Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 27: Uncle doorman


The three people of the Ghost Master League saw the young man in front of him so arrogant and unreasonable, and the bald middle-aged Liu Yihua couldn’t help saying.

"Boy, I would like to see what arrogant capital you have."

But Liu Yihua just wanted to take a shot, but was stopped by the pastor, and Tan Ping was also angry.

"Senior Sister, this kid is too arrogant and doesn't put us in his eyes at all. He is just so arrogant after learning a little bit of sideliness. If we don't teach him, how can our Ghost Master Alliance stand in the future?"

But the pastor looked cold

"Can you get a foothold when you deal with a teenager? Well, you don't have to worry about this."

Having said that, the pastor nodded slightly to Yuan Tianzong, and I have to say that this woman's cultivation skills are extremely deep, much better than the previous Chen Yuanjie. I saw that the pastor appeared like a magic trick from the hand. The card flew directly to Yuan Tianzong’s table and turned to say

"Youth, consider it. We won't force you. If you have the opportunity, you can come to our Eastern Ghost Teacher College in person to take a look. Maybe you will make a difference to us."

But Yuan Tianzong didn’t take the pastor’s words at all and threw the business card into the trash can. The game console handle in his hand continued to ticking and started playing the game. At this time, Xu Ruoting was already sitting at the door of the store and saw three people When they came out, the faces of two of the men seemed a little ugly, only the beautiful sister still closed her eyes. That kind of temperament is not only able to attract men, but even women are also attracted by her temperament.

"Sister, have you left?"

The pastor smiled slightly, and did not respond to Xu Ruoting's words, but just nodded towards her. After seeing the three of them leave, Xu Ruoting still did not react, but a voice came directly from the room.

"Xu Ruoting, you are late today, you will deduct a bonus of two hundred, and the deduction will be doubled next time."

Hearing this, Xu Ruoting said bitterly

"Boss, don't, I had insomnia last night, it's not all to blame you."

But Yuan Tianzong who was inside never answered her own words again. Xu Ruoting stuck her tongue out towards the door of the back room and whispered softly.

"Huh, badass."

At this time, the three people who had just left outside were already sitting in a car, and Tan Ping still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Senior Sister, why did you stop me before? That kid is too disgusting. What do you plan to let him come to our Eastern Ghost Master Academy?"

But the pastor sitting in the front row answered directly

"Have you not found anything yet?"

Tan Ping and Liu Yihua look at each other and don’t know why, but the pastor shook his head and said

"Don't you feel that in that room, that kind of dark and scary? If an ordinary person can't stay for a few hours in that situation, he will be corroded by the dark and start thinking confused and lose his will. ?"

As soon as he said this, Tan Ping's face was solemn at first, but he said

"I feel it, but it was originally a cemetery there, and it is reasonable for the yin aura to be heavy."

But Liu Yihua on the side suddenly thought of something and shook his head.

"Tan Ping, have you forgotten the most important point? A place like the cemetery is full of gloom, and the general location is deliberately chosen to be a place with strong sun to reduce the corrosion caused by the dead. Then I realized that when I was outside, although I felt some yin qi, but it was resisted by the strong yang qi, it was not particularly strong, but the yin qi in that room was stronger than outside. Rich."

Tan Ping is really a little ugly now, and some can’t talk about it.

"How is this possible? I didn't feel much spiritual power in this kid, and it could even be said that there was no spiritual power at all. If so, how did he stay in it for so long?"

The priest explained

"This is why I am strange. We also asked the captain Zhao before, saying that the young man used an unknown magic weapon when he conquered the evil spirits. But according to my guess, there must be something on the young boy using the so-called bicycle. For those of the ancient magic array, you must know that the so-called ancient magic array is a long-lost ancient means of reducing demons. The known ancient magic array will definitely not exceed thirty in all of our ghost master alliances. Kind of, according to this calculation, the young man must have a teacher, but that young man is unwilling to say that as a ghost teacher, I can agree with it, and now not all ghost teachers agree with our ghost teacher alliance. Those ghost masters who don’t want to join are of that type."

Tan Ping finally knows the purpose of the pastor

"Senior Sister, do you want to use that boy to introduce his master? But seeing that boy like this, he doesn't seem interested in coming to our Ghost Master Academy, let alone his master."

But the corner of the priest's mouth raised slightly

"Anything is not accurate. It is his own choice to go or stay. I just gave another way. Our work has been completed. Let's go back to college. There are still many things that we need to deal with. There are more and more ghost orders, our eastern district is already far behind the other districts, and we need to come on."

When Liu Yihua and Tan Ping heard what their senior sister said, their expressions began to be serious and unanimous.

"Yes, senior sister."

The three people here have already left, and it is now more than two o'clock in the afternoon, but it seems that the demon and demon spirit grocery store is far from over. Xu Ruoting has almost a bitter face all afternoon, apparently still not in the mood to be blamed by Yuan Tianzong. At this moment, an old man appeared at the door and walked slowly. Xu Ruoting also raised her head curiously and looked at it. She was suddenly puzzled because the person who came was the old guard at the Fushouyuan Cemetery. Xu Ruoting immediately stood up and smiled

"Uncle, why are you here? Is something wrong?"

Xu Ruoting seems to be very enthusiastic about this indifferent uncle who is usually indifferent. After all, she is a modern young man, and the education she receives is to respect the old and love the young. Regardless of the old man, she still has to maintain her own respect, but the old man does. Nodded and looked at Xu Ruoting, the old voice seemed to tremble.

"Little girl, hello, I'm here to find your boss."

When Xu Ruoting heard that he was looking for Yuan Tianzong again, her face suddenly became bitter, and she pointed to the inside.

"My boss is inside, old man, let me inform you, your grade is too big for your legs and feet, so let my boss come out."

But when the old man heard Xu Ruoting's words, his face immediately changed and he waved his hand hurriedly.

"Don't don't, although I'm older, but I still can't walk, I just went in and looked for him."

When the old doorman faltered and walked towards the back room door step by step, Xu Ruoting reminded him kindly in the ear of the old man in a low voice.

"Master, my boss is a bit weird. If he says something to offend you, don't be angry."

The old man smiled and nodded. He didn't seem to care what Xu Ruoting said. When he opened the door and walked into the room, Yuan Tianzong was still playing the game boss, but when the old man closed the door behind him, Yuan Tianzong was the first. Pressing the pause button on the handle again, this is a rare performance Yuan Tianzong has, but at this moment, the old man "pushed" directly with his legs on his knees in front of Yuan Tianzong and knocked his head three times. Tao

"Master." (End of this chapter)