Demon King Priest

Chapter 66: The secret of the castle


"Let's get here today. Don't be too anxious. Learning, like research, is a step-by-step process. You don't need to learn so much all at once. Next, I will take you to your room first." After carefully recording it in his Noble Phantasm "Cavendish's Notebook", Cavendish did not continue his lessons immediately.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

The huge desert in the center of the continent, the huge rift valley in the west of the continent, the death forest in the south of the continent... These places that have almost become dead areas are the scars caused by that era. Although the Undead War three hundred years ago was undoubtedly the most terrifying and desperate war in the history of the continent. But when it comes to the damage to the world, it is far less than the ancient magic era.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

You know, at that time, that sage had already stood at the top of ancient language magic, and had the strength of a genuine sage. If she is willing, she can directly become the new magic king who rules the entire magic world, and even the position of king of the entire continent is within her reach.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

The reason why their later magic researchers could see further. Not because they are smarter or wiser than those who came before, but because they stand on the shoulders of giants.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

To build a castle by making structures, all you need is powerful enough magic power and reasonable architectural structural drawings. But to create a city that can float in the sky, the knowledge and materials required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Now that I have determined that my students have religious tendencies. Then, the room that should be prepared for him is the third of the ten rooms he has prepared. Inside, there were many books related to religion that he had prepared. Of course, there are more enlightenment books suitable for children.

The huge desert in the center of the continent, the huge rift valley in the west of the continent, the death forest in the south of the continent... These places that have almost become dead areas are the scars caused by that era. Although the Undead War three hundred years ago was undoubtedly the most terrifying and desperate war in the history of the continent. But when it comes to the damage to the world, it is far less than the ancient magic era.

The war of the undead is a war that destroys all life. But except for some cities and buildings that resisted to the end, it did not cause any damage to the mainland itself. But something happened at the end of the Ancient Magic Age that changed the world forever.

In order to allow his students to adapt to the environment as quickly as possible and prepare for going to the human world. He spent a lot of time choosing books, and specially selected several masterpieces of ancient language magic.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

The structure of the Water Sage's castle is a spiral-shaped stepped structure. Around a huge corridor, rooms used to store books can be seen everywhere. There are some marks on the door of each room, which seem to record the type of book collection in this room. However, there are many symbols that Jusis cannot understand at all, and even thinking about them gives him a headache.

"There is no doubt about it. Without her, the ancient magic era would not have ended, and the current era of magic would not have begun." Cavendish is 100% certain of the dark sage's achievements.

That is not an ordinary book, but a book specially made by a powerful magician in the ancient language magic era. Has wonderful power. With current magic technology, it is impossible to copy it. It is a very rare type of book among the books he collected.

"I'll go too. There's no need to prepare another room for me. The little lady and I can share a room." Silla held Jusis's hand to steady her body. It's not that she doesn't want to walk on her own, but this body is really unaccustomed to her.

You know, at that time, that sage had already stood at the top of ancient language magic, and had the strength of a genuine sage. If she is willing, she can directly become the new magic king who rules the entire magic world, and even the position of king of the entire continent is within her reach.

That is not an ordinary book, but a book specially made by a powerful magician in the ancient language magic era. Has wonderful power. With current magic technology, it is impossible to copy it. It is a very rare type of book among the books he collected.

In order to allow his students to adapt to the environment as quickly as possible and prepare for going to the human world. He spent a lot of time choosing books, and specially selected several masterpieces of ancient language magic.

"I'll go too. There's no need to prepare another room for me. The little lady and I can share a room." Silla held Jusis's hand to steady her body. It's not that she doesn't want to walk on her own, but this body is really unaccustomed to her.

"Did you see it? In fact, this is not a secret. My castle is entirely made of this solidified water element essence. If necessary, it can be easily moved. Every once in a while, I will The castle was moved to another location to study the ecology of monsters in different areas. "Cavendish had no intention of hiding this matter from his students. It wasn't a big deal anyway.

"There is no doubt about it. Without her, the ancient magic era would not have ended, and the current era of magic would not have begun." Cavendish is 100% certain of the dark sage's achievements.

"Well..." Jussis nodded, beginning to look forward to what his new residence would look like.

Because of this, after the glorious past of the ancient language magic era, we see this scarred world. The last few remaining magicians in the ancient magic age have completely revised the magic system and completed a modern magic system that is simple and easy to understand.

"Did you see it? In fact, this is not a secret. My castle is entirely made of this solidified water element essence. If necessary, it can be easily moved. Every once in a while, I will The castle was moved to another location to study the ecology of monsters in different areas. "Cavendish had no intention of hiding this matter from his students. It wasn't a big deal anyway.

"Well..." Jussis nodded, beginning to look forward to what his new residence would look like.

The huge desert in the center of the continent, the huge rift valley in the west of the continent, the death forest in the south of the continent... These places that have almost become dead areas are the scars caused by that era. Although the Undead War three hundred years ago was undoubtedly the most terrifying and desperate war in the history of the continent. But when it comes to the damage to the world, it is far less than the ancient magic era.

As the last and possibly the most powerful sage in the ancient magic era, being able to make such a decision requires more than just courage and determination.

In order to allow his students to adapt to the environment as quickly as possible and prepare for going to the human world. He spent a lot of time choosing books, and specially selected several masterpieces of ancient language magic.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

"Is that sage that great?" Silla has no interest in human affairs, but a strong person who can do such a thing is not an ordinary strong person.

"This is really nothing. In the ancient magic era, there was a magic city where you could fly freely in the sky. Unfortunately, it is said that such things have crashed due to lack of power. Although the current magicians have The number is many times greater than that of that era, but I have to admit that in terms of the ultimate achievements that magic can achieve, that era had a height that is unreachable now. "Cavendish does not think that his castle is considered. What an amazing thing. Compared with the floating city in the ancient magic age, this is just a building block toy.

"The corridor here has an automatic movement function. As long as you press the symbol in the corresponding direction, you can automatically go to another place." Cavendish casually pressed a symbol next to Jussis pointing to the right. . Then, part of the corridor separated automatically and floated towards the other side of the huge corridor in a stable manner.

The structure of the Water Sage's castle is a spiral-shaped stepped structure. Around a huge corridor, rooms used to store books can be seen everywhere. There are some marks on the door of each room, which seem to record the type of book collection in this room. However, there are many symbols that Jusis cannot understand at all, and even thinking about them gives him a headache.

"I'll go too. There's no need to prepare another room for me. The little lady and I can share a room." Silla held Jusis's hand to steady her body. It's not that she doesn't want to walk on her own, but this body is really unaccustomed to her.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

That is not an ordinary book, but a book specially made by a powerful magician in the ancient language magic era. Has wonderful power. With current magic technology, it is impossible to copy it. It is a very rare type of book among the books he collected.

"The corridor here has an automatic movement function. As long as you press the symbol in the corresponding direction, you can automatically go to another place." Cavendish casually pressed a symbol next to Jussis pointing to the right. . Then, part of the corridor separated automatically and floated towards the other side of the huge corridor in a stable manner.

"This is really nothing. In the ancient magic era, there was a magic city where you could fly freely in the sky. Unfortunately, it is said that such things have crashed due to lack of power. Although the current magicians have The number is many times greater than that of that era, but I have to admit that in terms of the ultimate achievements that magic can achieve, that era had a height that is unreachable now. "Cavendish does not think that his castle is considered. What an amazing thing. Compared with the floating city in the ancient magic age, this is just a building block toy.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

As the last and possibly the most powerful sage in the ancient magic era, being able to make such a decision requires more than just courage and determination.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

"Most of the rooms here are completely open and you can go in at will. However, some rooms contain books with special powers. The powers in some books are harmful to living bodies, so they must be sealed carefully. Those doors with lights may be a bit dangerous to you now, and the books inside are of little significance to you now, so there is no need to go in." Cavendish pointed to a few doors in the deepest part of the corridor. The door at the entrance told Jussis some taboos about this castle.

To build a castle by making structures, all you need is powerful enough magic power and reasonable architectural structural drawings. But to create a city that can float in the sky, the knowledge and materials required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"This is really nothing. In the ancient magic era, there was a magic city where you could fly freely in the sky. Unfortunately, it is said that such things have crashed due to lack of power. Although the current magicians have The number is many times greater than that of that era, but I have to admit that in terms of the ultimate achievements that magic can achieve, that era had a height that is unreachable now. "Cavendish does not think that his castle is considered. What an amazing thing. Compared with the floating city in the ancient magic age, this is just a building block toy.

Those symbols are too complex and difficult. So much so that it is very difficult for most people to draw it completely. Some of the criss-crossing symbols still shimmered with faint magical light. It was obvious that they were doors guarded by magical power.

The current Mages Guild has been researching for hundreds of years, and has only built some experimental things according to the original method of building the floating city. The most successful one unfortunately sank during its first trial run.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

"Did you see it? In fact, this is not a secret. My castle is entirely made of this solidified water element essence. If necessary, it can be easily moved. Every once in a while, I will The castle was moved to another location to study the ecology of monsters in different areas. "Cavendish had no intention of hiding this matter from his students. It wasn't a big deal anyway.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

Now that I have determined that my students have religious tendencies. Then, the room that should be prepared for him is the third of the ten rooms he has prepared. Inside, there were many books related to religion that he had prepared. Of course, there are more enlightenment books suitable for children.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

"Did you see it? In fact, this is not a secret. My castle is entirely made of this solidified water element essence. If necessary, it can be easily moved. Every once in a while, I will The castle was moved to another location to study the ecology of monsters in different areas. "Cavendish had no intention of hiding this matter from his students. It wasn't a big deal anyway.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

"There is no doubt about it. Without her, the ancient magic era would not have ended, and the current era of magic would not have begun." Cavendish is 100% certain of the dark sage's achievements.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

"I'll go too. There's no need to prepare another room for me. The little lady and I can share a room." Silla held Jusis's hand to steady her body. It's not that she doesn't want to walk on her own, but this body is really unaccustomed to her.

The structure of the Water Sage's castle is a spiral-shaped stepped structure. Around a huge corridor, rooms used to store books can be seen everywhere. There are some marks on the door of each room, which seem to record the type of book collection in this room. However, there are many symbols that Jusis cannot understand at all, and even thinking about them gives him a headache.

Those symbols are too complex and difficult. So much so that it is very difficult for most people to draw it completely. Some of the criss-crossing symbols still shimmered with faint magical light. It was obvious that they were doors guarded by magical power.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

Because of this, after the glorious past of the ancient language magic era, we see this scarred world. The last few remaining magicians in the ancient magic age have completely revised the magic system and completed a modern magic system that is simple and easy to understand.

"There is no doubt about it. Without her, the ancient magic era would not have ended, and the current era of magic would not have begun." Cavendish is 100% certain of the dark sage's achievements.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

Those symbols are too complex and difficult. So much so that it is very difficult for most people to draw it completely. Some of the criss-crossing symbols still shimmered with faint magical light. It was obvious that they were doors guarded by magical power.

Profound wisdom, judgment of the future, responsibility for the world, and profound anatomy of the magic system. Among the magicians who have reached the level of sage, she may not be the most powerful one, but she is the one who deserves the most respect, even if she practices dark magic that was once feared by others.

As the last and possibly the most powerful sage in the ancient magic era, being able to make such a decision requires more than just courage and determination.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

"Most of the rooms here are completely open and you can go in at will. However, some rooms contain books with special powers. The powers in some books are harmful to living bodies, so they must be sealed carefully. Those doors with lights may be a bit dangerous to you now, and the books inside are of little significance to you now, so there is no need to go in." Cavendish pointed to a few doors in the deepest part of the corridor. The door at the entrance told Jussis some taboos about this castle.

The current Mages Guild has been researching for hundreds of years, and has only built some experimental things according to the original method of building the floating city. The most successful one unfortunately sank during its first trial run.

Now that I have determined that my students have religious tendencies. Then, the room that should be prepared for him is the third of the ten rooms he has prepared. Inside, there were many books related to religion that he had prepared. Of course, there are more enlightenment books suitable for children.

Her name is Elmea, the last sage of ancient magic. The first sage of the new generation of magic, the dark sage who is forever engraved in the history of magic.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded. He was not a man of many hands and feet. What's more, those magic books that are too obscure are really difficult to understand. He had also seen several books like that in Ice Phoenix's mother's lair. But basically the things inside are just a bunch of incomprehensible symbols to him, which he cannot understand at all.

In order to allow his students to adapt to the environment as quickly as possible and prepare for going to the human world. He spent a lot of time choosing books, and specially selected several masterpieces of ancient language magic.

"There is no doubt about it. Without her, the ancient magic era would not have ended, and the current era of magic would not have begun." Cavendish is 100% certain of the dark sage's achievements.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded. He was not a man of many hands and feet. What's more, those magic books that are too obscure are really difficult to understand. He had also seen several books like that in Ice Phoenix's mother's lair. But basically the things inside are just a bunch of incomprehensible symbols to him, which he cannot understand at all.

As the last and possibly the most powerful sage in the ancient magic era, being able to make such a decision requires more than just courage and determination.

"The corridor here has an automatic movement function. As long as you press the symbol in the corresponding direction, you can automatically go to another place." Cavendish casually pressed a symbol next to Jussis pointing to the right. . Then, part of the corridor separated automatically and floated towards the other side of the huge corridor in a stable manner.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

"Let's get here today. Don't be too anxious. Learning, like research, is a step-by-step process. You don't need to learn so much all at once. Next, I will take you to your room first." After carefully recording it in his Noble Phantasm "Cavendish's Notebook", Cavendish did not continue his lessons immediately.

The huge desert in the center of the continent, the huge rift valley in the west of the continent, the death forest in the south of the continent... These places that have almost become dead areas are the scars caused by that era. Although the Undead War three hundred years ago was undoubtedly the most terrifying and desperate war in the history of the continent. But when it comes to the damage to the world, it is far less than the ancient magic era.

Now that I have determined that my students have religious tendencies. Then, the room that should be prepared for him is the third of the ten rooms he has prepared. Inside, there were many books related to religion that he had prepared. Of course, there are more enlightenment books suitable for children.

Because of this, after the glorious past of the ancient language magic era, we see this scarred world. The last few remaining magicians in the ancient magic age have completely revised the magic system and completed a modern magic system that is simple and easy to understand.

"Ah..." Yosis looked curiously at the platter-like thing at his feet. He discovered that it seemed that the entire castle was made up of this kind of aqua blue platters of different sizes, but equally beautiful.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded. He was not a man of many hands and feet. What's more, those magic books that are too obscure are really difficult to understand. He had also seen several books like that in Ice Phoenix's mother's lair. But basically the things inside are just a bunch of incomprehensible symbols to him, which he cannot understand at all.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

"The corridor here has an automatic movement function. As long as you press the symbol in the corresponding direction, you can automatically go to another place." Cavendish casually pressed a symbol next to Jussis pointing to the right. . Then, part of the corridor separated automatically and floated towards the other side of the huge corridor in a stable manner.

It's amazing, it turns out this is a movable castle... This is the first time Jussis has seen such a thing. It turns out that the entire magnificent castle is made of water elements. And you can move freely, which is really amazing...

"Ah..." Yosis looked curiously at the platter-like thing at his feet. He discovered that it seemed that the entire castle was made up of this kind of aqua blue platters of different sizes, but equally beautiful.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

Because of this, after the glorious past of the ancient language magic era, we see this scarred world. The last few remaining magicians in the ancient magic age have completely revised the magic system and completed a modern magic system that is simple and easy to understand.

"Did you see it? In fact, this is not a secret. My castle is entirely made of this solidified water element essence. If necessary, it can be easily moved. Every once in a while, I will The castle was moved to another location to study the ecology of monsters in different areas. "Cavendish had no intention of hiding this matter from his students. It wasn't a big deal anyway.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

To build a castle by making structures, all you need is powerful enough magic power and reasonable architectural structural drawings. But to create a city that can float in the sky, the knowledge and materials required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

The war of the undead is a war that destroys all life. But except for some cities and buildings that resisted to the end, it did not cause any damage to the mainland itself. But something happened at the end of the Ancient Magic Age that changed the world forever.

"Ah..." Yosis looked curiously at the platter-like thing at his feet. He discovered that it seemed that the entire castle was made up of this kind of aqua blue platters of different sizes, but equally beautiful.

To build a castle by making structures, all you need is powerful enough magic power and reasonable architectural structural drawings. But to create a city that can float in the sky, the knowledge and materials required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

It's amazing, it turns out this is a movable castle... This is the first time Jussis has seen such a thing. It turns out that the entire magnificent castle is made of water elements. And you can move freely, which is really amazing...

Those symbols are too complex and difficult. So much so that it is very difficult for most people to draw it completely. Some of the criss-crossing symbols still shimmered with faint magical light. It was obvious that they were doors guarded by magical power.

The current Mages Guild has been researching for hundreds of years, and has only built some experimental things according to the original method of building the floating city. The most successful one unfortunately sank during its first trial run.

Profound wisdom, judgment of the future, responsibility for the world, and profound anatomy of the magic system. Among the magicians who have reached the level of sage, she may not be the most powerful one, but she is the one who deserves the most respect, even if she practices dark magic that was once feared by others.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

The structure of the Water Sage's castle is a spiral-shaped stepped structure. Around a huge corridor, rooms used to store books can be seen everywhere. There are some marks on the door of each room, which seem to record the type of book collection in this room. However, there are many symbols that Jusis cannot understand at all, and even thinking about them gives him a headache.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

"This is really nothing. In the ancient magic era, there was a magic city where you could fly freely in the sky. Unfortunately, it is said that such things have crashed due to lack of power. Although the current magicians have The number is many times greater than that of that era, but I have to admit that in terms of the ultimate achievements that magic can achieve, that era had a height that is unreachable now. "Cavendish does not think that his castle is considered. What an amazing thing. Compared with the floating city in the ancient magic age, this is just a building block toy.

It's amazing, it turns out this is a movable castle... This is the first time Jussis has seen such a thing. It turns out that the entire magnificent castle is made of water elements. And you can move freely, which is really amazing...

"I'll go too. There's no need to prepare another room for me. The little lady and I can share a room." Silla held Jusis's hand to steady her body. It's not that she doesn't want to walk on her own, but this body is really unaccustomed to her.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

Now that I have determined that my students have religious tendencies. Then, the room that should be prepared for him is the third of the ten rooms he has prepared. Inside, there were many books related to religion that he had prepared. Of course, there are more enlightenment books suitable for children.

"I'll go too. There's no need to prepare another room for me. The little lady and I can share a room." Silla held Jusis's hand to steady her body. It's not that she doesn't want to walk on her own, but this body is really unaccustomed to her.

In order to allow his students to adapt to the environment as quickly as possible and prepare for going to the human world. He spent a lot of time choosing books, and specially selected several masterpieces of ancient language magic.

To build a castle by making structures, all you need is powerful enough magic power and reasonable architectural structural drawings. But to create a city that can float in the sky, the knowledge and materials required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded. He was not a man of many hands and feet. What's more, those magic books that are too obscure are really difficult to understand. He had also seen several books like that in Ice Phoenix's mother's lair. But basically the things inside are just a bunch of incomprehensible symbols to him, which he cannot understand at all.

Now that I have determined that my students have religious tendencies. Then, the room that should be prepared for him is the third of the ten rooms he has prepared. Inside, there were many books related to religion that he had prepared. Of course, there are more enlightenment books suitable for children.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded. He was not a man of many hands and feet. What's more, those magic books that are too obscure are really difficult to understand. He had also seen several books like that in Ice Phoenix's mother's lair. But basically the things inside are just a bunch of incomprehensible symbols to him, which he cannot understand at all.

The structure of the Water Sage's castle is a spiral-shaped stepped structure. Around a huge corridor, rooms used to store books can be seen everywhere. There are some marks on the door of each room, which seem to record the type of book collection in this room. However, there are many symbols that Jusis cannot understand at all, and even thinking about them gives him a headache.

The current Mages Guild has been researching for hundreds of years, and has only built some experimental things according to the original method of building the floating city. The most successful one unfortunately sank during its first trial run.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

The Age of Ancient Magic is indeed a magical era in the history of human magic. At the end of that era, the magicians of the ancient magic era completed many studies that were simply impossible, and created many miracles that even now seem unimaginable. Unfortunately, due to many reasons, that era eventually disappeared in the long river of history, and caused irreparable damage to the entire continent.

The Age of Ancient Magic is indeed a magical era in the history of human magic. At the end of that era, the magicians of the ancient magic era completed many studies that were simply impossible, and created many miracles that even now seem unimaginable. Unfortunately, due to many reasons, that era eventually disappeared in the long river of history, and caused irreparable damage to the entire continent.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

"Well..." Jussis nodded, beginning to look forward to what his new residence would look like.

Because of this, after the glorious past of the ancient language magic era, we see this scarred world. The last few remaining magicians in the ancient magic age have completely revised the magic system and completed a modern magic system that is simple and easy to understand.

Her name is Elmea, the last sage of ancient magic. The first sage of the new generation of magic, the dark sage who is forever engraved in the history of magic.

You know, at that time, that sage had already stood at the top of ancient language magic, and had the strength of a genuine sage. If she is willing, she can directly become the new magic king who rules the entire magic world, and even the position of king of the entire continent is within her reach.

The huge desert in the center of the continent, the huge rift valley in the west of the continent, the death forest in the south of the continent... These places that have almost become dead areas are the scars caused by that era. Although the Undead War three hundred years ago was undoubtedly the most terrifying and desperate war in the history of the continent. But when it comes to the damage to the world, it is far less than the ancient magic era.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded. He was not a man of many hands and feet. What's more, those magic books that are too obscure are really difficult to understand. He had also seen several books like that in Ice Phoenix's mother's lair. But basically the things inside are just a bunch of incomprehensible symbols to him, which he cannot understand at all.

That is not an ordinary book, but a book specially made by a powerful magician in the ancient language magic era. Has wonderful power. With current magic technology, it is impossible to copy it. It is a very rare type of book among the books he collected.

The huge desert in the center of the continent, the huge rift valley in the west of the continent, the death forest in the south of the continent... These places that have almost become dead areas are the scars caused by that era. Although the Undead War three hundred years ago was undoubtedly the most terrifying and desperate war in the history of the continent. But when it comes to the damage to the world, it is far less than the ancient magic era.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

Profound wisdom, judgment of the future, responsibility for the world, and profound anatomy of the magic system. Among the magicians who have reached the level of sage, she may not be the most powerful one, but she is the one who deserves the most respect, even if she practices dark magic that was once feared by others.

"I'll go too. There's no need to prepare another room for me. The little lady and I can share a room." Silla held Jusis's hand to steady her body. It's not that she doesn't want to walk on her own, but this body is really unaccustomed to her.

The war of the undead is a war that destroys all life. But except for some cities and buildings that resisted to the end, it did not cause any damage to the mainland itself. But something happened at the end of the Ancient Magic Age that changed the world forever.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

"Is that sage that great?" Silla has no interest in human affairs, but a strong person who can do such a thing is not an ordinary strong person.

You know, at that time, that sage had already stood at the top of ancient language magic, and had the strength of a genuine sage. If she is willing, she can directly become the new magic king who rules the entire magic world, and even the position of king of the entire continent is within her reach.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

And Jussis also had a strange feeling when he listened to the introduction of the Dark Sage by Cavendish, the Sage of Water. It turns out that there are women among the sages, and they are women who have such a great influence on the world.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

Because of this, after the glorious past of the ancient language magic era, we see this scarred world. The last few remaining magicians in the ancient magic age have completely revised the magic system and completed a modern magic system that is simple and easy to understand.

Her name is Elmea, the last sage of ancient magic. The first sage of the new generation of magic, the dark sage who is forever engraved in the history of magic.

"This is really nothing. In the ancient magic era, there was a magic city where you could fly freely in the sky. Unfortunately, it is said that such things have crashed due to lack of power. Although the current magicians have The number is many times greater than that of that era, but I have to admit that in terms of the ultimate achievements that magic can achieve, that era had a height that is unreachable now. "Cavendish does not think that his castle is considered. What an amazing thing. Compared with the floating city in the ancient magic age, this is just a building block toy.

"Ah..." Yosis looked curiously at the platter-like thing at his feet. He discovered that it seemed that the entire castle was made up of this kind of aqua blue platters of different sizes, but equally beautiful.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

"This is really nothing. In the ancient magic era, there was a magic city where you could fly freely in the sky. Unfortunately, it is said that such things have crashed due to lack of power. Although the current magicians have The number is many times greater than that of that era, but I have to admit that in terms of the ultimate achievements that magic can achieve, that era had a height that is unreachable now. "Cavendish does not think that his castle is considered. What an amazing thing. Compared with the floating city in the ancient magic age, this is just a building block toy.

"Did you see it? In fact, this is not a secret. My castle is entirely made of this solidified water element essence. If necessary, it can be easily moved. Every once in a while, I will The castle was moved to another location to study the ecology of monsters in different areas. "Cavendish had no intention of hiding this matter from his students. It wasn't a big deal anyway.

"I'll go too. There's no need to prepare another room for me. The little lady and I can share a room." Silla held Jusis's hand to steady her body. It's not that she doesn't want to walk on her own, but this body is really unaccustomed to her.

Profound wisdom, judgment of the future, responsibility for the world, and profound anatomy of the magic system. Among the magicians who have reached the level of sage, she may not be the most powerful one, but she is the one who deserves the most respect, even if she practices dark magic that was once feared by others.

"Most of the rooms here are completely open and you can go in at will. However, some rooms contain books with special powers. The powers in some books are harmful to living bodies, so they must be sealed carefully. Those doors with lights may be a bit dangerous to you now, and the books inside are of little significance to you now, so there is no need to go in." Cavendish pointed to a few doors in the deepest part of the corridor. The door at the entrance told Jussis some taboos about this castle.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

Her name is Elmea, the last sage of ancient magic. The first sage of the new generation of magic, the dark sage who is forever engraved in the history of magic.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

It's amazing, it turns out this is a movable castle... This is the first time Jussis has seen such a thing. It turns out that the entire magnificent castle is made of water elements. And you can move freely, which is really amazing...

"There is no doubt about it. Without her, the ancient magic era would not have ended, and the current era of magic would not have begun." Cavendish is 100% certain of the dark sage's achievements.

Her name is Elmea, the last sage of ancient magic. The first sage of the new generation of magic, the dark sage who is forever engraved in the history of magic.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

"The corridor here has an automatic movement function. As long as you press the symbol in the corresponding direction, you can automatically go to another place." Cavendish casually pressed a symbol next to Jussis pointing to the right. . Then, part of the corridor separated automatically and floated towards the other side of the huge corridor in a stable manner.

Those symbols are too complex and difficult. So much so that it is very difficult for most people to draw it completely. Some of the criss-crossing symbols still shimmered with faint magical light. It was obvious that they were doors guarded by magical power.

Cavendish has always respected the sage who resolutely gave up the ancient language magic system that was said to be only a little bit close to reaching the realm of God, and even had the power of pseudo-gods, and created a new magic system.

"Most of the rooms here are completely open and you can go in at will. However, some rooms contain books with special powers. The powers in some books are harmful to living bodies, so they must be sealed carefully. Those doors with lights may be a bit dangerous to you now, and the books inside are of little significance to you now, so there is no need to go in." Cavendish pointed to a few doors in the deepest part of the corridor. The door at the entrance told Jussis some taboos about this castle.

Profound wisdom, judgment of the future, responsibility for the world, and profound anatomy of the magic system. Among the magicians who have reached the level of sage, she may not be the most powerful one, but she is the one who deserves the most respect, even if she practices dark magic that was once feared by others.

The huge desert in the center of the continent, the huge rift valley in the west of the continent, the death forest in the south of the continent... These places that have almost become dead areas are the scars caused by that era. Although the Undead War three hundred years ago was undoubtedly the most terrifying and desperate war in the history of the continent. But when it comes to the damage to the world, it is far less than the ancient magic era.

And Jussis also had a strange feeling when he listened to the introduction of the Dark Sage by Cavendish, the Sage of Water. It turns out that there are women among the sages, and they are women who have such a great influence on the world.

You know, at that time, that sage had already stood at the top of ancient language magic, and had the strength of a genuine sage. If she is willing, she can directly become the new magic king who rules the entire magic world, and even the position of king of the entire continent is within her reach.

You know, at that time, that sage had already stood at the top of ancient language magic, and had the strength of a genuine sage. If she is willing, she can directly become the new magic king who rules the entire magic world, and even the position of king of the entire continent is within her reach.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

The reason why their later magic researchers could see further. Not because they are smarter or wiser than those who came before, but because they stand on the shoulders of giants.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

Now that I have determined that my students have religious tendencies. Then, the room that should be prepared for him is the third of the ten rooms he has prepared. Inside, there were many books related to religion that he had prepared. Of course, there are more enlightenment books suitable for children.

The reason why their later magic researchers could see further. Not because they are smarter or wiser than those who came before, but because they stand on the shoulders of giants.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

"There is no doubt about it. Without her, the ancient magic era would not have ended, and the current era of magic would not have begun." Cavendish is 100% certain of the dark sage's achievements.

"Did you see it? In fact, this is not a secret. My castle is entirely made of this solidified water element essence. If necessary, it can be easily moved. Every once in a while, I will The castle was moved to another location to study the ecology of monsters in different areas. "Cavendish had no intention of hiding this matter from his students. It wasn't a big deal anyway.

The war of the undead is a war that destroys all life. But except for some cities and buildings that resisted to the end, it did not cause any damage to the mainland itself. But something happened at the end of the Ancient Magic Age that changed the world forever.

"Let's get here today. Don't be too anxious. Learning, like research, is a step-by-step process. You don't need to learn so much all at once. Next, I will take you to your room first." After carefully recording it in his Noble Phantasm "Cavendish's Notebook", Cavendish did not continue his lessons immediately.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

As the last and possibly the most powerful sage in the ancient magic era, being able to make such a decision requires more than just courage and determination.

The structure of the Water Sage's castle is a spiral-shaped stepped structure. Around a huge corridor, rooms used to store books can be seen everywhere. There are some marks on the door of each room, which seem to record the type of book collection in this room. However, there are many symbols that Jusis cannot understand at all, and even thinking about them gives him a headache.

The current Mages Guild has been researching for hundreds of years, and has only built some experimental things according to the original method of building the floating city. The most successful one unfortunately sank during its first trial run.

"Did you see it? In fact, this is not a secret. My castle is entirely made of this solidified water element essence. If necessary, it can be easily moved. Every once in a while, I will The castle was moved to another location to study the ecology of monsters in different areas. "Cavendish had no intention of hiding this matter from his students. It wasn't a big deal anyway.

The war of the undead is a war that destroys all life. But except for some cities and buildings that resisted to the end, it did not cause any damage to the mainland itself. But something happened at the end of the Ancient Magic Age that changed the world forever.

"Is that sage that great?" Silla has no interest in human affairs, but a strong person who can do such a thing is not an ordinary strong person.

"Let's get here today. Don't be too anxious. Learning, like research, is a step-by-step process. You don't need to learn so much all at once. Next, I will take you to your room first." After carefully recording it in his Noble Phantasm "Cavendish's Notebook", Cavendish did not continue his lessons immediately.

The current Mages Guild has been researching for hundreds of years, and has only built some experimental things according to the original method of building the floating city. The most successful one unfortunately sank during its first trial run.

Profound wisdom, judgment of the future, responsibility for the world, and profound anatomy of the magic system. Among the magicians who have reached the level of sage, she may not be the most powerful one, but she is the one who deserves the most respect, even if she practices dark magic that was once feared by others.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

"There is no doubt about it. Without her, the ancient magic era would not have ended, and the current era of magic would not have begun." Cavendish is 100% certain of the dark sage's achievements.

The current Mages Guild has been researching for hundreds of years, and has only built some experimental things according to the original method of building the floating city. The most successful one unfortunately sank during its first trial run.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

"Let's get here today. Don't be too anxious. Learning, like research, is a step-by-step process. You don't need to learn so much all at once. Next, I will take you to your room first." After carefully recording it in his Noble Phantasm "Cavendish's Notebook", Cavendish did not continue his lessons immediately.

To build a castle by making structures, all you need is powerful enough magic power and reasonable architectural structural drawings. But to create a city that can float in the sky, the knowledge and materials required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Could it be that this castle actually... Jusis had a vague idea.

"Ah..." Yosis looked curiously at the platter-like thing at his feet. He discovered that it seemed that the entire castle was made up of this kind of aqua blue platters of different sizes, but equally beautiful.

Her name is Elmea, the last sage of ancient magic. The first sage of the new generation of magic, the dark sage who is forever engraved in the history of magic.

Cavendish has always respected the sage who resolutely gave up the ancient language magic system that was said to be only a little bit close to reaching the realm of God, and even had the power of pseudo-gods, and created a new magic system.

In order to allow his students to adapt to the environment as quickly as possible and prepare for going to the human world. He spent a lot of time choosing books, and specially selected several masterpieces of ancient language magic.

"Is that sage that great?" Silla has no interest in human affairs, but a strong person who can do such a thing is not an ordinary strong person.

Although it is still far from the peak of the ancient language magic era. But in terms of the diversity and universality of magic research, it has far surpassed that era. According to this trend, in the future, one day, the new magic system will surpass the past and reach a higher position.

The Age of Ancient Magic is indeed a magical era in the history of human magic. At the end of that era, the magicians of the ancient magic era completed many studies that were simply impossible, and created many miracles that even now seem unimaginable. Unfortunately, due to many reasons, that era eventually disappeared in the long river of history, and caused irreparable damage to the entire continent.

The reason why their later magic researchers could see further. Not because they are smarter or wiser than those who came before, but because they stand on the shoulders of giants.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

"Is that sage that great?" Silla has no interest in human affairs, but a strong person who can do such a thing is not an ordinary strong person.

Her name is Elmea, the last sage of ancient magic. The first sage of the new generation of magic, the dark sage who is forever engraved in the history of magic.

"Is that sage that great?" Silla has no interest in human affairs, but a strong person who can do such a thing is not an ordinary strong person.

Although it does not have the earth-shattering destructive power of the ancient magic era, the modern magic system is more friendly and universal. Magic is no longer a mysterious power from above, but has entered the world of ordinary people and is mastered and used by more ordinary people.

That is not an ordinary book, but a book specially made by a powerful magician in the ancient language magic era. Has wonderful power. With current magic technology, it is impossible to copy it. It is a very rare type of book among the books he collected.

However, she did not become the King of Magic, nor the King of the World. Instead, he took the initiative to end the ancient magic era and start a new magic era on the mainland.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

The huge desert in the center of the continent, the huge rift valley in the west of the continent, the death forest in the south of the continent... These places that have almost become dead areas are the scars caused by that era. Although the Undead War three hundred years ago was undoubtedly the most terrifying and desperate war in the history of the continent. But when it comes to the damage to the world, it is far less than the ancient magic era.

"Did you see it? In fact, this is not a secret. My castle is entirely made of this solidified water element essence. If necessary, it can be easily moved. Every once in a while, I will The castle was moved to another location to study the ecology of monsters in different areas. "Cavendish had no intention of hiding this matter from his students. It wasn't a big deal anyway.

And Jussis also had a strange feeling when he listened to the introduction of the Dark Sage by Cavendish, the Sage of Water. It turns out that there are women among the sages, and they are women who have such a great influence on the world.

There is no truly perfect plan in this world. Therefore, it is common to adjust plans according to the other party's situation. Fortunately, the choice of Ice Phoenix's child is not too strange. After all, he possesses extremely pure magic power of light, and it is normal to be interested in the cross, which represents divine power.

As the last and possibly the most powerful sage in the ancient magic era, being able to make such a decision requires more than just courage and determination.

"There is no doubt about it. Without her, the ancient magic era would not have ended, and the current era of magic would not have begun." Cavendish is 100% certain of the dark sage's achievements.

Cavendish has always respected the sage who resolutely gave up the ancient language magic system that was said to be only a little bit close to reaching the realm of God, and even had the power of pseudo-gods, and created a new magic system.

The huge desert in the center of the continent, the huge rift valley in the west of the continent, the death forest in the south of the continent... These places that have almost become dead areas are the scars caused by that era. Although the Undead War three hundred years ago was undoubtedly the most terrifying and desperate war in the history of the continent. But when it comes to the damage to the world, it is far less than the ancient magic era.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

She had long been accustomed to floating, and it felt awkward no matter how she walked if she switched back to the ordinary way of walking. It is quite difficult to change this kind of habit that has been formed for many years. Moreover, she has completely forgotten how to walk when she was a child.

I don’t know when I can change back to my original body... There is really nothing Silla can do about the new body. It seems that the mighty Ice King has to learn to walk again.

To build a castle by making structures, all you need is powerful enough magic power and reasonable architectural structural drawings. But to create a city that can float in the sky, the knowledge and materials required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The reason why their later magic researchers could see further. Not because they are smarter or wiser than those who came before, but because they stand on the shoulders of giants.

The structure of the Water Sage's castle is a spiral-shaped stepped structure. Around a huge corridor, rooms used to store books can be seen everywhere. There are some marks on the door of each room, which seem to record the type of book collection in this room. However, there are many symbols that Jusis cannot understand at all, and even thinking about them gives him a headache.

That is not an ordinary book, but a book specially made by a powerful magician in the ancient language magic era. Has wonderful power. With current magic technology, it is impossible to copy it. It is a very rare type of book among the books he collected.