Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 51: Spiritual power test


After all, Qi Xiu took out a small stone from his pocket that was common to be found on the road, but if you look closely, you will find that the stone in Qi Xiu's hand seems to have some strange patterns faintly. Above, Qi Xiu's eyes suddenly became extremely solemn, and he said

"When you get the measuring spirit stone in your hand, please calm down, don't be disturbed by the outside world, and carefully sense a trace of spiritual power fluctuations on the measuring spirit stone. There is an indescribable force that continues to emerge. When you do this, don't worry, communicate the spiritual power you feel with the measuring spirit stone in your hand. You are optimistic."

I saw that the little stone in Qi Xiu's hand suddenly radiated a faint light, and began to float automatically, and the students in front were surprised to see it. It was no different from magic, and after Qi Xiu floated the measuring spirit stone in the air , Continue

"When you do this, even if your basic spiritual power value is over 100, each spiritual measurement stone represents a value of 100. The more spiritual measurement stone you control, the more you are born. What’s your spiritual power, do you understand?"

All the students nodded together, but there seemed to be not many people who really understood. Qi Xiu's operation is simple, but it's not the same thing. At this time, a student asked

"Teacher Qi, what is your spiritual power?"

Qi Xiu smiled faintly. One hand grabbed a pile of stones from his pocket. It is roughly estimated that there are about a dozen or so. When Qi Xiu threw all these spiritual testing stones in the other hand, the dozens of them were measuring spirits. The stone was suspended at the same time as before, and looking at Qi Xiu’s expression, it seems that these spiritual stones do not represent all his current spiritual power. I have to say that this hand surprised all the freshmen present. Everyone started to want to try it. Soon a few freshmen in the front row handed out five of the test stones in the box to all the students. Some students looked at the five test stones in front of them.

"Teacher, why did you give them five? Is it a bit missing?"

But Qi Xiu showed a weird smile, some disdain and some mockery.

"Oh? Five too few? But don't talk too much, let's talk about communicating with your own spiritual power first."

At the moment, all the freshmen began to talk about the spiritual test stone in front of them, and ten minutes passed, but the result was not what the more than 400 students thought. At present, no one can successfully give the test stone to Activate, Xu Ruoting on the stage is also sweating on her forehead. No matter how she follows the Qixiu method, she still can’t communicate with the measuring spirit stone. This also includes Leng Ningluo beside her, but at this moment, it is surprising. Happened, Wang Daqian, who looked honest and faithful, said with a smile at the moment.

"Haha, teacher, I succeeded, do you see this right?"

Hearing that someone succeeded in ten minutes, Qi Xiu looked at it curiously. On Wang Daqian's left hand palm, a measuring spirit stone was floating in the air. Qi Xiu was also slightly surprised and nodded.

"Your name is Wang Daqian, right? Yes, it's a new student who passed through the ghost corridor in five seconds. You can try to connect the other spirit stones on the table to communicate."

When all the students looked at Wang Daqian with envy, Leng Ningluo also shouted happily.

"Yeah, I succeeded too, teacher, look at it."

Within a few seconds of error, two students have already completed the test, which makes many students feel pressured. Xu Ruoting also looked at them with envy, while the five test stones in front of Yuan Tianzong were not affected by him. After picking it up, I don’t know why, at this time, Xu Ruoting doesn’t want to care about others at all, she just wants to communicate with the test spirit stone as soon as possible.

"Wow, there's another one, that black-faced dragon."

Another shout came. Now Lei Wenlong has an unpleasant nickname among many students, called Black Face Dragon, because he always has a straight face, and at this time he has also succeeded in putting the face in front of him The test Lingshi communicated well, time passed by, and students kept shouting happily. At this moment, almost half of the more than 400 students have succeeded, but the more this happens, the more impatient Xu Ruoting is. I obviously felt that I could only be successful, but I couldn’t communicate with the measuring spirit stone. At this moment, Yuan Tianzong on the side suddenly stuffed the five measuring spirit stones on his desk directly into Xu Ruoting’s palm, and saw Yuan Tianzong smiling. Looking at herself, Xu Ruoting couldn't help but blame

"Boss, what are you doing, I'm not in the mood to fight with you now, half of the people passed, but I, I..."

Yuan Tianzong shook his head and pointed to the six spiritual stones on Xu Ruoting's palm.

"You try to communicate with the six measuring spirit stones."

"Boss, stop joking with me. How can I communicate with six of them if I can't communicate with one?"

But Yuan Tianzong said

"You also know that you can't do one, let alone six, so what are you in a hurry?"

Xu Ruoting was a little aggrieved. She didn't choose to come to the Eastern Ghost Master Academy to play casually. For Xu Ruoting, this was a very serious choice. She didn't want to be a weak person in others' mouths. Previously, she had Leng Ningluo and Wang Daqian. , Lei Wenlong example, these people actually have a great psychological influence on Xu Ruoting. Although Xu Ruoting does not say it on the surface, he can clearly feel it in this spiritual power test.

"But, but everyone has done it, I still..."

This time Yuan Tianzong's face suddenly became serious, and Xu Ruoting couldn't look directly at that stern expression.

"Yes, everyone succeeded, but you did not succeed. This spiritual power test does not seem to be difficult, why can't you do it? I tell you, just because you are a fool, a complete idiot, You don't have this talent at all, so you can't do it. Can you accept this answer?"

Yuan Tianzong’s words are very heavy. This is also the first time Yuan Tianzong has used such a severe and serious tone to scold herself since he knew him. After all, Xu Ruoting is a young girl in her 20s. Tears began to flow out of his eyes, but Yuan Tianzong didn't seem to know how to pity Xiangxiyu at this time, and shouted angrily

"Is there anything to cry? I received such unnecessary tears from you. The tears were not for you to use for this kind of thing. You disappointed me too much."

The last sentence you disappointed me so much that Xu Ruoting finally couldn't control her mood. Yeah, is she a fool? By mistake, he came to the so-called demon and demon spirit grocery store to do miscellaneous work, and was taken into this so-called ghost master academy to study. What did he do? Is it fresh? Isn't this decision all the conclusion you got after thinking about it? Should I give up now? All kinds of doubts surfaced in Xu Ruoting's heart, and Yuan Tianzong never said anything afterwards, just staring at her closely, Xu Ruoting wiped her tears, but said nothing, and put down the other five spirit testing stones in her palm. He continued to concentrate on his own communication. Seeing Xu Ruoting's move, Yuan Tianzong nodded in satisfaction.

"Meditation, Jingshen, everything in this world has nothing to do with you. They have their own way, but you have your own way. Their success does not mean your failure. At this moment, you are the center of the world, even if they What about all success?"

What Yuan Tianzong said at this time, like a magical power, penetrated directly into Xu Ruoting's heart. Listening to his words, Xu Ruoting slowly closed her eyes. Now she seemed to be in a world of nothingness. Xu Ruoting looked down. Everything in the world was under his feet, and a loud sound of "booming" suddenly came. In the large classroom, it seemed that the sound of a bomb exploded throughout the classroom. Qi Xiu felt an unprecedented superpower for the first time. Strong spiritual power, looking up, at this moment a young girl actually floated ten spiritual measuring stones, and the light on each of them was constantly flashing and jumping. This hand suddenly made all the students speechless. Yuan Tianzong's face finally showed a satisfied smile, and said in a voice that only he could hear

"The demon demon spirit grocery store, there are no weak ones." (End of this chapter)