Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 14: Ready to act


Listening to the conversation between the two boys and girls behind him, Chen Yuanjie was in a cold sweat. Suddenly he realized that this girl named Xu Ruoting seemed very pitiful. After a group of people entered the house, Zhao Yanbin outside the door also followed in, only this time. His face was still serious with a bit of anger, but he didn't say anything. Now all he can do is protect the Chen family on the spot. At least after tonight, he has to talk about the mansion in the Mid-Levels Villa District. It is indeed more elegant than ordinary villas. It is completely European retro style. Every piece of furniture is uniquely customized from abroad. Just some antique murals placed around the hall, even those who do not know how to do it know that they are expensive, but At this moment, the Chen family was not interested in being a tour guide for other people. After Yuan Tianzong walked into the house, he put the bicycle that he was resisting on him beside the sofa in the middle of the hall, and sat down with a sorrowful gesture. Sigh

"Ah... This sofa is really comfortable."

But everyone except Xu Ruoting looked at him with a strange look, because at the moment Yuan Tianzong was at the top of his head where the victim Xiao Liu was hanged, Yuan Tianzong laughed at the expressions of everyone.

"What are you afraid of? Just sit down, you are welcome, by the way, I want to eat lamb for dinner."

Chen Yuanjie said with a dazed expression


"Yes, how can I work hard if I don't eat enough?"

Chen Yuanjie smiled bitterly

"Should we go out to eat? I always feel weird here, I really don't have the appetite to eat."

Yuan Tianzong looked at Xu Ruoting and said

"Ruo Ting, give me a takeaway, let's cook the lamb, and the money will be reimbursed for you."

Chen Yuanjie looked embarrassed and waved his hand.

"Well, if you want to eat lamb, I'll let someone prepare it, so you don't have to be so troublesome."

But Yuan Tianzong said directly

"No trouble, this thing is very convenient. By the way, where is your son? Didn't he come back? Didn't I say that everyone will be there tonight?"

Chen Yuanjie said helplessly

"I have asked Jin Dabao to find the bastard kid. Master, don't worry, he will come back soon."

Xu Ruoting helped Yuan Tianzong order a lamb casserole, and deliberately made a note of the spicy version. She also ordered other foods. The sensible Xu Ruoting looked at Chen Yuanjie and the others.

"Well, do I also order one for you? Would you like to order one? There will be more discounts like this."

Well, the common people’s habit of ordering takeaways is undoubtedly revealed. Chen Yuanjie, who did it, smiled awkwardly, but it was not good to refuse, and he nodded in response.

"Well, little girl, you can figure it out, I don't have any appetite."

At the moment, Mr. Chen's two daughters also shook their heads and signaled that they were also unable to eat, but Zhao Yanbin directly asked other police officers to buy a box of lunch. Xu Ruoting had no choice but to order two takeaways. At this moment, everyone seemed to have nothing to do. In such an environment, neither standing nor sitting, Yuan Tianzong patted his legs directly after sitting for a while and stood up. This move was sudden. Now Yuan Tianzong’s every move involves other people’s sensitive nerves. At this moment, everyone looked at the master strangely, but Yuan Tianzong did not speak, walked to his bicycle, unplugged the cushion of his lady’s bicycle, and pulled up the connecting rod. This behavior was even more inexplicable for everyone, and he held the cushion in his hand. Here, Yuan Tianzong said directly

"I just wander around, you are free."

Chen Yuanjie realized that this master seemed to have acted. Before the others could react, he saw Yuan Tianzong holding the long handle of the cushion. The corner of the triangular cushion was actually swaying from side to side in his hand, as if he was looking for something. Looking at it, this villa has three floors. Yuan Tianzong went to all the rooms from the first floor to the third floor, and even the toilets. When he came downstairs, the takeaway happened to arrive. Chen Yuanjie was a little nervous.

"Master, did you find that thing?"

The thing Chen Yuanjie said was a ghost, but Yuan Tianzong smiled slightly

"The ghost here is so embarrassing that it fills almost every room, especially the first one on the left on the second floor. Whose room is there?"

Chen Yuanjie replied immediately

"That's the house of my youngest son Chen Song, but he doesn't come back often, and he has a house outside."

Yuan Tianzong's face was flat and just "oh". When everyone was expecting what the master would say next, Yuan Tianzong actually ate the takeaway he ordered, and Chen Yuanjie was taken aback.

"Master? Nothing else?"

Yuan Tianzong paused the lamb beside his mouth

"No, what else do you need to know?"

"This... Is that thing here?"

Yuan Tianzong rolled his eyes and said

"Please, there are so many people here. If you are a ghost, will you come out? Use your brain in everything, brother."

Xu Ruoting "pouch" laughed. She had personally experienced Yuan Tianzong’s viper mouth, but Xu Ruoting didn’t seem to care about what Yuan Tianzong said about the ghosts and grotesques. Now he just wants to see Yuan Tianzong eat the hot money. The expression after the mutton was cooked, but Chen Yuanjie’s second daughter couldn’t listen to it anymore. She was stopped by Chen Yuanjie and gave a stern look when she was about to have an attack. Chen Biqin chopped her feet severely and turned towards her elder sister. Tao

"Sister, what's wrong with Dad, don't you care if this person talks to Dad like this? It's horrible."

But Chen Beifang smiled slightly

"Xiaoqin, do you know that this master let me and my father see my mother again, you may say that you don't believe it, but all this is true, believe us, we are not crazy."

This morning, due to the rush of time, Chen Yuanjie did not explain to his little daughter, only that he invited a master to exorcise evil spirits. Originally, Chen Biqin was nothing, but now that Yuan Tianzong has such a personality, he is very unconvinced. Yuan Tianzong continued to eat the mutton pot. When the first bite of mutton was eaten, Xu Ruoting glanced at him. The imaginable scene did not happen. Yuan Tianzong chewed the mutton a few times and swallowed it directly. Xu Ruoting gave a thumbs up

"Yes, I know I like spicy food, and it’s done beautifully."

Xu Ruoting was speechless, and time passed by every minute, but for Chen Yuanjie, life was like a year. When she wanted to arrange a room for Yuan Tianzong and Xu Ruoting, he directly refused.

"Oh, there is no need to arrange a room, I will sleep on this sofa, and so does her."

After speaking, Yuan Tianzong pointed to Xu Ruoting, which made Xu Ruoting very speechless. There was a big bed in a mansion room, so why did he sleep on the sofa in the lobby? Although this sofa is big and there is more than one, it can’t be compared with a single room, right? Seeing what Yuan Tianzong said, Chen Yuanjie also nodded, and didn't force him. Now everything this young man is doing seems to be messy, but in fact, Yuan Tianzong started to make arrangements as soon as he walked in. At 7 o'clock in the evening, the sky was already dark. Zhao Yanbin also stayed, but asked other colleagues to go back to work first. He also chose to sleep in the lobby, but Yuan Tianzong didn’t know where he found a popular console game console and put it in the living room to start playing. This should have come out of the pit in Chen Song’s room when he was visiting the house before. At this time, he was playing a monster-killing game. The scene inside was like hell. The huge disgusting monster was shouting with teeth and claws, and Yuan Tianzong The man is controlled by a knight holding a long sword. Chen Yuanjie and his two daughters have returned to their rooms to rest. This day is too bizarre for them. I guess they will never meet again in this life. Xu Ruoting looked at Yuan Tianzong boredly. Playing games, taunting

"What kind of game is this, it's disgusting, weird, do you like to play this?"

Yuan Tianzong disdainfully said

"Have you seen a more disgusting one? I have seen a live one."

"Blow on you, I curse you can never kill this monster."

This time I stepped on Yuan Tianzong’s sore spot. The only weakness of my own boss who likes to play games is that his skills are stinky.

"I'm going, you have the courage to fatten you, oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. Didn't you say why there are so many policemen here, because people have died here, and they died in this hall and were hanged. of."

Xu Ruoting was shocked when she heard that, she thought Yuan Tianzong deliberately frightened herself, but Zhao Yanbin from the Criminal Investigation Team was on the opposite side, and Yuan Tianzong pointed at Zhao Yanbin.

"Do you think I lied to you? Ask him if you don't believe me."

Zhao Yanbin frowned slightly. He had been sitting on the sofa on the other side of the hall since just now, looking at the case information on his mobile phone, and from time to time he secretly observed Yuan Tianzong’s actions, but the boy had been playing games after eating. Didn’t do anything, this made the criminal investigation captain speechless. He was just a kid.

"Don't talk nonsense about this, it's not a joke."

But Xu Ruoting understood the meaning of this sentence. This is really the scene of the murder case. For a moment, Xu Ruoting only felt cold all over her body. That was terrifying, pointing to Yuan Tianzong angrily.

"You bastard, you, you, I fight with you."

But Yuan Tianzong turned his head and looked at Xu Ruoting's back, with a look of fear.

"Ah, there is a ghost, someone is moving behind you, it's a hanged ghost."

"what… "

Xu Ruoting, who had not rushed over, was so scared by Yuan Tianzong that she suddenly squatted on the ground with her hands on her head, unable to move, Yuan Tianzong turned to look at Zhao Yanbin.

"Hey, Officer Zhao, do you think her action is very similar to the professional surrender action when the prisoner is caught by you?" (End of this chapter)