Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 6: The wheel of destiny


After being said inexplicably by the man's words, Xu Ruoting pointed to herself, and she hadn't slowed down from the previous scene

"Me? Come to work tomorrow? What do you mean?"

The man shook his head and sighed

"You're not stupid? Can't understand Mandarin? You went to a fake university, right?"

Xu Ruoting was ridiculed by the man in front of him, and she was also a little angry at the moment

"You're a fake university. You haven't asked me, how did I succeed? And the monthly salary of 20,000 yuan written in your recruitment information is correct? Isn't it an annual salary?"

The man rolled his eyes and raised his head and screamed

"Oh my god, I actually hired a superb, oh my god, IQ is such a good thing, please give some to this poor beauty!"

Facing this poisonous snake mouth, Xu Ruoting stomped her feet in anger. She has begun to resist this high-paying job. Even with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, facing such a person, anyone can't stand it, right? But then, the man became serious, turning his face faster than turning the book.

"By the way, what is your name? My name is Yuan Tianzong, unknown age, single, straightforward personality, handsome, you wait, let me think about what other advantages I have, oh, yes, I am rich ."

Hearing what Yuan Tianzong said, Xu Ruoting suddenly "pouched" and laughed, covering her mouth. Then someone would say that to her? It’s just that looking at the smiling man now doesn’t seem to be as annoying as before. As long as he doesn’t swear, this future boss will still look pretty seductive.

"My name is Xu Ruoting. Although I have just graduated from university, I have interviewed less than one hundred and eighty jobs. I have never seen a boss who hires employees as hastily as you. The time I go to work and what I need to do every day. Don't you tell me?"

Yuan Tianzong smiled

"What to do? It's very simple. Usually when I go out to pick up work, you can help me. The working hours are flexible, but you must be on call. When there is no get off work, you can sit at the grocery store at nine o'clock in the morning. Everything in the shop is clearly priced, and I leave work at four in the evening, right? As for rest, what do you think about rest seven days a month?"

Xu Ruoting was stunned when she heard it

"It's that simple?"

Yuan Tianzong was also strange and replied

"You didn't read the recruitment information?"

Xu Ruoting immediately waved her hand to lead the way

"Stop, don't talk about it, I know, since we will go to work tomorrow, let's sign a contract."

"Um, no contract."

Xu Ruoting thought she had heard it wrong, and said in surprise

"What? No contract? Then who will guarantee my salary?"

Yuan Tianzong nodded his head and seemed to understand Xu Ruoting's worry. He immediately walked to a safe behind him and pressed the code. Xu Ruoting saw this safe before he came in because the position was so conspicuous, it was in the boss's chair. Behind it, as if afraid that others would not be able to see it, when Yuan Tianzong opened the safe, Xu Ruoting was shocked by the piles of banknotes filled with it. So much money? This is what Xu Ruoting thinks now, but she deliberately pretended that she couldn't see it. Yuan Tianzong took a stack of money from the safe, weighed the weight, closed the safe, and said that the money was still on the table.

"It’s almost 20,000 yuan here. This is your first month’s salary. It’s too much trouble for a small shop like me to make a contract. If you’re afraid of defaulting your salary, then I’ll pay you early. Look at what else is there. Is it a problem?"

This Yuan Tianzong did not follow the routine at all, making Xu Ruoting unable to answer the conversation at all, but everyone is like this, what else should I worry about? The so-called contract is to protect the labor income of the laborer. Since people have already paid you, apart from not adding money, it is also very proud. It is just that Xu Ruoting picked up the money on the table and seemed to be still in the cloud. Feeling like inside, patted her face, and reality told herself that she was not dreaming. Xu Ruoting, who was holding money with a happy face, questioned.

"Aren't you afraid that I would disappear with the money?"

"Missing? It's kind of interesting. I never thought that anyone in this world took my money and disappeared. Beautiful, you have a lot of ideas, but I didn't introduce myself just now. I'm rich. You thought I was joking. ?"

Xu Ruoting gave a thumbs up

"I will give 100 points for this pretense, not participating in the water."

Yuan Tianzong also laughed

"Do you know if you call your boss in the future? Working here is more casual, but you must keep in mind the three rules, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

Yuan Tianzong who said these words put aside his smile, it didn't seem to be a joke at all, Xu Ruoting nodded seriously and listened.

"First, you must not come in when I am not in this room, this is very important."

Xu Ruoting nodded in understanding, and looked at the safe from time to time. Xu Ruoting thought Yuan Tianzong was afraid of stealing money by herself, but since you are afraid of others stealing your money, why do you put the safe in such a prominent position? Is it just to pretend to be unsuccessful? But these words were what Xu Ruoting thought in her heart, but she nodded seriously on her face to indicate that she knew it.

"Second, go out with me to do things. No matter what you see, you can't tell others. Can you do it?"

Xu Ruoting didn't care, but also nodded.

"Know, keep it secret, the boss wants to do big business, I understand that."

Xu Ruoting’s ridicule made Yuan Tianzong show a wicked smile. Looking at his smile, Xu Ruoting’s chill reappeared, telling herself instinctively that something ominous is about to happen to her in the future, but This is just a second story. After Yuan Tianzong finished talking about the first two rules, he paused in thought for a while. Xu Ruoting was still waiting for his last rule, and Yuan Tianzong said directly.

"Article three, don't fall in love with me..."

Xu Ruoting thought that Yuan Tianzong would say something, but as soon as she said something that sounded extremely narcissistic, Xu Ruoting subconsciously wanted to say something, but looking at Yuan Tianzong’s expression at this time, she didn’t know why, but the dirty word could not be said at all, because at this moment The sad expression on Yuan Tianzong’s face was beyond words. It seemed that this man of his age had some bizarre stories. Xu Ruoting took a deep breath.

"Don't worry, I admit that you are a little handsome, but you still don't make me fall in love with you. Now you can rest assured?"

In the next second, Yuan Tianzong pointed to his face with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Damn, this is Xiaoshuai? I am very satisfied with this face, absolutely 100 points, what do you little girl know."

"Huh, narcissist, you're a little girl, pretending to be old, if it's okay, then I'll go first, and I will come to work on time tomorrow, old... banter, lulululu..."

In the last sentence, Xu Ruoting spit out her tongue, the next volume made a very cute sound, and stuffed the money in her bag, then left the grocery store, looking at her leaving back, Yuan Tianzong finally shouted Tao

"By the way, bring me a hamburger and a glass of Coke tomorrow morning. I want a lamb burger. Remember, this is very important. I only eat lamb."

Xu Ruoting, who had already walked out of the grocery store, heard Yuan Tianzong’s last words, and she almost couldn’t stand firmly. She felt helplessly feeling whether it was a blessing or a curse to receive this job, but she touched the 20,000 yuan in cash bag, Xu Ruoting revealed Happy smile, this is 20,000. Now I just want to go back and tell Xiao Dong the good news, and then ask my co-leasing partner to go out for a luxurious dinner, and go shopping on shopping websites to buy some cosmetics that I have been reluctant to buy in my shopping cart. And the clothes, Xu Ruoting laughed again when he thought of this. When she walked out of the cemetery, the seventy-year-old guard glanced at Xu Ruoting, with an intriguing look in her eyes, and then the old guard continued to listen to the opera on the radio. In the Yao Yao Ling grocery store, Yuan Tianzong sat in his place, but looked to his left as if talking to himself.

"Xiaohu, what do you think of this girl?"

No one in the room answered himself, but Yuan Tianzong continued.

"Oh? She has strong spiritual power? I feel you? It seems that you like this little girl very much, but don't mess around. She is now my employee. If you bully her while I'm not here, then you Should know what will happen?"

A cold wind suddenly blew, Yuan Tianzong's messy hair fluttered, and such a bizarre interview was completed, but Xu Ruoting didn't know that this interview completely changed her future life destiny. (End of this chapter)