Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 26: visitor


But then I thought, would I still go back to that weird grocery store to go to work now? But Xu Ruoting didn't know why, she had special feelings for the place she was scared and curious in her heart. She patted her face and comforted herself.

"Xu Ruoting, what are you going to do when you go back? Didn't you see what happened last night? And that boss is weird, viper, not easy to get along with, and..."

Xu Ruoting talked to herself as if being possessed by an evil spirit, but she said half way but she said more and more quietly. After that, she stopped talking and seemed to be thinking about something. After five minutes, Xu Ruoting seemed to have done something. The most important decision in life is average, exhale

"Xu Ruoting, what are you afraid of? After taking someone else's salary, at least I have to insist on doing it this month, huh, that damned dead otaku, I will fight with him resolutely to the end..."

I took the phone and looked at it, and there was no missed call on it. It seems that Yuan Tianzong did not make a call to urge herself. This made Xu Ruoting a little disappointed for some reason. She got up to wash, looked in the mirror, and got on the subway. It was already more than one in the afternoon when I arrived at the door of the cemetery. The old man at the door was still listening to the radio. Xu Ruoting tried to nod and greet the old man, but it seemed that the old man was listening to the radio intently and ignored herself. Meaning, when she walked into the door of the store, Xu Ruoting just wanted to open the door inside, but suddenly only heard a voice from the room saying

"It's unscientific. I'm in such a good position, why can't I still kill your boss? God, I'm so smart, good, handsome, charming, and rich, but I can't pass the game level. Damn it."

Xu Ruoting at the door unconsciously trembled her brows, her face was completely embarrassed, she had seen a shameless person, and had never seen such a shameless person. Didn't this guy know that he didn't come to work? Can't you play games in it all day? But at this moment, three strangely dressed people, two men and one woman, suddenly walked at the door of the Yao Yao Ling grocery store, and these three were the three of the Eastern Ghost Master Alliance that appeared in Zhao Yanbin's office. Xu Ruoting was a little curious. Looking at the three people who walked in, when seeing the beautiful woman with closed eyes, even Xu Ruoting couldn't help taking a breath.

"Wow, what a beautiful sister."

The three also saw Xu Ruoting, and the headed woman smiled slightly.

"Is the little girl from here? Let's find someone. I wonder if a young man named Yuan Tianzong is here?"

Xu Ruoting hasn't been relieved from the astonishment of the beautiful woman in front of her, she nodded and said

"Well, yes, in there, do you have anything to do with my boss?"

The woman did not speak anymore and walked in directly towards the door behind Xu Ruoting. When the door was opened, the room was still messy and messy. A pair of feet were on the table, and the handle was ticking in her hands. Xu Ruoting just wanted to say something, but the three of them had already closed the door and shut Xu Ruoting directly outside. When the three ghost masters came to Yuan Tianzong’s room, they couldn’t help it. Frowning, there is no reason, because the yin in this room is very heavy, making these ghost masters feel very uncomfortable, and Yuan Tianzong is still playing the game, as if he did not see the three people walking in front of him at all, at this moment, Yuan Tianzong said directly

"It's a pleasure to have guests coming from afar. You can sit as you please, and I will call you when I hit the boss."

Hearing what Yuan Tianzong said, the red-haired man just wanted to say something, he was stopped by the woman in front of him. It seemed that this woman had a high status among the three, and the three of them just stood there and waited in front of him. Yuan Tianzong, however, it took more than half an hour to wait. Finally, Yuan Tianzong put down the game console handle in front of him and sighed.

"Hey, it's hanging up again."

Yuan Tianzong sat up straight, looked up at the three people, smiled slightly

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, what can I do for you? Our shop has a complete range of products, and the price is fair and fair. It is well-known for its good reputation."

But the woman skipped Yuan Tianzong’s nonsense and entered the subject line.

"We are from the Eastern League of Ghost Masters. Let me introduce ourselves. My name is the Pastor, the Five-Star Ghost Master. The one beside me is Liu Yihua, the Six-Star Ghost Master. The red-haired fellow is the Six-Star Ghost Master, Tan Ping. We belong to the country. Special department."

Yuan Tianzong looked at the three people in front of him with a confused look

"Ghostmaster? When did the ghostmaster have an alliance? Is it still assigned a star? That's okay."

The red-haired man Tan Ping looked at Yuan Tianzong with disdain

"Huh, ignorance."

But when he finished saying this sentence, Yuan Tianzong didn't give back any respect.


Tan Ping immediately changed his face

"You scold me?"

"You shouldn't be scolded? It's irrational for me to rely on this. Am I familiar with you? Brother?"

"you… "

Tan Ping's face turned blue suddenly, and when he wanted to continue to say something, the face of the pastor next to him changed and he turned to face Tan Ping.

"Shut up, isn't it embarrassing enough?"

The pastor nodded towards Yuan Tianzong

"Yuan Tianzong? I'm sorry, we interrupted you. We already know what happened yesterday. We are here just to ask you, who do you learn from? Last night you dealt with a ghost on a single horse. This has attracted the attention of the Ghost Master Alliance."

But Yuan Tianzong looked at the pastor and smiled slightly

"The little girl is very eye-catching, are your eyes okay? Why are your eyes closed? This is a highlight of the characters? And who is my mentor to do with you? If you are not here to buy things, get out."

After all, Yuan Tianzong shouted directly at Xu Ruoting outside

"Secretary Xu, don't let people in disheveled clothes come in in the future, especially those with red hair."

After speaking, Yuan Tianzong ignored the three people in front of him. He sat down and prepared to directly take the handle in front of him and continue the game. But the moment Yuan Tianzong was about to pick up the handle in front of him, the beautiful priest with closed eyes suddenly sent out a strong sound all over his body. Spiritual power fluctuated, and an invisible air current hit Yuan Tianzong directly. Yuan Tianzong's pupils glowed green and waved towards the void in front of him with one hand. The spiritual energy fluctuations of the priest were directly dissipated. This hand The expressions of the three of the Eastern Ghost Master Alliance changed directly, especially the priest. Although this Lingbo himself was just a test, after all, he is a five-star ghost master. Even if it is just a test, it cannot be easily offset by ordinary people. And what happened to the boy's double pupils? Just now everyone didn’t think that when Yuan Tianzong’s pupils radiated light, the hearts of the three couldn’t help but tremble. This was a kind of self-warning to warn the people in front of them not to provoke them. At this moment, Yuan Tianzong But looking at the pastor in front of him, a breathtaking feeling made the pastor feel that the young man in front of him is not a person, but a fierce evil spirit by millions. A super monster integrated.

"What is your purpose in coming here? If you are only here to find fault, then you must be mentally prepared."

The pastor broke away from that breathtaking feeling, and was a little lost. Although he closed his eyes, his perennial heart and eyes had long been opened by himself. Now when I look at the young man in front of me, I feel that this young man is ordinary. It makes no difference, is the feeling just now just an illusion? The priest settled down for a while

"I just said that we are under the special department of the country. To put it bluntly, some monsters and ghosts endanger the people are handled by us, but yesterday the evil spirits of the Chen family stopped in advance. According to the usual practice, we must come. I’ll ask you, if you don’t have a teacher, the country can send you to the Ghost Teacher Academy to train you as a national ghost teacher. If you have a teacher, then you have not registered. We will also register as usual to facilitate management in the future."

Yuan Tianzong frowned slightly. No one is more familiar with the profession of ghost master than himself, but he has never heard of any ghost master alliance. When did this start? As if feeling Yuan Tianzong’s question, the pastor smiled

"In the early years, ghost masters were also single professions scattered all over the country. In recent years, the country has united all ghost masters to establish a special department, because in recent years, for some reason, various ghosts and monsters have been found all over the world to harm the world. It began to get worse and worse, and a tragedy of tens of thousands of ghosts swallowing the sky occurred in the early years of country m, and that is the time when the country began to attach importance to the ghost master industry."

Hearing ten thousand ghosts swallowing the sky, Yuan Tianzong had a serious expression

"Thousand ghosts swallow the sky?"

Seeing Yuan Tianzong’s expression, the priest taught

"I wonder if you are interested in coming to the National Ghost Master Academy once? With your skills, I think a 7-star to 8-star ghost master should be fine. Of course, this will have to go through a series of learning assessments to be appraised. You can go to the Eastern District Ghost Teacher College to directly participate in the assessment and appraisal, so that you don't have to learn from the beginning. Seeing that you can clean up the evil spirits alone, there must be some talents to learn."

But then Yuan Tianzong nodded, looking at his expression as if he was very interested in this mysterious ghost master academy, but then his words made everyone present directly confused.

"What you said, hehe... Guan, me, shit, thing, get out if it's okay, don't disturb Laozi playing games." (End of this chapter)