Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 31: Wonderful gift


Yuan Tianzong was happily holding the two handhelds in his hands like a child, and Xu Ruoting was also helpless.

"Boss, why did you buy two? What a waste."

Yuan Tianzong took out one of them, but after looking at it, he changed another one and handed it to Xu Ruoting.

"I gave you this one. You have to match my boss's habits so that we can have more conversation topics."

This action immediately made Xu Ruoting a little flattered, holding this pink handheld in her hand, Xu Ruoting didn’t know what it was like. She had also fallen in love in college, and no boy had ever given this thing to herself, and it was her own. The purchase order, this is a typical series of not having a girlfriend, but Xu Ruoting is full of mixed feelings at the moment. Looking at Xu Ruoting in a daze, Yuan Tianzong pointed to the third floor.

"Go, take you to buy clothes and cosmetics."

At this moment, looking at the back of the boy in front of him, it seems that this strange boss, who is somewhat annoying, is not so disgusting anymore, Xu Ruoting can't help thinking in her heart.

"What kind of character is this boy?"

Girls’ shopping is a nightmare for boys, but at this moment, Yuan Tianzong accompanied Xu Ruoting all the way, like a man and woman in love, very patiently accompanied her to go shopping one after another, trying on clothes one after another. Unknowingly, more than two hours have passed. It was time for lunch. Because of the special nature of the shopping mall, the food, clothing, housing and transportation were all done in one go. The problem of eating was also solved here. The two chose a noodle shop and sat down, although After shopping for a long time, Yuan Tianzong also said that he would pay for the reimbursement, but Xu Ruoting, who is usually thrifty, only bought a small coat and a skirt. He bought almost nothing else. After ordering food, Xu Ruoting stretched happily. Tao

"Hehe, I'm so happy today. If I go to work like this every day, I won't be afraid no matter how tired I am."

Yuan Tianzong gave a caring look at the fool and passed it, and then he spoke.

"Oh, by the way, I have something to tell you. Didn't you say that you wanted to learn ghost hunting last time? Why, are you still interested in it now?"

Seeing Yuan Tianzong asking herself this question, to be honest, Xu Ruoting also thought about this question carefully when she was in her apartment, but there was no answer. Seeing Yuan Tianzong dug up this question again, Xu Ruoting also shook her head.

"I don't know the boss, let alone whether I can learn the ghost hunting skill, but this matter has completely subverted my worldview."

Yuan Tianzong smiled slightly

"In fact, ghosts are not terrible. The most terrifying thing is the human heart. If you don't want to learn, you can live in peace and stability. From tomorrow, you can rest, because I'm going to learn how to catch ghosts."

Xu Ruoting said in shock

"What? You go learn to catch ghosts? What do you mean?"

"Did you see the two men and one woman yesterday? They belong to the Ghost Master League. To put it ugly, a group of unemployed people who catch ghosts are gathered by the state to form a formal organization. In addition to catching ghosts, they usually Responsible for teaching. With my handsome appearance and excellent potential, I got two places. If you are not interested, then I will report by myself tomorrow. You can continue to do it at the store, and I can pay you. You You can do it if you don't want to, you can choose for yourself."

Xu Ruoting was a little surprised when she said this. Although she hadn't seen Yuan Tianzong's detailed process of catching ghosts from beginning to end, she had also experienced evil spirits. Now even her boss has to learn how to catch ghosts? And thinking that Yuan Tianzong will report to the college tomorrow, Xu Ruoting feels a little bit complicated.

"Can I think about it?"

Yuan Tianzong smiled and nodded

"it is good."

But after a few seconds, Yuan Tianzong continued to look at Xu Ruoting.

"Have you considered it?"

"What have you considered?"

Xu Ruoting looked dumbfounded

"Will you go to the Ghost Master Academy to learn ghost hunting with me?"

Xu Ruoting said angrily

"Then think about it so soon, this is a big deal."

But at this time, Yuan Tianzong's face was serious and serious

"You treat it as a trip, and I am here to ensure your safety."

Looking at Yuan Tianzong who was serious at this time, those green eyes were very charming, Xu Ruoting's face turned red and lowered her head in a low voice.

"But can I learn it? It feels like if I promise you now, I will completely enter a whole new world, I..."

But Yuan Tianzong suddenly narrowed his eyes and said

"Although you are a little stupid, you are a beautiful woman after all. The so-called IQ is not enough, you can make up your looks. Trust me, you can."

"you… "

At this time, the waiter on the side brought two bowls of noodles. Yuan Tianzong was still mutton noodles. He immediately picked up the chopsticks and sucked the noodles, took a sip of the soup with a satisfied expression on his face, but Xu Ruoting looked at the noodles in front of him as if he was doing something. Some decisions

"Boss, how long does this study take?"

Yuan Tianzong swallowed a bite of mutton

"You ask me, who am I going to ask? It shouldn't be long. Anyway, you decide to go and have a look tomorrow. Anyway, it's the first time I'm going."

Xu Ruoting continued to ask

"Then boss, don't you already know how to hunt ghosts? Why would you go to some ghost teacher academy to learn ghost hunting

Upon hearing this question, Yuan Tianzong looked a little ugly.

"Damn, you think I think, I'm invincible in catching ghosts, I'm willing to be okay."

"Was voluntarily?"

Yuan Tianzong also waved his hand impatiently

"Just tell me whether to go or not, really, I'm so worried."

Finally Xu Ruoting decided

"I, I want to go."

"Aren't you afraid of ghosts? There may still be danger."

"I'm not afraid."

At this time Yuan Tianzong finally showed a smile and nodded.

"Good, worthy of being my employee, boss, I really didn't care for you in vain."

When the two of them finished eating the noodles, Yuan Tianzong asked Xu Ruoting to go back and make preparations. He said that he would leave early tomorrow morning. The Ghost Master Academy may be a residential system and need to go out for a period of time. On the way back, Xu Ruoting has been struggling with this issue, but he firmly believes. Nodded, she didn't regret this result. Xu Ruoting didn't know at this time. Choosing the path of a ghost master is not such a happy thing.

It was only 1:30 in the afternoon when I returned to the apartment. It was still early. Several of the partners in the dormitory were not at home. Xu Ruoting put down the clothes she had just bought, but she still held the pink handheld computer Yuan Tianzong gave her and decisively opened it. After that, plug in the card and turn on the power to enter the game. A terrifying cg scene appears. A group of huge terrifying monsters are destroying on the ground. At this moment, a knight is holding a long sword in his hand and fighting the monster in front of him. However, the screen of this game is still very beautiful. Xu Ruoting, who has never played this game, follows the novice prompts step by step. The current three options appear, novice, normal, and nightmare. Xu Ruoting originally wanted to choose the novice. , But suddenly clicked the wrong one, and chose the nightmare difficulty directly, without paying attention to these details, and started the game journey.

The previous unaccustomedness led to her being beaten to death by the mobs several times, but Xu Ruoting became more and more familiar with the operation, and she went straight to the first boss and saw a huge disgusting monster roaring at her, Xu Ruoting's face was a little ugly. I knew that Yuan Tianzong also played this game. It seemed difficult. I tried a wave at the moment, but Xu Ruoting was very patient. Every time that huge boss attacked, I seemed to be able to predict in advance and escape the fatal one. Hit, so I actually passed it once, if Yuan Tianzong was beside him at this moment, he would definitely vomit blood for three liters of anger.

"Huh? This game is not difficult." (End of this chapter)