Demon King Priest

Chapter 61: Silas’ Confession (Part 2)


Like represents love, longing, and sincere feelings. For Silla, this kind of feeling was something she had never experienced before.

"Ah? Who is this?" Binghuang looked at Xiao Xila in surprise, who was only as tall as Jusis's waist. She didn't remember that there was such a little girl nearby.

"Ah? Who is this?" Binghuang looked at Xiao Xila in surprise, who was only as tall as Jusis's waist. She didn't remember that there was such a little girl nearby.

Confession is the way human women express their feelings to the men they like. Since there is no one to refer to (the Ice Charm clan is all female, and there is no precedent for combining with other races), Silla uses the human confession method.

"Ugh..." Silla, who was ignored for the second time, began to work hard to peel away the snow buried in her body. As the Ice Charm King, she would actually be buried in the snow. This was such a cold joke that she couldn't laugh!

Even if she is now in her early childhood, she doesn't care at all. Although this body is a bit smaller, it still has a lot of everything it should have. It's enough to want to be intimate with the little lady she likes.

"Of course, my child seems to like you too. That's it." Binghuang, who was surprisingly nervous about some things, said in an unquestionable tone.

"Huh!" A strong wind blew from nowhere, causing Silla, who was already on the verge of collapse, to lose her balance and fall to the ground. In just a short time, less than half of his body was buried by the snow particles blown by the wind on the ground. Following this trend, three seconds later, the former Ice Charm King Silla died in the snow with nothing.

Confession is the way human women express their feelings to the men they like. Since there is no one to refer to (the Ice Charm clan is all female, and there is no precedent for combining with other races), Silla uses the human confession method.

"Can I be with him then?" Silla asked happily. For her, it doesn't matter whether it's a pet or a toy, as long as she's with the little lady she likes.

"Of course, this is my cutest child in the world. How about it, it's very beautiful." Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body. By the way, the petite Silla was also hugged. Use her great mind to tolerate the two of them.

"Ugh..." Silla, who was ignored for the second time, began to work hard to peel away the snow buried in her body. As the Ice Charm King, she would actually be buried in the snow. This was such a cold joke that she couldn't laugh!

"Or toys are fine," Ice Phoenix, who had obtained all kinds of strange knowledge from the books borrowed from Cavendish, said naturally, without feeling that his words were scary at all.

But what about pets and toys? For Syrah, this is really a new subject. No matter what, it's great to be able to continue to be with the people you like.

What is wrong...

Even if she is now in her early childhood, she doesn't care at all. Although this body is a bit smaller, it still has a lot of everything it should have. It's enough to want to be intimate with the little lady she likes.

Idiot, of course this is Jussis. Until now, he had not figured out what Silla meant when she said "like" to him. After blinking, he showed a confused expression. After all, it is too difficult for him now to understand the "like" in Silla's mouth.

In a sense, Jusis now is almost like a blank slate. Apart from the dream of being a priest, which he would not forget easily even if he lost everything, and some basic knowledge, he knew nothing about his own emotions, desires, and power.

"I understand, Lord Ice Phoenix." Ice Phoenix's order was exactly what Silla wanted. For her, this is the best appointment.

In a sense, Jusis now is almost like a blank slate. Apart from the dream of being a priest, which he would not forget easily even if he lost everything, and some basic knowledge, he knew nothing about his own emotions, desires, and power.

"There is a reason for this. Forget it, is this child your child?" Silla sighed. Sure enough, the infant body can easily cause misunderstandings. And, even worse, if you’re not careful, you’ll be ignored.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

"Ah!" Yossis, who had been watching Silla, involuntarily stretched out his hand, then pulled her out of the thick snow and held her in his arms (Yusis was afraid that she would fall again).

"The ice and snow cracked!" Silla made a diamond-shaped gesture with her hand, and a light wave composed of countless diamond-shaped ice blades shot toward the Ice Phoenix. The ice blade flying at high speed made a sharp chirping sound, which made Jusis's ears buzz.

It is really difficult for him to understand what true "like" or higher "love" is.

"Well, if you want your children to grow up well and not act randomly because they are out of control, a suitable pet or toy is necessary. This is what the book says." Some people have carefully read books like "Mom, I Love You" Binghuang, who wrote books about the sweet mother-child relationship such as "My Favorite Mother", said with certainty.

Therefore, he will naturally regard Ice Phoenix as his mother and accept the fact that he is a super monster. Even when he was pushed down by Silla, he didn't really put up much resistance.

"There is a reason for this. Forget it, is this child your child?" Silla sighed. Sure enough, the infant body can easily cause misunderstandings. And, even worse, if you’re not careful, you’ll be ignored.

Therefore, he will naturally regard Ice Phoenix as his mother and accept the fact that he is a super monster. Even when he was pushed down by Silla, he didn't really put up much resistance.

"Ah!" Yossis, who had been watching Silla, involuntarily stretched out his hand, then pulled her out of the thick snow and held her in his arms (Yusis was afraid that she would fall again).

One step, two steps, three steps... On the icy and snowy ground where it was easy to slip, the former Ice Charm King walked carefully, like a newborn child.

It is really difficult for him to understand what true "like" or higher "love" is.

"Ugh..." Silla, who was ignored for the second time, began to work hard to peel away the snow buried in her body. As the Ice Charm King, she would actually be buried in the snow. This was such a cold joke that she couldn't laugh!

It is really difficult for him to understand what true "like" or higher "love" is.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

Therefore, he will naturally regard Ice Phoenix as his mother and accept the fact that he is a super monster. Even when he was pushed down by Silla, he didn't really put up much resistance.

In fact, he still hasn't even figured out the essential difference between what Ice Phoenix did to him and what Silla did.

"Toys?" Silla herself didn't have any other ideas. For her, it would be nice to be with the little lady she likes. Whether it’s a pet, a toy, or a teacher.

Looking at Silla's efforts to walk, Jussis didn't know why he thought of the little duck that had just learned to walk. It was so cute that it looked like it was swaying and might fall down at any time. It's really hard to believe that this is the beautiful ice charm teacher who was floating in the air with ease not long ago.

"Of course, this is my cutest child in the world. How about it, it's very beautiful." Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body. By the way, the petite Silla was also hugged. Use her great mind to tolerate the two of them.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

In a sense, Jusis now is almost like a blank slate. Apart from the dream of being a priest, which he would not forget easily even if he lost everything, and some basic knowledge, he knew nothing about his own emotions, desires, and power.

"Can I be with him then?" Silla asked happily. For her, it doesn't matter whether it's a pet or a toy, as long as she's with the little lady she likes.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

"Well, if you want your children to grow up well and not act randomly because they are out of control, a suitable pet or toy is necessary. This is what the book says." Some people have carefully read books like "Mom, I Love You" Binghuang, who wrote books about the sweet mother-child relationship such as "My Favorite Mother", said with certainty.

"Little lady. From now on, I will be your pet and toy." Silla, who was held in Yosis's arms, hugged his neck with her petite hands. In his ear, she whispered these words that would determine her new relationship with him.

Although he was confused by his body's reaction, his feelings for Silla only remained at the "teacher" stage.

Looking at Silla's efforts to walk, Jussis didn't know why he thought of the little duck that had just learned to walk. It was so cute that it looked like it was swaying and might fall down at any time. It's really hard to believe that this is the beautiful ice charm teacher who was floating in the air with ease not long ago.

"Or toys are fine," Ice Phoenix, who had obtained all kinds of strange knowledge from the books borrowed from Cavendish, said naturally, without feeling that his words were scary at all.

But what about pets and toys? For Syrah, this is really a new subject. No matter what, it's great to be able to continue to be with the people you like.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

"Ugh..." Although it has been many years since he became Ice Phoenix's subordinate, Silla experienced the power of that broad mind for the first time. That is indeed a great heart that can tolerate everything. It would be better if she was not in it.

And, it seems, it seems, it's not just the body that has become like this. She felt that her thoughts seemed to have changed slightly with the changes in her body, but what exactly were the changes...

Confession is the way human women express their feelings to the men they like. Since there is no one to refer to (the Ice Charm clan is all female, and there is no precedent for combining with other races), Silla uses the human confession method.

"No need to answer, you can't answer either, little lady. However, I like you, that's all." Silla never expected Jussis's answer. After all, in her eyes, Yossi is still a minor.

"The ice and snow cracked!" Silla made a diamond-shaped gesture with her hand, and a light wave composed of countless diamond-shaped ice blades shot toward the Ice Phoenix. The ice blade flying at high speed made a sharp chirping sound, which made Jusis's ears buzz.

Confession is the way human women express their feelings to the men they like. Since there is no one to refer to (the Ice Charm clan is all female, and there is no precedent for combining with other races), Silla uses the human confession method.

"Can I be with him then?" Silla asked happily. For her, it doesn't matter whether it's a pet or a toy, as long as she's with the little lady she likes.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

From a human moral perspective, what she did to Jussis was not very good. But what does it matter? She liked it, and Jusis didn't resist, and then it was a fiery love. That's all well and good, isn't it

"Good boy, you're in the Warcraft Lady course again. Do you like this course so much? Hey, it seems that you got all the perfect marks. Are the first level of fighting skills training and the third level of etiquette class over? ? In this case, according to the regulations, I have to give you the prize of an outstanding Warcraft lady..." In Ice Phoenix's eyes, only Jussis could be seen. She didn't even notice Silla, who was dressed in white and fell on the snow.

"Sira? The king of the Ice Charm Tribe? I remember that he was a very intellectual and smart Ice Charm..." Ice Phoenix looked at Sira who was held in Jusis's arms like a doll in confusion. There was no way to connect her with the shrewd and capable Ice Charm King under her.

"The ice and snow cracked!" Silla made a diamond-shaped gesture with her hand, and a light wave composed of countless diamond-shaped ice blades shot toward the Ice Phoenix. The ice blade flying at high speed made a sharp chirping sound, which made Jusis's ears buzz.

Even if she is now in her early childhood, she doesn't care at all. Although this body is a bit smaller, it still has a lot of everything it should have. It's enough to want to be intimate with the little lady she likes.

But what about pets and toys? For Syrah, this is really a new subject. No matter what, it's great to be able to continue to be with the people you like.

Although he was confused by his body's reaction, his feelings for Silla only remained at the "teacher" stage.

Jussis nodded, then shook his head. For him now, it is really difficult to understand what Silla said.

Just as Yosis was about to go over and give her a hand, a huge figure flew through the air. Immediately afterwards, the figure of Ice Phoenix appeared between the two of them.

"Of course, my child seems to like you too. That's it." Binghuang, who was surprisingly nervous about some things, said in an unquestionable tone.

"Sira? The king of the Ice Charm Tribe? I remember that he was a very intellectual and smart Ice Charm..." Ice Phoenix looked at Sira who was held in Jusis's arms like a doll in confusion. There was no way to connect her with the shrewd and capable Ice Charm King under her.

"Well, if you want your children to grow up well and not act randomly because they are out of control, a suitable pet or toy is necessary. This is what the book says." Some people have carefully read books like "Mom, I Love You" Binghuang, who wrote books about the sweet mother-child relationship such as "My Favorite Mother", said with certainty.

"Good boy, you're in the Warcraft Lady course again. Do you like this course so much? Hey, it seems that you got all the perfect marks. Are the first level of fighting skills training and the third level of etiquette class over? ? In this case, according to the regulations, I have to give you the prize of an outstanding Warcraft lady..." In Ice Phoenix's eyes, only Jussis could be seen. She didn't even notice Silla, who was dressed in white and fell on the snow.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

Just as Yosis was about to go over and give her a hand, a huge figure flew through the air. Immediately afterwards, the figure of Ice Phoenix appeared between the two of them.

"It's me, it's me! Lord Ice Phoenix! I'm Silla." Silla, who was pulled out from the ground like a radish by Jussis, said in a voice that sounded cute no matter how cute it was.

Even if she is now in her early childhood, she doesn't care at all. Although this body is a bit smaller, it still has a lot of everything it should have. It's enough to want to be intimate with the little lady she likes.

Like represents love, longing, and sincere feelings. For Silla, this kind of feeling was something she had never experienced before.

"Ah!" Yossis, who had been watching Silla, involuntarily stretched out his hand, then pulled her out of the thick snow and held her in his arms (Yusis was afraid that she would fall again).

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

From a human moral perspective, what she did to Jussis was not very good. But what does it matter? She liked it, and Jusis didn't resist, and then it was a fiery love. That's all well and good, isn't it

"Ugh..." Although it has been many years since he became Ice Phoenix's subordinate, Silla experienced the power of that broad mind for the first time. That is indeed a great heart that can tolerate everything. It would be better if she was not in it.

"Huh!" A strong wind blew from nowhere, causing Silla, who was already on the verge of collapse, to lose her balance and fall to the ground. In just a short time, less than half of his body was buried by the snow particles blown by the wind on the ground. Following this trend, three seconds later, the former Ice Charm King Silla died in the snow with nothing.

"Or toys are fine," Ice Phoenix, who had obtained all kinds of strange knowledge from the books borrowed from Cavendish, said naturally, without feeling that his words were scary at all.

"Ugh..." Silla, who was ignored for the second time, began to work hard to peel away the snow buried in her body. As the Ice Charm King, she would actually be buried in the snow. This was such a cold joke that she couldn't laugh!

Looking at Silla's efforts to walk, Jussis didn't know why he thought of the little duck that had just learned to walk. It was so cute that it looked like it was swaying and might fall down at any time. It's really hard to believe that this is the beautiful ice charm teacher who was floating in the air with ease not long ago.

What is wrong...

One step, two steps, three steps... On the icy and snowy ground where it was easy to slip, the former Ice Charm King walked carefully, like a newborn child.

"Or toys are fine," Ice Phoenix, who had obtained all kinds of strange knowledge from the books borrowed from Cavendish, said naturally, without feeling that his words were scary at all.

"Huh!" A strong wind blew from nowhere, causing Silla, who was already on the verge of collapse, to lose her balance and fall to the ground. In just a short time, less than half of his body was buried by the snow particles blown by the wind on the ground. Following this trend, three seconds later, the former Ice Charm King Silla died in the snow with nothing.

"Good boy, you're in the Warcraft Lady course again. Do you like this course so much? Hey, it seems that you got all the perfect marks. Are the first level of fighting skills training and the third level of etiquette class over? ? In this case, according to the regulations, I have to give you the prize of an outstanding Warcraft lady..." In Ice Phoenix's eyes, only Jussis could be seen. She didn't even notice Silla, who was dressed in white and fell on the snow.

Looking at Silla's efforts to walk, Jussis didn't know why he thought of the little duck that had just learned to walk. It was so cute that it looked like it was swaying and might fall down at any time. It's really hard to believe that this is the beautiful ice charm teacher who was floating in the air with ease not long ago.

Like represents love, longing, and sincere feelings. For Silla, this kind of feeling was something she had never experienced before.

"Well, if you want your children to grow up well and not act randomly because they are out of control, a suitable pet or toy is necessary. This is what the book says." Some people have carefully read books like "Mom, I Love You" Binghuang, who wrote books about the sweet mother-child relationship such as "My Favorite Mother", said with certainty.

"Of course, this is my cutest child in the world. How about it, it's very beautiful." Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body. By the way, the petite Silla was also hugged. Use her great mind to tolerate the two of them.

It is really difficult for him to understand what true "like" or higher "love" is.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You are getting younger and younger, Silla." Looking at Silla's doll figure, Binghuang felt very strange. It turns out that Bing Mei can still transform back into her childhood.

"Ugh..." Silla, who was ignored for the second time, began to work hard to peel away the snow buried in her body. As the Ice Charm King, she would actually be buried in the snow. This was such a cold joke that she couldn't laugh!

"Huh!" A strong wind blew from nowhere, causing Silla, who was already on the verge of collapse, to lose her balance and fall to the ground. In just a short time, less than half of his body was buried by the snow particles blown by the wind on the ground. Following this trend, three seconds later, the former Ice Charm King Silla died in the snow with nothing.

"Toys?" Silla herself didn't have any other ideas. For her, it would be nice to be with the little lady she likes. Whether it’s a pet, a toy, or a teacher.

Just as Yosis was about to go over and give her a hand, a huge figure flew through the air. Immediately afterwards, the figure of Ice Phoenix appeared between the two of them.

The only one who felt something was wrong was probably Jusis himself. Although I don’t know the true meaning of Silla becoming my own pet and toy. But he always felt that something was wrong. After all, in his eyes, Silla is still his teacher.

Even if she is now in her early childhood, she doesn't care at all. Although this body is a bit smaller, it still has a lot of everything it should have. It's enough to want to be intimate with the little lady she likes.

Just as Yosis was about to go over and give her a hand, a huge figure flew through the air. Immediately afterwards, the figure of Ice Phoenix appeared between the two of them.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

From a human moral perspective, what she did to Jussis was not very good. But what does it matter? She liked it, and Jusis didn't resist, and then it was a fiery love. That's all well and good, isn't it

Always feeling that something was wrong, Yosis nodded in compliance with the situation, and then hugged Silla a little tighter in his arms.

"The ice and snow cracked!" Silla made a diamond-shaped gesture with her hand, and a light wave composed of countless diamond-shaped ice blades shot toward the Ice Phoenix. The ice blade flying at high speed made a sharp chirping sound, which made Jusis's ears buzz.

In fact, he still hasn't even figured out the essential difference between what Ice Phoenix did to him and what Silla did.

"Good boy, you're in the Warcraft Lady course again. Do you like this course so much? Hey, it seems that you got all the perfect marks. Are the first level of fighting skills training and the third level of etiquette class over? ? In this case, according to the regulations, I have to give you the prize of an outstanding Warcraft lady..." In Ice Phoenix's eyes, only Jussis could be seen. She didn't even notice Silla, who was dressed in white and fell on the snow.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

It seems that after getting smaller, many things that I have long been accustomed to have become different. Suddenly he fell down and was suddenly buried in the snow. This state is almost the same as before she was an adult!

"Ugh..." Silla, who was ignored for the second time, began to work hard to peel away the snow buried in her body. As the Ice Charm King, she would actually be buried in the snow. This was such a cold joke that she couldn't laugh!

Looking at Silla's efforts to walk, Jussis didn't know why he thought of the little duck that had just learned to walk. It was so cute that it looked like it was swaying and might fall down at any time. It's really hard to believe that this is the beautiful ice charm teacher who was floating in the air with ease not long ago.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

From a human moral perspective, what she did to Jussis was not very good. But what does it matter? She liked it, and Jusis didn't resist, and then it was a fiery love. That's all well and good, isn't it

"No need to answer, you can't answer either, little lady. However, I like you, that's all." Silla never expected Jussis's answer. After all, in her eyes, Yossi is still a minor.

It seems that after getting smaller, many things that I have long been accustomed to have become different. Suddenly he fell down and was suddenly buried in the snow. This state is almost the same as before she was an adult!

Confession is the way human women express their feelings to the men they like. Since there is no one to refer to (the Ice Charm clan is all female, and there is no precedent for combining with other races), Silla uses the human confession method.

"There is a reason for this. Forget it, is this child your child?" Silla sighed. Sure enough, the infant body can easily cause misunderstandings. And, even worse, if you’re not careful, you’ll be ignored.

"Toys?" Silla herself didn't have any other ideas. For her, it would be nice to be with the little lady she likes. Whether it’s a pet, a toy, or a teacher.

And, it seems, it seems, it's not just the body that has become like this. She felt that her thoughts seemed to have changed slightly with the changes in her body, but what exactly were the changes...

Idiot, of course this is Jussis. Until now, he had not figured out what Silla meant when she said "like" to him. After blinking, he showed a confused expression. After all, it is too difficult for him now to understand the "like" in Silla's mouth.

"Ah!" Yossis, who had been watching Silla, involuntarily stretched out his hand, then pulled her out of the thick snow and held her in his arms (Yusis was afraid that she would fall again).

Confession is the way human women express their feelings to the men they like. Since there is no one to refer to (the Ice Charm clan is all female, and there is no precedent for combining with other races), Silla uses the human confession method.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

The only one who felt something was wrong was probably Jusis himself. Although I don’t know the true meaning of Silla becoming my own pet and toy. But he always felt that something was wrong. After all, in his eyes, Silla is still his teacher.

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

"Ah!" Yossis, who had been watching Silla, involuntarily stretched out his hand, then pulled her out of the thick snow and held her in his arms (Yusis was afraid that she would fall again).

Confession is the way human women express their feelings to the men they like. Since there is no one to refer to (the Ice Charm clan is all female, and there is no precedent for combining with other races), Silla uses the human confession method.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

"Ah? Who is this?" Binghuang looked at Xiao Xila in surprise, who was only as tall as Jusis's waist. She didn't remember that there was such a little girl nearby.

"Ah? Who is this?" Binghuang looked at Xiao Xila in surprise, who was only as tall as Jusis's waist. She didn't remember that there was such a little girl nearby.

Like represents love, longing, and sincere feelings. For Silla, this kind of feeling was something she had never experienced before.

Idiot, of course this is Jussis. Until now, he had not figured out what Silla meant when she said "like" to him. After blinking, he showed a confused expression. After all, it is too difficult for him now to understand the "like" in Silla's mouth.

It seems that after getting smaller, many things that I have long been accustomed to have become different. Suddenly he fell down and was suddenly buried in the snow. This state is almost the same as before she was an adult!

"Can I be with him then?" Silla asked happily. For her, it doesn't matter whether it's a pet or a toy, as long as she's with the little lady she likes.

Idiot, of course this is Jussis. Until now, he had not figured out what Silla meant when she said "like" to him. After blinking, he showed a confused expression. After all, it is too difficult for him now to understand the "like" in Silla's mouth.

A few minutes later.

"Or toys are fine," Ice Phoenix, who had obtained all kinds of strange knowledge from the books borrowed from Cavendish, said naturally, without feeling that his words were scary at all.

"It's me, it's me! Lord Ice Phoenix! I'm Silla." Silla, who was pulled out from the ground like a radish by Jussis, said in a voice that sounded cute no matter how cute it was.

"Of course, my child seems to like you too. That's it." Binghuang, who was surprisingly nervous about some things, said in an unquestionable tone.

Therefore, he will naturally regard Ice Phoenix as his mother and accept the fact that he is a super monster. Even when he was pushed down by Silla, he didn't really put up much resistance.

"There is a reason for this. Forget it, is this child your child?" Silla sighed. Sure enough, the infant body can easily cause misunderstandings. And, even worse, if you’re not careful, you’ll be ignored.

"Or toys are fine," Ice Phoenix, who had obtained all kinds of strange knowledge from the books borrowed from Cavendish, said naturally, without feeling that his words were scary at all.

Even if she is now in her early childhood, she doesn't care at all. Although this body is a bit smaller, it still has a lot of everything it should have. It's enough to want to be intimate with the little lady she likes.

The only one who felt something was wrong was probably Jusis himself. Although I don’t know the true meaning of Silla becoming my own pet and toy. But he always felt that something was wrong. After all, in his eyes, Silla is still his teacher.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You are getting younger and younger, Silla." Looking at Silla's doll figure, Binghuang felt very strange. It turns out that Bing Mei can still transform back into her childhood.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

"Sira? The king of the Ice Charm Tribe? I remember that he was a very intellectual and smart Ice Charm..." Ice Phoenix looked at Sira who was held in Jusis's arms like a doll in confusion. There was no way to connect her with the shrewd and capable Ice Charm King under her.

Therefore, he will naturally regard Ice Phoenix as his mother and accept the fact that he is a super monster. Even when he was pushed down by Silla, he didn't really put up much resistance.

"Pet?" Silla asked inexplicably.

And, it seems, it seems, it's not just the body that has become like this. She felt that her thoughts seemed to have changed slightly with the changes in her body, but what exactly were the changes...

"Well, if you want your children to grow up well and not act randomly because they are out of control, a suitable pet or toy is necessary. This is what the book says." Some people have carefully read books like "Mom, I Love You" Binghuang, who wrote books about the sweet mother-child relationship such as "My Favorite Mother", said with certainty.

"Pet?" Silla asked inexplicably.

"The ice and snow cracked!" Silla made a diamond-shaped gesture with her hand, and a light wave composed of countless diamond-shaped ice blades shot toward the Ice Phoenix. The ice blade flying at high speed made a sharp chirping sound, which made Jusis's ears buzz.

"Of course, my child seems to like you too. That's it." Binghuang, who was surprisingly nervous about some things, said in an unquestionable tone.

What is wrong...

"Of course, this is my cutest child in the world. How about it, it's very beautiful." Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body. By the way, the petite Silla was also hugged. Use her great mind to tolerate the two of them.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

"Well, this is indeed..." Ice Phoenix blinked and effortlessly turned the attack into nothingness. She remembered that this was indeed the move she taught the little ice charm. Except for herself and the little ice charm, no one should be able to use this so easily.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

"Or toys are fine," Ice Phoenix, who had obtained all kinds of strange knowledge from the books borrowed from Cavendish, said naturally, without feeling that his words were scary at all.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

Looking at Silla's efforts to walk, Jussis didn't know why he thought of the little duck that had just learned to walk. It was so cute that it looked like it was swaying and might fall down at any time. It's really hard to believe that this is the beautiful ice charm teacher who was floating in the air with ease not long ago.

Jussis nodded, then shook his head. For him now, it is really difficult to understand what Silla said.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You are getting younger and younger, Silla." Looking at Silla's doll figure, Binghuang felt very strange. It turns out that Bing Mei can still transform back into her childhood.

In fact, he still hasn't even figured out the essential difference between what Ice Phoenix did to him and what Silla did.

And, it seems, it seems, it's not just the body that has become like this. She felt that her thoughts seemed to have changed slightly with the changes in her body, but what exactly were the changes...

"Ah? Who is this?" Binghuang looked at Xiao Xila in surprise, who was only as tall as Jusis's waist. She didn't remember that there was such a little girl nearby.

"Pet?" Silla asked inexplicably.

"No need to answer, you can't answer either, little lady. However, I like you, that's all." Silla never expected Jussis's answer. After all, in her eyes, Yossi is still a minor.

Therefore, he will naturally regard Ice Phoenix as his mother and accept the fact that he is a super monster. Even when he was pushed down by Silla, he didn't really put up much resistance.

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

"There is a reason for this. Forget it, is this child your child?" Silla sighed. Sure enough, the infant body can easily cause misunderstandings. And, even worse, if you’re not careful, you’ll be ignored.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

"Of course, my child seems to like you too. That's it." Binghuang, who was surprisingly nervous about some things, said in an unquestionable tone.

Jussis nodded, then shook his head. For him now, it is really difficult to understand what Silla said.

The only one who felt something was wrong was probably Jusis himself. Although I don’t know the true meaning of Silla becoming my own pet and toy. But he always felt that something was wrong. After all, in his eyes, Silla is still his teacher.

"Of course, this is my cutest child in the world. How about it, it's very beautiful." Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body. By the way, the petite Silla was also hugged. Use her great mind to tolerate the two of them.

And, it seems, it seems, it's not just the body that has become like this. She felt that her thoughts seemed to have changed slightly with the changes in her body, but what exactly were the changes...

"Of course, this is my cutest child in the world. How about it, it's very beautiful." Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body. By the way, the petite Silla was also hugged. Use her great mind to tolerate the two of them.

"Well, this is indeed..." Ice Phoenix blinked and effortlessly turned the attack into nothingness. She remembered that this was indeed the move she taught the little ice charm. Except for herself and the little ice charm, no one should be able to use this so easily.

A few minutes later.

Based on what she learned about the mother-child relationship, it was time for her children to have their own toys and pets.

"Ah? Who is this?" Binghuang looked at Xiao Xila in surprise, who was only as tall as Jusis's waist. She didn't remember that there was such a little girl nearby.

From a human moral perspective, what she did to Jussis was not very good. But what does it matter? She liked it, and Jusis didn't resist, and then it was a fiery love. That's all well and good, isn't it

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

"Ugh..." Although it has been many years since he became Ice Phoenix's subordinate, Silla experienced the power of that broad mind for the first time. That is indeed a great heart that can tolerate everything. It would be better if she was not in it.

A few minutes later.

Even if she is now in her early childhood, she doesn't care at all. Although this body is a bit smaller, it still has a lot of everything it should have. It's enough to want to be intimate with the little lady she likes.

But what about pets and toys? For Syrah, this is really a new subject. No matter what, it's great to be able to continue to be with the people you like.

Looking at Silla's efforts to walk, Jussis didn't know why he thought of the little duck that had just learned to walk. It was so cute that it looked like it was swaying and might fall down at any time. It's really hard to believe that this is the beautiful ice charm teacher who was floating in the air with ease not long ago.

A few minutes later.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

"Well, if you want your children to grow up well and not act randomly because they are out of control, a suitable pet or toy is necessary. This is what the book says." Some people have carefully read books like "Mom, I Love You" Binghuang, who wrote books about the sweet mother-child relationship such as "My Favorite Mother", said with certainty.

And, it seems, it seems, it's not just the body that has become like this. She felt that her thoughts seemed to have changed slightly with the changes in her body, but what exactly were the changes...

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

Always feeling that something was wrong, Yosis nodded in compliance with the situation, and then hugged Silla a little tighter in his arms.

"Little lady. From now on, I will be your pet and toy." Silla, who was held in Yosis's arms, hugged his neck with her petite hands. In his ear, she whispered these words that would determine her new relationship with him.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

And, it seems, it seems, it's not just the body that has become like this. She felt that her thoughts seemed to have changed slightly with the changes in her body, but what exactly were the changes...

"Pet?" Silla asked inexplicably.

In fact, he still hasn't even figured out the essential difference between what Ice Phoenix did to him and what Silla did.

"Ah? Who is this?" Binghuang looked at Xiao Xila in surprise, who was only as tall as Jusis's waist. She didn't remember that there was such a little girl nearby.

"Well, if you want your children to grow up well and not act randomly because they are out of control, a suitable pet or toy is necessary. This is what the book says." Some people have carefully read books like "Mom, I Love You" Binghuang, who wrote books about the sweet mother-child relationship such as "My Favorite Mother", said with certainty.

"Toys?" Silla herself didn't have any other ideas. For her, it would be nice to be with the little lady she likes. Whether it’s a pet, a toy, or a teacher.

"Or toys are fine," Ice Phoenix, who had obtained all kinds of strange knowledge from the books borrowed from Cavendish, said naturally, without feeling that his words were scary at all.

And, it seems, it seems, it's not just the body that has become like this. She felt that her thoughts seemed to have changed slightly with the changes in her body, but what exactly were the changes...

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

"Ah? Who is this?" Binghuang looked at Xiao Xila in surprise, who was only as tall as Jusis's waist. She didn't remember that there was such a little girl nearby.

"Toys?" Silla herself didn't have any other ideas. For her, it would be nice to be with the little lady she likes. Whether it’s a pet, a toy, or a teacher.

What is wrong...

"Pet?" Silla asked inexplicably.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You are getting younger and younger, Silla." Looking at Silla's doll figure, Binghuang felt very strange. It turns out that Bing Mei can still transform back into her childhood.

Even if she is now in her early childhood, she doesn't care at all. Although this body is a bit smaller, it still has a lot of everything it should have. It's enough to want to be intimate with the little lady she likes.

The only one who felt something was wrong was probably Jusis himself. Although I don’t know the true meaning of Silla becoming my own pet and toy. But he always felt that something was wrong. After all, in his eyes, Silla is still his teacher.

"Of course, this is my cutest child in the world. How about it, it's very beautiful." Ice Phoenix hugged Jusis's body. By the way, the petite Silla was also hugged. Use her great mind to tolerate the two of them.

"There is a reason for this. Forget it, is this child your child?" Silla sighed. Sure enough, the infant body can easily cause misunderstandings. And, even worse, if you’re not careful, you’ll be ignored.

Therefore, he will naturally regard Ice Phoenix as his mother and accept the fact that he is a super monster. Even when he was pushed down by Silla, he didn't really put up much resistance.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

"I understand, Lord Ice Phoenix." Ice Phoenix's order was exactly what Silla wanted. For her, this is the best appointment.

"Well, if you want your children to grow up well and not act randomly because they are out of control, a suitable pet or toy is necessary. This is what the book says." Some people have carefully read books like "Mom, I Love You" Binghuang, who wrote books about the sweet mother-child relationship such as "My Favorite Mother", said with certainty.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

In a sense, Jusis now is almost like a blank slate. Apart from the dream of being a priest, which he would not forget easily even if he lost everything, and some basic knowledge, he knew nothing about his own emotions, desires, and power.

What is wrong...

Based on what she learned about the mother-child relationship, it was time for her children to have their own toys and pets.

But what about pets and toys? For Syrah, this is really a new subject. No matter what, it's great to be able to continue to be with the people you like.

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You are getting younger and younger, Silla." Looking at Silla's doll figure, Binghuang felt very strange. It turns out that Bing Mei can still transform back into her childhood.

"Can I be with him then?" Silla asked happily. For her, it doesn't matter whether it's a pet or a toy, as long as she's with the little lady she likes.

In fact, he still hasn't even figured out the essential difference between what Ice Phoenix did to him and what Silla did.

In fact, he still hasn't even figured out the essential difference between what Ice Phoenix did to him and what Silla did.

It is really difficult for him to understand what true "like" or higher "love" is.

It is really difficult for him to understand what true "like" or higher "love" is.

One step, two steps, three steps... On the icy and snowy ground where it was easy to slip, the former Ice Charm King walked carefully, like a newborn child.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

"Of course, my child seems to like you too. That's it." Binghuang, who was surprisingly nervous about some things, said in an unquestionable tone.

The only one who felt something was wrong was probably Jusis himself. Although I don’t know the true meaning of Silla becoming my own pet and toy. But he always felt that something was wrong. After all, in his eyes, Silla is still his teacher.

But what about pets and toys? For Syrah, this is really a new subject. No matter what, it's great to be able to continue to be with the people you like.

"I understand, Lord Ice Phoenix." Ice Phoenix's order was exactly what Silla wanted. For her, this is the best appointment.

Always feeling that something was wrong, Yosis nodded in compliance with the situation, and then hugged Silla a little tighter in his arms.

Looking at Silla's efforts to walk, Jussis didn't know why he thought of the little duck that had just learned to walk. It was so cute that it looked like it was swaying and might fall down at any time. It's really hard to believe that this is the beautiful ice charm teacher who was floating in the air with ease not long ago.

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

But what about pets and toys? For Syrah, this is really a new subject. No matter what, it's great to be able to continue to be with the people you like.

"Little lady. From now on, I will be your pet and toy." Silla, who was held in Yosis's arms, hugged his neck with her petite hands. In his ear, she whispered these words that would determine her new relationship with him.

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

In a sense, Jusis now is almost like a blank slate. Apart from the dream of being a priest, which he would not forget easily even if he lost everything, and some basic knowledge, he knew nothing about his own emotions, desires, and power.

From a human moral perspective, what she did to Jussis was not very good. But what does it matter? She liked it, and Jusis didn't resist, and then it was a fiery love. That's all well and good, isn't it

But what about pets and toys? For Syrah, this is really a new subject. No matter what, it's great to be able to continue to be with the people you like.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You are getting younger and younger, Silla." Looking at Silla's doll figure, Binghuang felt very strange. It turns out that Bing Mei can still transform back into her childhood.

"This body is really hard to use..." Like Jussis not long ago, Silla, who was troubled by her new body, stood up from him with great difficulty. Due to her small body and the fact that she was wearing white clothes, her figure was almost the same color as the ground if viewed from the sky, so Yosis didn't notice her just now.

"Pet?" Silla asked inexplicably.

"Just be my child's pet for a while, Silla." After hugging Yusis enough, Ice Phoenix looked at Silla, who was still hugged by Yusis, and gave a question that puzzled her. Order.

"Little lady. From now on, I will be your pet and toy." Silla, who was held in Yosis's arms, hugged his neck with her petite hands. In his ear, she whispered these words that would determine her new relationship with him.

In fact, he still hasn't even figured out the essential difference between what Ice Phoenix did to him and what Silla did.

Although I have been working very hard to learn to control my new body. But this body that had returned to its infancy was obviously not so easily controlled by her. Otherwise, in the process of chasing Jussis just now. She won't be so strenuous anymore.

It is really difficult for him to understand what true "like" or higher "love" is.

Always feeling that something was wrong, Yosis nodded in compliance with the situation, and then hugged Silla a little tighter in his arms.

A few minutes later.

Therefore, in his eyes, Silla's "like" is just the same thing as Ice Phoenix's mother.

"Toys?" Silla herself didn't have any other ideas. For her, it would be nice to be with the little lady she likes. Whether it’s a pet, a toy, or a teacher.

"Sira? The king of the Ice Charm Tribe? I remember that he was a very intellectual and smart Ice Charm..." Ice Phoenix looked at Sira who was held in Jusis's arms like a doll in confusion. There was no way to connect her with the shrewd and capable Ice Charm King under her.

What is wrong...

Even if she is now in her early childhood, she doesn't care at all. Although this body is a bit smaller, it still has a lot of everything it should have. It's enough to want to be intimate with the little lady she likes.

"Can I be with him then?" Silla asked happily. For her, it doesn't matter whether it's a pet or a toy, as long as she's with the little lady she likes.

"There is a reason for this. Forget it, is this child your child?" Silla sighed. Sure enough, the infant body can easily cause misunderstandings. And, even worse, if you’re not careful, you’ll be ignored.

In a sense, Jusis now is almost like a blank slate. Apart from the dream of being a priest, which he would not forget easily even if he lost everything, and some basic knowledge, he knew nothing about his own emotions, desires, and power.