Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 61: Provocation


At the moment in the college’s large playground, more than 400 students in the eastern district are undergoing physical training. Now there are a variety of modern fitness equipment on the large playground, and the eastern district team has also made the best according to everyone’s physical fitness. Reasonable exercise program, and Qi Xiu is also among everyone, holding a record board to record the exercise of these students at all times

"Hurry up and take your time. Didn't you even wake up?"

Hearing Qi Xiu’s scolding, all the students shrank their necks. It seems that all the students have arrived today, as well as Yuan Tianzong, because after Xu Ruoting and Leng Ningluo’s soft and hard foaming last night, plus the morning Wang Daqian’s fatigue bombing allowed the “worst” person among the freshmen to exercise here. Qi Xiu passed by Yuan Tianzong who was doing sit-ups and looked at him sideways, but this look immediately made Qi Xiu furious. Yuan Tianzong was at this time. Actually doing sit-ups while playing a game with a game console in his hand

"Yuan Tianzong, what are you doing? Give me a good workout if you don't want to exercise, just give me back."

But Yuan Tianzong was playing games in his hands, but he was doing all the sit-ups. I have to say that he can keep doing sit-ups while playing games. This action is not something ordinary people can do. Seeing Qi Xiu is angry. Scolding himself, Yuan Tianzong replied immediately

"Don't you see me training seriously? It's my skill to be able to play games while training. I know you are jealous of my talent, but it's not good for you to avenge your personal revenge in front of the general public. Be careful. "

"you… "

Just when Qi Xiu was about to attack, a dense group of people came in the distance. Qi Xiu saw the headmaster Qian in the crowd for the first time. At this time, the other Headmaster Qian was next to Headmaster Su from the North District. Qi Xiu's expression was on his face. Suddenly it changed, because among this group of people, I saw a person I didn’t want to see the least, and such a big movement in the distance naturally couldn’t escape the eyes of these students in the Eastern District. When someone came over, the smart students had already guessed something. At the moment, everyone stopped the training courses in their hands and all looked far away, but everyone’s eyes didn’t have much kindness at the moment. When the principal Gan brought everyone to the training center of the playground, Qi Xiu was respectful. I made a courtesy to Principal Qian


It’s just that Qi Xiu only salutes the principal of his district, and did not put Su Jinghong in the north district in his eyes at all. At this time, among the many teachers and students in the north district, a very evil-looking man was holding his own. Mouth slowly walked out and said

"Oh, isn't this Qi Xiu, the leader of the Eastern Skywrath team? What's the matter? Haven't you met me after all these years? Oh, yes, has your arm injury recovered? Next time you perform the mission. Be careful, don’t get hurt, otherwise it will cause trouble to other teams."

When Qi Xiu saw this evil man, he became angry and gritted his teeth and said two words from his mouth.

"Luo Xu..."

It was Qi Xiu’s Skywrath team that cooperated with the Violet team in the North District to receive a ghost order, which led to the end of Qi Xiu’s Skywrath team being almost annihilated. Qi Xiu was hurt in order to protect his team members, but Looking at Qi Xiu’s face, many people guessed that it must be related to Luo Xu in front of him, but Qi Xiu didn’t expect that Luo Xu would come to his eastern district as a teacher in the northern district, but Luo Xu on the opposite side laughed. The laughter is very sharp, which makes people's ears a little uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, Qi Xiu, in the next six months, I will learn from you the skills of teaching and educating people. Although your team is not very strong, you may be very promising in teaching."

As soon as he said this, Qi Xiu clenched his fists tightly and shouted angrily.

"what did you say?"

However, when Qi Xiu took the first step, Principal Qian stopped in front of him and smiled slightly.

"Principal Su, this is the physical training place our Eastern District prepares for all students. How do you feel?"

Su Jinghong snorted coldly, looked up and swept over to the more than 400 freshmen in the Eastern District, with an uncut smile at the corner of his mouth. This kind of smile does not have any cover. As long as people see it, they know that this kind of smile represents What? At this moment, William Benster of the North District walked out of the crowd and walked slowly towards the students in the East District. The principal Qian’s expression began to become serious, and now he didn’t even know what the North District was. What the group of guys are going to do, the more than 400 students in the Eastern District saw a foreigner walking towards everyone, and they were a little baffled, but William turned around and said loudly

"Oh, my God, what happened to the students in the Eastern District? Are they hiding their strength? Why do I feel they are a little weak."

I heard a foreigner utterly ranting among the more than 400 students in the Eastern District. Many students in the Eastern District couldn’t help pointing at William.

"You foreigner, what kind of thing are you? We are also in the Eastern District where you can tell?"

But William looked at the Eastern District student who was scolding himself, spreading his hands in disbelief.

"God, my god, are all the students in the Eastern District so rude? It's so rude. I feel that coming to the Eastern District was a very wrong decision."

"you… "

Seeing that the students in the North District have had a quarrel with the students in the East District, many teachers in the East District have slowly approached their students. This is just in case, and the teachers in the North District are also facing William Bens. Xu Ruoting, who was near there, hiding behind the crowd, was already a little angry. Looking at Yuan Tianzong who was still playing games, she complained in her heart.

"Boss, when are you still playing games? Really, people are bullying to the door."

But Yuan Tianzong looked up at Xu Ruoting with a dumbfounded expression.

"There is a problem with your logic. What does it have to do with me playing the game when they come to provoke you? Also, they didn't bully you. Why are you worried? Didn't you see so many teachers there? If you can't fight, if you feel unhappy , You go up and slap that little foreigner twice. Don't worry, it's absolutely safe to have me covering you."

Xu Ruoting heard Yuan Tianzong's words and kicked her feet with anger. When all the freshmen in the Eastern District looked at William Benster, Wang Daqian grinned honestly.

"Hello, classmates, my name is Wang Daqian, we are all classmates of the Ghost Master Academy, why bother to be so violent, don't you think?"

Seeing an honest man in the crowd came out to round the field, William looked at him first, but then a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, hello, student Wang, I am from a remote and beautiful country Y. My name is William Benster. Student Wang, please forgive me for my previous unreasonable actions. By the way, the hoe in your hand seems to be the same. The magic weapon, and the spiritual power is also very abundant, I don't know where Wang ranked among your freshmen in this class?"

Seeing William said this, many students from the Eastern District immediately replied

"Huh, Daqian is one of the top five students in our Eastern District. I advise you to be honest, otherwise you will have good fruit."

But when William heard that Wang Daqian was ranked in the top five, the expression on his face immediately fell cold, which was completely opposite to the kind face just now. At this moment, William Benster suddenly took out two silver pieces from his waist. The two pistols instantly rotated a few times in their hands and pointed them directly at Wang Daqian. Even the teachers in the Eastern District did not respond with this hand. No one thought that the students in the North District would dare to openly take out their weapons and aim them. My student, the next moment, I saw William chanting a strange formula, and a hexagonal 3D pattern appeared on each of the two silver muzzles in his hand. All the students in the Eastern District were surprised when they saw it. This is an ancient method. Array? Moreover, at the speed used by William, the formation of this array took only about three seconds. When William finished reading the formula in his mouth, the ancient hexagonal array on the two silver guns in his hand shot out two laser bullets directly. Shooting towards Wang Daqian’s chest, Qi Xiu said in shock.

"Daqian, run away." (End of this chapter)