Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 20: One artifact per person


When everyone returned to the hall, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and there were still two hours before twelve o'clock. Now everyone was in the hall. The words left by the ghost before he left really made everyone panic. Now this is short. Two hours is a torment for everyone. Xu Ruoting slowly opened her eyes from a coma, and a handsome face was looking at herself with a smile. There seemed to be some confusion, Xu Ruoting said.


But suddenly thinking of Chen Song’s terrifying face, Xu Ruoting jumped up from the sofa. Now Chen Song is also sitting in a corner of the sofa. Although the whole face is swollen, it is not as scary as before. Xu Ruoting looks at Yuan. Tianzong Road

"Did I dream just now?"

Yuan Tianzong nodded and said

"Yes, it's a dream. I believe you must have had a beautiful dream. Congratulations."

But Xu Ruoting is not a fool. She looked at the expressions of everyone around her and knew that she must not have been dreaming just now. She was really hell? At this moment, Xu Ruoting finally cried out with a "wow" and looked at Yuan Tianzong.

"You bastard, you hurt me miserably, you lied to me to come to this kind of ghost place, I, I..."

But Yuan Tianzong stretched out his hand and touched Xu Ruoting's head.

"There is always the first time in everything, trust your boss, no one can hurt you without me."

This sentence Yuan Tianzong said is extremely gentle, which is completely different from the annoying feeling before. Xu Ruoting was completely stunned at this moment, but I don’t know why what Yuan Tianzong said is so safe for me at the moment. , Chen Yuanjie finally spoke

"Master, what do we do now? That ghost looks very powerful, and what does it mean that twelve o'clock is the day of anger?"

But Jin Dabao on the side was the first to speak

"Xiao Chen, this resentment is terrible. I have read a book and it mentioned resentment. This ghost will one day be the most resentful moment of this ghost, but The specific time is not written in the book, but this book mentions that as long as the Li Gui reaches the day of resentment, then this Li Gui will have unprecedented power, and this Li Gui will also become a Sha Gui."

Although Chen Yuanjie was only half-knowledgeable, but he didn't seem to be aware of it, but Yuan Tianzong added

"The so-called evil spirit is that this evil spirit has collected enough grievances. Simply put, it has evolved. Once it becomes an evil spirit, it will truly become an evil thing that harms the world. After the ordinary evil spirit takes revenge, it will naturally disappear in the heaven and earth. In this world, you can’t live forever. This is also the price of revenge as a ghost, but after turning into an evil ghost, she can stay in this world forever, and she will continue to harm living people to maintain her own strength, so you understand ?"

Jin Dabao doubted

"But why did this ghost become an evil ghost? Although it is not mentioned in the book, it is not so easy for an ordinary ghost to become an evil ghost? Does it need to meet any conditions?"

Yuan Tianzong looked at Jin Dabao and smiled slightly

"Yes, you’ve done enough homework. You’re right. The requirement for a ghost to become a ghost is not only harsh, but also requires a bit of luck, unless the ghost died in a place where the evil spirits converge, or on a specific festival. A strong enough resentment may have a chance to become an evil spirit after death, but the most important thing is that it is not that simple for a sharp ghost to collect enough resentment, unless it is..."

Everyone looks at Yuan Tianzongdao


A very profound smile appeared on Yuan Tianzong’s face.

"Unless someone helps this ghost."

Everyone was shocked, but the problem came when he said that, who would help this ghost to trouble the Chen family? Does Chen Song still have things outside? Everyone looked at Chen Song at the same time. Chen Song was like a frightened bird. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the mood for crying was gone, and he immediately waved his hand.

"No, no, I haven't done anything except Yan Xiaolu."

But Zhao Yanbin said angrily

"You raped others and killed them. Isn't that enough? After tonight, you are ready to accept the sanctions of the law."

Chen Song didn't dare to speak anymore, and Chen Yuanjie also looked haggard.

"Master, this evil spirit is so powerful, is there any way to deal with it? And do you know who helped that evil spirit?"

Yuan Tianzong smiled faintly

"The evil ghost is a trivial thing. As for who helped the ghost, I don't know now. This is not a problem you should study now. We still have two hours now. Let's get ready to work."


Everyone was puzzled. Yuan Tianzong slowly stood up and walked to the bicycle. Now the handles of this lady's bicycle were gone. Seeing Yuan Tianzong was starting to fiddle with something, he took the whole bicycle apart in twos or twos. Picked up the bicycle bell and threw it to Xu Ruoting.

"You hold this. When the ghost appears at night, you keep ringing the bell. This is the best baby in this car. You are my clerk. I will open a back door for you. This thing is in hand. No ghost can get near you."

When receiving the ordinary bell, Xu Ruoting didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but except for Xu Ruoting, who passed out just now, everyone knows the meaning of this bicycle. Zhao Yanbin already has handlebars, a lady's car. The basket was given to Chen Yuanjie’s eldest daughter, the backboard was given to the second daughter Chen Biqin, and Yuan Tianzong gave the seat cushion to Chen Yuanjie, and the rest of the bicycle foot chain was directly given to Jin Dabao. Now the whole bicycle is left with the frame. There are two more wheels and pedals. The only people present who have not got the bicycle parts are Chen Song and Yuan Tianzong himself. Looking at Chen Song’s expectant expression, Yuan Tianzong smiled at him. And Chen Song also smirked, but then Yuan Tianzong nodded to everyone.

"Ok, this is all you need to do. Remember to hold everything in your hands firmly, so that the evil spirit can't get close to you. Now everyone should rest and rest. There will be fierce battles in the evening."

But Chen Song was taken aback at this moment, and pointed to his nose.

"Master, where is my magic weapon?"

Yuan Tianzong turned his head and looked at him curiously

"You? Did you forget what I said in your ear before? Are you still worth saving?"

Yuan Tianzong’s words were not joking. Everyone now has the so-called magic weapon bodyguard, but Chen Song does not. This situation is very embarrassing. Chen Song looked at Chen Yuanjie with a plea for help.

"Dad, please help me beg the master, I, I don't want to die."

Chen Yuanjie looked at this evil son and felt helpless, but after all, it was his own son. If he really watched that ghost kill his child, as a father, he would not be able to do it, even if he faced his relatives. He is a wicked person, and he can't be cruel. When Chen Yuanjie turned his head to look at Yuan Tianzong, he saw Yuan Tianzong's eyes cold and sharp, and the green eyes faintly glowed, making Chen Yuanjie's heart tremble.

"It's true that he is your son, but the Ligui named Yan Xiaolu is also someone else's child. The sins committed by your son can only be borne by him in the reincarnation of heaven. He is destined to live and die today and has nothing to do with us." (End of this chapter)