had not been able to use before. She could rely on the power contained in the crystal to resonate with the power of other demons.

"Yuke, don't you have any news either?" Victoria comforted her little Fali while asking the King of Heroes Yuke, who was sitting casually aside. If you want to get information, the Heroic Spirit King Yuke may have better channels than her. After all, she has another advantage.

"Good boy, good boy, Fali, don't worry, you will be found soon. My sister has already lined up the army to take charge of the search." Victoria stroked little Fali's head while complaining that the girl suddenly disappeared without a trace. of Ulysses. What happened to make Xiao Fali so sad again? Fortunately, he still promised her that he would take good care of her.

At the same time, there were other people looking for the missing Ulysses in different places and in different ways.

"I'm sorry, not at all. They all seemed to have suddenly disappeared from this world. The last incident caused heavy losses to several units of the Holy Knights responsible for reconnaissance and search missions, and they have not been able to replace the personnel for the time being. Please forgive me. "

However, these have nothing to do with her. Whether they want to take back power or banish her, it doesn't matter to her. Originally, she had no desire for this throne. If anyone wanted to deal with those troublesome government affairs, let him do it.

"Come out!" In the unanimous voice of the two, the sixth Hydra appeared in the air. This is not a temporary item like a puppet fruit, but a genuine clone of her with a complete resurrection core.

"Good boy, good boy, Fali, don't worry, you will be found soon. My sister has already lined up the army to take charge of the search." Victoria stroked little Fali's head while complaining that the girl suddenly disappeared without a trace. of Ulysses. What happened to make Xiao Fali so sad again? Fortunately, he still promised her that he would take good care of her.

Moreover, the possibility of staying here and waiting for Ulysses is very high. After all, based on her understanding of him, he was not the type who would just leave the people here alone.

"Isn't there any news about Ulysses from the church intelligence department? And about dad?" In the cathedral in Sophia, Noah frowned and asked the person responsible for collecting intelligence from the Supreme Religion.

"Huh, no. But I have put a reward of millions of gold coins. If Ulysses appears, someone should come and report the news. By the way, in addition to me, the Supreme God Religion also seems to have something. The bounty seems to be a castle, or a territory." Heroic Spirit King Yu Ke turned the wine glass in his hand and said casually.

"Hydra, you have been in a daze for thirteen hours straight."

"Hey, it worked." Hydra in the form of a little girl stretched out two fingers and made a "V" gesture.

Of all the searchers, there was probably only one person who truly understood what might have happened to Ulysses and why everyone could not find him. However, even she couldn't really understand why such a thing happened.

"Stupid cat, I'm different from guys like you who can't do anything. Look, there will be results soon." Hydera, who successfully recovered a clone, patted her chest confidently, and then said to This new doppelganger gave the order.

When he comes back, she will definitely let him compensate ten times or a hundred times for the mating debt he owed during this period!

Moreover, the possibility of staying here and waiting for Ulysses is very high. After all, based on her understanding of him, he was not the type who would just leave the people here alone.

"In the end, there is still no news? Don't cry, don't cry, Fali..." Victoria hurriedly comforted the little princess in her arms, putting all her grievances on the missing Ulysses.

However, these have nothing to do with her. Whether they want to take back power or banish her, it doesn't matter to her. Originally, she had no desire for this throne. If anyone wanted to deal with those troublesome government affairs, let him do it.

"Big stupid snake, there are rats there..." Kana, wearing a purple maid uniform, walked around the two dumb Hydras, trying to get her to come back from that world.

"Wait, wait, don't stop! The real location hasn't been reflected yet! Oops, there's not enough time!" Aya, who had been concentrating on the crystal, hurriedly wrote down the area, but because there was too much time Due to the short time, she only got a general area.

Finally, I found you again, Master.

After being in a daze for ten hours, the two Hydras stood up with a "whoop" at the same time, and then at the same time showed a happy expression that they were done.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

However, these have nothing to do with her. Whether they want to take back power or banish her, it doesn't matter to her. Originally, she had no desire for this throne. If anyone wanted to deal with those troublesome government affairs, let him do it.

Next time you see him, you must punish him! In the name of Victoria, let him know the power of the state!

This situation, to be honest, involves a lot of unknown things. Last time, even though Ulysses entered the powerful barrier created by the former sage of this world, she could still vaguely feel his presence. However, this time, the connection between all their apostles and their master was completely cut off, no, it should be said to be blocked. People who can do such things should not exist in this world.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Big brother is gone again, gone again!" Sophia's little princess, the owner of the Dark Holy Grail, Fali, cried loudly in the arms of Princess Victoria, as big as a broken pearl. Big drops of tears kept falling from her beautiful big blue eyes, soaking the hem of her skirt.

"Don't worry about anything, no matter what method you use, go find Ulysses."

"Huh, I got it. If I don't find him, I won't come back. You continue to wait here, and be careful not to let Shaye lose control. If she loses control, she will be more terrifying than that Helen." After giving the instructions, The new Hydra flew away without stopping.

Hydra is certainly not in a daze. In fact, she is doing something that is about to be completed, which is to repair the core that was damaged in her last decisive battle with Ulysses. Originally, it would take many years to fully recover from a serious injury like core destruction, but for some reason, after having many pleasant intercourses with Ulysses, her recovery was gaining momentum. By now, one of them is infinitely close to the complete state.

This situation, to be honest, involves a lot of unknown things. Last time, even though Ulysses entered the powerful barrier created by the former sage of this world, she could still vaguely feel his presence. However, this time, the connection between all their apostles and their master was completely cut off, no, it should be said to be blocked. People who can do such things should not exist in this world.

"I'm sorry, not at all. They all seemed to have suddenly disappeared from this world. The last incident caused heavy losses to several units of the Holy Knights responsible for reconnaissance and search missions, and they have not been able to replace the personnel for the time being. Please forgive me. "

"Isn't there any news about Ulysses from the church intelligence department? And about dad?" In the cathedral in Sophia, Noah frowned and asked the person responsible for collecting intelligence from the Supreme Religion.

After being in a daze for ten hours, the two Hydras stood up with a "whoop" at the same time, and then at the same time showed a happy expression that they were done.

One of them is her current husband (albeit only in name), King Sophia Edward III. After returning from the festival where a major accident occurred, something seemed wrong with him. He was once judged by the Pope of the Supreme God himself to be unable to live much longer, but he miraculously regained a lot of vitality.

At the same time, there were other people looking for the missing Ulysses in different places and in different ways.

"It looks like it's a new race. Let's do some research first, and then find the father who ran away irresponsibly."

However, at the moment when the crystal was about to stop completely, a black light suddenly flashed in the upper half of the crystal. But before Aiya could confirm, the entire crystal had automatically stopped running, leaving no trace on it. If Aya hadn't been so focused, she might not even have noticed the flash of light.

"If it weren't for this, I would have run away long ago. Saya's current situation is not reassuring at all." The two Hydras shrugged their shoulders. This is no joke. If Saya acts randomly, Those bugs before were nothing.

"Here... there is no smell..." Leilu, carrying a halberd, strolled through the streets of Sophia, shrugging her nose casually as she moved. Judging from her wild sense of smell, there was no scent of the person named "Ulysses" here.

"Hydra, you have been in a daze for thirteen hours straight."

Clearly, though, her efforts seemed to have failed. No matter what she said, the two Hydras never recovered from their sluggish state.

"It looks like it's a new race. Let's do some research first, and then find the father who ran away irresponsibly."

The golden crystal began to automatically rotate at an even speed in the air. As the power of Demon King Ulysses was upgraded, Aya's power was also strengthened. This time, she used techniques that she had not been able to use before. She could rely on the power contained in the crystal to resonate with the power of other demons.

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and an hour has passed. Even if the loss of induction spells is small, the operation of the crystal will automatically stop.

"Isn't there any news about Ulysses from the church intelligence department? And about dad?" In the cathedral in Sophia, Noah frowned and asked the person responsible for collecting intelligence from the Supreme Religion.

"Yuke, don't you have any news either?" Victoria comforted her little Fali while asking the King of Heroes Yuke, who was sitting casually aside. If you want to get information, the Heroic Spirit King Yuke may have better channels than her. After all, she has another advantage.

"Hydra, why haven't you gone to find your mate, that big pillow cat of Ulysses?"

While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

"Big stupid snake, there are rats there..." Kana, wearing a purple maid uniform, walked around the two dumb Hydras, trying to get her to come back from that world.

She has been using this magic continuously for many days. If she can't be contacted again, then the golden crystal stored in her hand is about to be used up, and she might really have to consult Helen or Tina for their opinions.

However, at the moment when the crystal was about to stop completely, a black light suddenly flashed in the upper half of the crystal. But before Aiya could confirm, the entire crystal had automatically stopped running, leaving no trace on it. If Aya hadn't been so focused, she might not even have noticed the flash of light.

Clearly, though, her efforts seemed to have failed. No matter what she said, the two Hydras never recovered from their sluggish state.

"I'm sorry, not at all. They all seemed to have suddenly disappeared from this world. The last incident caused heavy losses to several units of the Holy Knights responsible for reconnaissance and search missions, and they have not been able to replace the personnel for the time being. Please forgive me. "

While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

"It looks like there's nothing there, but there is something else interesting." In a room full of jelly-like objects, Saya gently brushed her long green hair. In front of her, there was a person who looked a bit like A life form that looks like a human, but has some parts that take on an unnatural shape.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

She has been using this magic continuously for many days. If she can't be contacted again, then the golden crystal stored in her hand is about to be used up, and she might really have to consult Helen or Tina for their opinions.

This state has not lasted for a day or two. In fact, since the big pillow named Ulysses disappeared, Hydera has often been in this state. Well, although she was a little bit reluctant, it was really just a little bit reluctant. But it's definitely not to the level of Hydera. At most, it's just that I accidentally fried the omelette black...

One of them is her current husband (albeit only in name), King Sophia Edward III. After returning from the festival where a major accident occurred, something seemed wrong with him. He was once judged by the Pope of the Supreme God himself to be unable to live much longer, but he miraculously regained a lot of vitality.

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and an hour has passed. Even if the loss of induction spells is small, the operation of the crystal will automatically stop.

"It looks like there's nothing there, but there is something else interesting." In a room full of jelly-like objects, Saya gently brushed her long green hair. In front of her, there was a person who looked a bit like A life form that looks like a human, but has some parts that take on an unnatural shape.

"Hydra, you have a butterfly on your head."

"Hydra, you have been in a daze for thirteen hours straight."

This state has not lasted for a day or two. In fact, since the big pillow named Ulysses disappeared, Hydera has often been in this state. Well, although she was a little bit reluctant, it was really just a little bit reluctant. But it's definitely not to the level of Hydera. At most, it's just that I accidentally fried the omelette black...

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Big brother is gone again, gone again!" Sophia's little princess, the owner of the Dark Holy Grail, Fali, cried loudly in the arms of Princess Victoria, as big as a broken pearl. Big drops of tears kept falling from her beautiful big blue eyes, soaking the hem of her skirt.

Sofia Palace, in the palace of the princess.

She has been using this magic continuously for many days. If she can't be contacted again, then the golden crystal stored in her hand is about to be used up, and she might really have to consult Helen or Tina for their opinions.

"Don't worry about anything, no matter what method you use, go find Ulysses."

"Don't worry about anything, no matter what method you use, go find Ulysses."

"It looks like it's a new race. Let's do some research first, and then find the father who ran away irresponsibly."

"In the end, there is still no news? Don't cry, don't cry, Fali..." Victoria hurriedly comforted the little princess in her arms, putting all her grievances on the missing Ulysses.

"Hydra, why haven't you gone to find your mate, that big pillow cat of Ulysses?"

"In the end, there is still no news? Don't cry, don't cry, Fali..." Victoria hurriedly comforted the little princess in her arms, putting all her grievances on the missing Ulysses.

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

"Come out!" In the unanimous voice of the two, the sixth Hydra appeared in the air. This is not a temporary item like a puppet fruit, but a genuine clone of her with a complete resurrection core.

Hydra is certainly not in a daze. In fact, she is doing something that is about to be completed, which is to repair the core that was damaged in her last decisive battle with Ulysses. Originally, it would take many years to fully recover from a serious injury like core destruction, but for some reason, after having many pleasant intercourses with Ulysses, her recovery was gaining momentum. By now, one of them is infinitely close to the complete state.

Finally, I found you again, Master.

"Huh, no. But I have put a reward of millions of gold coins. If Ulysses appears, someone should come and report the news. By the way, in addition to me, the Supreme God Religion also seems to have something. The bounty seems to be a castle, or a territory." Heroic Spirit King Yu Ke turned the wine glass in his hand and said casually.

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and an hour has passed. Even if the loss of induction spells is small, the operation of the crystal will automatically stop.

"I'm sorry, not at all. They all seemed to have suddenly disappeared from this world. The last incident caused heavy losses to several units of the Holy Knights responsible for reconnaissance and search missions, and they have not been able to replace the personnel for the time being. Please forgive me. "

"Come out!" In the unanimous voice of the two, the sixth Hydra appeared in the air. This is not a temporary item like a puppet fruit, but a genuine clone of her with a complete resurrection core.

Of all the searchers, there was probably only one person who truly understood what might have happened to Ulysses and why everyone could not find him. However, even she couldn't really understand why such a thing happened.

"Good boy, good boy, Fali, don't worry, you will be found soon. My sister has already lined up the army to take charge of the search." Victoria stroked little Fali's head while complaining that the girl suddenly disappeared without a trace. of Ulysses. What happened to make Xiao Fali so sad again? Fortunately, he still promised her that he would take good care of her.

"Big stupid snake, there are rats there..." Kana, wearing a purple maid uniform, walked around the two dumb Hydras, trying to get her to come back from that world.

Next time you see him, you must punish him! In the name of Victoria, let him know the power of the state!

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and an hour has passed. Even if the loss of induction spells is small, the operation of the crystal will automatically stop.

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Big brother is gone again, gone again!" Sophia's little princess, the owner of the Dark Holy Grail, Fali, cried loudly in the arms of Princess Victoria, as big as a broken pearl. Big drops of tears kept falling from her beautiful big blue eyes, soaking the hem of her skirt.

"Huh, I got it. If I don't find him, I won't come back. You continue to wait here, and be careful not to let Shaye lose control. If she loses control, she will be more terrifying than that Helen." After giving the instructions, The new Hydra flew away without stopping.

"In the end, there is still no news? Don't cry, don't cry, Fali..." Victoria hurriedly comforted the little princess in her arms, putting all her grievances on the missing Ulysses.

"I'm sorry, not at all. They all seemed to have suddenly disappeared from this world. The last incident caused heavy losses to several units of the Holy Knights responsible for reconnaissance and search missions, and they have not been able to replace the personnel for the time being. Please forgive me. "

"Hydra, you have been in a daze for thirteen hours straight."

She has been using this magic continuously for many days. If she can't be contacted again, then the golden crystal stored in her hand is about to be used up, and she might really have to consult Helen or Tina for their opinions.

While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

She has been using this magic continuously for many days. If she can't be contacted again, then the golden crystal stored in her hand is about to be used up, and she might really have to consult Helen or Tina for their opinions.

Finally, I found you again, Master.

While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

The so-called position of King Sophia means nothing to her. She was more concerned about whether Fali was happy than the throne.

"It's perfect." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl held the hand of Hydra in the form of a little girl. Between their hands, a small light spot was forming rapidly.

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and an hour has passed. Even if the loss of induction spells is small, the operation of the crystal will automatically stop.

"Hydra, you have been in a daze for thirteen hours straight."

This situation, to be honest, involves a lot of unknown things. Last time, even though Ulysses entered the powerful barrier created by the former sage of this world, she could still vaguely feel his presence. However, this time, the connection between all their apostles and their master was completely cut off, no, it should be said to be blocked. People who can do such things should not exist in this world.

While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

"Yuke, don't you have any news either?" Victoria comforted her little Fali while asking the King of Heroes Yuke, who was sitting casually aside. If you want to get information, the Heroic Spirit King Yuke may have better channels than her. After all, she has another advantage.

"Good boy, good boy, Fali, don't worry, you will be found soon. My sister has already lined up the army to take charge of the search." Victoria stroked little Fali's head while complaining that the girl suddenly disappeared without a trace. of Ulysses. What happened to make Xiao Fali so sad again? Fortunately, he still promised her that he would take good care of her.

This situation, to be honest, involves a lot of unknown things. Last time, even though Ulysses entered the powerful barrier created by the former sage of this world, she could still vaguely feel his presence. However, this time, the connection between all their apostles and their master was completely cut off, no, it should be said to be blocked. People who can do such things should not exist in this world.

While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

The golden crystal began to automatically rotate at an even speed in the air. As the power of Demon King Ulysses was upgraded, Aya's power was also strengthened. This time, she used techniques that she had not been able to use before. She could rely on the power contained in the crystal to resonate with the power of other demons.

"In the north? And, far, far away from here? Why did the master go there?" Although she still had a puzzled expression on her face, Aya's eyes were obviously full of smiles.

"Isn't there any news about Ulysses from the church intelligence department? And about dad?" In the cathedral in Sophia, Noah frowned and asked the person responsible for collecting intelligence from the Supreme Religion.

"In the end, there is still no news? Don't cry, don't cry, Fali..." Victoria hurriedly comforted the little princess in her arms, putting all her grievances on the missing Ulysses.

The golden crystal began to automatically rotate at an even speed in the air. As the power of Demon King Ulysses was upgraded, Aya's power was also strengthened. This time, she used techniques that she had not been able to use before. She could rely on the power contained in the crystal to resonate with the power of other demons.

Moreover, the possibility of staying here and waiting for Ulysses is very high. After all, based on her understanding of him, he was not the type who would just leave the people here alone.

Of all the searchers, there was probably only one person who truly understood what might have happened to Ulysses and why everyone could not find him. However, even she couldn't really understand why such a thing happened.

"Wait, wait, don't stop! The real location hasn't been reflected yet! Oops, there's not enough time!" Aya, who had been concentrating on the crystal, hurriedly wrote down the area, but because there was too much time Due to the short time, she only got a general area.

Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed, and an hour has passed. Even if the loss of induction spells is small, the operation of the crystal will automatically stop.

"Big stupid snake, there are rats there..." Kana, wearing a purple maid uniform, walked around the two dumb Hydras, trying to get her to come back from that world.

One of them is her current husband (albeit only in name), King Sophia Edward III. After returning from the festival where a major accident occurred, something seemed wrong with him. He was once judged by the Pope of the Supreme God himself to be unable to live much longer, but he miraculously regained a lot of vitality.

"Isn't there any news about Ulysses from the church intelligence department? And about dad?" In the cathedral in Sophia, Noah frowned and asked the person responsible for collecting intelligence from the Supreme Religion.

However, at the moment when the crystal was about to stop completely, a black light suddenly flashed in the upper half of the crystal. But before Aiya could confirm, the entire crystal had automatically stopped running, leaving no trace on it. If Aya hadn't been so focused, she might not even have noticed the flash of light.

While the entire group of apostles was busy because of the berserk Helen, two Hydras in different forms were staring blankly at the sky, seeming to be thinking about some very, very profound issue.

Of all the searchers, there was probably only one person who truly understood what might have happened to Ulysses and why everyone could not find him. However, even she couldn't really understand why such a thing happened.

"Good boy, good boy, Fali, don't worry, you will be found soon. My sister has already lined up the army to take charge of the search." Victoria stroked little Fali's head while complaining that the girl suddenly disappeared without a trace. of Ulysses. What happened to make Xiao Fali so sad again? Fortunately, he still promised her that he would take good care of her.

"Don't worry about anything, no matter what method you use, go find Ulysses."

"Wait, wait, don't stop! The real location hasn't been reflected yet! Oops, there's not enough time!" Aya, who had been concentrating on the crystal, hurriedly wrote down the area, but because there was too much time Due to the short time, she only got a general area.

This state has not lasted for a day or two. In fact, since the big pillow named Ulysses disappeared, Hydera has often been in this state. Well, although she was a little bit reluctant, it was really just a little bit reluctant. But it's definitely not to the level of Hydera. At most, it's just that I accidentally fried the omelette black...

"Huh, I got it. If I don't find him, I won't come back. You continue to wait here, and be careful not to let Shaye lose control. If she loses control, she will be more terrifying than that Helen." After giving the instructions, The new Hydra flew away without stopping.

"In the north? And, far, far away from here? Why did the master go there?" Although she still had a puzzled expression on her face, Aya's eyes were obviously full of smiles.

The golden crystal began to automatically rotate at an even speed in the air. As the power of Demon King Ulysses was upgraded, Aya's power was also strengthened. This time, she used techniques that she had not been able to use before. She could rely on the power contained in the crystal to resonate with the power of other demons.

"The thirteenth over-range induction, the target is the third apostle and master, activate the magic eye technique." Aya looked at the golden crystal in her hand attentively. All hope lies in this magic.

However, at the moment when the crystal was about to stop completely, a black light suddenly flashed in the upper half of the crystal. But before Aiya could confirm, the entire crystal had automatically stopped running, leaving no trace on it. If Aya hadn't been so focused, she might not even have noticed the flash of light.

Sofia Palace, in the palace of the princess.

Finally, I found you again, Master.

However, before that, we had to find a way to appease Saya, who seemed to be in a bad situation. After that Brave Tournament ended, she seemed to have gone into her room and conducted some horrific research...

Of all the searchers, there was probably only one person who truly understood what might have happened to Ulysses and why everyone could not find him. However, even she couldn't really understand why such a thing happened.

"Yuke, don't you have any news either?" Victoria comforted her little Fali while asking the King of Heroes Yuke, who was sitting casually aside. If you want to get information, the Heroic Spirit King Yuke may have better channels than her. After all, she has another advantage.

Next time you see him, you must punish him! In the name of Victoria, let him know the power of the state!

The golden crystal began to automatically rotate at an even speed in the air. As the power of Demon King Ulysses was upgraded, Aya's power was also strengthened. This time, she used techniques that she had not been able to use before. She could rely on the power contained in the crystal to resonate with the power of other demons.