Demon Spirit Grocery Store

Chapter 73: Seventy-third Zhang Qiang is terrible


Seventy-third Zhang Qiang's terrible

Having said that, Yuan Tianzong snapped his fingers directly. At this moment, a huge force emerged in the huge array above William's head, and the array began to appear like spike-like objects, and the number was huge. Many, like a rain of needles in the sky, the number of those fine needles is fast and large, and the densely packed look makes the scalp numb. William's face is finally not good at this time. If he is really hit by these needles on the top of the head, he will definitely be hit. He has become a cactus, but no matter if he dodges, the pattern above his head will still follow him. When those fine needles are about to hit William, Rodman in the distance grabs William’s back collar and directly Throwing him out, Rodman combined his hands and desperately protected the vital parts of his body, "ding ding dong dong," a constant crackling sound, many fine needles hit Rodman's gloves. I was blocked, but there were too many needle rains in the array. After all, there were only a few positions that the glove could resist. Many fine needles had been inserted into Rodman’s arm and chest. The next moment, I saw Rodman. The whole person’s body is already filled with fine needles. It is really the same as a cactus. Blood is flowing out of the tiny pinholes. Don’t think that these needles are just ordinary needles. If you look carefully, every needle The needles are hollow in the middle, which is the same concept as the dagger with a blood groove. Those thin needles are like sucking blood. At this time, Rodman is just a few seconds.

Everyone has become a blood man, and William by his side shouted

"Rodman, are you okay?"

Rodman shook his head hard.

"He, he is very strong, small, and careful." Seeing that Rodman, who ranked second in the North District, was hit hard by all the students in the Eastern District, there was a sense of confidence in their hearts. Facing the freshmen from other North Districts, they had more hands. Three-point strength, now the scene is completely rioted. On Qi Xiu’s side, Luo Xu and Qi Xiu’s battle is also erupting. Originally, the strength of the two is about the same, but Qi Xiu’s left arm was injured and he couldn’t fully exert himself Strength. After several matches, Qi Xiu has already suffered a lot. Luo Xu has also hit several wounds on his body. Qi Xiu squatted on the ground, panting heavily, staring at his face.

Luo Xu before, and Luo Xu also looked at Qi Xiudao with a mocking look.

"Huh, Qi Xiu, I didn't expect your Eastern Zone to take the initiative to attack our Northern Zone, hahaha, do you know what this means?"

But Qi Xiu can't manage that much anymore, angrily

"You in the North District seriously injured our students in the East District. This account can’t be left alone. Even if my left arm is disabled, I will not let you off easily. For the glory of my Skywrath team, and for all the teachers and students in the East District, Today I will definitely want you to pay your debts."

Luo Xu haha Yangtian laughed

"Haha, just rely on you?"

But when he finished speaking, a figure flashed beside Qi Xiu. At this moment, Yuan Tianzong stood beside Qi Xiu and said

"You have an hour to kill him."

Before Qi Xiu could react to Yuan Tianzong’s words, he saw Yuan Tianzong grabbing Qi Xiu’s left arm, and a terrible cry rang out.

"Ah... What are you doing?" Yuan Tianzong had already left before he could finish. At this moment, a miracle happened. Qi Xiu's left arm faintly appeared ghostly, that originally weak left arm Beginning with an unspeakable power, Qi Xiu raised his left arm and looked at him in disbelief.

His left arm, laughed loudly and said

"My arm, my arm recovered, I..." Luo Xu, who was opposite, was also shocked. Just now I saw that the boy just grabbed Qi Xiu's left arm and pinched it. How could Qi Xiu's left arm recovered? What? how can that be? But there is not much time for himself to think clearly, Qi Xiu’s face showed a trace of the head of the sky wrath

Xin smiled, a burst of spiritual power came out and pointed at Luo Xudao

"It's a fair fight now. Let's make an end between Skywrath and your Violet."

"Okay, I will completely destroy your anger today." "Boom Rumble" The entire main classroom began to vibrate violently, and the main classroom in the North District began to shake like an earthquake. This is a battle between two six-star ghost masters. Wei Neng, and all the north and east areas have also reached the point of white-hot. Many people's faces have been painted, and the more powerful ones have been beaten to the ground and can’t move, whether it is in the north or east. And Xu Ruoting gave full play to her strength in this chaotic battle, and saw her purple compound bow supporting in the last row. Whenever she saw the students from the Eastern District fell down, she shot an arrow in the past, fast and accurate. It seems that the enemy’s actions can be accurately predicted every time. The continuous shooting of arrows has made it easier for many students in the eastern district to fight. The students in the northern district have to deal with sudden bows and arrows, and deal with the students in the eastern district Taking care of himself, Lei Wenlong on the side is even more cruel. Wherever the water pipe in his hand goes, he will definitely hit a few students from the North District, and Lei Wenlong’s water pipe hits the opponent’s head every time. , Headshots time after time, without any false hair, feel that this is not a person fighting, but a beast is frantically rushing to eat, Rodman has lost the combat ability, and Yuan Tianzong slowly came to William’s face, looking at him. This terrifying man, with his green eyes as if he came from hell, made William feel in a daze, but during the battle, a second of distraction meant death.

The coming of death

"You have a copy of the one who wounded Wang Daqian? I don't need your life either. How about this, how about abolishing your spiritual power?"

It was the first time that William felt the horror in his heart. Although the words of Yuan Tianzong on the opposite side were a bit exaggerated, at this moment, he did not doubt what he said in William's heart. Every step Yuan Tianzong approached him, William took a step back subconsciously.

"Um, brother, me, I didn't mean it, I..."

William had already begun to speak incoherently, and Yuan Tianzong on the opposite side looked at William with a smile and some mockery.

"Oh? Not intentional? By the way, I am not your brother, and you are not worthy." While Yuan Tianzong was taking a step forward, suddenly, William took out two silver guns directly from his waist and attacked Yuan Tianzong directly. Shooting, and Yuan Tianzong snorted coldly, but the game console in his hand was directly thrown towards William's body, but strangely, the game console thrown by Yuan Tianzong was spinning in the air and emitting a ray of light, as if it had his own soul. Usually with a "pop", the game console slammed into William's hand, and the two silver guns were blasted off directly by the game console. This is nothing. When William's silver gun was blown away, the game console unexpectedly Returned by myself

Yuan Tianzong's hands

"Huh? Modern technology? Why? Without these toys, would it become a waste? Ridiculous." After that, Yuan Tianzong quickly rushed towards William, holding up the brick game console in his hand, picking up the guy and heading towards William’s head was smashed, and William without the double guns was like losing his own backbone, completely losing combat effectiveness, and constantly retreating towards him in panic.

Go, when I came to the wall and was unable to retreat, another afterimage not far away was quickly approaching Yuan Tianzong's back. A faint smile appeared at the corner of Yuan Tianzong's mouth, turning around and grabbing the afterimage by the neck. With a sneer, "I have been waiting for you for a long time, are you ready to meet my anger? (End of this chapter)