Demon King Priest

Chapter 46: Sea of Ice (Part 2)


"Bang!" A huge ice ball traced a circular trajectory in the air. The transparent outer wall showed brilliant light under the sunlight, flying freely through the air like a pearl in a fairy tale.

"Bang!" The whale closest to the falling ice ball successfully hit the ice ball with its body, knocking it diagonally into the sea.

The lively whale ball activity lasted longer than Jussis imagined, even after the sun had set below the horizon and the water became colder than during the day. His ice phoenix mother and the whales are still chasing the ice ball that has been ravaged countless times, with no sign of ending. (Super Warcraft's concept of time is completely different from that of humans)

And Ice Phoenix and Jusis are now bathed in this vibrant golden light. Beside the two of them were many large whales swimming happily. From time to time, naughty big guys rush out of the sea, bringing countless splashes into the sky and refracting the golden light to the entire sea area.

At the moment when the ice ball was about to sink into the sea, a diving whale suddenly emerged from the sea and pushed the ice ball up again.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

"The biggest one is the blue whale. Except for a few deep-sea monsters, there is no larger marine creature than it."

The lively whale ball activity lasted longer than Jussis imagined, even after the sun had set below the horizon and the water became colder than during the day. His ice phoenix mother and the whales are still chasing the ice ball that has been ravaged countless times, with no sign of ending. (Super Warcraft's concept of time is completely different from that of humans)

"Boom!" A huge body rushed into the sky from the sea, then swung its tail in a flexible manner that was completely inconsistent with that giant body, and used its tail fin to hit the ice ball to the other side.

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

"How's it going? Do you think it's fun?" Ice Phoenix, who hadn't been here to play this interesting game for a while, asked with a smile while holding Jusis in his arms and sitting on the top of the iceberg.

"Bang!" The whale closest to the falling ice ball successfully hit the ice ball with its body, knocking it diagonally into the sea.

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

"How's it going? Do you like it?" Looking at Jusis's focused expression, Binghuang felt a sense of happiness coming from his heart. Like this, playing and playing with the children she likes is something she dreams of. Now that the male super monsters are almost extinct, this kind of happiness and joy has become a luxury behavior.

"Look, that's the great white whale. I'm lucky today. It's here too. It usually dives at the bottom of the sea."

"Bang!" As Ice Phoenix expected, five seconds later, the ice ball that had sunk suddenly rose into the sky and flew high into the sky.

"Woo!" With a low cry, another huge body emerged from the sea and hit the ice ball that was about to fall on the sea with its huge head, causing the ice ball that was about to fall into the sea to move higher. The position flew over.

"How's it going? Do you like it?" Looking at Jusis's focused expression, Binghuang felt a sense of happiness coming from his heart. Like this, playing and playing with the children she likes is something she dreams of. Now that the male super monsters are almost extinct, this kind of happiness and joy has become a luxury behavior.

"Let's go together too. Only by joining them will you know how interesting this is." Holding Jusis with one hand, the ice phoenix began to use the whale body floating on the sea as a springboard, and began a series of jump.

"Boom!" Huge water splashes rose into the sky from the sea. Like meteorites falling into the sea, the ice ball sank into the depths of the sea at a rapid speed.

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

After spending such an incredible night, Jussis also felt that today's sunshine seemed more beautiful and moving than usual.

Just let the whales move around on their own, and that's just the warm-up phase of the whale ball. When the ice phoenix joins, it's the signal that the whale ball really begins.

This cheerful and unique whale ball activity did not end until the morning of the next day. After Ice Phoenix disbanded the ice ball, many whales who seemed to have no less vitality reluctantly left the sea area.

"How's it going? Do you think it's fun?" Ice Phoenix, who hadn't been here to play this interesting game for a while, asked with a smile while holding Jusis in his arms and sitting on the top of the iceberg.

The entire sea surface was churning due to the leaping, rising and falling of these huge creatures. The ice ball made of ice never fell to the sea surface. Even when it was still more than ten meters away from the sea surface, it was lifted into the sky by a huge creature rushing out of the sea.

Because the waters and depths they inhabit are different, only when the Lord of the Ice Sea appears will these different types of whales gather together to play this interesting game.

And Ice Phoenix and Jusis are now bathed in this vibrant golden light. Beside the two of them were many large whales swimming happily. From time to time, naughty big guys rush out of the sea, bringing countless splashes into the sky and refracting the golden light to the entire sea area.

This is the whale... Jussis opened his eyes wide and looked at the wonderful scene in front of him. This majestic and spectacular scene is something that not everyone can see. It is really incredible to see these whales with huge bodies flexibly heading and batting the ball one after another.

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

"Look, that's the great white whale. I'm lucky today. It's here too. It usually dives at the bottom of the sea."

The ice ball had just flown three meters into the air when a blue figure rushed over from a distance, and then used a beautiful roundhouse kick to kick the ice ball into the sea after finally reaching the air again. .

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

Not every time she succeeds, although her movements are much more flexible than theirs, the whales' huge bodies have a natural advantage in this kind of game. Often before she even got close, a whale would jump up on purpose, blocking her line of sight and forward path, causing her to fail more than once when getting close to the puck.

Ice Phoenix, who hugged Jusis's body from behind, used her left hand to point out the types of whales that were having fun one by one. These huge but gentle creatures were also creatures that she liked very much. She was very happy to see that her child seemed to like it too.

"Bang!" As Ice Phoenix expected, five seconds later, the ice ball that had sunk suddenly rose into the sky and flew high into the sky.

"That's a sperm whale. It also likes to dive, but it can sing very nice songs. Did you hear that low cry? It's nice."

"Look, that's the great white whale. I'm lucky today. It's here too. It usually dives at the bottom of the sea."

As time passed, more golden lightsabers broke through the gap and rushed out of the sea. A few clouds floating leisurely in the sky nearby were quickly fragmented by the golden light. The golden light all over the sky instantly covered the sky and the sea.

"If you want to participate, mom will take you with me." Ice Phoenix took Jusis's hand and rushed into the sky without hesitation. Then he found the back of a particularly large whale and stood firmly on it. .

The ice ball had just flown three meters into the air when a blue figure rushed over from a distance, and then used a beautiful roundhouse kick to kick the ice ball into the sea after finally reaching the air again. .

"One, two, three! Ready to start!" Ice Phoenix raised one of his hands and waved! The huge ice ball suddenly floated in the air on its own initiative and entered a state of stillness.

"Bang!" As Ice Phoenix expected, five seconds later, the ice ball that had sunk suddenly rose into the sky and flew high into the sky.

"Don't worry, little baby, you'll be out soon." Ice Phoenix stared at the bottom of the sea while moving at high speed on the backs of many whales. It is the most interesting to play this game without using your flying ability and relying only on your own athletic ability and judgment.

Because the waters and depths they inhabit are different, only when the Lord of the Ice Sea appears will these different types of whales gather together to play this interesting game.

"That's a sperm whale. It also likes to dive, but it can sing very nice songs. Did you hear that low cry? It's nice."

After spending such an incredible night, Jussis also felt that today's sunshine seemed more beautiful and moving than usual.

"How's it going? Do you like it?" Looking at Jusis's focused expression, Binghuang felt a sense of happiness coming from his heart. Like this, playing and playing with the children she likes is something she dreams of. Now that the male super monsters are almost extinct, this kind of happiness and joy has become a luxury behavior.

However, success or failure does not mean much in this kind of game. Looking at Ice Phoenix's excited expression, whether it was the excitement when he succeeded or the regret when he failed, Jusis felt that he understood this beautiful and gentle Ice Phoenix mother better than before.

"The biggest one is the blue whale. Except for a few deep-sea monsters, there is no larger marine creature than it."

"Bang!" As Ice Phoenix expected, five seconds later, the ice ball that had sunk suddenly rose into the sky and flew high into the sky.

This is the end of the world, the edge of the world forever covered in ice and snow. However, at this moment, in this cold world, it is full of vitality.

Although Ice Phoenix did not specifically issue any specific orders, the whales who were accustomed to playing games with the Lord of the Ice Sea still performed with great interest. It’s also a fun activity for these gentle giants.

This cheerful and unique whale ball activity did not end until the morning of the next day. After Ice Phoenix disbanded the ice ball, many whales who seemed to have no less vitality reluctantly left the sea area.

"Bang!" The whale closest to the falling ice ball successfully hit the ice ball with its body, knocking it diagonally into the sea.

The ice ball had just flown three meters into the air when a blue figure rushed over from a distance, and then used a beautiful roundhouse kick to kick the ice ball into the sea after finally reaching the air again. .

Because the waters and depths they inhabit are different, only when the Lord of the Ice Sea appears will these different types of whales gather together to play this interesting game.

The lively whale ball activity lasted longer than Jussis imagined, even after the sun had set below the horizon and the water became colder than during the day. His ice phoenix mother and the whales are still chasing the ice ball that has been ravaged countless times, with no sign of ending. (Super Warcraft's concept of time is completely different from that of humans)

Although Ice Phoenix did not specifically issue any specific orders, the whales who were accustomed to playing games with the Lord of the Ice Sea still performed with great interest. It’s also a fun activity for these gentle giants.

The lively whale ball activity lasted longer than Jussis imagined, even after the sun had set below the horizon and the water became colder than during the day. His ice phoenix mother and the whales are still chasing the ice ball that has been ravaged countless times, with no sign of ending. (Super Warcraft's concept of time is completely different from that of humans)

"Well..." Although he couldn't speak, Jussis's eyes told Ice Phoenix everything.

"Bang!" A huge ice ball traced a circular trajectory in the air. The transparent outer wall showed brilliant light under the sunlight, flying freely through the air like a pearl in a fairy tale.

And Ice Phoenix and Jusis are now bathed in this vibrant golden light. Beside the two of them were many large whales swimming happily. From time to time, naughty big guys rush out of the sea, bringing countless splashes into the sky and refracting the golden light to the entire sea area.

As time goes by, the number of whales participating in the whale ball game has not decreased, but has become more and more. Some whales that like to usually dive swam over from the deep sea and joined in this interesting game.

"Get ready, jump!" With the wave of Ice Phoenix's hand, the ice ball that was stagnant in the air suddenly fell down, and the many whales that were eyeing it eagerly began to sprint as fast as they could.

Not every time she succeeds, although her movements are much more flexible than theirs, the whales' huge bodies have a natural advantage in this kind of game. Often before she even got close, a whale would jump up on purpose, blocking her line of sight and forward path, causing her to fail more than once when getting close to the puck.

This is the whale... Jussis opened his eyes wide and looked at the wonderful scene in front of him. This majestic and spectacular scene is something that not everyone can see. It is really incredible to see these whales with huge bodies flexibly heading and batting the ball one after another.

The ice ball had just flown three meters into the air when a blue figure rushed over from a distance, and then used a beautiful roundhouse kick to kick the ice ball into the sea after finally reaching the air again. .

"Let's go together too. Only by joining them will you know how interesting this is." Holding Jusis with one hand, the ice phoenix began to use the whale body floating on the sea as a springboard, and began a series of jump.

Although Ice Phoenix did not specifically issue any specific orders, the whales who were accustomed to playing games with the Lord of the Ice Sea still performed with great interest. It’s also a fun activity for these gentle giants.

"How's it going? Do you like it?" Looking at Jusis's focused expression, Binghuang felt a sense of happiness coming from his heart. Like this, playing and playing with the children she likes is something she dreams of. Now that the male super monsters are almost extinct, this kind of happiness and joy has become a luxury behavior.

"How's it going? Do you think it's fun?" Ice Phoenix, who hadn't been here to play this interesting game for a while, asked with a smile while holding Jusis in his arms and sitting on the top of the iceberg.

"Boom!" A huge body rushed into the sky from the sea, then swung its tail in a flexible manner that was completely inconsistent with that giant body, and used its tail fin to hit the ice ball to the other side.

However, success or failure does not mean much in this kind of game. Looking at Ice Phoenix's excited expression, whether it was the excitement when he succeeded or the regret when he failed, Jusis felt that he understood this beautiful and gentle Ice Phoenix mother better than before.

"Boom!" A huge body rushed into the sky from the sea, then swung its tail in a flexible manner that was completely inconsistent with that giant body, and used its tail fin to hit the ice ball to the other side.

However, success or failure does not mean much in this kind of game. Looking at Ice Phoenix's excited expression, whether it was the excitement when he succeeded or the regret when he failed, Jusis felt that he understood this beautiful and gentle Ice Phoenix mother better than before.

And Ice Phoenix and Jusis are now bathed in this vibrant golden light. Beside the two of them were many large whales swimming happily. From time to time, naughty big guys rush out of the sea, bringing countless splashes into the sky and refracting the golden light to the entire sea area.

As time passed, more golden lightsabers broke through the gap and rushed out of the sea. A few clouds floating leisurely in the sky nearby were quickly fragmented by the golden light. The golden light all over the sky instantly covered the sky and the sea.

"Well..." Jussis nodded. He was really excited to witness such a magical thing with his own eyes.

However, success or failure does not mean much in this kind of game. Looking at Ice Phoenix's excited expression, whether it was the excitement when he succeeded or the regret when he failed, Jusis felt that he understood this beautiful and gentle Ice Phoenix mother better than before.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

"So, do you want to participate?" Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body, put her lips close to his ear, and said softly.

"That's a sperm whale. It also likes to dive, but it can sing very nice songs. Did you hear that low cry? It's nice."

Although Ice Phoenix did not specifically issue any specific orders, the whales who were accustomed to playing games with the Lord of the Ice Sea still performed with great interest. It’s also a fun activity for these gentle giants.

"The biggest one is the blue whale. Except for a few deep-sea monsters, there is no larger marine creature than it."

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

Ah... Such close contact, coupled with the stimulation of being breathed into the ear, and the two warm touches coming from behind, made Jussis's heartbeat speed up unconsciously. So much so that he didn't hear clearly what Ice Phoenix's mother said.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

The ice ball had just flown three meters into the air when a blue figure rushed over from a distance, and then used a beautiful roundhouse kick to kick the ice ball into the sea after finally reaching the air again. .

As time goes by, the number of whales participating in the whale ball game has not decreased, but has become more and more. Some whales that like to usually dive swam over from the deep sea and joined in this interesting game.

The lively whale ball activity lasted longer than Jussis imagined, even after the sun had set below the horizon and the water became colder than during the day. His ice phoenix mother and the whales are still chasing the ice ball that has been ravaged countless times, with no sign of ending. (Super Warcraft's concept of time is completely different from that of humans)

This is the end of the world, the edge of the world forever covered in ice and snow. However, at this moment, in this cold world, it is full of vitality.

"How's it going? Do you like it?" Looking at Jusis's focused expression, Binghuang felt a sense of happiness coming from his heart. Like this, playing and playing with the children she likes is something she dreams of. Now that the male super monsters are almost extinct, this kind of happiness and joy has become a luxury behavior.

"Let's go together too. Only by joining them will you know how interesting this is." Holding Jusis with one hand, the ice phoenix began to use the whale body floating on the sea as a springboard, and began a series of jump.

"If you want to participate, mom will take you with me." Ice Phoenix took Jusis's hand and rushed into the sky without hesitation. Then he found the back of a particularly large whale and stood firmly on it. .

However, success or failure does not mean much in this kind of game. Looking at Ice Phoenix's excited expression, whether it was the excitement when he succeeded or the regret when he failed, Jusis felt that he understood this beautiful and gentle Ice Phoenix mother better than before.

The whales who saw this scene stopped moving and collectively stared at the motionless ice ball, as if waiting for something to start.

"That's a sperm whale. It also likes to dive, but it can sing very nice songs. Did you hear that low cry? It's nice."

Just let the whales move around on their own, and that's just the warm-up phase of the whale ball. When the ice phoenix joins, it's the signal that the whale ball really begins.

Not every time she succeeds, although her movements are much more flexible than theirs, the whales' huge bodies have a natural advantage in this kind of game. Often before she even got close, a whale would jump up on purpose, blocking her line of sight and forward path, causing her to fail more than once when getting close to the puck.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

"One, two, three! Ready to start!" Ice Phoenix raised one of his hands and waved! The huge ice ball suddenly floated in the air on its own initiative and entered a state of stillness.

"How's it going? Do you think it's fun?" Ice Phoenix, who hadn't been here to play this interesting game for a while, asked with a smile while holding Jusis in his arms and sitting on the top of the iceberg.

Ice Phoenix, who hugged Jusis's body from behind, used her left hand to point out the types of whales that were having fun one by one. These huge but gentle creatures were also creatures that she liked very much. She was very happy to see that her child seemed to like it too.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

The entire sea surface was churning due to the leaping, rising and falling of these huge creatures. The ice ball made of ice never fell to the sea surface. Even when it was still more than ten meters away from the sea surface, it was lifted into the sky by a huge creature rushing out of the sea.

And Ice Phoenix and Jusis are now bathed in this vibrant golden light. Beside the two of them were many large whales swimming happily. From time to time, naughty big guys rush out of the sea, bringing countless splashes into the sky and refracting the golden light to the entire sea area.

As time passed, more golden lightsabers broke through the gap and rushed out of the sea. A few clouds floating leisurely in the sky nearby were quickly fragmented by the golden light. The golden light all over the sky instantly covered the sky and the sea.

The whales who saw this scene stopped moving and collectively stared at the motionless ice ball, as if waiting for something to start.

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

"Look, that's the great white whale. I'm lucky today. It's here too. It usually dives at the bottom of the sea."

"Those sperm whales can directly dive to five thousand meters under the sea. This depth is just trivial. Get ready and go grab it." Ice Phoenix, who was holding Jussis, watched with interest the ice ball that had reached its peak and started to fall back. . Even for her, it would be a little difficult to grab the ball from these big guys without using her flying ability and restricting herself to using the opponent's body as a foothold.

"That's great. Look, the sun has come out. Let's have a good time together today, my child." Binghuang raised his head and stared at the sun rising slowly from the eastern horizon. For the first time, she felt that this sunshine was full of happiness.

"That's a sperm whale. It also likes to dive, but it can sing very nice songs. Did you hear that low cry? It's nice."

"Don't worry, little baby, you'll be out soon." Ice Phoenix stared at the bottom of the sea while moving at high speed on the backs of many whales. It is the most interesting to play this game without using your flying ability and relying only on your own athletic ability and judgment.

"Get ready, jump!" With the wave of Ice Phoenix's hand, the ice ball that was stagnant in the air suddenly fell down, and the many whales that were eyeing it eagerly began to sprint as fast as they could.

"That's a sperm whale. It also likes to dive, but it can sing very nice songs. Did you hear that low cry? It's nice."

Not every time she succeeds, although her movements are much more flexible than theirs, the whales' huge bodies have a natural advantage in this kind of game. Often before she even got close, a whale would jump up on purpose, blocking her line of sight and forward path, causing her to fail more than once when getting close to the puck.

"Let's go together too. Only by joining them will you know how interesting this is." Holding Jusis with one hand, the ice phoenix began to use the whale body floating on the sea as a springboard, and began a series of jump.

"One, two, three! Ready to start!" Ice Phoenix raised one of his hands and waved! The huge ice ball suddenly floated in the air on its own initiative and entered a state of stillness.

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

"How's it going? Do you like it?" Looking at Jusis's focused expression, Binghuang felt a sense of happiness coming from his heart. Like this, playing and playing with the children she likes is something she dreams of. Now that the male super monsters are almost extinct, this kind of happiness and joy has become a luxury behavior.

"Let's go together too. Only by joining them will you know how interesting this is." Holding Jusis with one hand, the ice phoenix began to use the whale body floating on the sea as a springboard, and began a series of jump.

Because the waters and depths they inhabit are different, only when the Lord of the Ice Sea appears will these different types of whales gather together to play this interesting game.

"Bang!" As Ice Phoenix expected, five seconds later, the ice ball that had sunk suddenly rose into the sky and flew high into the sky.

At the moment when the ice ball was about to sink into the sea, a diving whale suddenly emerged from the sea and pushed the ice ball up again.

Ah... Such close contact, coupled with the stimulation of being breathed into the ear, and the two warm touches coming from behind, made Jussis's heartbeat speed up unconsciously. So much so that he didn't hear clearly what Ice Phoenix's mother said.

This cheerful and unique whale ball activity did not end until the morning of the next day. After Ice Phoenix disbanded the ice ball, many whales who seemed to have no less vitality reluctantly left the sea area.

"If you want to participate, mom will take you with me." Ice Phoenix took Jusis's hand and rushed into the sky without hesitation. Then he found the back of a particularly large whale and stood firmly on it. .

Ah... As Binghuang said, the feeling of watching from the side is completely different from joining in person. When Jussis looked at these whales from the top of the iceberg, he thought they were very big, but when he actually came to them, he realized that they were much bigger than he had imagined. So much so that he and Ice Phoenix's mother together seemed so insignificant, not even half of the tails of these big guys.

"Boom!" A huge body rushed into the sky from the sea, then swung its tail in a flexible manner that was completely inconsistent with that giant body, and used its tail fin to hit the ice ball to the other side.

The whales who saw this scene stopped moving and collectively stared at the motionless ice ball, as if waiting for something to start.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

"The biggest one is the blue whale. Except for a few deep-sea monsters, there is no larger marine creature than it."

The ice ball had just flown three meters into the air when a blue figure rushed over from a distance, and then used a beautiful roundhouse kick to kick the ice ball into the sea after finally reaching the air again. .

"Well..." Jussis nodded. He was really excited to witness such a magical thing with his own eyes.

The whales who saw this scene stopped moving and collectively stared at the motionless ice ball, as if waiting for something to start.

"Bang!" The whale closest to the falling ice ball successfully hit the ice ball with its body, knocking it diagonally into the sea.

"One, two, three! Ready to start!" Ice Phoenix raised one of his hands and waved! The huge ice ball suddenly floated in the air on its own initiative and entered a state of stillness.

Although Ice Phoenix did not specifically issue any specific orders, the whales who were accustomed to playing games with the Lord of the Ice Sea still performed with great interest. It’s also a fun activity for these gentle giants.

However, success or failure does not mean much in this kind of game. Looking at Ice Phoenix's excited expression, whether it was the excitement when he succeeded or the regret when he failed, Jusis felt that he understood this beautiful and gentle Ice Phoenix mother better than before.

However, success or failure does not mean much in this kind of game. Looking at Ice Phoenix's excited expression, whether it was the excitement when he succeeded or the regret when he failed, Jusis felt that he understood this beautiful and gentle Ice Phoenix mother better than before.

"Boom!" Huge water splashes rose into the sky from the sea. Like meteorites falling into the sea, the ice ball sank into the depths of the sea at a rapid speed.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

"One, two, three! Ready to start!" Ice Phoenix raised one of his hands and waved! The huge ice ball suddenly floated in the air on its own initiative and entered a state of stillness.

At the moment when the ice ball was about to sink into the sea, a diving whale suddenly emerged from the sea and pushed the ice ball up again.

"That's great. Look, the sun has come out. Let's have a good time together today, my child." Binghuang raised his head and stared at the sun rising slowly from the eastern horizon. For the first time, she felt that this sunshine was full of happiness.

"That's a sperm whale. It also likes to dive, but it can sing very nice songs. Did you hear that low cry? It's nice."

"Well..." Although he couldn't speak, Jussis's eyes told Ice Phoenix everything.

Just let the whales move around on their own, and that's just the warm-up phase of the whale ball. When the ice phoenix joins, it's the signal that the whale ball really begins.

Ah... As Binghuang said, the feeling of watching from the side is completely different from joining in person. When Jussis looked at these whales from the top of the iceberg, he thought they were very big, but when he actually came to them, he realized that they were much bigger than he had imagined. So much so that he and Ice Phoenix's mother together seemed so insignificant, not even half of the tails of these big guys.

"Don't worry, little baby, you'll be out soon." Ice Phoenix stared at the bottom of the sea while moving at high speed on the backs of many whales. It is the most interesting to play this game without using your flying ability and relying only on your own athletic ability and judgment.

The ice ball had just flown three meters into the air when a blue figure rushed over from a distance, and then used a beautiful roundhouse kick to kick the ice ball into the sea after finally reaching the air again. .

Just let the whales move around on their own, and that's just the warm-up phase of the whale ball. When the ice phoenix joins, it's the signal that the whale ball really begins.

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

"Boom!" Huge water splashes rose into the sky from the sea. Like meteorites falling into the sea, the ice ball sank into the depths of the sea at a rapid speed.

"One, two, three! Ready to start!" Ice Phoenix raised one of his hands and waved! The huge ice ball suddenly floated in the air on its own initiative and entered a state of stillness.

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

The entire sea surface was churning due to the leaping, rising and falling of these huge creatures. The ice ball made of ice never fell to the sea surface. Even when it was still more than ten meters away from the sea surface, it was lifted into the sky by a huge creature rushing out of the sea.

Ah... Jussis, who was held in the arms of Ice Phoenix, looked at the ice ball kicked into the sea by Ice Phoenix himself with some pity. It seemed that he could not get it back from that depth.

"Those sperm whales can directly dive to five thousand meters under the sea. This depth is just trivial. Get ready and go grab it." Ice Phoenix, who was holding Jussis, watched with interest the ice ball that had reached its peak and started to fall back. . Even for her, it would be a little difficult to grab the ball from these big guys without using her flying ability and restricting herself to using the opponent's body as a foothold.

"Look, that's the great white whale. I'm lucky today. It's here too. It usually dives at the bottom of the sea."

"Bang!" A huge ice ball traced a circular trajectory in the air. The transparent outer wall showed brilliant light under the sunlight, flying freely through the air like a pearl in a fairy tale.

The entire sea surface was churning due to the leaping, rising and falling of these huge creatures. The ice ball made of ice never fell to the sea surface. Even when it was still more than ten meters away from the sea surface, it was lifted into the sky by a huge creature rushing out of the sea.

And Ice Phoenix and Jusis are now bathed in this vibrant golden light. Beside the two of them were many large whales swimming happily. From time to time, naughty big guys rush out of the sea, bringing countless splashes into the sky and refracting the golden light to the entire sea area.

This cheerful and unique whale ball activity did not end until the morning of the next day. After Ice Phoenix disbanded the ice ball, many whales who seemed to have no less vitality reluctantly left the sea area.

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

"Don't worry, little baby, you'll be out soon." Ice Phoenix stared at the bottom of the sea while moving at high speed on the backs of many whales. It is the most interesting to play this game without using your flying ability and relying only on your own athletic ability and judgment.

Just let the whales move around on their own, and that's just the warm-up phase of the whale ball. When the ice phoenix joins, it's the signal that the whale ball really begins.

This is the whale... Jussis opened his eyes wide and looked at the wonderful scene in front of him. This majestic and spectacular scene is something that not everyone can see. It is really incredible to see these whales with huge bodies flexibly heading and batting the ball one after another.

Because the waters and depths they inhabit are different, only when the Lord of the Ice Sea appears will these different types of whales gather together to play this interesting game.

"One, two, three! Ready to start!" Ice Phoenix raised one of his hands and waved! The huge ice ball suddenly floated in the air on its own initiative and entered a state of stillness.

"Bang!" As Ice Phoenix expected, five seconds later, the ice ball that had sunk suddenly rose into the sky and flew high into the sky.

At the moment when the ice ball was about to sink into the sea, a diving whale suddenly emerged from the sea and pushed the ice ball up again.

"Those sperm whales can directly dive to five thousand meters under the sea. This depth is just trivial. Get ready and go grab it." Ice Phoenix, who was holding Jussis, watched with interest the ice ball that had reached its peak and started to fall back. . Even for her, it would be a little difficult to grab the ball from these big guys without using her flying ability and restricting herself to using the opponent's body as a foothold.

The whales who saw this scene stopped moving and collectively stared at the motionless ice ball, as if waiting for something to start.

"Well..." Although he couldn't speak, Jussis's eyes told Ice Phoenix everything.

"Those sperm whales can directly dive to five thousand meters under the sea. This depth is just trivial. Get ready and go grab it." Ice Phoenix, who was holding Jussis, watched with interest the ice ball that had reached its peak and started to fall back. . Even for her, it would be a little difficult to grab the ball from these big guys without using her flying ability and restricting herself to using the opponent's body as a foothold.

"How's it going? Do you like it?" Looking at Jusis's focused expression, Binghuang felt a sense of happiness coming from his heart. Like this, playing and playing with the children she likes is something she dreams of. Now that the male super monsters are almost extinct, this kind of happiness and joy has become a luxury behavior.

This is the end of the world, the edge of the world forever covered in ice and snow. However, at this moment, in this cold world, it is full of vitality.

"Boom!" Huge water splashes rose into the sky from the sea. Like meteorites falling into the sea, the ice ball sank into the depths of the sea at a rapid speed.

As time goes by, the number of whales participating in the whale ball game has not decreased, but has become more and more. Some whales that like to usually dive swam over from the deep sea and joined in this interesting game.

"Woo!" With a low cry, another huge body emerged from the sea and hit the ice ball that was about to fall on the sea with its huge head, causing the ice ball that was about to fall into the sea to move higher. The position flew over.

After spending such an incredible night, Jussis also felt that today's sunshine seemed more beautiful and moving than usual.

"Bang!" As Ice Phoenix expected, five seconds later, the ice ball that had sunk suddenly rose into the sky and flew high into the sky.

"Well..." Although he couldn't speak, Jussis's eyes told Ice Phoenix everything.

It was really amazing. Jussis felt very shocked when he saw the ice phoenix mother holding him snatching the transparent ice ball with those huge whales with her vigorous skills.

"Don't worry, little baby, you'll be out soon." Ice Phoenix stared at the bottom of the sea while moving at high speed on the backs of many whales. It is the most interesting to play this game without using your flying ability and relying only on your own athletic ability and judgment.

"Bang!" The whale closest to the falling ice ball successfully hit the ice ball with its body, knocking it diagonally into the sea.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

The whales who saw this scene stopped moving and collectively stared at the motionless ice ball, as if waiting for something to start.

"Get ready, jump!" With the wave of Ice Phoenix's hand, the ice ball that was stagnant in the air suddenly fell down, and the many whales that were eyeing it eagerly began to sprint as fast as they could.

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

At the moment when the ice ball was about to sink into the sea, a diving whale suddenly emerged from the sea and pushed the ice ball up again.

Because the waters and depths they inhabit are different, only when the Lord of the Ice Sea appears will these different types of whales gather together to play this interesting game.

This is the end of the world, the edge of the world forever covered in ice and snow. However, at this moment, in this cold world, it is full of vitality.

Not every time she succeeds, although her movements are much more flexible than theirs, the whales' huge bodies have a natural advantage in this kind of game. Often before she even got close, a whale would jump up on purpose, blocking her line of sight and forward path, causing her to fail more than once when getting close to the puck.

Just let the whales move around on their own, and that's just the warm-up phase of the whale ball. When the ice phoenix joins, it's the signal that the whale ball really begins.

"Well..." Jussis nodded. He was really excited to witness such a magical thing with his own eyes.

However, success or failure does not mean much in this kind of game. Looking at Ice Phoenix's excited expression, whether it was the excitement when he succeeded or the regret when he failed, Jusis felt that he understood this beautiful and gentle Ice Phoenix mother better than before.

"Boom!" A huge body rushed into the sky from the sea, then swung its tail in a flexible manner that was completely inconsistent with that giant body, and used its tail fin to hit the ice ball to the other side.

"Boom!" A huge body rushed into the sky from the sea, then swung its tail in a flexible manner that was completely inconsistent with that giant body, and used its tail fin to hit the ice ball to the other side.

Ah... Such close contact, coupled with the stimulation of being breathed into the ear, and the two warm touches coming from behind, made Jussis's heartbeat speed up unconsciously. So much so that he didn't hear clearly what Ice Phoenix's mother said.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

Ah... Jussis, who was held in the arms of Ice Phoenix, looked at the ice ball kicked into the sea by Ice Phoenix himself with some pity. It seemed that he could not get it back from that depth.

This cheerful and unique whale ball activity did not end until the morning of the next day. After Ice Phoenix disbanded the ice ball, many whales who seemed to have no less vitality reluctantly left the sea area.

After spending such an incredible night, Jussis also felt that today's sunshine seemed more beautiful and moving than usual.

This cheerful and unique whale ball activity did not end until the morning of the next day. After Ice Phoenix disbanded the ice ball, many whales who seemed to have no less vitality reluctantly left the sea area.

Ah... Jussis, who was held in the arms of Ice Phoenix, looked at the ice ball kicked into the sea by Ice Phoenix himself with some pity. It seemed that he could not get it back from that depth.

As time passed, more golden lightsabers broke through the gap and rushed out of the sea. A few clouds floating leisurely in the sky nearby were quickly fragmented by the golden light. The golden light all over the sky instantly covered the sky and the sea.

The lively whale ball activity lasted longer than Jussis imagined, even after the sun had set below the horizon and the water became colder than during the day. His ice phoenix mother and the whales are still chasing the ice ball that has been ravaged countless times, with no sign of ending. (Super Warcraft's concept of time is completely different from that of humans)

As time goes by, the number of whales participating in the whale ball game has not decreased, but has become more and more. Some whales that like to usually dive swam over from the deep sea and joined in this interesting game.

Ice Phoenix, who hugged Jusis's body from behind, used her left hand to point out the types of whales that were having fun one by one. These huge but gentle creatures were also creatures that she liked very much. She was very happy to see that her child seemed to like it too.

It was really amazing. Jussis felt very shocked when he saw the ice phoenix mother holding him snatching the transparent ice ball with those huge whales with her vigorous skills.

This is the end of the world, the edge of the world forever covered in ice and snow. However, at this moment, in this cold world, it is full of vitality.

Ah... As Binghuang said, the feeling of watching from the side is completely different from joining in person. When Jussis looked at these whales from the top of the iceberg, he thought they were very big, but when he actually came to them, he realized that they were much bigger than he had imagined. So much so that he and Ice Phoenix's mother together seemed so insignificant, not even half of the tails of these big guys.

The ice ball had just flown three meters into the air when a blue figure rushed over from a distance, and then used a beautiful roundhouse kick to kick the ice ball into the sea after finally reaching the air again. .

"Bang!" As Ice Phoenix expected, five seconds later, the ice ball that had sunk suddenly rose into the sky and flew high into the sky.

This cheerful and unique whale ball activity did not end until the morning of the next day. After Ice Phoenix disbanded the ice ball, many whales who seemed to have no less vitality reluctantly left the sea area.

"One, two, three! Ready to start!" Ice Phoenix raised one of his hands and waved! The huge ice ball suddenly floated in the air on its own initiative and entered a state of stillness.

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

Some of them returned to the deep sea; others swam to the south; and the group initially seen by Jusis and Ice Phoenix were still swimming carefree in the sea.

Although Ice Phoenix did not specifically issue any specific orders, the whales who were accustomed to playing games with the Lord of the Ice Sea still performed with great interest. It’s also a fun activity for these gentle giants.

"Boom!" Huge water splashes rose into the sky from the sea. Like meteorites falling into the sea, the ice ball sank into the depths of the sea at a rapid speed.

"Boom!" A huge body rushed into the sky from the sea, then swung its tail in a flexible manner that was completely inconsistent with that giant body, and used its tail fin to hit the ice ball to the other side.

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

Ah... Such close contact, coupled with the stimulation of being breathed into the ear, and the two warm touches coming from behind, made Jussis's heartbeat speed up unconsciously. So much so that he didn't hear clearly what Ice Phoenix's mother said.

It was really amazing. Jussis felt very shocked when he saw the ice phoenix mother holding him snatching the transparent ice ball with those huge whales with her vigorous skills.

"How's it going? Do you think it's fun?" Ice Phoenix, who hadn't been here to play this interesting game for a while, asked with a smile while holding Jusis in his arms and sitting on the top of the iceberg.

Although Ice Phoenix did not specifically issue any specific orders, the whales who were accustomed to playing games with the Lord of the Ice Sea still performed with great interest. It’s also a fun activity for these gentle giants.

"That's great. Look, the sun has come out. Let's have a good time together today, my child." Binghuang raised his head and stared at the sun rising slowly from the eastern horizon. For the first time, she felt that this sunshine was full of happiness.

"Those sperm whales can directly dive to five thousand meters under the sea. This depth is just trivial. Get ready and go grab it." Ice Phoenix, who was holding Jussis, watched with interest the ice ball that had reached its peak and started to fall back. . Even for her, it would be a little difficult to grab the ball from these big guys without using her flying ability and restricting herself to using the opponent's body as a foothold.

"Well..." Although he couldn't speak, Jussis's eyes told Ice Phoenix everything.

Ah... Such close contact, coupled with the stimulation of being breathed into the ear, and the two warm touches coming from behind, made Jussis's heartbeat speed up unconsciously. So much so that he didn't hear clearly what Ice Phoenix's mother said.

The whales who saw this scene stopped moving and collectively stared at the motionless ice ball, as if waiting for something to start.

"How's it going? Do you think it's fun?" Ice Phoenix, who hadn't been here to play this interesting game for a while, asked with a smile while holding Jusis in his arms and sitting on the top of the iceberg.

"So, do you want to participate?" Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body, put her lips close to his ear, and said softly.

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

"How's it going? Do you think it's fun?" Ice Phoenix, who hadn't been here to play this interesting game for a while, asked with a smile while holding Jusis in his arms and sitting on the top of the iceberg.

Ah... As Binghuang said, the feeling of watching from the side is completely different from joining in person. When Jussis looked at these whales from the top of the iceberg, he thought they were very big, but when he actually came to them, he realized that they were much bigger than he had imagined. So much so that he and Ice Phoenix's mother together seemed so insignificant, not even half of the tails of these big guys.

"That's great. Look, the sun has come out. Let's have a good time together today, my child." Binghuang raised his head and stared at the sun rising slowly from the eastern horizon. For the first time, she felt that this sunshine was full of happiness.

"Don't worry, little baby, you'll be out soon." Ice Phoenix stared at the bottom of the sea while moving at high speed on the backs of many whales. It is the most interesting to play this game without using your flying ability and relying only on your own athletic ability and judgment.

After spending such an incredible night, Jussis also felt that today's sunshine seemed more beautiful and moving than usual.

"Get ready, jump!" With the wave of Ice Phoenix's hand, the ice ball that was stagnant in the air suddenly fell down, and the many whales that were eyeing it eagerly began to sprint as fast as they could.

"How's it going? Do you think it's fun?" Ice Phoenix, who hadn't been here to play this interesting game for a while, asked with a smile while holding Jusis in his arms and sitting on the top of the iceberg.

"Bang!" As Ice Phoenix expected, five seconds later, the ice ball that had sunk suddenly rose into the sky and flew high into the sky.

Ah... As Binghuang said, the feeling of watching from the side is completely different from joining in person. When Jussis looked at these whales from the top of the iceberg, he thought they were very big, but when he actually came to them, he realized that they were much bigger than he had imagined. So much so that he and Ice Phoenix's mother together seemed so insignificant, not even half of the tails of these big guys.

"How's it going? Do you like it?" Looking at Jusis's focused expression, Binghuang felt a sense of happiness coming from his heart. Like this, playing and playing with the children she likes is something she dreams of. Now that the male super monsters are almost extinct, this kind of happiness and joy has become a luxury behavior.

"So, do you want to participate?" Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body, put her lips close to his ear, and said softly.

"Bang!" A huge ice ball traced a circular trajectory in the air. The transparent outer wall showed brilliant light under the sunlight, flying freely through the air like a pearl in a fairy tale.

At the end of their sight, a ray of golden light was like a sharp sword, tearing a gap between the sea and the sky, passing through the clouds and fog across the sky as white as a fish's belly.

As time goes by, the number of whales participating in the whale ball game has not decreased, but has become more and more. Some whales that like to usually dive swam over from the deep sea and joined in this interesting game.

Just let the whales move around on their own, and that's just the warm-up phase of the whale ball. When the ice phoenix joins, it's the signal that the whale ball really begins.

Because the waters and depths they inhabit are different, only when the Lord of the Ice Sea appears will these different types of whales gather together to play this interesting game.

The whales who saw this scene stopped moving and collectively stared at the motionless ice ball, as if waiting for something to start.

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

Ah... Such close contact, coupled with the stimulation of being breathed into the ear, and the two warm touches coming from behind, made Jussis's heartbeat speed up unconsciously. So much so that he didn't hear clearly what Ice Phoenix's mother said.

Not every time she succeeds, although her movements are much more flexible than theirs, the whales' huge bodies have a natural advantage in this kind of game. Often before she even got close, a whale would jump up on purpose, blocking her line of sight and forward path, causing her to fail more than once when getting close to the puck.

"So, do you want to participate?" Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body, put her lips close to his ear, and said softly.

As time passed, more golden lightsabers broke through the gap and rushed out of the sea. A few clouds floating leisurely in the sky nearby were quickly fragmented by the golden light. The golden light all over the sky instantly covered the sky and the sea.

It was really amazing. Jussis felt very shocked when he saw the ice phoenix mother holding him snatching the transparent ice ball with those huge whales with her vigorous skills.

However, success or failure does not mean much in this kind of game. Looking at Ice Phoenix's excited expression, whether it was the excitement when he succeeded or the regret when he failed, Jusis felt that he understood this beautiful and gentle Ice Phoenix mother better than before.

"If you want to participate, mom will take you with me." Ice Phoenix took Jusis's hand and rushed into the sky without hesitation. Then he found the back of a particularly large whale and stood firmly on it. .

In front of him were huge bodies one after another that were as big as hills compared to humans. In the middle of these huge bodies, the Ice Phoenix mother holding him was running and sprinting flexibly, jumping into the sky from time to time, competing for the ice ball with these big guys.

This is the whale... Jussis opened his eyes wide and looked at the wonderful scene in front of him. This majestic and spectacular scene is something that not everyone can see. It is really incredible to see these whales with huge bodies flexibly heading and batting the ball one after another.

And Ice Phoenix and Jusis are now bathed in this vibrant golden light. Beside the two of them were many large whales swimming happily. From time to time, naughty big guys rush out of the sea, bringing countless splashes into the sky and refracting the golden light to the entire sea area.

"Well..." Jussis nodded. He was really excited to witness such a magical thing with his own eyes.

Just let the whales move around on their own, and that's just the warm-up phase of the whale ball. When the ice phoenix joins, it's the signal that the whale ball really begins.

This is the end of the world, the edge of the world forever covered in ice and snow. However, at this moment, in this cold world, it is full of vitality.

"How's it going? Do you think it's fun?" Ice Phoenix, who hadn't been here to play this interesting game for a while, asked with a smile while holding Jusis in his arms and sitting on the top of the iceberg.

Ice Phoenix, who hugged Jusis's body from behind, used her left hand to point out the types of whales that were having fun one by one. These huge but gentle creatures were also creatures that she liked very much. She was very happy to see that her child seemed to like it too.

At the moment when the ice ball was about to sink into the sea, a diving whale suddenly emerged from the sea and pushed the ice ball up again.