Demon King Priest

Chapter 3: child


So warm, as if in the sea full of light, as if in the sky with the breeze, as if in the embrace of the earth. From a distant place, a melodious and peaceful song came. It was a warm and sweet song like a lullaby, a song that made people unable to help but close their eyes quietly.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

It was a magic circle with gold as the main color and black and white as the auxiliary colors. However, if you look carefully, you will find that no matter what color it is, there is an ambiguous gray hidden in it. It is an ambiguous color that neither belongs to light nor to darkness.

"Open your eyes, my child." In the huge lair on the cliff, Ice Phoenix looked at the egg under him affectionately. Since just now, there have been increasingly obvious life fluctuations coming from the egg. Different from the previous life fluctuations that increased regularly, this time's life fluctuations were full of instability, and the light wall that made up the shell of the egg was constantly trembling.

If possible, it would be nice to have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

What is this place

The boy was wearing white clothes with a pattern of wings spread on a cross on the chest. A little above the ears, there is a pair of snow-white short ears. I don't know if they should be said to be cute or beautiful. While sleeping, these ears trembled as if they had a life of their own.

It was a magic circle with gold as the main color and black and white as the auxiliary colors. However, if you look carefully, you will find that no matter what color it is, there is an ambiguous gray hidden in it. It is an ambiguous color that neither belongs to light nor to darkness.

"I want to be a strong warrior!" Whose words are these, and why are they so persistent and firm, like the stars twinkling in the sky.

From now on, this child is her most important treasure, the most important treasure that no one can replace.

If you just think about it, it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't be a sin to have a little extravagant hope before death. Sorry... and... everyone, I just want to take a break.

My body feels so sluggish, as if it's not my own.

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

From now on, this child is her most important treasure, the most important treasure that no one can replace.

"Master, it is up to you to decide what kind of devil you want to be. No matter what path you choose, it is your freedom." Whose voice is this? Why is it so tempting

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

However, Ice Phoenix was not able to see clearly what was inside at the first time. Because, at the moment when the power that made up the eggshell collapsed, countless light points of different colors burst out together, forming a strange magic circle in the air.

Sure enough, I'm still very tired, but let's move first.

"Brother, I..." Why is this voice so sad and so sad.

So tired, really tired.

However, after clearly feeling that strange life fluctuation, it would be false to say that I had no expectations. For Ice Phoenix, who was longing for a child, this little fluctuation was enough to make her whole body tremble with excitement. She almost didn't spread her wings and directly launched her favorite Frozen Miles.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

Who is singing to him, who can sing such a gentle and beautiful voice to him. It seemed that somewhere, somewhere, he had heard such a song. Although the lyrics are different, the unique tenderness in the singing is the same.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

It was a magic circle with gold as the main color and black and white as the auxiliary colors. However, if you look carefully, you will find that no matter what color it is, there is an ambiguous gray hidden in it. It is an ambiguous color that neither belongs to light nor to darkness.

The disappointment lasted only a brief moment. Soon, Binghuang continued to sing the lullaby she learned from the book, providing music education to the child who was still in the egg. Her singing voice is fundamentally different from that of humans. As a level nine monster, even her natural singing is full of extraordinary magic.

My body seems to be able to move.

In order to successfully hatch this egg, she gave up her customary patrolling of the territory, her favorite flying in the midnight sky, her choice to watch the sunrise in the aurora, and almost everything else she had become accustomed to. For her, the only thing now There is only one thing to do, to use all her love to hatch this egg that belongs to her.

Also, for female super monsters. Hatching eggs is not an easy task. Due to their long lifespan and powerful strength, it is not surprising that the eggs they lay take decades to hatch.

So tired, really tired.

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" The continuous cracking sounds were particularly clear in the quiet nest, and the power that made up the shell of the egg continued to collapse and shatter. Finally, at eleven seconds after the first sound, this beautiful ball of light with different colors completely lifted off all its shells, revealing what was hidden inside.

If possible, it would be nice to have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

It would be nice to take a break if possible.

The disappointment lasted only a brief moment. Soon, Binghuang continued to sing the lullaby she learned from the book, providing music education to the child who was still in the egg. Her singing voice is fundamentally different from that of humans. As a level nine monster, even her natural singing is full of extraordinary magic.

"Brother, I..." Why is this voice so sad and so sad.

"I want to be a strong warrior!" Whose words are these, and why are they so persistent and firm, like the stars twinkling in the sky.

So warm, as if in the sea full of light, as if in the sky with the breeze, as if in the embrace of the earth. From a distant place, a melodious and peaceful song came. It was a warm and sweet song like a lullaby, a song that made people unable to help but close their eyes quietly.

If possible, it would be nice to have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

If you just think about it, it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't be a sin to have a little extravagant hope before death. Sorry... and... everyone, I just want to take a break.

"Pop!" The third sound was different from the two sounds just now. At the same time as this sound was heard, very obvious cracks appeared in the material making up the shell of the egg. Everything is developing towards the scene in Ice Phoenix's dream. That was the happiest scene that she had been looking forward to, longing for, and longing for since the day she started hatching eggs.

This song is so beautiful. Who is singing it? I can feel that in this song, I seem to be expecting something, as if I am hoping for something.

However, after clearly feeling that strange life fluctuation, it would be false to say that I had no expectations. For Ice Phoenix, who was longing for a child, this little fluctuation was enough to make her whole body tremble with excitement. She almost didn't spread her wings and directly launched her favorite Frozen Miles.

If you just think about it, it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't be a sin to have a little extravagant hope before death. Sorry... and... everyone, I just want to take a break.

It would be nice if I could go back to the past. It would be nice to go back to that time and not get... that time.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" The continuous cracking sounds were particularly clear in the quiet nest, and the power that made up the shell of the egg continued to collapse and shatter. Finally, at eleven seconds after the first sound, this beautiful ball of light with different colors completely lifted off all its shells, revealing what was hidden inside.

The consciousness gradually sinks into the deepest part of the sea of memory. This is the quietest sleep, and this is a sleep that will not be disturbed by anyone.

"Click!" The second sound, this time, Ice Phoenix was absolutely sure that this sound was the sound made by her egg. To be more precise, it was the sound made by the shell of the egg. Moreover, through her careful observation, a faint crack had clearly appeared on the shell of the egg. What does that mean, what

It would be nice to take a break if possible.

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

If you just think about it, it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't be a sin to have a little extravagant hope before death. Sorry... and... everyone, I just want to take a break.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" The continuous cracking sounds were particularly clear in the quiet nest, and the power that made up the shell of the egg continued to collapse and shatter. Finally, at eleven seconds after the first sound, this beautiful ball of light with different colors completely lifted off all its shells, revealing what was hidden inside.

Also, for female super monsters. Hatching eggs is not an easy task. Due to their long lifespan and powerful strength, it is not surprising that the eggs they lay take decades to hatch.

Although she had made all preparations long ago, even if what came out of the egg was a tribe of deep-sea monsters, she would still raise her well. However, it was obvious that her child was very beautiful when he was born, more beautiful than anyone else, and he was actually the rarest natural humanoid monster.

It was a magic circle with gold as the main color and black and white as the auxiliary colors. However, if you look carefully, you will find that no matter what color it is, there is an ambiguous gray hidden in it. It is an ambiguous color that neither belongs to light nor to darkness.

Although she had made all preparations long ago, even if what came out of the egg was a tribe of deep-sea monsters, she would still raise her well. However, it was obvious that her child was very beautiful when he was born, more beautiful than anyone else, and he was actually the rarest natural humanoid monster.

My body seems to be able to move.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

That's it, let me have a good sleep.

So tired, really tired.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

The consciousness gradually sinks into the deepest part of the sea of memory. This is the quietest sleep, and this is a sleep that will not be disturbed by anyone.

"Pop!" The third sound was different from the two sounds just now. At the same time as this sound was heard, very obvious cracks appeared in the material making up the shell of the egg. Everything is developing towards the scene in Ice Phoenix's dream. That was the happiest scene that she had been looking forward to, longing for, and longing for since the day she started hatching eggs.

Because this sound came from the egg under her body.

"Open your eyes, my child." In the huge lair on the cliff, Ice Phoenix looked at the egg under him affectionately. Since just now, there have been increasingly obvious life fluctuations coming from the egg. Different from the previous life fluctuations that increased regularly, this time's life fluctuations were full of instability, and the light wall that made up the shell of the egg was constantly trembling.

This song is so beautiful. Who is singing it? I can feel that in this song, I seem to be expecting something, as if I am hoping for something.

"Ah, it's out, my child!" Although the magic circle just now made Ice Phoenix a little strange. However, this is not important. The most important thing is the little life that is sleeping quietly under her body.

All of this means that her child will be born soon. She will soon be the mother of a child.

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

Also, for female super monsters. Hatching eggs is not an easy task. Due to their long lifespan and powerful strength, it is not surprising that the eggs they lay take decades to hatch.

Sure enough, I'm still very tired, but let's move first.

So, just open your eyes. Just take a look and see who is singing for him.

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

Who is singing to him, who can sing such a gentle and beautiful voice to him. It seemed that somewhere, somewhere, he had heard such a song. Although the lyrics are different, the unique tenderness in the singing is the same.

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

However, after clearly feeling that strange life fluctuation, it would be false to say that I had no expectations. For Ice Phoenix, who was longing for a child, this little fluctuation was enough to make her whole body tremble with excitement. She almost didn't spread her wings and directly launched her favorite Frozen Miles.

So, just open your eyes. Just take a look and see who is singing for him.

"Is it humanoid? It's really rare..." Ice Phoenix, who had confirmed from the beginning that the life in the egg was not human (of course, humans don't lay eggs) looked at his child with joy. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and the more he looked at it, the happier he became.

"Is it humanoid? It's really rare..." Ice Phoenix, who had confirmed from the beginning that the life in the egg was not human (of course, humans don't lay eggs) looked at his child with joy. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and the more he looked at it, the happier he became.

What is this place

Who is singing to him, who can sing such a gentle and beautiful voice to him. It seemed that somewhere, somewhere, he had heard such a song. Although the lyrics are different, the unique tenderness in the singing is the same.

"Open your eyes, my child." In the huge lair on the cliff, Ice Phoenix looked at the egg under him affectionately. Since just now, there have been increasingly obvious life fluctuations coming from the egg. Different from the previous life fluctuations that increased regularly, this time's life fluctuations were full of instability, and the light wall that made up the shell of the egg was constantly trembling.

Go to sleep.

This form only lasts for a short time, probably only about a second, before the entire magic circle disappears. Ice Phoenix's eyes also returned to their normal state.

Over and over again, Binghuang used this unique method to instill his love into his future children. The magic power as powerful as the sea supported her extravagant behavior. Unknowingly, her singing became more gentle and full of love. At the same time, she never stopped for a second in inputting magic power into the egg.

So, just open your eyes. Just take a look and see who is singing for him.

The boy was wearing white clothes with a pattern of wings spread on a cross on the chest. A little above the ears, there is a pair of snow-white short ears. I don't know if they should be said to be cute or beautiful. While sleeping, these ears trembled as if they had a life of their own.

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

What is this place

Because this sound came from the egg under her body.

My body seems to be able to move.

When she roars angrily, the entire sky will be filled with terrifying freezing air. When she sings softly, a warm heart and expectation for her child will naturally surround Dan.

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

In order to successfully hatch this egg, she gave up her customary patrolling of the territory, her favorite flying in the midnight sky, her choice to watch the sunrise in the aurora, and almost everything else she had become accustomed to. For her, the only thing now There is only one thing to do, to use all her love to hatch this egg that belongs to her.

What is this place

"Open your eyes, my child." In the huge lair on the cliff, Ice Phoenix looked at the egg under him affectionately. Since just now, there have been increasingly obvious life fluctuations coming from the egg. Different from the previous life fluctuations that increased regularly, this time's life fluctuations were full of instability, and the light wall that made up the shell of the egg was constantly trembling.

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

I heard it again. Is anyone calling him

From now on, this child is her most important treasure, the most important treasure that no one can replace.

So warm, as if in the sea full of light, as if in the sky with the breeze, as if in the embrace of the earth. From a distant place, a melodious and peaceful song came. It was a warm and sweet song like a lullaby, a song that made people unable to help but close their eyes quietly.

All of this means that her child will be born soon. She will soon be the mother of a child.

My body seems to be able to move.

Although she had made all preparations long ago, even if what came out of the egg was a tribe of deep-sea monsters, she would still raise her well. However, it was obvious that her child was very beautiful when he was born, more beautiful than anyone else, and he was actually the rarest natural humanoid monster.

Time to get up

"Ah, it's out, my child!" Although the magic circle just now made Ice Phoenix a little strange. However, this is not important. The most important thing is the little life that is sleeping quietly under her body.

However, what made her a little frustrated was that after a period of strange fluctuations, the fluctuations in the life in the egg seemed to have a tendency to calm down, from the initial instability to becoming more stable, indicating that she seemed to be a little too optimistic.

Go to sleep.

So tired, really tired.

"Click!" The second sound, this time, Ice Phoenix was absolutely sure that this sound was the sound made by her egg. To be more precise, it was the sound made by the shell of the egg. Moreover, through her careful observation, a faint crack had clearly appeared on the shell of the egg. What does that mean, what

My body feels so sluggish, as if it's not my own.

The consciousness gradually sinks into the deepest part of the sea of memory. This is the quietest sleep, and this is a sleep that will not be disturbed by anyone.

What is this place

So tired, really tired.

However, after clearly feeling that strange life fluctuation, it would be false to say that I had no expectations. For Ice Phoenix, who was longing for a child, this little fluctuation was enough to make her whole body tremble with excitement. She almost didn't spread her wings and directly launched her favorite Frozen Miles.

Also, for female super monsters. Hatching eggs is not an easy task. Due to their long lifespan and powerful strength, it is not surprising that the eggs they lay take decades to hatch.

In the center of the magic circle is a golden, black, and white eye. Under the guidance of the gray color hidden in the deepest part, this eye opened extremely quickly, and the strange magic power flowed at high speed along the established magic pattern, until the entire magic circle was filled with overflowing magic power.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

However, Ice Phoenix was not able to see clearly what was inside at the first time. Because, at the moment when the power that made up the eggshell collapsed, countless light points of different colors burst out together, forming a strange magic circle in the air.

However, after clearly feeling that strange life fluctuation, it would be false to say that I had no expectations. For Ice Phoenix, who was longing for a child, this little fluctuation was enough to make her whole body tremble with excitement. She almost didn't spread her wings and directly launched her favorite Frozen Miles.

From now on, this child is her most important treasure, the most important treasure that no one can replace.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

So, just open your eyes. Just take a look and see who is singing for him.

The disappointment lasted only a brief moment. Soon, Binghuang continued to sing the lullaby she learned from the book, providing music education to the child who was still in the egg. Her singing voice is fundamentally different from that of humans. As a level nine monster, even her natural singing is full of extraordinary magic.

"Open your eyes, my child." In the huge lair on the cliff, Ice Phoenix looked at the egg under him affectionately. Since just now, there have been increasingly obvious life fluctuations coming from the egg. Different from the previous life fluctuations that increased regularly, this time's life fluctuations were full of instability, and the light wall that made up the shell of the egg was constantly trembling.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

So warm, as if in the sea full of light, as if in the sky with the breeze, as if in the embrace of the earth. From a distant place, a melodious and peaceful song came. It was a warm and sweet song like a lullaby, a song that made people unable to help but close their eyes quietly.

Now, no matter what it is, even if it is God, she will not allow it to disturb this moment that is of great significance to her. Even if her wings are torn and her body is penetrated, she will still do this, using her wings to protect the little life under her without taking a step back. Because that is her most important child!

When she roars angrily, the entire sky will be filled with terrifying freezing air. When she sings softly, a warm heart and expectation for her child will naturally surround Dan.

If you just think about it, it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't be a sin to have a little extravagant hope before death. Sorry... and... everyone, I just want to take a break.

The disappointment lasted only a brief moment. Soon, Binghuang continued to sing the lullaby she learned from the book, providing music education to the child who was still in the egg. Her singing voice is fundamentally different from that of humans. As a level nine monster, even her natural singing is full of extraordinary magic.

Who is singing to him, who can sing such a gentle and beautiful voice to him. It seemed that somewhere, somewhere, he had heard such a song. Although the lyrics are different, the unique tenderness in the singing is the same.

The disappointment lasted only a brief moment. Soon, Binghuang continued to sing the lullaby she learned from the book, providing music education to the child who was still in the egg. Her singing voice is fundamentally different from that of humans. As a level nine monster, even her natural singing is full of extraordinary magic.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" The continuous cracking sounds were particularly clear in the quiet nest, and the power that made up the shell of the egg continued to collapse and shatter. Finally, at eleven seconds after the first sound, this beautiful ball of light with different colors completely lifted off all its shells, revealing what was hidden inside.

Also, for female super monsters. Hatching eggs is not an easy task. Due to their long lifespan and powerful strength, it is not surprising that the eggs they lay take decades to hatch.

This song is so beautiful. Who is singing it? I can feel that in this song, I seem to be expecting something, as if I am hoping for something.

When she roars angrily, the entire sky will be filled with terrifying freezing air. When she sings softly, a warm heart and expectation for her child will naturally surround Dan.

Over and over again, Binghuang used this unique method to instill his love into his future children. The magic power as powerful as the sea supported her extravagant behavior. Unknowingly, her singing became more gentle and full of love. At the same time, she never stopped for a second in inputting magic power into the egg.

Although she had made all preparations long ago, even if what came out of the egg was a tribe of deep-sea monsters, she would still raise her well. However, it was obvious that her child was very beautiful when he was born, more beautiful than anyone else, and he was actually the rarest natural humanoid monster.

This song is so beautiful. Who is singing it? I can feel that in this song, I seem to be expecting something, as if I am hoping for something.

In order to successfully hatch this egg, she gave up her customary patrolling of the territory, her favorite flying in the midnight sky, her choice to watch the sunrise in the aurora, and almost everything else she had become accustomed to. For her, the only thing now There is only one thing to do, to use all her love to hatch this egg that belongs to her.

I heard it again. Is anyone calling him

What is this place

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

This song is so beautiful. Who is singing it? I can feel that in this song, I seem to be expecting something, as if I am hoping for something.

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

Go to sleep.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

If possible, it would be nice to have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

However, Ice Phoenix was not able to see clearly what was inside at the first time. Because, at the moment when the power that made up the eggshell collapsed, countless light points of different colors burst out together, forming a strange magic circle in the air.

"I want to be a strong warrior!" Whose words are these, and why are they so persistent and firm, like the stars twinkling in the sky.

Sure enough, I'm still very tired, but let's move first.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

"Brother, I..." Why is this voice so sad and so sad.

From now on, this child is her most important treasure, the most important treasure that no one can replace.

If possible, it would be nice to have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

However, Ice Phoenix was not able to see clearly what was inside at the first time. Because, at the moment when the power that made up the eggshell collapsed, countless light points of different colors burst out together, forming a strange magic circle in the air.

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

I heard it again. Is anyone calling him

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

This form only lasts for a short time, probably only about a second, before the entire magic circle disappears. Ice Phoenix's eyes also returned to their normal state.

It would be nice to take a break if possible.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

"Is it humanoid? It's really rare..." Ice Phoenix, who had confirmed from the beginning that the life in the egg was not human (of course, humans don't lay eggs) looked at his child with joy. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and the more he looked at it, the happier he became.

The boy was wearing white clothes with a pattern of wings spread on a cross on the chest. A little above the ears, there is a pair of snow-white short ears. I don't know if they should be said to be cute or beautiful. While sleeping, these ears trembled as if they had a life of their own.

This song is so beautiful. Who is singing it? I can feel that in this song, I seem to be expecting something, as if I am hoping for something.

Also, for female super monsters. Hatching eggs is not an easy task. Due to their long lifespan and powerful strength, it is not surprising that the eggs they lay take decades to hatch.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

Also, for female super monsters. Hatching eggs is not an easy task. Due to their long lifespan and powerful strength, it is not surprising that the eggs they lay take decades to hatch.

My body seems to be able to move.

Go to sleep.

Because this sound came from the egg under her body.

Who is singing to him, who can sing such a gentle and beautiful voice to him. It seemed that somewhere, somewhere, he had heard such a song. Although the lyrics are different, the unique tenderness in the singing is the same.

It would be nice if I could go back to the past. It would be nice to go back to that time and not get... that time.

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

"Ugh..." Binghuang looked at his cutest egg attentively, fearing that he might have heard wrongly.

Who is singing to him, who can sing such a gentle and beautiful voice to him. It seemed that somewhere, somewhere, he had heard such a song. Although the lyrics are different, the unique tenderness in the singing is the same.

My body seems to be able to move.

"Click!" The second sound, this time, Ice Phoenix was absolutely sure that this sound was the sound made by her egg. To be more precise, it was the sound made by the shell of the egg. Moreover, through her careful observation, a faint crack had clearly appeared on the shell of the egg. What does that mean, what

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

Sure enough, I'm still very tired, but let's move first.

Time to get up

"Open your eyes, my child." In the huge lair on the cliff, Ice Phoenix looked at the egg under him affectionately. Since just now, there have been increasingly obvious life fluctuations coming from the egg. Different from the previous life fluctuations that increased regularly, this time's life fluctuations were full of instability, and the light wall that made up the shell of the egg was constantly trembling.

From now on, this child is her most important treasure, the most important treasure that no one can replace.

Now, no matter what it is, even if it is God, she will not allow it to disturb this moment that is of great significance to her. Even if her wings are torn and her body is penetrated, she will still do this, using her wings to protect the little life under her without taking a step back. Because that is her most important child!

I heard it again. Is anyone calling him

The disappointment lasted only a brief moment. Soon, Binghuang continued to sing the lullaby she learned from the book, providing music education to the child who was still in the egg. Her singing voice is fundamentally different from that of humans. As a level nine monster, even her natural singing is full of extraordinary magic.

All of this means that her child will be born soon. She will soon be the mother of a child.

So, just open your eyes. Just take a look and see who is singing for him.

So tired, really tired.

Although she had made all preparations long ago, even if what came out of the egg was a tribe of deep-sea monsters, she would still raise her well. However, it was obvious that her child was very beautiful when he was born, more beautiful than anyone else, and he was actually the rarest natural humanoid monster.

When she roars angrily, the entire sky will be filled with terrifying freezing air. When she sings softly, a warm heart and expectation for her child will naturally surround Dan.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

So warm, as if in the sea full of light, as if in the sky with the breeze, as if in the embrace of the earth. From a distant place, a melodious and peaceful song came. It was a warm and sweet song like a lullaby, a song that made people unable to help but close their eyes quietly.

It's coming out! It's coming out! At this moment, Ice Phoenix's mood could be said to be unprecedentedly tense. At the first moment, she spread her wings and deployed her most powerful defense field to protect her nest.

When she roars angrily, the entire sky will be filled with terrifying freezing air. When she sings softly, a warm heart and expectation for her child will naturally surround Dan.

My body feels so sluggish, as if it's not my own.

Over and over again, Binghuang used this unique method to instill his love into his future children. The magic power as powerful as the sea supported her extravagant behavior. Unknowingly, her singing became more gentle and full of love. At the same time, she never stopped for a second in inputting magic power into the egg.

Sure enough, I'm still very tired, but let's move first.

If possible, it would be nice to have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

This song is so beautiful. Who is singing it? I can feel that in this song, I seem to be expecting something, as if I am hoping for something.

If possible, it would be nice to have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

All of this means that her child will be born soon. She will soon be the mother of a child.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

"Brother, I..." Why is this voice so sad and so sad.

Sure enough, I'm still very tired, but let's move first.

So tired, really tired.

Over and over again, Binghuang used this unique method to instill his love into his future children. The magic power as powerful as the sea supported her extravagant behavior. Unknowingly, her singing became more gentle and full of love. At the same time, she never stopped for a second in inputting magic power into the egg.

Over and over again, Binghuang used this unique method to instill his love into his future children. The magic power as powerful as the sea supported her extravagant behavior. Unknowingly, her singing became more gentle and full of love. At the same time, she never stopped for a second in inputting magic power into the egg.

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

It would be nice to take a break if possible.

So tired, really tired.

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

That's it, let me have a good sleep.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

It would be nice to take a break if possible.

"Brother, I..." Why is this voice so sad and so sad.

"Pop!" The third sound was different from the two sounds just now. At the same time as this sound was heard, very obvious cracks appeared in the material making up the shell of the egg. Everything is developing towards the scene in Ice Phoenix's dream. That was the happiest scene that she had been looking forward to, longing for, and longing for since the day she started hatching eggs.

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

So warm, as if in the sea full of light, as if in the sky with the breeze, as if in the embrace of the earth. From a distant place, a melodious and peaceful song came. It was a warm and sweet song like a lullaby, a song that made people unable to help but close their eyes quietly.

Because this sound came from the egg under her body.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

The consciousness gradually sinks into the deepest part of the sea of memory. This is the quietest sleep, and this is a sleep that will not be disturbed by anyone.

It's coming out! It's coming out! At this moment, Ice Phoenix's mood could be said to be unprecedentedly tense. At the first moment, she spread her wings and deployed her most powerful defense field to protect her nest.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

"Ugh..." Binghuang looked at his cutest egg attentively, fearing that he might have heard wrongly.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

Sure enough, I'm still very tired, but let's move first.

From now on, this child is her most important treasure, the most important treasure that no one can replace.

"Pop!" The third sound was different from the two sounds just now. At the same time as this sound was heard, very obvious cracks appeared in the material making up the shell of the egg. Everything is developing towards the scene in Ice Phoenix's dream. That was the happiest scene that she had been looking forward to, longing for, and longing for since the day she started hatching eggs.

If you just think about it, it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't be a sin to have a little extravagant hope before death. Sorry... and... everyone, I just want to take a break.

"Click!" The second sound, this time, Ice Phoenix was absolutely sure that this sound was the sound made by her egg. To be more precise, it was the sound made by the shell of the egg. Moreover, through her careful observation, a faint crack had clearly appeared on the shell of the egg. What does that mean, what

In order to successfully hatch this egg, she gave up her customary patrolling of the territory, her favorite flying in the midnight sky, her choice to watch the sunrise in the aurora, and almost everything else she had become accustomed to. For her, the only thing now There is only one thing to do, to use all her love to hatch this egg that belongs to her.

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

"Click!" The second sound, this time, Ice Phoenix was absolutely sure that this sound was the sound made by her egg. To be more precise, it was the sound made by the shell of the egg. Moreover, through her careful observation, a faint crack had clearly appeared on the shell of the egg. What does that mean, what

Is that that! Is that that! Ice Phoenix didn't even dare to say the most likely possibility of that voice. He just looked at the lightly shiny egg with an expectant look on his face, his heart beating at an unprecedented speed. For her, this kind of experience has not happened for thousands of years.

My body feels so sluggish, as if it's not my own.

Go to sleep.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

"Ugh..." Binghuang looked at his cutest egg attentively, fearing that he might have heard wrongly.

Although she had made all preparations long ago, even if what came out of the egg was a tribe of deep-sea monsters, she would still raise her well. However, it was obvious that her child was very beautiful when he was born, more beautiful than anyone else, and he was actually the rarest natural humanoid monster.

"Pop!" The third sound was different from the two sounds just now. At the same time as this sound was heard, very obvious cracks appeared in the material making up the shell of the egg. Everything is developing towards the scene in Ice Phoenix's dream. That was the happiest scene that she had been looking forward to, longing for, and longing for since the day she started hatching eggs.

When she roars angrily, the entire sky will be filled with terrifying freezing air. When she sings softly, a warm heart and expectation for her child will naturally surround Dan.

Because this sound came from the egg under her body.

I heard it again. Is anyone calling him

Because this sound came from the egg under her body.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

It was a magic circle with gold as the main color and black and white as the auxiliary colors. However, if you look carefully, you will find that no matter what color it is, there is an ambiguous gray hidden in it. It is an ambiguous color that neither belongs to light nor to darkness.

It's coming out! It's coming out! At this moment, Ice Phoenix's mood could be said to be unprecedentedly tense. At the first moment, she spread her wings and deployed her most powerful defense field to protect her nest.

It was a magic circle with gold as the main color and black and white as the auxiliary colors. However, if you look carefully, you will find that no matter what color it is, there is an ambiguous gray hidden in it. It is an ambiguous color that neither belongs to light nor to darkness.

This form only lasts for a short time, probably only about a second, before the entire magic circle disappears. Ice Phoenix's eyes also returned to their normal state.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" The continuous cracking sounds were particularly clear in the quiet nest, and the power that made up the shell of the egg continued to collapse and shatter. Finally, at eleven seconds after the first sound, this beautiful ball of light with different colors completely lifted off all its shells, revealing what was hidden inside.

Now, no matter what it is, even if it is God, she will not allow it to disturb this moment that is of great significance to her. Even if her wings are torn and her body is penetrated, she will still do this, using her wings to protect the little life under her without taking a step back. Because that is her most important child!

It was a magic circle with gold as the main color and black and white as the auxiliary colors. However, if you look carefully, you will find that no matter what color it is, there is an ambiguous gray hidden in it. It is an ambiguous color that neither belongs to light nor to darkness.

"Ugh..." Binghuang looked at his cutest egg attentively, fearing that he might have heard wrongly.

In order to successfully hatch this egg, she gave up her customary patrolling of the territory, her favorite flying in the midnight sky, her choice to watch the sunrise in the aurora, and almost everything else she had become accustomed to. For her, the only thing now There is only one thing to do, to use all her love to hatch this egg that belongs to her.

Then, the entire magic circle suddenly spread out, enveloping everything that came out of the egg. It looked like another egg appeared.

However, what made her a little frustrated was that after a period of strange fluctuations, the fluctuations in the life in the egg seemed to have a tendency to calm down, from the initial instability to becoming more stable, indicating that she seemed to be a little too optimistic.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" The continuous cracking sounds were particularly clear in the quiet nest, and the power that made up the shell of the egg continued to collapse and shatter. Finally, at eleven seconds after the first sound, this beautiful ball of light with different colors completely lifted off all its shells, revealing what was hidden inside.

It's coming out! It's coming out! At this moment, Ice Phoenix's mood could be said to be unprecedentedly tense. At the first moment, she spread her wings and deployed her most powerful defense field to protect her nest.

However, Ice Phoenix was not able to see clearly what was inside at the first time. Because, at the moment when the power that made up the eggshell collapsed, countless light points of different colors burst out together, forming a strange magic circle in the air.

Is that that! Is that that! Ice Phoenix didn't even dare to say the most likely possibility of that voice. He just looked at the lightly shiny egg with an expectant look on his face, his heart beating at an unprecedented speed. For her, this kind of experience has not happened for thousands of years.

If possible, it would be nice to have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

Singing, whose singing is this? It’s so beautiful.

It was a magic circle with gold as the main color and black and white as the auxiliary colors. However, if you look carefully, you will find that no matter what color it is, there is an ambiguous gray hidden in it. It is an ambiguous color that neither belongs to light nor to darkness.

The boy was wearing white clothes with a pattern of wings spread on a cross on the chest. A little above the ears, there is a pair of snow-white short ears. I don't know if they should be said to be cute or beautiful. While sleeping, these ears trembled as if they had a life of their own.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

The disappointment lasted only a brief moment. Soon, Binghuang continued to sing the lullaby she learned from the book, providing music education to the child who was still in the egg. Her singing voice is fundamentally different from that of humans. As a level nine monster, even her natural singing is full of extraordinary magic.

Also, for female super monsters. Hatching eggs is not an easy task. Due to their long lifespan and powerful strength, it is not surprising that the eggs they lay take decades to hatch.

It's coming out! It's coming out! At this moment, Ice Phoenix's mood could be said to be unprecedentedly tense. At the first moment, she spread her wings and deployed her most powerful defense field to protect her nest.

"Brother, I..." Why is this voice so sad and so sad.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" The continuous cracking sounds were particularly clear in the quiet nest, and the power that made up the shell of the egg continued to collapse and shatter. Finally, at eleven seconds after the first sound, this beautiful ball of light with different colors completely lifted off all its shells, revealing what was hidden inside.

In the center of the magic circle is a golden, black, and white eye. Under the guidance of the gray color hidden in the deepest part, this eye opened extremely quickly, and the strange magic power flowed at high speed along the established magic pattern, until the entire magic circle was filled with overflowing magic power.

If possible, it would be nice to have a good sleep without thinking about anything.

"Click!" Although it was only an extremely subtle sound, to Ice Phoenix, who had been focusing on the egg, this sound was more beautiful and moving than any sound in this world.

This form only lasts for a short time, probably only about a second, before the entire magic circle disappears. Ice Phoenix's eyes also returned to their normal state.

That's it, let me have a good sleep.

In the center of the magic circle is a golden, black, and white eye. Under the guidance of the gray color hidden in the deepest part, this eye opened extremely quickly, and the strange magic power flowed at high speed along the established magic pattern, until the entire magic circle was filled with overflowing magic power.

Then, the entire magic circle suddenly spread out, enveloping everything that came out of the egg. It looked like another egg appeared.

However, Ice Phoenix was not able to see clearly what was inside at the first time. Because, at the moment when the power that made up the eggshell collapsed, countless light points of different colors burst out together, forming a strange magic circle in the air.

Sure enough, I'm still very tired, but let's move first.

This form only lasts for a short time, probably only about a second, before the entire magic circle disappears. Ice Phoenix's eyes also returned to their normal state.

The boy was wearing white clothes with a pattern of wings spread on a cross on the chest. A little above the ears, there is a pair of snow-white short ears. I don't know if they should be said to be cute or beautiful. While sleeping, these ears trembled as if they had a life of their own.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

"Ah, it's out, my child!" Although the magic circle just now made Ice Phoenix a little strange. However, this is not important. The most important thing is the little life that is sleeping quietly under her body.

All of this means that her child will be born soon. She will soon be the mother of a child.

In order to successfully hatch this egg, she gave up her customary patrolling of the territory, her favorite flying in the midnight sky, her choice to watch the sunrise in the aurora, and almost everything else she had become accustomed to. For her, the only thing now There is only one thing to do, to use all her love to hatch this egg that belongs to her.

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

In the center of the magic circle is a golden, black, and white eye. Under the guidance of the gray color hidden in the deepest part, this eye opened extremely quickly, and the strange magic power flowed at high speed along the established magic pattern, until the entire magic circle was filled with overflowing magic power.

That was her unreserved love for her unborn child.

So, just open your eyes. Just take a look and see who is singing for him.

Of course, the so-called small is actually only relative to her huge body. In fact, this is a boy who is equivalent to a human being around sixteen or seventeen years old.

Go to sleep.

"Open your eyes, my child." In the huge lair on the cliff, Ice Phoenix looked at the egg under him affectionately. Since just now, there have been increasingly obvious life fluctuations coming from the egg. Different from the previous life fluctuations that increased regularly, this time's life fluctuations were full of instability, and the light wall that made up the shell of the egg was constantly trembling.

"Pop!" The third sound was different from the two sounds just now. At the same time as this sound was heard, very obvious cracks appeared in the material making up the shell of the egg. Everything is developing towards the scene in Ice Phoenix's dream. That was the happiest scene that she had been looking forward to, longing for, and longing for since the day she started hatching eggs.

The consciousness gradually sinks into the deepest part of the sea of memory. This is the quietest sleep, and this is a sleep that will not be disturbed by anyone.

Now, no matter what it is, even if it is God, she will not allow it to disturb this moment that is of great significance to her. Even if her wings are torn and her body is penetrated, she will still do this, using her wings to protect the little life under her without taking a step back. Because that is her most important child!

The boy was wearing white clothes with a pattern of wings spread on a cross on the chest. A little above the ears, there is a pair of snow-white short ears. I don't know if they should be said to be cute or beautiful. While sleeping, these ears trembled as if they had a life of their own.

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

It would be nice if I could go back to the past. It would be nice to go back to that time and not get... that time.

Go to sleep.

Go to sleep.

"My ideal is to become a respected priest. Here, I swear an oath to the great Supreme God, I will..." Ah, this voice, yes, this is indeed...

Go to sleep.

"Is it humanoid? It's really rare..." Ice Phoenix, who had confirmed from the beginning that the life in the egg was not human (of course, humans don't lay eggs) looked at his child with joy. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and the more he looked at it, the happier he became.

However, Ice Phoenix was not able to see clearly what was inside at the first time. Because, at the moment when the power that made up the eggshell collapsed, countless light points of different colors burst out together, forming a strange magic circle in the air.

"Pop!" The third sound was different from the two sounds just now. At the same time as this sound was heard, very obvious cracks appeared in the material making up the shell of the egg. Everything is developing towards the scene in Ice Phoenix's dream. That was the happiest scene that she had been looking forward to, longing for, and longing for since the day she started hatching eggs.

It would be nice if I could go back to the past. It would be nice to go back to that time and not get... that time.

In order to successfully hatch this egg, she gave up her customary patrolling of the territory, her favorite flying in the midnight sky, her choice to watch the sunrise in the aurora, and almost everything else she had become accustomed to. For her, the only thing now There is only one thing to do, to use all her love to hatch this egg that belongs to her.

I heard it again. Is anyone calling him

From now on, this child is her most important treasure, the most important treasure that no one can replace.

Although she had made all preparations long ago, even if what came out of the egg was a tribe of deep-sea monsters, she would still raise her well. However, it was obvious that her child was very beautiful when he was born, more beautiful than anyone else, and he was actually the rarest natural humanoid monster.

The disappointment lasted only a brief moment. Soon, Binghuang continued to sing the lullaby she learned from the book, providing music education to the child who was still in the egg. Her singing voice is fundamentally different from that of humans. As a level nine monster, even her natural singing is full of extraordinary magic.

"Pop!" The third sound was different from the two sounds just now. At the same time as this sound was heard, very obvious cracks appeared in the material making up the shell of the egg. Everything is developing towards the scene in Ice Phoenix's dream. That was the happiest scene that she had been looking forward to, longing for, and longing for since the day she started hatching eggs.

If you just think about it, it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't be a sin to have a little extravagant hope before death. Sorry... and... everyone, I just want to take a break.

From now on, this child is her most important treasure, the most important treasure that no one can replace.

When she roars angrily, the entire sky will be filled with terrifying freezing air. When she sings softly, a warm heart and expectation for her child will naturally surround Dan.

Yes, he was just taking a short rest, no one would wake him up, no one would disturb him, it was a small peaceful sleep.

This form only lasts for a short time, probably only about a second, before the entire magic circle disappears. Ice Phoenix's eyes also returned to their normal state.