Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 58: The glory of the East Side


Yuan Tianzong questioned

"Huh? Are you good?"

Xu Ruoting had been attacked by Yuan Tianzong before, and she was a little embarrassed at the moment.

"At least people have been working hard."

"That's easy. If the freshmen from the North District come over, you can just go over and smoke them."

"This… "

Yuan Tianzong’s words directly stopped Xu Ruoting from speaking, but Wang Daqian grinned.

"The students in the North District are also in the same group. Everyone is better to love each other. Some things will pass as soon as we let them go. Anyway, it will take half a year, hehe."

But Yuan Tianzong smiled faintly, with his feet directly on the table, his hands behind his head.

"Oh, it's not that simple. Haven't you seen Qi Xiu's previous state? This guy is actually very arrogant in his heart. This time the North District came here to find fault. Based on Qi Xiu's nature, he is actually very contradictory, and the Eastern District is weak. It was a certainty, but he was unconvinced with the North District, and his left arm was injured and unable to use 100% of his strength, so you have seen what he said to you before. In fact, he has nothing to do, only Counting on you new people."

Xu Ruoting thoughtfully, but then curiously said

"Boss, how do you know?"

Yuan Tianzong rolled his eyes and said

"Let me go, I just dozed off and I understand it, I doubt if you take the class seriously on weekdays, oh, forget it, you are rather stupid."

I have to say Yuan Tianzong’s words to break Qi Xiu’s state of mind. When Qi Xiu went out, he sighed vigorously towards the sky. In the hall outside the bishop, a priest who also wore a robe of a ghost teacher was hugging his hands. On his chest, when Qi Xiu walked by, the priest whispered

"Is this really good?"

Qi Xiu turned to look at the priest, but did not speak

"Qixiu, by doing this, you are tantamount to making these freshmen hostile to the people in the North District in advance. If there is a conflict afterwards, the matter can be big or small, and you violated the order of the ghost teacher in the East District."

But when Qi Xiu heard this, he immediately yelled at the priest as if out of control.

"Do you think I want to do this? Others are preparing to step on our heads. Are we still going to give in? Our Eastern District has always been called the weakest in the four districts. Does this make your heart feel better? Brothers Why do you work hard every day to take the ghost orders? It’s not to prove the strength of our Eastern District. Don’t you want the people in the Eastern District to be despised by the other three districts? Pastor, do you know that, in fact, I hate you very much. Your indifference is sometimes It makes me feel chill. You are also a graduate of our Eastern District. Don’t you feel it at all?"

Seeing Qi Xiu looking furious, the priest did not quarrel with him fiercely, and said directly

"I can understand your unwillingness, but this is not an excuse for you to push these students to the forefront. They are not a tool you use to satisfy your own honor. You are a ghost teacher, and you are also their teacher. You still don't know why. For our true glory in the Eastern District."

After speaking, the pastor turned and walked away, leaving Qi Xiu alone standing in place, and Qi Xiu also tightly held his injured left arm, tears from his eyes, regret, unwilling At this moment, I was completely aroused by the pastor's words. Is it true that I did something wrong? After Qi Xiu’s temporary convening, it was time for the evening self-study class. Except Yuan Tianzong, all the students were as if they had been beaten up. Almost everyone took part in the self-study class tonight. Everyone was young. People are willing to be worse than others, but in another place, Yuan Tianzong is sitting on the roof of the dormitory building, watching the moonlight in the sky. Although all this is virtual and unreal, it is still very beautiful. Today's Yuan Tianzong Did not play the game console, just sat quietly on the top floor and stared at the stars in a daze. At this time, a figure appeared behind him, that person was undoubtedly the priest, and Yuan Tianzong did not turn his head to pay attention to her, but just looked up at the sky for himself.

"I'm curious, what are you thinking? From the first time I saw you, I have a feeling that your strength and performance in the academy are not in the same rank. What are you hiding?"

The pastor first spoke, but Yuan Tianzong didn't seem to want to respond to her interest. After a few minutes, Yuan Tianzong pointed to the sky.

"Do you think the moon is beautiful? The sky is a little bit starry. In today's society, how many people can really raise their heads to enjoy the beauty?"

Although the pastor closed his eyes, he raised his head when he heard Yuan Tianzong's words, and then he smiled.

"You're right. In fact, I haven't seen these beautiful scenery for a long time. Since I chose the profession of ghost master, I haven't stopped for a moment."

Yuan Tianzong seemed to avoid his own question deliberately, and the pastor also continued to ask

"What do you think about what Qi Xiu just said?"

But Yuan Tianzong curiously said

"It seems that you shouldn't ask me this question, even if I am more handsome, it won't work."

The pastor ignored Yuan Tianzong’s second half of the sentence and said directly

"Just ask, you can answer or not answer."

"Oh, then I won't answer, because this question is naive, if you have no problem, let's take a look at the stars, but don't get too close to me, otherwise others will think I have a leg with you.

The pastor shook his head with a wry smile. While the other students were taking self-study classes, Yuan Tianzong and the pastor stood one after another, looking at the moonlight in the sky silently. When everyone returned to the dormitory, Everyone is still cultivating their own spiritual power, and I have to say that Qi Xiu's words still played some role. Yuan Tianzong was playing the game console at this time, and Sun Junfu put his arm around Wang Daqian's shoulders.

"Daqian, when the people from the North District arrive, let's go and give them a good idea."

Wang Daqian was taken aback, then smiled honestly

"How can this be done? Let's not say whether we can beat others, and then others are also guests. It's a must."

After speaking, Wang Daqian waved his hand immediately, and Sun Junfu said with an unhappy expression.

"Look at your talent. At a loss, you are still ranked in the top five in the class. How about if you can't beat? Even if you can't, you can't weaken others."

When Sun Junfu finished saying this, Yuan Tianzong on the side gave a blank eye.

"When you are crippled by someone else's beating, your words will be more convincing."

Sun Junfu Angrily Road

"Why are you talking about me? Your own grades are nothing but the tail of a crane, go play your game console, huh"

"Yo, you look down on me? Believe it or not, I will blow your head with the game console?"

"You..." (End of this chapter)