Demoness’s Art of Vengeance

Chapter 119: The Furious Imperial Master of Lieyan Kingdom (Second Update)


Situ Cang continued to take several talismans on the second prince's body. These talismans were refined with his whole life's efforts and were meant to overcome the calamity. They would never be used unless it was an emergency.

These talismans can slow down the loss of life force to the greatest extent. Situ Cang originally wanted to use them to save his life, but as a result, his son's life was in danger, and he couldn't care so much anymore.

However, several pictures of the talismans were taken. Although the loss of the second prince's vitality had slowed down, he still couldn't avoid the end of death.

According to Situ Cang's prediction, if these talismans were taken, his son's life would not be in danger. Unexpectedly, he still could not prevent his death.

I'm afraid that the effectiveness of these talismans has not even been exerted to 30%.

Situ Cang's eyes were bloodshot, and he was on the verge of complete rage. His eyes slowly swept across everyone present, and his aura was rising steadily.

Although he wanted to kill the culprit who caused his son to be like this, he also didn't want to let go of the disciples of the Rising Sun Sect present.

Since they were all in his son's mansion tonight, why was his son so seriously injured but these people were unscathed? !

Situ Cang was angry and wanted to bury these disciples of Xuyang Sect with him!

As for the designated disciple of the Xuanji Sect, Situ Cang did not intend to let him go. Anyway, he had many cover-up methods. It was a very simple matter to quietly kill these qigong-level ants.

Situ Cang's eyes were like cold needles quenched with poison, making the disciples of Xuyang Sect drip with cold sweat and send chills down their spines.

Yu Wanrou lay trembling on the ground, huddled up in a ball. Situ Cang had just beaten her seriously, causing her to almost faint like those senior brothers.

She had room with her and could heal her injuries by drinking a sip of the spiritual spring, but under Situ Cang's eyes, she didn't dare to take out the spiritual spring and could only suffer the pain.

Now, she sensed the approaching danger. Situ Cang looked at them like a dead person, obviously losing his mind because of the second prince's imminent death.

If the second prince doesn't survive, she might be crushed to death by this imperial master before she can achieve her goal. Yu Wanrou died once, and she doesn't want to die again.

Her goal is to stand at the highest point and have the entire world of cultivation surrender under her skirt. How can she be willing to die like this when she lives the same life as heaven and earth? !

Yu Wanrou thought for a while, gritted her teeth, and decided to give it a try.

She could use the spiritual spring as a condition for negotiation to ensure that the Imperial Master would not be able to think of killing her in the short term.

Thinking like this, Yu Wanrou raised her head cautiously and weakly shouted to the Imperial Master: "Senior... Imperial Master, I... I may have a way to save the second prince's life."

Situ Cang glanced at Yu Wanrou with slightly narrowed eyes, and coldly uttered one word: "Speak!"

"Senior Imperial Master, please wait a moment." Yu Wanrou said, taking out a bottle from the storage ring, which contained half a bottle of spiritual spring.

"This is a bottle of holy healing medicine that I got by chance. After I was injured before, if I took this bottle internally, the injury would heal quickly. I don't know if this bottle of medicine will be useful to the Second Prince."

Yu Wanrou didn't dare to expose the existence of the personal dimension, so she mistakenly said that she got this bottle of medicine by chance.

Situ Cang didn't think that a small person with a fifth level of Qi training would have any holy medicine for healing, but the current situation was critical, and the dead horse could only be treated as a living horse. He grabbed it in the air with one hand, and the small jade bottle in Yu Wanrou's hand was sucked into his hand.

Situ Cang opened the small jade bottle with a cold face, and a burst of rich spiritual energy suddenly filled the air from the small jade bottle.

The disciples of the Xuyang Sect who were far away from Situ Cang could not smell this spiritual energy, but Situ Cang's expression obviously changed. He no longer looked cold, but showed some surprise.

He glanced at Yu Wanrou thoughtfully, which made Yu Wanrou suddenly break out in cold sweat, soaking her entire back.

In front of a thousand-year-old monster like Situ Cang, Yu Wanrou felt as if all her secrets had been seen through, which made her hair stand on end.

Situ Cang seemed to not want to delve into the secrets of Yu Wanrou for the time being, so he just opened the second prince's mouth, poured the spiritual spring in the small jade bottle directly into it, and then closed the second prince's mouth.

The spiritual spring is a liquid formed by condensed spiritual energy. As soon as it enters the mouth, it seeps in along the meridians of the second prince.

The meridians and Dantian on the second prince's body were originally eroded by the eldest prince's demonic energy, and there was no way to store the spiritual energy. This is why Situ Cang took several pictures of the talismans but could not make the second prince feel better. Now Yu Wanrou took out the spiritual spring in her portable space. A small drop of the spiritual spring was equivalent to the spiritual energy that an ordinary monk would breathe out after meditating for half a month, not to mention that Situ Cang had fed half a bottle of spiritual spring. .

Under the wash of the huge spiritual energy, the demonic energy in the second prince's body was squeezed out, his dantian and meridians also began to repair, and the aura on his body became calmer and calmer.

In the eyes of other disciples of the Xuyang Sect, thick black mist emerged from the second prince's body, making them frightened. They wondered whether the "spiritual medicine" Yu Wanrou handed over was of any use.

The anger on Situ Cang's face was obviously fading. He could see that his son's life was saved. As for whether his cultivation level had declined, it would take some time to know.

Situ Cang made a magic formula and threw it into the air. A moment later, the center of the formation lit up again, and several servants of the Imperial Master's Palace appeared in the second prince's residence.

"Take the second prince back to the Imperial Master's Mansion to recover from his injuries. I will go back after I have finished handling the matter."

"Yes!" The servants knelt down and agreed, carefully took the second prince from Situ Cang's hand, and threw out a teleportation scroll. After the blue light passed, the servants and the second prince disappeared.

These things happened in a few breaths. The disciples of Xuyang Sect thought that they were doomed, but unexpectedly, in a twist of fate, the healing elixir given by Junior Sister Wanrou actually worked!

Everyone who had survived the disaster looked at Yu Wanrou with gratitude, and Yu Wanrou was also secretly happy in her heart—this move was finally the right one. After today, these people from the Xuyang Sect, as well as the National Preceptor and the Second Lieutenant of the Lieyan Kingdom, The prince owed her a favor, and the road ahead would be smoother.

"Okay, don't kneel down. Let's all get up." Situ Cang waved his sleeves, and these disciples of Xuyang Sect, you supported me and I supported you, and they got up from the ground one after another.

"Thank you, senior." As the leader of these people, Qin Lingyu naturally had to show off.

Situ Cang waved his hand casually. He was not kindly letting these disciples of the Rising Sun Sect go, but because the second prince's life was saved, there was no need for him to vent his anger on these people.

What's more, he always felt that the female cultivator had more than just a bottle of healing medicine on her body. Now he was not sure that his son could completely recover. For this reason, he had to let the female cultivator go before making any plans.

"Senior, I found this bunch of things not far away. It may be useful for senior to track the murderer." Seeing that the danger was over, Ke Xinwen handed over the things that belonged to Ye Xiuwen in his hand.

He wanted to use Situ Cang's help to get rid of Ye Xiuwen.

This bunch of things are small accessories on clothes, which are often found on street stalls. But precisely because it is not a valuable thing, its appearance in the palace itself is a suspicious point.

Situ Cang sucked this bunch of things into his hand, with an uncertain look in his eyes.

Seeing the appearance of this bunch of things, Di Le let out a low breath - How could this bunch of things look like it was given to Senior Brother Ye by "Yao Mo"? !

Hearing Di Le's low cry, Situ Cang sucked Di Le into his hand, pinched his neck, and asked with cold eyes: "Do you know who this bunch of things belongs to?"

Di Le kicked his legs. He really didn't want to betray Ye Xiuwen. After all, Ye Xiuwen once saved his life. But the expression on Situ Cang's face now was obviously "I will break your neck if you don't tell the truth."

Just when Situ Cang increased the strength in his hand, Di Le finally said in a hoarse voice: "I said...Senior, I said..."

Situ Cang relaxed his strength, but still squeezed Di Le's neck.

"Okay... it seems... it's... it belongs to Senior Brother Ye..." Di Le said with a sad face.

"Senior Brother Ye? Are you a disciple of the Xuyang Sect?" Situ Cang's momentum began to rise again.

"Senior, please listen to the next words." Qin Lingyu saw Ke Xinwen's idea of borrowing a knife to kill people, and he didn't mind pushing him from behind, "Senior brother Ye is indeed a disciple of our Xuyang Sect and the master of Lintian Peak. ’s first disciple, but he is a solitary person and rarely interacts with us. Even if we travel together this time, he only travels alone, so we don’t know his true thoughts.”

The implication was that even if Ye Xiuwen hurt the second prince, it had nothing to do with everyone present.

Situ Cang looked at Qin Lingyu silently, which made Qin Lingyu feel a little uneasy. Could it be that the Imperial Master didn't believe it? Or do they have to put Ye Xiuwen's account on their heads

Qin Lingyu suddenly regretted being so eager to blame this matter on Ye Xiuwen.

Situ Cang studied Qin Lingyu and Ke Xinwen for a while, then said coldly: "Is your Xuyang Sect a sect that cultivates demons?"

"Cultivating... cultivating demons?!" No one expected that Situ Cang would contact the demon cultivator.

"Oh, the person who hurt my disciple is obviously a demon cultivator. The wounds on my disciple's body are all caused by demonic energy. If your 'Senior Brother Ye' hurt him, it can only mean that your Xuyang This sect is a demon cultivating sect.”

Situ Cang has lived for more than two thousand years, how could he not see that Qin Lingyu and Ke Xinwen wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife

Want to lend him this "knife"? We still have to see if they have any lives to lend us!

Ke Xinwen was shocked by this fact. He did not expect that a good calculation would be ruined by a "demon energy".

Qin Lingyu, on the other hand, was unhurried. His thoughts were more thoughtful than Ke Xinwen's, and his temperament was much more stable. He hugged Situ Cang and said, "Although Senior Brother Ye is not a demon cultivator, he is accompanied by a young man of unknown origin named 'Yao Mo'. We know very little about that young man. We don't know who he is." Could he be a demon cultivator?"

"Yes! There is another Yao Mo!" Another disciple of the Xuyang Sect also agreed with a sudden realization, "I have long thought that Yao Mo is mysterious. Maybe his weird methods are all about cultivating demons. Only people can have it."

"He had a dispute with the second prince at the auction before." Another disciple added.

"Yes, the second prince just likes the same thing as him, so he is sarcastic and sarcastic."

These disciples of the Xuyang Sect just want to work hard to remove themselves and prevent the wrath of the Imperial Master from burning on them. Therefore, they spare no effort to respond to the words of Qin Lingyu and Ke Xinwen and try to remove all the wrath of the Imperial Master. All the anger was directed towards Ye Xiuwen.

As for whether Ye Xiuwen would be killed by the Imperial Master because of this, they didn't want to pay too much attention to it. After all, they themselves couldn't protect themselves.

Situ Cang looked around at the people who had spoken out. With his eyesight, he could see that none of them were lying.

Regardless of whether the person named "Yao Mo" hurt his son or not, he was not going to let him go. After all, anyone who had a dispute with his son should die!

Situ Cang had a very strong idea of protecting the calf, so it was no wonder that he would teach the second prince to be a arrogant, arrogant and arrogant man.

Situ Cang threw Di Le to the ground, and then made a magic formula in the void. As the magic formula lit up, the few wisps of demonic energy remaining in the void slowly gathered and floated in the palm of his hand.

Situ Cang took out a small bottle and filled the demonic energy.

These demonic energies retained the aura of their master. With this weak aura, Situ Cang could find the person who harmed the second prince by setting up a formation.

Therefore, Ke Xinwen's borrowed knife plot was destined to be impossible, but because of the dispute between "Yao Mo" and the second prince, the name "Yao Mo" accidentally hit Situ. Cang's knife edge was on the edge.

Situ Cang will not let go of "Yao Mo", and he will not let go of Ye Xiuwen who stays with "Yao Mo".

The corners of Ke Xinwen's lips slowly raised, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Di Le, who was thrown to the ground by Situ Cang, gasped for air and lay on the ground shivering, not daring to speak. Others were also silent, fearing that if they said the wrong thing, they would cause Situ Cang's dissatisfaction.

Situ Cang had obtained the results he wanted, so naturally he no longer wanted the lives of these people. However, he was not sure that his son's injuries could be completely healed, so he asked these people from the Xuyang Sect to stay, especially Yu Wanrou.

"You just stay in this mansion for the time being, and then you can leave after I have completely resolved this matter."

Situ Cang's words were obviously not a request for advice, but an order.

Everyone nodded hurriedly. It was good enough to get one life back. How could they dare to have any other opinions

As for Ke Xinwen, Qin Lingyu and Yu Wanrou, they had no plans to leave for the time being. Ke Xinwen and Qin Lingyu wanted to see with their own eyes the fate of Ye Xiuwen being killed by Situ Cang, while Yu Wanrou wanted to let Situ Cang and the second prince owed her more favors.

Everyone had their own concerns and left the courtyard one after another and went to their rooms.

Since they were all preoccupied, they didn't notice that Di Le was lagging behind.

Di Le made sure that everyone else was walking in front and no one noticed him, so he quickly took out a transmission talisman and wrote on it:

Senior Brother Ye, the National Master of Lieyan Kingdom may want to hunt you and Yao Mo down. Leave this town as soon as possible and don’t come back!

After finishing writing, he let the paper crane fly away, a trace of guilt flashing in his eyes.

His life was saved by Ye Xiuwen, so he naturally didn't want to see Ye Xiuwen killed by his own cowardice.

I hope his warning can help, Di Le thought silently, rubbed his neck where the national master pinched a mark, speeded up, and caught up with the other disciples of the Xuyang Sect.