Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 47: Weapon selection


After two hours of physical training, fewer than 30 people were still holding on to the field. Qi Xiu looked at the new students who hadn’t stood up on the ground until they were tired. Male teacher

"Have you recorded it?"

"Well, I made a simple record according to the time everyone persisted, and whether they continued to persist after a break. After returning, I asked the staff of the research team to draw up an intensive training."

"Thank you."

Seeing the time is up, Qi Xiu waved his hand.

"After class, we will gather in the main classroom in fifteen minutes."

As soon as they heard that the get out of class was over, the students who had been lying on the ground pretending to be dead immediately jumped up from the ground as if they had eaten a strong pill. The energy was not mentioned much better. Qi Xiu turned and showed a strange smile, and moved away After leaving, Xu Ruoting and Leng Ningluo came to Yuan Tianzong and said

"Boss, you are so amazing. Seeing that you are so thin, I can't imagine that your body is really good."

"Yes, Brother Tianzong, how did you practice? It's really amazing."

Yuan Tianzong touched Leng Ningluo's head and smiled

"I have muscles on my body. If you don't believe me, touch it, come and touch it here."

Having said that, Yuan Tianzong took Xu Ruoting's hand and grabbed his chest. Xu Ruoting was shocked and immediately shrank her hand.


But Leng Ningluo didn't care about getting his little hand up on Yuan Tianzong's body, and he seemed to be very happy.

"Yeah, it's really hard."

As soon as these words were spoken, the students on the side looked at Yuan Tianzong with weird eyes, but Yuan Tianzong didn’t care and raised his head straight.

"Men have to be hard."

Xu Ruoting broke out in a cold sweat and pulled Leng Ningluo directly to her side, looking at Yuan Tianzong with a vigilant look.

"You bastard, don't teach bad kids."

And Yuan Tianzong simply ignored her and walked straight away, blowing a whistle before leaving, triumphantly.

"Those who are clear are clear, and those who are muddy are muddled, alas, a word, dirty..."


Fifteen minutes is actually very short. At this time, all the students have arrived outside the main classroom hall. This main classroom has stepped seats, no separate seats. The left and right are connected in a row, separated by the middle for students to move around. When I came to the hall outside the bishop, the glass cabinets in the hall wrote the outstanding graduates of the Eastern Ghost Teacher College, but at this moment, many students gathered around and uttered words of amazement.

"Wow, it turns out that the pastor's team is called Xing Zhiyao, it's so handsome, a four-star ghost teacher team."

"Look, this team is called Hongtian. It's amazing. The leader is the second strongest graduate Ling Xiao, a two-star ghost teacher, a two-star team, it's incredible, it's incredible."

"What's the matter? Look at this, the first graduate, the evil is slashing team, the leader Feng Xiaoyao, the two-star ghost master, the one-star team, all of them are two-star ghost masters? This is too exaggerated. Right?"

In the glass window, it seems to record the names of the best graduates of the past and the more active teams in the East District. Looking at the new students, they are praised again and again. Of course, it is not only these three that are amazing, but there are many teams. Xu Ruoting is also Attracted by the crowd, Leng Ningluo curiously said

"Hey, what are everyone looking at? Brother Tianzong, what is the team? Can we also form a team to fight monsters together in the future?"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Tianzong seemed to have no interest in lazily saying

"What is the most troublesome team, and I don't know what kind of team the academy is doing. You can form a team with your grandpa in the future. Although his strength is average, he is barely enough to see."

Leng Ningluo also curiously said

"By the way, Brother Tianzong, I have always wanted to ask you, is my grandpa really good? How many stars can you rate if you rate it?"

Yuan Tianzong shook his head thoughtfully

"I don't know this. It's almost enough to just get a one star, you know, your grandfather used to have a nickname called Wan Gui Tu."

Leng Ningluo heard the nickname "Wangui Tu", and his eyes suddenly showed a little star of worship.

"Wow, one star, grandpa is so good, and I must let her teach me when I go back."

Yuan Tianzong smiled and didn't say anything more. The break time was almost here. Many students entered the main classroom early. The three of Yuan Tianzong also went in together. There are no rules for seats. Just sit there if you want to sit. However, Yuan Tianzong directly looked for the last seat in the last row. Because of the design, the last row was far away from the front podium. Many students chose to sit in the middle position. The front row was relatively small. Xu Ruoting looked at this huge classroom and Many students are also emotional

"There are so many people."

In a loud noise, a long-haired middle-aged female teacher walked into the classroom with a serious face. None of the students seemed to have seen the female teacher curious, but the female teacher walked to the podium. I looked at the more than 400 students in front of me.

"Well, before starting the class, let me introduce myself. My surname is Zhang. You can call me Teacher Zhang. I will explain the weapons learning courses in the future. Now I want to invite a few young and strong The boy helped me go outside the door and carry the boxes in."

After finishing talking, the teacher Zhang randomly pointed to a few boys in the front row and asked them to go out and carry the boxes. A few minutes later, two large boxes were carried in in front of Teacher Zhang. Teacher Zhang continued.

"Okay, can you please send me the contents of the box, please."

After several men opened the box, their expressions were joyful. They took out the beautifully packaged mobile phone box from it. Some students looked at Mr. Zhang unsurely, but Mr. Zhang nodded with a smile, when all the students got them in their hands. When I received my mobile phone box, I was full of joy. Some people couldn’t wait to unpack it, and Mr. Zhang continued.

"Everyone, open the mobile phone box in your hand. This is the opening gift from the college."

Xu Ruoting took the phone and said with surprise

"Wow, cellphone, and it's the latest peach cellphone. I wanted to buy one for a long time. This one is expensive, 10,000 yuan."

Yuan Tianzong threw the phone aside and said with disdain

"All the fuss."

However, Xu Ruoting knew that Yuan Tianzong’s current mobile phone was still an old blue-screen mobile phone, and she also stuck her tongue out at him. When everyone opened their mobile phones, Teacher Zhang said

"This mobile phone is different from your previous mobile phones. Our ghost master profession is also advancing with the times. Under the premise of the super development of modern technology, many high-tech weapons can bring us safer and more effective means of subduing demons and demons. , You can see on the mobile page that the college has installed a lot of practical app software for you. Of course, these things will be taught to you tomorrow. For now, there is one more important thing, please Open the instrument selection software on the mobile app.” (End of this chapter)