Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 42: Dormitory allocation


"Okay, I have said what should be said, and then we will ask our principal Qian to say a few words for everyone, everyone applauds."

The pastor now looked behind the scenes by the side of the podium, and a white-haired old man walked leisurely in the courtyard. This person Yuan Tianzong had seen when filling out the form in the hall. At this time, the principal Qian looked towards the person below with a kind smile. The student waved his hand, but it seemed that he was not as sensational as the pastor appeared on the stage. The old man was a little reluctant to make a joke when he came on stage.

"Haha, hello everyone, how come I feel that my principal is not happy at all. Everyone seems to like your senior sister and pastor more than my principal. Could it be because she is beautiful and I am so handsome? Are you older? That's not okay."

As soon as Principal Qian spoke, it immediately caused a burst of laughter from the students below. At this moment, the principal Qian did not seem to have the sense of majesty in everyone’s minds, and then Principal Qian went straight to the topic.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. I believe everyone is tired today. Our East District Ghost Teacher College is also different from your usual or previous schools. There are no special rules here. Each of you is different in age, and some are still the same. I’m still studying and going to school, and some have already graduated and worked long ago, but since I have chosen the profession of ghost master, there will be gains and losses. If you get something, you must abandon some. This year of study, we will not ask you to complete it too strongly. What, if someone fails to complete the star-level assessment after a year, then you will lose your status as a ghost master forever and be sent back to your own lives."

Principal Gan’s words immediately shocked all the freshmen, and when everyone wanted to continue to say something, Principal Gan continued.

"Don’t be surprised. I always think that no matter what you study, you should expect others to use methods to persecute you. I believe that the final result is not what others want to see. The profession of ghost master is different, and you will face it in the future. There are many life and death issues. During this year, our teachers will do their best to teach you relevant knowledge, and you must work hard to absorb these learning so that you can use it in the future. The Qing ancestor once said that ghost teachers came into being to maintain the orthodoxy of heaven and all evil spirits and demons will be killed."

Yuan Tianzong, who was playing the game, heard the word Xuanqing, and suddenly his hands shook, and a trace of sadness flashed across his face, but this expression was fleeting, and no one could notice. After the principal Qian’s brief and powerful speech, The hour-long speech finally came to an end, but this kind of speech was not as boring as in the previous school. For the ghost master, the more than four hundred students present besides Yuan Tianzong all listened with enthusiasm, full of confidence, and left the scene. After that, Qi Xiu took the lead and said with a dozen teachers around him, holding a pile of forms in his hands.

"Okay, please be quiet, everyone. The students in the front row will pass the forms in their hands one by one, and the last ones will be returned. Now they are sending out your future work and rest study forms, which will record your future study courses. There are dorm rest, meal time, etc. Please take a good look at the timetable in your hand."

After speaking, the teacher began to send out the forms, and these freshmen took away their own timetables one by one, and Yuan Tianzong was also looking at his own timetable at the moment. It said the dense class time, breakfast time from 7 am to 7:30 in the morning. At 7:45, the physical training course will start for two hours, and the course will start at 10: 00. The course will be one and a half hours. Lunch will be forty-five minutes at twelve. The theoretical knowledge and practical study of the ghost teacher will start at 1:00 in the afternoon. Spiritual training for two hours at 5:15, dinner time at 7:30, and evening self-study starting at 8:30. Each teacher will set up a separate self-study class for two hours, parentheses (this evening self-study is for students’ independent Participation is not compulsory.) Yuan Tianzong suddenly lost interest when looking at the schedule above, and directly squeezed the form into a ball of paper and stuffed it into his pocket, while Xu Ruoting looked depressed when looking at the course time above.

"No, it's full in one day, why don't you have a rest day."

Yuan Tianzong sneered

"Do you still want a day off for only one year? Another seven-day National Day holiday, okay?"

But Xu Ruoting seems unwilling to compromise on this point

"It's not the truth. You must relax in time when you study. Don't people say that you need to combine work and rest. Really, I will ask the teacher later."

Yuan Tianzong clapped his hands

"You are awesome, it seems that you have a promising future in a certain talent."

Xu Ruoting ignored his ridicule. It was just that she didn’t think so by herself about the rest. Some bolder students have already raised their hands to ask.

"Teacher, don't we have a break?"

One of the teachers seemed to have anticipated this question and answered directly

"Hehe, here I want to remind you that every day of your study this year is a rest day, because as long as you want to rest, you can rest without asking for leave. Don't worry, we will not account for your absenteeism."

As soon as these words were spoken, all the students were beaming with joy. Is there such good thing? Rest if you want to rest? Some students have already begun to arrange whether they want to study for five days and rest for two days, and then the teacher’s words instantly chilled the little abacus in these people’s hearts.

"Do you think it’s cool? Yes, it’s really cool. If you want to take a break, take a break, and the school won’t come and ask you to be punished. That’s great, but you have to remember that every time you take a break, it means you will be less. Study a day’s course, and these courses you haven’t learned will become a nightmare for your future assessment. Don’t look at me like that. I also came out of this academy. You’ve seen too many examples like this, you don’t believe it. My words are like what the principal said, everything is yours voluntarily, the school will not interfere with you more, but this year, you cannot leave the college, this is an iron law, all who want to go out must inform you in advance Your teacher, do you know?"

At this moment, all the students nodded. Then all the students followed the teacher to their dormitories. There were more than 400 students, including more than 300 boys and less than 100 girls. This ratio is also normal in previous colleges. , The male and female dormitories were separated, and the boys were separated from the girls when they walked to a building. It seems that the girls’ dormitory was elsewhere. After Yuan Tianzong separated from Xu Ruoting and Leng Ningluo, he moved towards the building in front of him alone. It seems to be as high as a dozen floors and has an elevator. It feels like a world of difference from the average university dormitory. There are five rooms on each floor, and one room accommodates about three to four people. The teacher in front is reporting Looking at the house number of the boy present, every time a person was called, the person walked into the dormitory building with his salute. At this moment, Yuan Tianzong’s name was called by the teacher.

"Yuan Tianzong, 14th floor, room 1404." (End of this chapter)