Demon King Priest

Chapter 79: Another accident


Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

It is the natural reaction of human beings to incomprehensible mysteries, and the instinctive respect for powerful beings of legendary level.

So, outside? Cavendish casually pressed a magic device next to him. A wall of the laboratory immediately turned into a huge mirror, clearly reflecting the situation outside the blue pyramid.

"Come on, my child." Standing in the snow-white ice dust, Binghuang opened his hands to his favorite child.

Jussis, who had already experienced it once, immediately ran to the side of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, preparing to resist the impact that was waiting for him.

So, outside? Cavendish casually pressed a magic device next to him. A wall of the laboratory immediately turned into a huge mirror, clearly reflecting the situation outside the blue pyramid.

Seeing Jussis's concentrated expression, Cavendish showed a rare smile. Having such serious and smart students is probably the dream of every teacher who wants to pass on his knowledge.

"Mom!" This was the first time Jussis uttered this word. This word with extraordinary meaning was also the first word he learned to say.

Seeing Jussis's concentrated expression, Cavendish showed a rare smile. Having such serious and smart students is probably the dream of every teacher who wants to pass on his knowledge.

"That's the end of today's experimental course. Wait..." Before Cavendish could finish his words, the pyramid sounded a sharp alarm. The sound was like metal being torn apart, which made people feel heartbroken. Teeth feel sore.

"Mom!" This was the first time Jussis uttered this word. This word with extraordinary meaning was also the first word he learned to say.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

She has beautiful ice-blue wings, which are wide enough to cover half of the sky. Countless ice and snow elements danced and cheered around her. She is the ice phoenix who reigns over the entire land of ice and snow, the veritable ruler of this world.

He was quite aware of how strong the twenty-two layers of defense were. However, it seemed that Ice Phoenix's mother didn't spend much effort, and easily blasted away the twenty-two layers of defense, opening a big skylight to the underground world.

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

However, the next moment, the words spoken from Binghuang's mouth shattered this mythical and mysterious atmosphere.

Ah, I can’t wait! Closing her eyes, Ice Phoenix quickly transformed into a human form. Three beautiful blue hairs formed three beautiful and neat "!" signs on the top of her head, which were the epitome of her eager and excited mood. Good performance. If she hadn't tried so hard to suppress her excitement, everything around her might have been affected by her power and frozen by the ultra-low temperature of absolute zero.

"The first blow penetrated 18 layers of defensive armor. Did the second blow destroy all the defenses..." Water Sage Cavendish sighed. Is this the power of the legendary Ice Bird? Even if ten level eight magicians joined forces, they would have to build up layers of defensive armor for several hours. In the face of that power, they could only support it for three seconds.

He was quite aware of how strong the twenty-two layers of defense were. However, it seemed that Ice Phoenix's mother didn't spend much effort, and easily blasted away the twenty-two layers of defense, opening a big skylight to the underground world.

When this alarm occurs, it means that the entire underground space will be in danger of being destroyed. It is recommended that everyone here evacuate as quickly as possible. However, he was certain that there was no powerful magic reaction inside the pyramid.

Immediately afterwards, with a violent roar, the entire underground world began to tremble violently.

He was very satisfied with Jussis as a student. Whether as a teacher or a researcher.

"Ah!" The three blue strands on Ice Phoenix's head were entangled together uncontrollably, and then they formed a large "heart" symbol together.

"That's the end of today's experimental course. Wait..." Before Cavendish could finish his words, the pyramid sounded a sharp alarm. The sound was like metal being torn apart, which made people feel heartbroken. Teeth feel sore.

"Yeah!" Jussis nodded, and then quickly ran towards the exit of the pyramid. Next, Water Sage Cavendish began to write down several precautions and some loss estimates in detail on his Noble Phantasm "Cavendish's Notebook".

He likes her, he loves her, regardless of race or age, it's just a feeling of pure admiration. After experiencing the longest separation since consciousness, this feeling has become more intense and sweeter.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

In just two attacks, Ice Phoenix destroyed all the twenty-two layers of defense that he had spent a lot of time building. It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the defense layer. In addition, it seems that the information about the degree of doting of Super Warcraft on its offspring needs to be updated again...

So, he was running, running with all his strength, towards where his mother was.

Okay, so powerful... Although he knew that his Ice Phoenix mother was very strong, Jusis never imagined that she would be so strong.

"That's the end of today's experimental course. Wait..." Before Cavendish could finish his words, the pyramid sounded a sharp alarm. The sound was like metal being torn apart, which made people feel heartbroken. Teeth feel sore.

Okay, so powerful... Although he knew that his Ice Phoenix mother was very strong, Jusis never imagined that she would be so strong.

Ah, I can’t wait! Closing her eyes, Ice Phoenix quickly transformed into a human form. Three beautiful blue hairs formed three beautiful and neat "!" signs on the top of her head, which were the epitome of her eager and excited mood. Good performance. If she hadn't tried so hard to suppress her excitement, everything around her might have been affected by her power and frozen by the ultra-low temperature of absolute zero.

Could it be the one buried deepest underground... Cavendish shook his head. If that were the case, the alert level would be red, the highest level, instead of the current blue level. However, even if it is not the highest level of alarm, the current situation is definitely not trivial.

Cavendish looked at his laboratory strangely. Today, he did not do any experiments that would cause widespread impact. However, the level of this alarm is actually higher than that of the last experiment. What is going on

He likes her, he loves her, regardless of race or age, it's just a feeling of pure admiration. After experiencing the longest separation since consciousness, this feeling has become more intense and sweeter.

He was quite aware of how strong the twenty-two layers of defense were. However, it seemed that Ice Phoenix's mother didn't spend much effort, and easily blasted away the twenty-two layers of defense, opening a big skylight to the underground world.

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

"Come on, my child." Standing in the snow-white ice dust, Binghuang opened his hands to his favorite child.

Immediately afterwards, with a violent roar, the entire underground world began to tremble violently.

Could it be the one buried deepest underground... Cavendish shook his head. If that were the case, the alert level would be red, the highest level, instead of the current blue level. However, even if it is not the highest level of alarm, the current situation is definitely not trivial.

She has beautiful ice-blue wings, which are wide enough to cover half of the sky. Countless ice and snow elements danced and cheered around her. She is the ice phoenix who reigns over the entire land of ice and snow, the veritable ruler of this world.

When this alarm occurs, it means that the entire underground space will be in danger of being destroyed. It is recommended that everyone here evacuate as quickly as possible. However, he was certain that there was no powerful magic reaction inside the pyramid.

Cavendish looked at his laboratory strangely. Today, he did not do any experiments that would cause widespread impact. However, the level of this alarm is actually higher than that of the last experiment. What is going on

In just two attacks, Ice Phoenix destroyed all the twenty-two layers of defense that he had spent a lot of time building. It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the defense layer. In addition, it seems that the information about the degree of doting of Super Warcraft on its offspring needs to be updated again...

"The first blow penetrated 18 layers of defensive armor. Did the second blow destroy all the defenses..." Water Sage Cavendish sighed. Is this the power of the legendary Ice Bird? Even if ten level eight magicians joined forces, they would have to build up layers of defensive armor for several hours. In the face of that power, they could only support it for three seconds.

Jussis, who had already experienced it once, immediately ran to the side of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, preparing to resist the impact that was waiting for him.

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

So, he was running, running with all his strength, towards where his mother was.

Jussis, who had already experienced it once, immediately ran to the side of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, preparing to resist the impact that was waiting for him.

Cavendish looked at his laboratory strangely. Today, he did not do any experiments that would cause widespread impact. However, the level of this alarm is actually higher than that of the last experiment. What is going on

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

With a crisp cry, the culprit who destroyed all the defense facilities painstakingly built by Water Sage Cavendish in just three seconds descended from the sky.

The transformation from a god to a familiar mother made Jusis unable to react for a while. However, no matter which one, he likes the Ice Phoenix. Whether it's the majestic look or the motherly look now, he likes it very much.

Because, in front of him is his mother, the mother who cares for him the most, loves him the most, and dotes on him the most. The beautiful woman who has been by his side since he was conscious.

It is the natural reaction of human beings to incomprehensible mysteries, and the instinctive respect for powerful beings of legendary level.

In just two attacks, Ice Phoenix destroyed all the twenty-two layers of defense that he had spent a lot of time building. It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the defense layer. In addition, it seems that the information about the degree of doting of Super Warcraft on its offspring needs to be updated again...

Could it be the one buried deepest underground... Cavendish shook his head. If that were the case, the alert level would be red, the highest level, instead of the current blue level. However, even if it is not the highest level of alarm, the current situation is definitely not trivial.

And this small world hidden hundreds of meters underground felt the taste of sunshine for the first time. The plants bathed in the sunshine exuded unprecedented vitality, greedily accepting the hard-won light.

Every second that passed meant that he was getting closer to her. Every beat of the heart means that the distance between the two hearts decreases. For her who has lived through countless generations, every minute and every second now is as happy and precious as the most beautiful dream.

Okay, so powerful... Although he knew that his Ice Phoenix mother was very strong, Jusis never imagined that she would be so strong.

When this alarm occurs, it means that the entire underground space will be in danger of being destroyed. It is recommended that everyone here evacuate as quickly as possible. However, he was certain that there was no powerful magic reaction inside the pyramid.

In just two attacks, Ice Phoenix destroyed all the twenty-two layers of defense that he had spent a lot of time building. It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the defense layer. In addition, it seems that the information about the degree of doting of Super Warcraft on its offspring needs to be updated again...

So, she was waiting here, waiting for her smart and cute child to run towards her location without stopping. Every time he takes a step, he gets closer to her, not only in space, but also in heart.

"Baby, where are you? Come out quickly and let your mother hold you. You must miss your mother very much. Cavendish, bring him out quickly. I know you are in there!"

So, outside? Cavendish casually pressed a magic device next to him. A wall of the laboratory immediately turned into a huge mirror, clearly reflecting the situation outside the blue pyramid.

And this small world hidden hundreds of meters underground felt the taste of sunshine for the first time. The plants bathed in the sunshine exuded unprecedented vitality, greedily accepting the hard-won light.

With a crisp cry, the culprit who destroyed all the defense facilities painstakingly built by Water Sage Cavendish in just three seconds descended from the sky.

"Baby, where are you? Come out quickly and let your mother hold you. You must miss your mother very much. Cavendish, bring him out quickly. I know you are in there!"

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

Ah, I can’t wait! Closing her eyes, Ice Phoenix quickly transformed into a human form. Three beautiful blue hairs formed three beautiful and neat "!" signs on the top of her head, which were the epitome of her eager and excited mood. Good performance. If she hadn't tried so hard to suppress her excitement, everything around her might have been affected by her power and frozen by the ultra-low temperature of absolute zero.

In the next second, he knew the reason why the pyramid issued a blue alert, which was second only to the highest level red alert.

So, outside? Cavendish casually pressed a magic device next to him. A wall of the laboratory immediately turned into a huge mirror, clearly reflecting the situation outside the blue pyramid.

And this small world hidden hundreds of meters underground felt the taste of sunshine for the first time. The plants bathed in the sunshine exuded unprecedented vitality, greedily accepting the hard-won light.

When this alarm occurs, it means that the entire underground space will be in danger of being destroyed. It is recommended that everyone here evacuate as quickly as possible. However, he was certain that there was no powerful magic reaction inside the pyramid.

"Boom!" A white light blasted through the ceiling of the underground world and hit the lake in the underground world. The thick defensive layer melted and decomposed like butter in front of that light, unable to stop it even for a second.

When this alarm occurs, it means that the entire underground space will be in danger of being destroyed. It is recommended that everyone here evacuate as quickly as possible. However, he was certain that there was no powerful magic reaction inside the pyramid.

Cavendish looked at his laboratory strangely. Today, he did not do any experiments that would cause widespread impact. However, the level of this alarm is actually higher than that of the last experiment. What is going on

In just a short moment, the entire lake disappeared. Also disappearing was the large area of strata beneath the lake. It wasn't burned or exploded, but it was completely turned into powder by that white light.

The transformation from a god to a familiar mother made Jusis unable to react for a while. However, no matter which one, he likes the Ice Phoenix. Whether it's the majestic look or the motherly look now, he likes it very much.

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

"The loss is huge... Go out and see your mother quickly. Otherwise, I will have nothing left here." Cavendish reluctantly let Jussis go. It seems that today's class may have to be terminated.

He was quite aware of how strong the twenty-two layers of defense were. However, it seemed that Ice Phoenix's mother didn't spend much effort, and easily blasted away the twenty-two layers of defense, opening a big skylight to the underground world.

In front of the power of that light, everything was frozen, then dissipated, turning into beautiful white powder. Whether it is life or non-life, the time of all matter shrouded in that white light has stopped forever.

When this alarm occurs, it means that the entire underground space will be in danger of being destroyed. It is recommended that everyone here evacuate as quickly as possible. However, he was certain that there was no powerful magic reaction inside the pyramid.

"Yeah!" Jussis nodded, and then quickly ran towards the exit of the pyramid. Next, Water Sage Cavendish began to write down several precautions and some loss estimates in detail on his Noble Phantasm "Cavendish's Notebook".

A huge hole appeared in the sky where the lake was originally. Above the hollow is a beautiful blue sky. And above the blue sky. A beautiful ice-blue figure is soaring proudly.

With only two strikes, she easily blasted away all the defense layers, which were twenty-two layers thick and over a hundred meters thick, reinforced by Cavendish, the Sage of Water, far beyond the strength of steel, leaving the underground world free of Everything is naked | exposed to the sun.

"Mom!" This was the first time Jussis uttered this word. This word with extraordinary meaning was also the first word he learned to say.

So, she was waiting here, waiting for her smart and cute child to run towards her location without stopping. Every time he takes a step, he gets closer to her, not only in space, but also in heart.

The transformation from a god to a familiar mother made Jusis unable to react for a while. However, no matter which one, he likes the Ice Phoenix. Whether it's the majestic look or the motherly look now, he likes it very much.

"The first blow penetrated 18 layers of defensive armor. Did the second blow destroy all the defenses..." Water Sage Cavendish sighed. Is this the power of the legendary Ice Bird? Even if ten level eight magicians joined forces, they would have to build up layers of defensive armor for several hours. In the face of that power, they could only support it for three seconds.

"Baby, where are you? Come out quickly and let your mother hold you. You must miss your mother very much. Cavendish, bring him out quickly. I know you are in there!"

So, he was running, running with all his strength, towards where his mother was.

Immediately afterwards, with a violent roar, the entire underground world began to tremble violently.

Closer, closer, crossing the edge of the forest, her child's figure had appeared in front of her. Compared with when he left, his eyes looked brighter, his steps looked more powerful, and his smile looked more charming.

Because, in front of him is his mother, the mother who cares for him the most, loves him the most, and dotes on him the most. The beautiful woman who has been by his side since he was conscious.

So, she was waiting here, waiting for her smart and cute child to run towards her location without stopping. Every time he takes a step, he gets closer to her, not only in space, but also in heart.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

With a crisp cry, the culprit who destroyed all the defense facilities painstakingly built by Water Sage Cavendish in just three seconds descended from the sky.

Jussis, who had already experienced it once, immediately ran to the side of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, preparing to resist the impact that was waiting for him.

He likes her, he loves her, regardless of race or age, it's just a feeling of pure admiration. After experiencing the longest separation since consciousness, this feeling has become more intense and sweeter.

When it arrived, when it was still a few meters away from the ice phoenix, Jussis could clearly see the beauty of his mother. She was still as beautiful and gentle as when she left not long ago.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

She has beautiful ice-blue wings, which are wide enough to cover half of the sky. Countless ice and snow elements danced and cheered around her. She is the ice phoenix who reigns over the entire land of ice and snow, the veritable ruler of this world.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

The Ice Phoenix folded its wings and could clearly see every move of its child. With her strength, she could easily suck him over. But, she didn't do that. Because watching your child run towards you with your own steps and will is such a happy feeling.

Seeing Jussis's concentrated expression, Cavendish showed a rare smile. Having such serious and smart students is probably the dream of every teacher who wants to pass on his knowledge.

So, he was running, running with all his strength, towards where his mother was.

So, he was running, running with all his strength, towards where his mother was.

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

Could it be the one buried deepest underground... Cavendish shook his head. If that were the case, the alert level would be red, the highest level, instead of the current blue level. However, even if it is not the highest level of alarm, the current situation is definitely not trivial.

With only two strikes, she easily blasted away all the defense layers, which were twenty-two layers thick and over a hundred meters thick, reinforced by Cavendish, the Sage of Water, far beyond the strength of steel, leaving the underground world free of Everything is naked | exposed to the sun.

In just a short moment, the entire lake disappeared. Also disappearing was the large area of strata beneath the lake. It wasn't burned or exploded, but it was completely turned into powder by that white light.

Ah, I can’t wait! Closing her eyes, Ice Phoenix quickly transformed into a human form. Three beautiful blue hairs formed three beautiful and neat "!" signs on the top of her head, which were the epitome of her eager and excited mood. Good performance. If she hadn't tried so hard to suppress her excitement, everything around her might have been affected by her power and frozen by the ultra-low temperature of absolute zero.

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

"Baby, where are you? Come out quickly and let your mother hold you. You must miss your mother very much. Cavendish, bring him out quickly. I know you are in there!"

"Boom!" A white light blasted through the ceiling of the underground world and hit the lake in the underground world. The thick defensive layer melted and decomposed like butter in front of that light, unable to stop it even for a second.

He was quite aware of how strong the twenty-two layers of defense were. However, it seemed that Ice Phoenix's mother didn't spend much effort, and easily blasted away the twenty-two layers of defense, opening a big skylight to the underground world.

And this small world hidden hundreds of meters underground felt the taste of sunshine for the first time. The plants bathed in the sunshine exuded unprecedented vitality, greedily accepting the hard-won light.

My body feels better than ever, and every move is very natural. There is no stagnation when jumping and turning. When striding forward, it is as if riding the wings of the wind, flexible and easy.

In just two attacks, Ice Phoenix destroyed all the twenty-two layers of defense that he had spent a lot of time building. It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the defense layer. In addition, it seems that the information about the degree of doting of Super Warcraft on its offspring needs to be updated again...

It is the natural reaction of human beings to incomprehensible mysteries, and the instinctive respect for powerful beings of legendary level.

With only two strikes, she easily blasted away all the defense layers, which were twenty-two layers thick and over a hundred meters thick, reinforced by Cavendish, the Sage of Water, far beyond the strength of steel, leaving the underground world free of Everything is naked | exposed to the sun.

In the next second, he knew the reason why the pyramid issued a blue alert, which was second only to the highest level red alert.

Immediately afterwards, with a violent roar, the entire underground world began to tremble violently.

Run, Jussis is running, running through the automatic magic device used to move, running through the pyramid entrance that opens automatically, and running through the forest area used as a buffer zone.

Okay, so powerful... Although he knew that his Ice Phoenix mother was very strong, Jusis never imagined that she would be so strong.

"The first blow penetrated 18 layers of defensive armor. Did the second blow destroy all the defenses..." Water Sage Cavendish sighed. Is this the power of the legendary Ice Bird? Even if ten level eight magicians joined forces, they would have to build up layers of defensive armor for several hours. In the face of that power, they could only support it for three seconds.

The Ice Phoenix folded its wings and could clearly see every move of its child. With her strength, she could easily suck him over. But, she didn't do that. Because watching your child run towards you with your own steps and will is such a happy feeling.

He was quite aware of how strong the twenty-two layers of defense were. However, it seemed that Ice Phoenix's mother didn't spend much effort, and easily blasted away the twenty-two layers of defense, opening a big skylight to the underground world.

Every second that passed meant that he was getting closer to her. Every beat of the heart means that the distance between the two hearts decreases. For her who has lived through countless generations, every minute and every second now is as happy and precious as the most beautiful dream.

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

Now, she was standing under the skylight, slowly folding her wings. The sunlight shining directly from the sky shines on her beautiful ice blue feathers, emitting a crystal and soft light. It makes her look like a god in mythology, beautiful and majestic, making people feel like they are falling to their knees.

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

The transformation from a god to a familiar mother made Jusis unable to react for a while. However, no matter which one, he likes the Ice Phoenix. Whether it's the majestic look or the motherly look now, he likes it very much.

He was very satisfied with Jussis as a student. Whether as a teacher or a researcher.

It is the natural reaction of human beings to incomprehensible mysteries, and the instinctive respect for powerful beings of legendary level.

In the next second, he knew the reason why the pyramid issued a blue alert, which was second only to the highest level red alert.

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

Immediately afterwards, with a violent roar, the entire underground world began to tremble violently.

She has beautiful ice-blue wings, which are wide enough to cover half of the sky. Countless ice and snow elements danced and cheered around her. She is the ice phoenix who reigns over the entire land of ice and snow, the veritable ruler of this world.

However, the next moment, the words spoken from Binghuang's mouth shattered this mythical and mysterious atmosphere.

When it arrived, when it was still a few meters away from the ice phoenix, Jussis could clearly see the beauty of his mother. She was still as beautiful and gentle as when she left not long ago.

He was very satisfied with Jussis as a student. Whether as a teacher or a researcher.

She has beautiful ice-blue wings, which are wide enough to cover half of the sky. Countless ice and snow elements danced and cheered around her. She is the ice phoenix who reigns over the entire land of ice and snow, the veritable ruler of this world.

"Baby, where are you? Come out quickly and let your mother hold you. You must miss your mother very much. Cavendish, bring him out quickly. I know you are in there!"

Now, she was standing under the skylight, slowly folding her wings. The sunlight shining directly from the sky shines on her beautiful ice blue feathers, emitting a crystal and soft light. It makes her look like a god in mythology, beautiful and majestic, making people feel like they are falling to their knees.

With a crisp cry, the culprit who destroyed all the defense facilities painstakingly built by Water Sage Cavendish in just three seconds descended from the sky.

So, she was waiting here, waiting for her smart and cute child to run towards her location without stopping. Every time he takes a step, he gets closer to her, not only in space, but also in heart.

He likes her, he loves her, regardless of race or age, it's just a feeling of pure admiration. After experiencing the longest separation since consciousness, this feeling has become more intense and sweeter.

With a crisp cry, the culprit who destroyed all the defense facilities painstakingly built by Water Sage Cavendish in just three seconds descended from the sky.

The transformation from a god to a familiar mother made Jusis unable to react for a while. However, no matter which one, he likes the Ice Phoenix. Whether it's the majestic look or the motherly look now, he likes it very much.

A huge hole appeared in the sky where the lake was originally. Above the hollow is a beautiful blue sky. And above the blue sky. A beautiful ice-blue figure is soaring proudly.

"Ah!" The three blue strands on Ice Phoenix's head were entangled together uncontrollably, and then they formed a large "heart" symbol together.

In just two attacks, Ice Phoenix destroyed all the twenty-two layers of defense that he had spent a lot of time building. It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the defense layer. In addition, it seems that the information about the degree of doting of Super Warcraft on its offspring needs to be updated again...

When this alarm occurs, it means that the entire underground space will be in danger of being destroyed. It is recommended that everyone here evacuate as quickly as possible. However, he was certain that there was no powerful magic reaction inside the pyramid.

"The loss is huge... Go out and see your mother quickly. Otherwise, I will have nothing left here." Cavendish reluctantly let Jussis go. It seems that today's class may have to be terminated.

The Ice Phoenix folded its wings and could clearly see every move of its child. With her strength, she could easily suck him over. But, she didn't do that. Because watching your child run towards you with your own steps and will is such a happy feeling.

"Come on, my child." Standing in the snow-white ice dust, Binghuang opened his hands to his favorite child.

"Yeah!" Jussis nodded, and then quickly ran towards the exit of the pyramid. Next, Water Sage Cavendish began to write down several precautions and some loss estimates in detail on his Noble Phantasm "Cavendish's Notebook".

My body feels better than ever, and every move is very natural. There is no stagnation when jumping and turning. When striding forward, it is as if riding the wings of the wind, flexible and easy.

Immediately afterwards, with a violent roar, the entire underground world began to tremble violently.

In just two attacks, Ice Phoenix destroyed all the twenty-two layers of defense that he had spent a lot of time building. It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the defense layer. In addition, it seems that the information about the degree of doting of Super Warcraft on its offspring needs to be updated again...

In just a short moment, the entire lake disappeared. Also disappearing was the large area of strata beneath the lake. It wasn't burned or exploded, but it was completely turned into powder by that white light.

"Boom!" A white light blasted through the ceiling of the underground world and hit the lake in the underground world. The thick defensive layer melted and decomposed like butter in front of that light, unable to stop it even for a second.

In front of the power of that light, everything was frozen, then dissipated, turning into beautiful white powder. Whether it is life or non-life, the time of all matter shrouded in that white light has stopped forever.

The transformation from a god to a familiar mother made Jusis unable to react for a while. However, no matter which one, he likes the Ice Phoenix. Whether it's the majestic look or the motherly look now, he likes it very much.

"Ah!" The three blue strands on Ice Phoenix's head were entangled together uncontrollably, and then they formed a large "heart" symbol together.

"The first blow penetrated 18 layers of defensive armor. Did the second blow destroy all the defenses..." Water Sage Cavendish sighed. Is this the power of the legendary Ice Bird? Even if ten level eight magicians joined forces, they would have to build up layers of defensive armor for several hours. In the face of that power, they could only support it for three seconds.

So, he was running, running with all his strength, towards where his mother was.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

In front of the power of that light, everything was frozen, then dissipated, turning into beautiful white powder. Whether it is life or non-life, the time of all matter shrouded in that white light has stopped forever.

Closer, closer, crossing the edge of the forest, her child's figure had appeared in front of her. Compared with when he left, his eyes looked brighter, his steps looked more powerful, and his smile looked more charming.

In front of the power of that light, everything was frozen, then dissipated, turning into beautiful white powder. Whether it is life or non-life, the time of all matter shrouded in that white light has stopped forever.

Run, Jussis is running, running through the automatic magic device used to move, running through the pyramid entrance that opens automatically, and running through the forest area used as a buffer zone.

She has beautiful ice-blue wings, which are wide enough to cover half of the sky. Countless ice and snow elements danced and cheered around her. She is the ice phoenix who reigns over the entire land of ice and snow, the veritable ruler of this world.

Okay, so powerful... Although he knew that his Ice Phoenix mother was very strong, Jusis never imagined that she would be so strong.

Every second that passed meant that he was getting closer to her. Every beat of the heart means that the distance between the two hearts decreases. For her who has lived through countless generations, every minute and every second now is as happy and precious as the most beautiful dream.

"Baby, where are you? Come out quickly and let your mother hold you. You must miss your mother very much. Cavendish, bring him out quickly. I know you are in there!"

My body feels better than ever, and every move is very natural. There is no stagnation when jumping and turning. When striding forward, it is as if riding the wings of the wind, flexible and easy.

Okay, so powerful... Although he knew that his Ice Phoenix mother was very strong, Jusis never imagined that she would be so strong.

And this small world hidden hundreds of meters underground felt the taste of sunshine for the first time. The plants bathed in the sunshine exuded unprecedented vitality, greedily accepting the hard-won light.

My body feels better than ever, and every move is very natural. There is no stagnation when jumping and turning. When striding forward, it is as if riding the wings of the wind, flexible and easy.

In just two attacks, Ice Phoenix destroyed all the twenty-two layers of defense that he had spent a lot of time building. It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the defense layer. In addition, it seems that the information about the degree of doting of Super Warcraft on its offspring needs to be updated again...

It is the natural reaction of human beings to incomprehensible mysteries, and the instinctive respect for powerful beings of legendary level.

Because, in front of him is his mother, the mother who cares for him the most, loves him the most, and dotes on him the most. The beautiful woman who has been by his side since he was conscious.

So, he was running, running with all his strength, towards where his mother was.

"That's the end of today's experimental course. Wait..." Before Cavendish could finish his words, the pyramid sounded a sharp alarm. The sound was like metal being torn apart, which made people feel heartbroken. Teeth feel sore.

"Baby, where are you? Come out quickly and let your mother hold you. You must miss your mother very much. Cavendish, bring him out quickly. I know you are in there!"

"That's the end of today's experimental course. Wait..." Before Cavendish could finish his words, the pyramid sounded a sharp alarm. The sound was like metal being torn apart, which made people feel heartbroken. Teeth feel sore.

With only two strikes, she easily blasted away all the defense layers, which were twenty-two layers thick and over a hundred meters thick, reinforced by Cavendish, the Sage of Water, far beyond the strength of steel, leaving the underground world free of Everything is naked | exposed to the sun.

He likes her, he loves her, regardless of race or age, it's just a feeling of pure admiration. After experiencing the longest separation since consciousness, this feeling has become more intense and sweeter.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

Okay, so powerful... Although he knew that his Ice Phoenix mother was very strong, Jusis never imagined that she would be so strong.

It is the natural reaction of human beings to incomprehensible mysteries, and the instinctive respect for powerful beings of legendary level.

In the next second, he knew the reason why the pyramid issued a blue alert, which was second only to the highest level red alert.

So, he was running, running with all his strength, towards where his mother was.

A huge hole appeared in the sky where the lake was originally. Above the hollow is a beautiful blue sky. And above the blue sky. A beautiful ice-blue figure is soaring proudly.

Ah, I can’t wait! Closing her eyes, Ice Phoenix quickly transformed into a human form. Three beautiful blue hairs formed three beautiful and neat "!" signs on the top of her head, which were the epitome of her eager and excited mood. Good performance. If she hadn't tried so hard to suppress her excitement, everything around her might have been affected by her power and frozen by the ultra-low temperature of absolute zero.

In front of the power of that light, everything was frozen, then dissipated, turning into beautiful white powder. Whether it is life or non-life, the time of all matter shrouded in that white light has stopped forever.

It is the natural reaction of human beings to incomprehensible mysteries, and the instinctive respect for powerful beings of legendary level.

Could it be the one buried deepest underground... Cavendish shook his head. If that were the case, the alert level would be red, the highest level, instead of the current blue level. However, even if it is not the highest level of alarm, the current situation is definitely not trivial.

The Ice Phoenix folded its wings and could clearly see every move of its child. With her strength, she could easily suck him over. But, she didn't do that. Because watching your child run towards you with your own steps and will is such a happy feeling.

It is the natural reaction of human beings to incomprehensible mysteries, and the instinctive respect for powerful beings of legendary level.

Now, she was standing under the skylight, slowly folding her wings. The sunlight shining directly from the sky shines on her beautiful ice blue feathers, emitting a crystal and soft light. It makes her look like a god in mythology, beautiful and majestic, making people feel like they are falling to their knees.

Jussis, who had already experienced it once, immediately ran to the side of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, preparing to resist the impact that was waiting for him.

Closer, closer, crossing the edge of the forest, her child's figure had appeared in front of her. Compared with when he left, his eyes looked brighter, his steps looked more powerful, and his smile looked more charming.

"Boom!" A white light blasted through the ceiling of the underground world and hit the lake in the underground world. The thick defensive layer melted and decomposed like butter in front of that light, unable to stop it even for a second.

Could it be the one buried deepest underground... Cavendish shook his head. If that were the case, the alert level would be red, the highest level, instead of the current blue level. However, even if it is not the highest level of alarm, the current situation is definitely not trivial.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

"Ah!" The three blue strands on Ice Phoenix's head were entangled together uncontrollably, and then they formed a large "heart" symbol together.

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

"The first blow penetrated 18 layers of defensive armor. Did the second blow destroy all the defenses..." Water Sage Cavendish sighed. Is this the power of the legendary Ice Bird? Even if ten level eight magicians joined forces, they would have to build up layers of defensive armor for several hours. In the face of that power, they could only support it for three seconds.

With only two strikes, she easily blasted away all the defense layers, which were twenty-two layers thick and over a hundred meters thick, reinforced by Cavendish, the Sage of Water, far beyond the strength of steel, leaving the underground world free of Everything is naked | exposed to the sun.

"That's the end of today's experimental course. Wait..." Before Cavendish could finish his words, the pyramid sounded a sharp alarm. The sound was like metal being torn apart, which made people feel heartbroken. Teeth feel sore.

So, she was waiting here, waiting for her smart and cute child to run towards her location without stopping. Every time he takes a step, he gets closer to her, not only in space, but also in heart.

And this small world hidden hundreds of meters underground felt the taste of sunshine for the first time. The plants bathed in the sunshine exuded unprecedented vitality, greedily accepting the hard-won light.

With only two strikes, she easily blasted away all the defense layers, which were twenty-two layers thick and over a hundred meters thick, reinforced by Cavendish, the Sage of Water, far beyond the strength of steel, leaving the underground world free of Everything is naked | exposed to the sun.

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

Every second that passed meant that he was getting closer to her. Every beat of the heart means that the distance between the two hearts decreases. For her who has lived through countless generations, every minute and every second now is as happy and precious as the most beautiful dream.

"Come on, my child." Standing in the snow-white ice dust, Binghuang opened his hands to his favorite child.

However, the next moment, the words spoken from Binghuang's mouth shattered this mythical and mysterious atmosphere.

In the next second, he knew the reason why the pyramid issued a blue alert, which was second only to the highest level red alert.

Closer, closer, crossing the edge of the forest, her child's figure had appeared in front of her. Compared with when he left, his eyes looked brighter, his steps looked more powerful, and his smile looked more charming.

Seeing Jussis's concentrated expression, Cavendish showed a rare smile. Having such serious and smart students is probably the dream of every teacher who wants to pass on his knowledge.

This feeling, this feeling of heart pounding and anticipation of the upcoming reunion, must be love.

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

Closer, closer, crossing the edge of the forest, her child's figure had appeared in front of her. Compared with when he left, his eyes looked brighter, his steps looked more powerful, and his smile looked more charming.

Ah, I can’t wait! Closing her eyes, Ice Phoenix quickly transformed into a human form. Three beautiful blue hairs formed three beautiful and neat "!" signs on the top of her head, which were the epitome of her eager and excited mood. Good performance. If she hadn't tried so hard to suppress her excitement, everything around her might have been affected by her power and frozen by the ultra-low temperature of absolute zero.

Cavendish looked at his laboratory strangely. Today, he did not do any experiments that would cause widespread impact. However, the level of this alarm is actually higher than that of the last experiment. What is going on

"Come on, my child." Standing in the snow-white ice dust, Binghuang opened his hands to his favorite child.

The Ice Phoenix folded its wings and could clearly see every move of its child. With her strength, she could easily suck him over. But, she didn't do that. Because watching your child run towards you with your own steps and will is such a happy feeling.

When it arrived, when it was still a few meters away from the ice phoenix, Jussis could clearly see the beauty of his mother. She was still as beautiful and gentle as when she left not long ago.

The transformation from a god to a familiar mother made Jusis unable to react for a while. However, no matter which one, he likes the Ice Phoenix. Whether it's the majestic look or the motherly look now, he likes it very much.

Cavendish looked at his laboratory strangely. Today, he did not do any experiments that would cause widespread impact. However, the level of this alarm is actually higher than that of the last experiment. What is going on

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

It is not difficult to find serious and hard-working students. Although there are few smart and talented students, it is not difficult to find students with his status. But a student who is both smart and hard-working, and whose life span is bound to be extremely long, is rare.

When it arrived, when it was still a few meters away from the ice phoenix, Jussis could clearly see the beauty of his mother. She was still as beautiful and gentle as when she left not long ago.

Now, she was standing under the skylight, slowly folding her wings. The sunlight shining directly from the sky shines on her beautiful ice blue feathers, emitting a crystal and soft light. It makes her look like a god in mythology, beautiful and majestic, making people feel like they are falling to their knees.

Although he had no idea what kind of experiment his teacher, the Water Sage Cavendish, was doing, Jussis still followed his instructions and wrote down every step of the experiment and every point that needed attention.

However, the next moment, the words spoken from Binghuang's mouth shattered this mythical and mysterious atmosphere.

"Come on, my child." Standing in the snow-white ice dust, Binghuang opened his hands to his favorite child.

Run, Jussis is running, running through the automatic magic device used to move, running through the pyramid entrance that opens automatically, and running through the forest area used as a buffer zone.

When this alarm occurs, it means that the entire underground space will be in danger of being destroyed. It is recommended that everyone here evacuate as quickly as possible. However, he was certain that there was no powerful magic reaction inside the pyramid.

Because, in front of him is his mother, the mother who cares for him the most, loves him the most, and dotes on him the most. The beautiful woman who has been by his side since he was conscious.

"Mom!" This was the first time Jussis uttered this word. This word with extraordinary meaning was also the first word he learned to say.

In front of the power of that light, everything was frozen, then dissipated, turning into beautiful white powder. Whether it is life or non-life, the time of all matter shrouded in that white light has stopped forever.

Because, in front of him is his mother, the mother who cares for him the most, loves him the most, and dotes on him the most. The beautiful woman who has been by his side since he was conscious.

"Ah!" The three blue strands on Ice Phoenix's head were entangled together uncontrollably, and then they formed a large "heart" symbol together.

He likes her, he loves her, regardless of race or age, it's just a feeling of pure admiration. After experiencing the longest separation since consciousness, this feeling has become more intense and sweeter.

He was quite aware of how strong the twenty-two layers of defense were. However, it seemed that Ice Phoenix's mother didn't spend much effort, and easily blasted away the twenty-two layers of defense, opening a big skylight to the underground world.

"Ah!" The three blue strands on Ice Phoenix's head were entangled together uncontrollably, and then they formed a large "heart" symbol together.

Now, she was standing under the skylight, slowly folding her wings. The sunlight shining directly from the sky shines on her beautiful ice blue feathers, emitting a crystal and soft light. It makes her look like a god in mythology, beautiful and majestic, making people feel like they are falling to their knees.

When it arrived, when it was still a few meters away from the ice phoenix, Jussis could clearly see the beauty of his mother. She was still as beautiful and gentle as when she left not long ago.

In just a short moment, the entire lake disappeared. Also disappearing was the large area of strata beneath the lake. It wasn't burned or exploded, but it was completely turned into powder by that white light.

Because, in front of him is his mother, the mother who cares for him the most, loves him the most, and dotes on him the most. The beautiful woman who has been by his side since he was conscious.

So, he was running, running with all his strength, towards where his mother was.

When it arrived, when it was still a few meters away from the ice phoenix, Jussis could clearly see the beauty of his mother. She was still as beautiful and gentle as when she left not long ago.

Okay, so powerful... Although he knew that his Ice Phoenix mother was very strong, Jusis never imagined that she would be so strong.

Cavendish looked at his laboratory strangely. Today, he did not do any experiments that would cause widespread impact. However, the level of this alarm is actually higher than that of the last experiment. What is going on