Demon King Priest

Chapter 97: The aftermath of the festival (Part 1)


"First meeting, the eldest lady of the Cavendish family. It's hard to say the specific things here. Let's go back to the castle together." Schumacher looked at the dumbfounded bar owner Richard. What he is going to talk about later is still extremely confidential and cannot be known to ordinary people.

What makes people feel strange is that although the scale of the attack by those insect-like monsters is unprecedentedly large, the actual casualties caused can be said to be minimal. The millions of ordinary people immersed in the red waters suffered almost no real harm. It seems that the time they were immersed in the red sea water was just a strange dream for them.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

"Then, Miss, let's go back. Mr. Schumacher's Noble Phantasm is very fast, and not everyone is qualified to sit on it. If you want to take a walk, you can come back anytime, anywhere." After turning around, Sebas The expression immediately returned to the standard butler mode.

After investigation, the Supreme God Religion has been able to confirm that the root cause of this change came from the Glory Ceremony not long ago.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded, then stood up and prepared to leave. However, before leaving, he remembered something important.

After investigation, the Supreme God Religion has been able to confirm that the root cause of this change came from the Glory Ceremony not long ago.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded, then stood up and prepared to leave. However, before leaving, he remembered something important.

While putting down the gold coins, Sebas seriously told the bar owner some things he should pay attention to.

"Run, Red Storm!" After confirming that the seat belt was on, Schumacher started a new sprint.

"First meeting, the eldest lady of the Cavendish family. It's hard to say the specific things here. Let's go back to the castle together." Schumacher looked at the dumbfounded bar owner Richard. What he is going to talk about later is still extremely confidential and cannot be known to ordinary people.

After investigation, the Supreme God Religion has been able to confirm that the root cause of this change came from the Glory Ceremony not long ago.

"How about it, Miss, do you like it too?" Schumacher has always been proud of his car.

"Sebas... pay..."

Because there were so many people attending the festival, and many of them were kings and nobles from other countries. After confirming that no harm was done, the Supreme God had no choice but to let them leave. At that time, compared to these people, the many powerful men whose whereabouts were unknown attracted more attention from the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

"Okay." Jussis nodded. Then he walked out of the bar and came to the red steel monster that had just knocked the trio away.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

"Thank you for taking care of my young lady. However, if possible, I hope you can keep her identity secret. The eldest lady seems to like to go for walks by herself. From now on, our Cavendish family will pay for her stay here in full, no need to Charge her again." Although he seemed to be discussing, his unquestionable tone had completely overwhelmed the bar owner.

"Sebas... pay..."

This sense of speed cannot be felt at all when in the air. When being carried by Ice Phoenix's mother and Cavendish, although I knew that the speed must be very fast, because there were not many reference points, the feeling was not that shocking.

"Understood, Miss." Sebas lowered his head, and then placed enough gold coins to pay for the food Jussis had just eaten ten times in front of the bar owner Richard.

This is a Noble Phantasm born only for speed, the fastest car of the Supreme Religion. If you run at full speed on terrain without obstacles, you can easily surpass the speed of sound steel monster. Although many powerful people can use attacks that exceed the speed of sound when they explode to the extreme, it is absolutely impossible to last. His Red Storm, which surges at speeds beyond sound, is an exception among exceptions. Only those guys in the same team with the same type of Noble Phantasms can barely compete with him.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

While putting down the gold coins, Sebas seriously told the bar owner some things he should pay attention to.

Originally, this was supposed to be a good thing. However, because the number of people who broke through clearly exceeded the normal number, it has directly affected the royal families of many countries (because a large number of royal personnel participated in the ceremony), leading to a series of coups.

"Sebas... pay..."

"Ha! Ha! Of course you probably haven't seen it, you'll know when you sit on it." Schumacher had already taken the initiative to sit in the driver's seat, and Jussis and Sebas quickly sat in the back.

"Don't worry, it's just a seat belt. If ordinary people sit in this position, they must use that one, otherwise they will be easily thrown out." Schumacher pulled off his red hat. How long has it been since you carried women? The woman who got into his car last time was a strong woman who didn't need a seat belt. Remember her name was Rasha. She is so strong that she can actually flip over the red storm while sprinting at high speed with her bare hands.

Among the seventh-level experts, the only one who could easily surpass him was Noah, the young paladin who wielded the Silver Sword Angel. However, it is a Flying Noble Phantasm, and it is also the legacy of the Brave of Light. There is only one in the entire continent, so there is no way to compare with it.

"Bang!" Two red straps automatically stretched out from the backs of Jusis and Sebas, fixing the two people in their seats.

In just one month, more than thirty newly promoted seventh-level experts appeared. This kind of abnormal growth rate has only appeared in several wars that swept the entire continent.

"Thank you for taking care of my young lady. However, if possible, I hope you can keep her identity secret. The eldest lady seems to like to go for walks by herself. From now on, our Cavendish family will pay for her stay here in full, no need to Charge her again." Although he seemed to be discussing, his unquestionable tone had completely overwhelmed the bar owner.

"Bang!" Two red straps automatically stretched out from the backs of Jusis and Sebas, fixing the two people in their seats.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

"Understood, Miss." Sebas lowered his head, and then placed enough gold coins to pay for the food Jussis had just eaten ten times in front of the bar owner Richard.

"It's my honor to be appreciated by you. What I want to say next is very important, please find a suitable place to speak." Schumacher is very happy that there is one more aristocratic woman who likes high-speed racing. Not all women will like this. Many noble ladies are curious at first, but after sitting there for a while, most of them will be frightened, and many of them will faint from fright.

Originally, this was supposed to be a good thing. However, because the number of people who broke through clearly exceeded the normal number, it has directly affected the royal families of many countries (because a large number of royal personnel participated in the ceremony), leading to a series of coups.

"Sebas... pay..."

"Of course, of course." Richard nodded suddenly, feeling afraid of the unrealistic idea he had just thought about. If he had really done that, it's hard to say whether he would still be standing here now.

This sense of speed cannot be felt at all when in the air. When being carried by Ice Phoenix's mother and Cavendish, although I knew that the speed must be very fast, because there were not many reference points, the feeling was not that shocking.

"Don't worry, it's just a seat belt. If ordinary people sit in this position, they must use that one, otherwise they will be easily thrown out." Schumacher pulled off his red hat. How long has it been since you carried women? The woman who got into his car last time was a strong woman who didn't need a seat belt. Remember her name was Rasha. She is so strong that she can actually flip over the red storm while sprinting at high speed with her bare hands.

This is a Noble Phantasm born only for speed, the fastest car of the Supreme Religion. If you run at full speed on terrain without obstacles, you can easily surpass the speed of sound steel monster. Although many powerful people can use attacks that exceed the speed of sound when they explode to the extreme, it is absolutely impossible to last. His Red Storm, which surges at speeds beyond sound, is an exception among exceptions. Only those guys in the same team with the same type of Noble Phantasms can barely compete with him.

Forests, bridges, and hillsides all flashed by, and the red storm raised a huge plume of smoke. In ten seconds, Jussis and Sebastian were brought back to the Cavendish family's castle, so fast that Jussis didn't even turn around.

Although the Supreme Religion will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country casually in principle. But this time the phenomenon was obviously not normal, so they conducted a careful investigation. Then it was discovered that the newly promoted seventh-level experts who appeared in large numbers during this period were almost all those who had participated in that festival.

This is a Noble Phantasm born only for speed, the fastest car of the Supreme Religion. If you run at full speed on terrain without obstacles, you can easily surpass the speed of sound steel monster. Although many powerful people can use attacks that exceed the speed of sound when they explode to the extreme, it is absolutely impossible to last. His Red Storm, which surges at speeds beyond sound, is an exception among exceptions. Only those guys in the same team with the same type of Noble Phantasms can barely compete with him.

This Sebas is not simple, Richard could feel it instinctively. If this old man wanted to do something to him, he might not even have time to react. Of course, he is not an idiot and would never provoke a behemoth like the Cavendish family. Compared to this family with a true sage, the treacherous noble family he once joined was simply not worth mentioning.

This is a Noble Phantasm born only for speed, the fastest car of the Supreme Religion. If you run at full speed on terrain without obstacles, you can easily surpass the speed of sound steel monster. Although many powerful people can use attacks that exceed the speed of sound when they explode to the extreme, it is absolutely impossible to last. His Red Storm, which surges at speeds beyond sound, is an exception among exceptions. Only those guys in the same team with the same type of Noble Phantasms can barely compete with him.

The highest-ranking person missing from the Supreme Cult is the Dark Knight Anakin, the deputy leader of the Paladin Order. The Mages Guild lost their future star, Io, the operator of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube, and the body of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube. Of course, many others disappeared too.

"Then, Miss, let's go back. Mr. Schumacher's Noble Phantasm is very fast, and not everyone is qualified to sit on it. If you want to take a walk, you can come back anytime, anywhere." After turning around, Sebas The expression immediately returned to the standard butler mode.

Originally, this was supposed to be a good thing. However, because the number of people who broke through clearly exceeded the normal number, it has directly affected the royal families of many countries (because a large number of royal personnel participated in the ceremony), leading to a series of coups.

This Sebas is not simple, Richard could feel it instinctively. If this old man wanted to do something to him, he might not even have time to react. Of course, he is not an idiot and would never provoke a behemoth like the Cavendish family. Compared to this family with a true sage, the treacherous noble family he once joined was simply not worth mentioning.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

"Okay." Jussis nodded. Then he walked out of the bar and came to the red steel monster that had just knocked the trio away.

"Run, Red Storm!" After confirming that the seat belt was on, Schumacher started a new sprint.

As a qualified housekeeper, he cannot expect the eldest lady to cooperate with him, but he should cooperate with the eldest lady. No matter how strange the eldest lady's hobbies are, he must satisfy her 100%.

"It's my honor to be appreciated by you. What I want to say next is very important, please find a suitable place to speak." Schumacher is very happy that there is one more aristocratic woman who likes high-speed racing. Not all women will like this. Many noble ladies are curious at first, but after sitting there for a while, most of them will be frightened, and many of them will faint from fright.

"Something weird." Jussis didn't know how to describe it, but he had never seen anything like this before. Should this be considered a car? It has wheels like the carriage we just saw, but it seems to be pulled by nothing.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

After investigation, the Supreme God Religion has been able to confirm that the root cause of this change came from the Glory Ceremony not long ago.

No one knows where or who it started from in the first place. However, among the people who participated in that glorious festival, a very small number of people did change. The most obvious thing is that many warriors and magicians who have reached the peak of the Sixth Level long ago and were blocked by the wall of human limits have broken through and become true seventh-level experts.

"The matter is very important, so I won't say any more polite words. Please be sure to tell Mr. Cavendish, the Sage of Water, about this matter. He may be in danger." Passed through ten steel gates and entered the temporarily idle After entering the laboratory, Schumacher couldn't wait to tell Jussis the news he had brought. This is extremely important news that has been confirmed by the Supreme Religion and the Mages Guild.

"Don't worry, it's just a seat belt. If ordinary people sit in this position, they must use that one, otherwise they will be easily thrown out." Schumacher pulled off his red hat. How long has it been since you carried women? The woman who got into his car last time was a strong woman who didn't need a seat belt. Remember her name was Rasha. She is so strong that she can actually flip over the red storm while sprinting at high speed with her bare hands.

No one knows where or who it started from in the first place. However, among the people who participated in that glorious festival, a very small number of people did change. The most obvious thing is that many warriors and magicians who have reached the peak of the Sixth Level long ago and were blocked by the wall of human limits have broken through and become true seventh-level experts.

"Okay." Jussis nodded. Then he walked out of the bar and came to the red steel monster that had just knocked the trio away.

"Run, Red Storm!" After confirming that the seat belt was on, Schumacher started a new sprint.

No one knows where or who it started from in the first place. However, among the people who participated in that glorious festival, a very small number of people did change. The most obvious thing is that many warriors and magicians who have reached the peak of the Sixth Level long ago and were blocked by the wall of human limits have broken through and become true seventh-level experts.

"Understood, Miss." Sebas lowered his head, and then placed enough gold coins to pay for the food Jussis had just eaten ten times in front of the bar owner Richard.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded, then stood up and prepared to leave. However, before leaving, he remembered something important.

"Okay." Jussis nodded. Then he walked out of the bar and came to the red steel monster that had just knocked the trio away.

"Sebas... pay..."

Forests, bridges, and hillsides all flashed by, and the red storm raised a huge plume of smoke. In ten seconds, Jussis and Sebastian were brought back to the Cavendish family's castle, so fast that Jussis didn't even turn around.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

This sense of speed cannot be felt at all when in the air. When being carried by Ice Phoenix's mother and Cavendish, although I knew that the speed must be very fast, because there were not many reference points, the feeling was not that shocking.

"Danger? Teacher?" Yosis was a little confused. The teacher is very, very strong. Even Ice Phoenix's mother has taken the attack. What danger would such a strong teacher be in

After more than a month of continuous tracking and investigation, the whereabouts of the missing person have still not been found. At the same time, some changes began to occur among the vast majority of people ignored by the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

"It's my honor to be appreciated by you. What I want to say next is very important, please find a suitable place to speak." Schumacher is very happy that there is one more aristocratic woman who likes high-speed racing. Not all women will like this. Many noble ladies are curious at first, but after sitting there for a while, most of them will be frightened, and many of them will faint from fright.

Originally, this was supposed to be a good thing. However, because the number of people who broke through clearly exceeded the normal number, it has directly affected the royal families of many countries (because a large number of royal personnel participated in the ceremony), leading to a series of coups.

No one knows where or who it started from in the first place. However, among the people who participated in that glorious festival, a very small number of people did change. The most obvious thing is that many warriors and magicians who have reached the peak of the Sixth Level long ago and were blocked by the wall of human limits have broken through and become true seventh-level experts.

The highest-ranking person missing from the Supreme Cult is the Dark Knight Anakin, the deputy leader of the Paladin Order. The Mages Guild lost their future star, Io, the operator of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube, and the body of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube. Of course, many others disappeared too.

This is a Noble Phantasm born only for speed, the fastest car of the Supreme Religion. If you run at full speed on terrain without obstacles, you can easily surpass the speed of sound steel monster. Although many powerful people can use attacks that exceed the speed of sound when they explode to the extreme, it is absolutely impossible to last. His Red Storm, which surges at speeds beyond sound, is an exception among exceptions. Only those guys in the same team with the same type of Noble Phantasms can barely compete with him.

"How about it, Miss, do you like it too?" Schumacher has always been proud of his car.

After more than a month of continuous tracking and investigation, the whereabouts of the missing person have still not been found. At the same time, some changes began to occur among the vast majority of people ignored by the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

Originally, this was supposed to be a good thing. However, because the number of people who broke through clearly exceeded the normal number, it has directly affected the royal families of many countries (because a large number of royal personnel participated in the ceremony), leading to a series of coups.

"Sebas?" Of course Jussis, who had just arrived at Cavendish Castle, didn't know where the appropriate place was, so he could only ask the castle steward.

"Ha! Ha! Of course you probably haven't seen it, you'll know when you sit on it." Schumacher had already taken the initiative to sit in the driver's seat, and Jussis and Sebas quickly sat in the back.

As a qualified housekeeper, he cannot expect the eldest lady to cooperate with him, but he should cooperate with the eldest lady. No matter how strange the eldest lady's hobbies are, he must satisfy her 100%.

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

The highest-ranking person missing from the Supreme Cult is the Dark Knight Anakin, the deputy leader of the Paladin Order. The Mages Guild lost their future star, Io, the operator of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube, and the body of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube. Of course, many others disappeared too.

"Sebas... pay..."

This is a Noble Phantasm born only for speed, the fastest car of the Supreme Religion. If you run at full speed on terrain without obstacles, you can easily surpass the speed of sound steel monster. Although many powerful people can use attacks that exceed the speed of sound when they explode to the extreme, it is absolutely impossible to last. His Red Storm, which surges at speeds beyond sound, is an exception among exceptions. Only those guys in the same team with the same type of Noble Phantasms can barely compete with him.

"Of course, of course." Richard nodded suddenly, feeling afraid of the unrealistic idea he had just thought about. If he had really done that, it's hard to say whether he would still be standing here now.

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

Although the Supreme Religion will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country casually in principle. But this time the phenomenon was obviously not normal, so they conducted a careful investigation. Then it was discovered that the newly promoted seventh-level experts who appeared in large numbers during this period were almost all those who had participated in that festival.

"How about it, Miss, do you like it too?" Schumacher has always been proud of his car.

Among the seventh-level experts, the only one who could easily surpass him was Noah, the young paladin who wielded the Silver Sword Angel. However, it is a Flying Noble Phantasm, and it is also the legacy of the Brave of Light. There is only one in the entire continent, so there is no way to compare with it.

The highest-ranking person missing from the Supreme Cult is the Dark Knight Anakin, the deputy leader of the Paladin Order. The Mages Guild lost their future star, Io, the operator of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube, and the body of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube. Of course, many others disappeared too.

The highest-ranking person missing from the Supreme Cult is the Dark Knight Anakin, the deputy leader of the Paladin Order. The Mages Guild lost their future star, Io, the operator of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube, and the body of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube. Of course, many others disappeared too.

"Then, Miss, let's go back. Mr. Schumacher's Noble Phantasm is very fast, and not everyone is qualified to sit on it. If you want to take a walk, you can come back anytime, anywhere." After turning around, Sebas The expression immediately returned to the standard butler mode.

The highest-ranking person missing from the Supreme Cult is the Dark Knight Anakin, the deputy leader of the Paladin Order. The Mages Guild lost their future star, Io, the operator of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube, and the body of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube. Of course, many others disappeared too.

"Something weird." Jussis didn't know how to describe it, but he had never seen anything like this before. Should this be considered a car? It has wheels like the carriage we just saw, but it seems to be pulled by nothing.

"Understood, Miss." Sebas lowered his head, and then placed enough gold coins to pay for the food Jussis had just eaten ten times in front of the bar owner Richard.

While putting down the gold coins, Sebas seriously told the bar owner some things he should pay attention to.

"Ha! Ha! Of course you probably haven't seen it, you'll know when you sit on it." Schumacher had already taken the initiative to sit in the driver's seat, and Jussis and Sebas quickly sat in the back.

After more than a month of continuous tracking and investigation, the whereabouts of the missing person have still not been found. At the same time, some changes began to occur among the vast majority of people ignored by the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

However, as the heir of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, the eldest lady is certainly qualified to enter.

Forests, bridges, and hillsides all flashed by, and the red storm raised a huge plume of smoke. In ten seconds, Jussis and Sebastian were brought back to the Cavendish family's castle, so fast that Jussis didn't even turn around.

While putting down the gold coins, Sebas seriously told the bar owner some things he should pay attention to.

"Bang!" Two red straps automatically stretched out from the backs of Jusis and Sebas, fixing the two people in their seats.

In just one month, more than thirty newly promoted seventh-level experts appeared. This kind of abnormal growth rate has only appeared in several wars that swept the entire continent.

"Bang!" Two red straps automatically stretched out from the backs of Jusis and Sebas, fixing the two people in their seats.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

"Okay." Jussis nodded. Then he walked out of the bar and came to the red steel monster that had just knocked the trio away.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

However, as the heir of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, the eldest lady is certainly qualified to enter.

This Sebas is not simple, Richard could feel it instinctively. If this old man wanted to do something to him, he might not even have time to react. Of course, he is not an idiot and would never provoke a behemoth like the Cavendish family. Compared to this family with a true sage, the treacherous noble family he once joined was simply not worth mentioning.

"Thank you for taking care of my young lady. However, if possible, I hope you can keep her identity secret. The eldest lady seems to like to go for walks by herself. From now on, our Cavendish family will pay for her stay here in full, no need to Charge her again." Although he seemed to be discussing, his unquestionable tone had completely overwhelmed the bar owner.

This sense of speed cannot be felt at all when in the air. When being carried by Ice Phoenix's mother and Cavendish, although I knew that the speed must be very fast, because there were not many reference points, the feeling was not that shocking.

But Schumacher's extreme speed gave him a real sense of high speed. The feeling of watching everything around you disappear behind you at a speed that can hardly be seen by the eyes is really exciting.

"Don't worry, it's just a seat belt. If ordinary people sit in this position, they must use that one, otherwise they will be easily thrown out." Schumacher pulled off his red hat. How long has it been since you carried women? The woman who got into his car last time was a strong woman who didn't need a seat belt. Remember her name was Rasha. She is so strong that she can actually flip over the red storm while sprinting at high speed with her bare hands.

"Thank you for taking care of my young lady. However, if possible, I hope you can keep her identity secret. The eldest lady seems to like to go for walks by herself. From now on, our Cavendish family will pay for her stay here in full, no need to Charge her again." Although he seemed to be discussing, his unquestionable tone had completely overwhelmed the bar owner.

Although the Supreme Religion will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country casually in principle. But this time the phenomenon was obviously not normal, so they conducted a careful investigation. Then it was discovered that the newly promoted seventh-level experts who appeared in large numbers during this period were almost all those who had participated in that festival.

"Sebas?" Of course Jussis, who had just arrived at Cavendish Castle, didn't know where the appropriate place was, so he could only ask the castle steward.

"Sebas... pay..."

Originally, this was supposed to be a good thing. However, because the number of people who broke through clearly exceeded the normal number, it has directly affected the royal families of many countries (because a large number of royal personnel participated in the ceremony), leading to a series of coups.

"Run, Red Storm!" After confirming that the seat belt was on, Schumacher started a new sprint.

In just one month, more than thirty newly promoted seventh-level experts appeared. This kind of abnormal growth rate has only appeared in several wars that swept the entire continent.

However, as the heir of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, the eldest lady is certainly qualified to enter.

"Ha! Ha! Of course you probably haven't seen it, you'll know when you sit on it." Schumacher had already taken the initiative to sit in the driver's seat, and Jussis and Sebas quickly sat in the back.

The highest-ranking person missing from the Supreme Cult is the Dark Knight Anakin, the deputy leader of the Paladin Order. The Mages Guild lost their future star, Io, the operator of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube, and the body of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube. Of course, many others disappeared too.

Among the seventh-level experts, the only one who could easily surpass him was Noah, the young paladin who wielded the Silver Sword Angel. However, it is a Flying Noble Phantasm, and it is also the legacy of the Brave of Light. There is only one in the entire continent, so there is no way to compare with it.

"Understood, Miss." Sebas lowered his head, and then placed enough gold coins to pay for the food Jussis had just eaten ten times in front of the bar owner Richard.

"Huh!" Yosis only felt that the scenery in front of him was blurry. In the blink of an eye, the town was left far behind. For Red Storm, which can travel at supersonic speeds, this distance is really not worth mentioning.

"Run, Red Storm!" After confirming that the seat belt was on, Schumacher started a new sprint.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

Because there were so many people attending the festival, and many of them were kings and nobles from other countries. After confirming that no harm was done, the Supreme God had no choice but to let them leave. At that time, compared to these people, the many powerful men whose whereabouts were unknown attracted more attention from the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

"First meeting, the eldest lady of the Cavendish family. It's hard to say the specific things here. Let's go back to the castle together." Schumacher looked at the dumbfounded bar owner Richard. What he is going to talk about later is still extremely confidential and cannot be known to ordinary people.

However, as the heir of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, the eldest lady is certainly qualified to enter.

Forests, bridges, and hillsides all flashed by, and the red storm raised a huge plume of smoke. In ten seconds, Jussis and Sebastian were brought back to the Cavendish family's castle, so fast that Jussis didn't even turn around.

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

This Sebas is not simple, Richard could feel it instinctively. If this old man wanted to do something to him, he might not even have time to react. Of course, he is not an idiot and would never provoke a behemoth like the Cavendish family. Compared to this family with a true sage, the treacherous noble family he once joined was simply not worth mentioning.

Forests, bridges, and hillsides all flashed by, and the red storm raised a huge plume of smoke. In ten seconds, Jussis and Sebastian were brought back to the Cavendish family's castle, so fast that Jussis didn't even turn around.

This sense of speed cannot be felt at all when in the air. When being carried by Ice Phoenix's mother and Cavendish, although I knew that the speed must be very fast, because there were not many reference points, the feeling was not that shocking.

This Sebas is not simple, Richard could feel it instinctively. If this old man wanted to do something to him, he might not even have time to react. Of course, he is not an idiot and would never provoke a behemoth like the Cavendish family. Compared to this family with a true sage, the treacherous noble family he once joined was simply not worth mentioning.

Forests, bridges, and hillsides all flashed by, and the red storm raised a huge plume of smoke. In ten seconds, Jussis and Sebastian were brought back to the Cavendish family's castle, so fast that Jussis didn't even turn around.

"Sebas... pay..."

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

Although the Supreme Religion will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country casually in principle. But this time the phenomenon was obviously not normal, so they conducted a careful investigation. Then it was discovered that the newly promoted seventh-level experts who appeared in large numbers during this period were almost all those who had participated in that festival.

But Schumacher's extreme speed gave him a real sense of high speed. The feeling of watching everything around you disappear behind you at a speed that can hardly be seen by the eyes is really exciting.

"Don't worry, it's just a seat belt. If ordinary people sit in this position, they must use that one, otherwise they will be easily thrown out." Schumacher pulled off his red hat. How long has it been since you carried women? The woman who got into his car last time was a strong woman who didn't need a seat belt. Remember her name was Rasha. She is so strong that she can actually flip over the red storm while sprinting at high speed with her bare hands.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

No one knows where or who it started from in the first place. However, among the people who participated in that glorious festival, a very small number of people did change. The most obvious thing is that many warriors and magicians who have reached the peak of the Sixth Level long ago and were blocked by the wall of human limits have broken through and become true seventh-level experts.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

"First meeting, the eldest lady of the Cavendish family. It's hard to say the specific things here. Let's go back to the castle together." Schumacher looked at the dumbfounded bar owner Richard. What he is going to talk about later is still extremely confidential and cannot be known to ordinary people.

As a qualified housekeeper, he cannot expect the eldest lady to cooperate with him, but he should cooperate with the eldest lady. No matter how strange the eldest lady's hobbies are, he must satisfy her 100%.

"Huh!" Yosis only felt that the scenery in front of him was blurry. In the blink of an eye, the town was left far behind. For Red Storm, which can travel at supersonic speeds, this distance is really not worth mentioning.

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

"Sebas... pay..."

While putting down the gold coins, Sebas seriously told the bar owner some things he should pay attention to.

"It's my honor to be appreciated by you. What I want to say next is very important, please find a suitable place to speak." Schumacher is very happy that there is one more aristocratic woman who likes high-speed racing. Not all women will like this. Many noble ladies are curious at first, but after sitting there for a while, most of them will be frightened, and many of them will faint from fright.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

What makes people feel strange is that although the scale of the attack by those insect-like monsters is unprecedentedly large, the actual casualties caused can be said to be minimal. The millions of ordinary people immersed in the red waters suffered almost no real harm. It seems that the time they were immersed in the red sea water was just a strange dream for them.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

"It's my honor to be appreciated by you. What I want to say next is very important, please find a suitable place to speak." Schumacher is very happy that there is one more aristocratic woman who likes high-speed racing. Not all women will like this. Many noble ladies are curious at first, but after sitting there for a while, most of them will be frightened, and many of them will faint from fright.

"Sebas?" Of course Jussis, who had just arrived at Cavendish Castle, didn't know where the appropriate place was, so he could only ask the castle steward.

"Run, Red Storm!" After confirming that the seat belt was on, Schumacher started a new sprint.

This sense of speed cannot be felt at all when in the air. When being carried by Ice Phoenix's mother and Cavendish, although I knew that the speed must be very fast, because there were not many reference points, the feeling was not that shocking.

"How about it, Miss, do you like it too?" Schumacher has always been proud of his car.

After more than a month of continuous tracking and investigation, the whereabouts of the missing person have still not been found. At the same time, some changes began to occur among the vast majority of people ignored by the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

This Sebas is not simple, Richard could feel it instinctively. If this old man wanted to do something to him, he might not even have time to react. Of course, he is not an idiot and would never provoke a behemoth like the Cavendish family. Compared to this family with a true sage, the treacherous noble family he once joined was simply not worth mentioning.

"Of course, of course." Richard nodded suddenly, feeling afraid of the unrealistic idea he had just thought about. If he had really done that, it's hard to say whether he would still be standing here now.

"Don't worry, it's just a seat belt. If ordinary people sit in this position, they must use that one, otherwise they will be easily thrown out." Schumacher pulled off his red hat. How long has it been since you carried women? The woman who got into his car last time was a strong woman who didn't need a seat belt. Remember her name was Rasha. She is so strong that she can actually flip over the red storm while sprinting at high speed with her bare hands.

"Sebas?" Of course Jussis, who had just arrived at Cavendish Castle, didn't know where the appropriate place was, so he could only ask the castle steward.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded, then stood up and prepared to leave. However, before leaving, he remembered something important.

No one knows where or who it started from in the first place. However, among the people who participated in that glorious festival, a very small number of people did change. The most obvious thing is that many warriors and magicians who have reached the peak of the Sixth Level long ago and were blocked by the wall of human limits have broken through and become true seventh-level experts.

No one knows where or who it started from in the first place. However, among the people who participated in that glorious festival, a very small number of people did change. The most obvious thing is that many warriors and magicians who have reached the peak of the Sixth Level long ago and were blocked by the wall of human limits have broken through and become true seventh-level experts.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

"Then, please go to the master's laboratory. It is the most defensive place in the castle and can isolate all detection magic and sound." Sebastian took the initiative to lead Jussis and Schumacher to the underground of the castle. He was the only one who could get in there. He was the only one in the castle.

"Sebas... pay..."

"First meeting, the eldest lady of the Cavendish family. It's hard to say the specific things here. Let's go back to the castle together." Schumacher looked at the dumbfounded bar owner Richard. What he is going to talk about later is still extremely confidential and cannot be known to ordinary people.

However, as the heir of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, the eldest lady is certainly qualified to enter.

"Then, please go to the master's laboratory. It is the most defensive place in the castle and can isolate all detection magic and sound." Sebastian took the initiative to lead Jussis and Schumacher to the underground of the castle. He was the only one who could get in there. He was the only one in the castle.

The highest-ranking person missing from the Supreme Cult is the Dark Knight Anakin, the deputy leader of the Paladin Order. The Mages Guild lost their future star, Io, the operator of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube, and the body of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube. Of course, many others disappeared too.

Because there were so many people attending the festival, and many of them were kings and nobles from other countries. After confirming that no harm was done, the Supreme God had no choice but to let them leave. At that time, compared to these people, the many powerful men whose whereabouts were unknown attracted more attention from the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

"The matter is very important, so I won't say any more polite words. Please be sure to tell Mr. Cavendish, the Sage of Water, about this matter. He may be in danger." Passed through ten steel gates and entered the temporarily idle After entering the laboratory, Schumacher couldn't wait to tell Jussis the news he had brought. This is extremely important news that has been confirmed by the Supreme Religion and the Mages Guild.

"The matter is very important, so I won't say any more polite words. Please be sure to tell Mr. Cavendish, the Sage of Water, about this matter. He may be in danger." Passed through ten steel gates and entered the temporarily idle After entering the laboratory, Schumacher couldn't wait to tell Jussis the news he had brought. This is extremely important news that has been confirmed by the Supreme Religion and the Mages Guild.

Originally, this was supposed to be a good thing. However, because the number of people who broke through clearly exceeded the normal number, it has directly affected the royal families of many countries (because a large number of royal personnel participated in the ceremony), leading to a series of coups.

"First meeting, the eldest lady of the Cavendish family. It's hard to say the specific things here. Let's go back to the castle together." Schumacher looked at the dumbfounded bar owner Richard. What he is going to talk about later is still extremely confidential and cannot be known to ordinary people.

In just one month, more than thirty newly promoted seventh-level experts appeared. This kind of abnormal growth rate has only appeared in several wars that swept the entire continent.

"Huh!" Yosis only felt that the scenery in front of him was blurry. In the blink of an eye, the town was left far behind. For Red Storm, which can travel at supersonic speeds, this distance is really not worth mentioning.

Originally, this was supposed to be a good thing. However, because the number of people who broke through clearly exceeded the normal number, it has directly affected the royal families of many countries (because a large number of royal personnel participated in the ceremony), leading to a series of coups.

"Understood, Miss." Sebas lowered his head, and then placed enough gold coins to pay for the food Jussis had just eaten ten times in front of the bar owner Richard.

"Danger? Teacher?" Yosis was a little confused. The teacher is very, very strong. Even Ice Phoenix's mother has taken the attack. What danger would such a strong teacher be in

"Then, Miss, let's go back. Mr. Schumacher's Noble Phantasm is very fast, and not everyone is qualified to sit on it. If you want to take a walk, you can come back anytime, anywhere." After turning around, Sebas The expression immediately returned to the standard butler mode.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

Although the Supreme Religion will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country casually in principle. But this time the phenomenon was obviously not normal, so they conducted a careful investigation. Then it was discovered that the newly promoted seventh-level experts who appeared in large numbers during this period were almost all those who had participated in that festival.

"First meeting, the eldest lady of the Cavendish family. It's hard to say the specific things here. Let's go back to the castle together." Schumacher looked at the dumbfounded bar owner Richard. What he is going to talk about later is still extremely confidential and cannot be known to ordinary people.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

"Something weird." Jussis didn't know how to describe it, but he had never seen anything like this before. Should this be considered a car? It has wheels like the carriage we just saw, but it seems to be pulled by nothing.

"Thank you for taking care of my young lady. However, if possible, I hope you can keep her identity secret. The eldest lady seems to like to go for walks by herself. From now on, our Cavendish family will pay for her stay here in full, no need to Charge her again." Although he seemed to be discussing, his unquestionable tone had completely overwhelmed the bar owner.

"Sebas... pay..."

After investigation, the Supreme God Religion has been able to confirm that the root cause of this change came from the Glory Ceremony not long ago.

"Huh!" Yosis only felt that the scenery in front of him was blurry. In the blink of an eye, the town was left far behind. For Red Storm, which can travel at supersonic speeds, this distance is really not worth mentioning.

After investigation, the Supreme God Religion has been able to confirm that the root cause of this change came from the Glory Ceremony not long ago.

As a qualified housekeeper, he cannot expect the eldest lady to cooperate with him, but he should cooperate with the eldest lady. No matter how strange the eldest lady's hobbies are, he must satisfy her 100%.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

This is a Noble Phantasm born only for speed, the fastest car of the Supreme Religion. If you run at full speed on terrain without obstacles, you can easily surpass the speed of sound steel monster. Although many powerful people can use attacks that exceed the speed of sound when they explode to the extreme, it is absolutely impossible to last. His Red Storm, which surges at speeds beyond sound, is an exception among exceptions. Only those guys in the same team with the same type of Noble Phantasms can barely compete with him.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

This sense of speed cannot be felt at all when in the air. When being carried by Ice Phoenix's mother and Cavendish, although I knew that the speed must be very fast, because there were not many reference points, the feeling was not that shocking.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

"The matter is very important, so I won't say any more polite words. Please be sure to tell Mr. Cavendish, the Sage of Water, about this matter. He may be in danger." Passed through ten steel gates and entered the temporarily idle After entering the laboratory, Schumacher couldn't wait to tell Jussis the news he had brought. This is extremely important news that has been confirmed by the Supreme Religion and the Mages Guild.

"Don't worry, it's just a seat belt. If ordinary people sit in this position, they must use that one, otherwise they will be easily thrown out." Schumacher pulled off his red hat. How long has it been since you carried women? The woman who got into his car last time was a strong woman who didn't need a seat belt. Remember her name was Rasha. She is so strong that she can actually flip over the red storm while sprinting at high speed with her bare hands.

"How about it, Miss, do you like it too?" Schumacher has always been proud of his car.

What makes people feel strange is that although the scale of the attack by those insect-like monsters is unprecedentedly large, the actual casualties caused can be said to be minimal. The millions of ordinary people immersed in the red waters suffered almost no real harm. It seems that the time they were immersed in the red sea water was just a strange dream for them.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

Because there were so many people attending the festival, and many of them were kings and nobles from other countries. After confirming that no harm was done, the Supreme God had no choice but to let them leave. At that time, compared to these people, the many powerful men whose whereabouts were unknown attracted more attention from the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

"Danger? Teacher?" Yosis was a little confused. The teacher is very, very strong. Even Ice Phoenix's mother has taken the attack. What danger would such a strong teacher be in

"Sebas... pay..."

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded, then stood up and prepared to leave. However, before leaving, he remembered something important.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

Because there were so many people attending the festival, and many of them were kings and nobles from other countries. After confirming that no harm was done, the Supreme God had no choice but to let them leave. At that time, compared to these people, the many powerful men whose whereabouts were unknown attracted more attention from the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

No one knows where or who it started from in the first place. However, among the people who participated in that glorious festival, a very small number of people did change. The most obvious thing is that many warriors and magicians who have reached the peak of the Sixth Level long ago and were blocked by the wall of human limits have broken through and become true seventh-level experts.

The highest-ranking person missing from the Supreme Cult is the Dark Knight Anakin, the deputy leader of the Paladin Order. The Mages Guild lost their future star, Io, the operator of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube, and the body of the Space Demon Ten-Dimensional Cube. Of course, many others disappeared too.

"Sebas... pay..."

This Sebas is not simple, Richard could feel it instinctively. If this old man wanted to do something to him, he might not even have time to react. Of course, he is not an idiot and would never provoke a behemoth like the Cavendish family. Compared to this family with a true sage, the treacherous noble family he once joined was simply not worth mentioning.

This is a Noble Phantasm born only for speed, the fastest car of the Supreme Religion. If you run at full speed on terrain without obstacles, you can easily surpass the speed of sound steel monster. Although many powerful people can use attacks that exceed the speed of sound when they explode to the extreme, it is absolutely impossible to last. His Red Storm, which surges at speeds beyond sound, is an exception among exceptions. Only those guys in the same team with the same type of Noble Phantasms can barely compete with him.

"Understood, Miss." Sebas lowered his head, and then placed enough gold coins to pay for the food Jussis had just eaten ten times in front of the bar owner Richard.

After more than a month of continuous tracking and investigation, the whereabouts of the missing person have still not been found. At the same time, some changes began to occur among the vast majority of people ignored by the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

While putting down the gold coins, Sebas seriously told the bar owner some things he should pay attention to.

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

"Danger? Teacher?" Yosis was a little confused. The teacher is very, very strong. Even Ice Phoenix's mother has taken the attack. What danger would such a strong teacher be in

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

"Understood, Miss." Sebas lowered his head, and then placed enough gold coins to pay for the food Jussis had just eaten ten times in front of the bar owner Richard.

"Understood, Miss." Sebas lowered his head, and then placed enough gold coins to pay for the food Jussis had just eaten ten times in front of the bar owner Richard.

"Something weird." Jussis didn't know how to describe it, but he had never seen anything like this before. Should this be considered a car? It has wheels like the carriage we just saw, but it seems to be pulled by nothing.

But Schumacher's extreme speed gave him a real sense of high speed. The feeling of watching everything around you disappear behind you at a speed that can hardly be seen by the eyes is really exciting.

No one knows where or who it started from in the first place. However, among the people who participated in that glorious festival, a very small number of people did change. The most obvious thing is that many warriors and magicians who have reached the peak of the Sixth Level long ago and were blocked by the wall of human limits have broken through and become true seventh-level experts.

This Sebas is not simple, Richard could feel it instinctively. If this old man wanted to do something to him, he might not even have time to react. Of course, he is not an idiot and would never provoke a behemoth like the Cavendish family. Compared to this family with a true sage, the treacherous noble family he once joined was simply not worth mentioning.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded, then stood up and prepared to leave. However, before leaving, he remembered something important.

As a qualified housekeeper, he cannot expect the eldest lady to cooperate with him, but he should cooperate with the eldest lady. No matter how strange the eldest lady's hobbies are, he must satisfy her 100%.

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

"Yeah." Jussis nodded, then stood up and prepared to leave. However, before leaving, he remembered something important.

Forests, bridges, and hillsides all flashed by, and the red storm raised a huge plume of smoke. In ten seconds, Jussis and Sebastian were brought back to the Cavendish family's castle, so fast that Jussis didn't even turn around.

"Thank you for taking care of my young lady. However, if possible, I hope you can keep her identity secret. The eldest lady seems to like to go for walks by herself. From now on, our Cavendish family will pay for her stay here in full, no need to Charge her again." Although he seemed to be discussing, his unquestionable tone had completely overwhelmed the bar owner.

In just one month, more than thirty newly promoted seventh-level experts appeared. This kind of abnormal growth rate has only appeared in several wars that swept the entire continent.

However, as the heir of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, the eldest lady is certainly qualified to enter.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

In just one month, more than thirty newly promoted seventh-level experts appeared. This kind of abnormal growth rate has only appeared in several wars that swept the entire continent.

Although the Supreme Religion will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country casually in principle. But this time the phenomenon was obviously not normal, so they conducted a careful investigation. Then it was discovered that the newly promoted seventh-level experts who appeared in large numbers during this period were almost all those who had participated in that festival.

Originally, this was supposed to be a good thing. However, because the number of people who broke through clearly exceeded the normal number, it has directly affected the royal families of many countries (because a large number of royal personnel participated in the ceremony), leading to a series of coups.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

"This matter starts with the glorious festival that was attacked not long ago..." Schumacher's expression was very serious. Because he himself was one of the parties involved in that attack.

"First meeting, the eldest lady of the Cavendish family. It's hard to say the specific things here. Let's go back to the castle together." Schumacher looked at the dumbfounded bar owner Richard. What he is going to talk about later is still extremely confidential and cannot be known to ordinary people.

This Sebas is not simple, Richard could feel it instinctively. If this old man wanted to do something to him, he might not even have time to react. Of course, he is not an idiot and would never provoke a behemoth like the Cavendish family. Compared to this family with a true sage, the treacherous noble family he once joined was simply not worth mentioning.

"Something weird." Jussis didn't know how to describe it, but he had never seen anything like this before. Should this be considered a car? It has wheels like the carriage we just saw, but it seems to be pulled by nothing.

Although the Supreme Religion will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country casually in principle. But this time the phenomenon was obviously not normal, so they conducted a careful investigation. Then it was discovered that the newly promoted seventh-level experts who appeared in large numbers during this period were almost all those who had participated in that festival.

"First meeting, the eldest lady of the Cavendish family. It's hard to say the specific things here. Let's go back to the castle together." Schumacher looked at the dumbfounded bar owner Richard. What he is going to talk about later is still extremely confidential and cannot be known to ordinary people.

"Then, Miss, let's go back. Mr. Schumacher's Noble Phantasm is very fast, and not everyone is qualified to sit on it. If you want to take a walk, you can come back anytime, anywhere." After turning around, Sebas The expression immediately returned to the standard butler mode.

But Schumacher's extreme speed gave him a real sense of high speed. The feeling of watching everything around you disappear behind you at a speed that can hardly be seen by the eyes is really exciting.

While putting down the gold coins, Sebas seriously told the bar owner some things he should pay attention to.

"The matter is very important, so I won't say any more polite words. Please be sure to tell Mr. Cavendish, the Sage of Water, about this matter. He may be in danger." Passed through ten steel gates and entered the temporarily idle After entering the laboratory, Schumacher couldn't wait to tell Jussis the news he had brought. This is extremely important news that has been confirmed by the Supreme Religion and the Mages Guild.

"Yeah." Jussis nodded, then stood up and prepared to leave. However, before leaving, he remembered something important.

"Something weird." Jussis didn't know how to describe it, but he had never seen anything like this before. Should this be considered a car? It has wheels like the carriage we just saw, but it seems to be pulled by nothing.

After investigation, the Supreme God Religion has been able to confirm that the root cause of this change came from the Glory Ceremony not long ago.

Although the Supreme Religion will not interfere in the internal affairs of the country casually in principle. But this time the phenomenon was obviously not normal, so they conducted a careful investigation. Then it was discovered that the newly promoted seventh-level experts who appeared in large numbers during this period were almost all those who had participated in that festival.

"Of course, of course." Richard nodded suddenly, feeling afraid of the unrealistic idea he had just thought about. If he had really done that, it's hard to say whether he would still be standing here now.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.

After investigation, the Supreme God Religion has been able to confirm that the root cause of this change came from the Glory Ceremony not long ago.

However, as the heir of Cavendish, the Sage of Water, the eldest lady is certainly qualified to enter.

"Huh!" Yosis only felt that the scenery in front of him was blurry. In the blink of an eye, the town was left far behind. For Red Storm, which can travel at supersonic speeds, this distance is really not worth mentioning.

Because there were so many people attending the festival, and many of them were kings and nobles from other countries. After confirming that no harm was done, the Supreme God had no choice but to let them leave. At that time, compared to these people, the many powerful men whose whereabouts were unknown attracted more attention from the Supreme Religion and the Mage Guild.

"Then, Miss, let's go back. Mr. Schumacher's Noble Phantasm is very fast, and not everyone is qualified to sit on it. If you want to take a walk, you can come back anytime, anywhere." After turning around, Sebas The expression immediately returned to the standard butler mode.

"Thank you for taking care of my young lady. However, if possible, I hope you can keep her identity secret. The eldest lady seems to like to go for walks by herself. From now on, our Cavendish family will pay for her stay here in full, no need to Charge her again." Although he seemed to be discussing, his unquestionable tone had completely overwhelmed the bar owner.

"So fast." Jussis had an incredible feeling when he got off Schumacher's car. Was he back in just the blink of an eye

If you look at it up close, this red steel object looks even sharper and more ferocious. Especially the dark horse logo at the top, it feels like it may rush out anytime and anywhere.

"Then, Miss, let's go back. Mr. Schumacher's Noble Phantasm is very fast, and not everyone is qualified to sit on it. If you want to take a walk, you can come back anytime, anywhere." After turning around, Sebas The expression immediately returned to the standard butler mode.

"Sebas... pay..."

Forests, bridges, and hillsides all flashed by, and the red storm raised a huge plume of smoke. In ten seconds, Jussis and Sebastian were brought back to the Cavendish family's castle, so fast that Jussis didn't even turn around.

After the enemy of the attack was defeated due to the divine magic jointly launched by the Pope of the Supreme Religion and twelve cardinals, the Pope at that time decisively interrupted the ceremony and began to treat many people injured in the attack.