Demoness’s Art of Vengeance

Chapter 14: No negotiation for a slap in the face (Part 1)


Jun Xiaomo's cultivation has dropped to the first level of Qi training? ! impossible! This was the first reaction of everyone present after hearing this.

Who is Jun Xiaomo? The daughter of the master of Lintian Peak has been staying in the sect since she was born. The master of Lintian Peak and his wife have always held this precious daughter in their hands for fear of falling, and held it in their mouths for fear of melting. , not to mention Jun Xiaomo’s group of pretty good seniors and juniors, with such a protective umbrella, who has the ability to destroy her skills! This is what everyone present is thinking.

If others didn't believe it, Yu Wanrou wouldn't believe it even more. Although when she heard the news, her heart was indeed filled with turmoil, but when she raised her head, she saw the look on Jun Xiaomo's face. When she smiled, she calmed down.

Oh, Jun Xiaomo’s cultivation has dropped to the level of Qi training? How can this be! Just a few hours ago she slapped me! Can level one have such power? !

Yu Wanrou felt that the area on her chest where the wind from Jun Xiaomo's palm had swept was still aching. Although she had taken the healing medicine, it could not take effect so quickly, so she had to continue to suffer from the pain.

The fact that Jun Xiaomo hurt himself cannot be faked. In that case, why should we be afraid that Jun Xiaomo will do something unexpected? After Yu Wanrou thought about this clearly, she felt calmer and calmer in her heart.

In Yu Wanrou's eyes, the eldest lady Jun Xiaomo is just a little girl who has not experienced the world. Just like her half-sister in the previous life, she can never beat herself in terms of scheming, so she does not believe in Jun Xiaomo. Xiaomo can come up with any really useful strategies.

Maybe some kind of drug was used to suppress cultivation, right? Yu Wanrou thought sneer in her heart. Drugs that suppress cultivation have a certain time limit. Once this time limit has passed, Jun Xiaomo's lies will naturally be self-defeating.

Yu Wanrou filtered all her thoughts silently, and finally decided to bite Jun Xiaomo and hurt herself, otherwise, she would not be able to swallow this breath!

Of course, Yu Wanrou would not question him aggressively like Jun Xiaomo. Pretending to be pitiful and gaining sympathy was her strength. Therefore, after brewing her emotions for a while, Yu Wanrou raised her head with red eyes, her eyes full of water. Looking at Jun Xiaomo, there was inextricable grievance and sadness in his eyes.

"Sister Xiaomo, I know there are some misunderstandings between you and me, and I don't expect you to listen to my explanation immediately, but I don't want these misunderstandings to hurt the relationship between you and me. This time Let’s just forget about it like this, okay? Just treat my injuries as if they were caused by me, and I’ll just let you calm down.”

Jun Xiaomo listened to Yu Wanrou's "heartfelt words" with a cold expression, and couldn't help but applaud this man's character and strategy. It's just a few short sentences, which express the meaning of "my injuries are all caused by you, but I don't care about you". Coupled with Yu Wanrou's pitiful expression, Her image of being "kind and generous" was immediately heightened. Looking back on herself, I'm afraid many people think she is unruly, willful and unreasonable, right

Jun Xiaomo glanced at the people sitting down, and sure enough, she saw pity for Yu Wanrou and anger at her "unreasonable" behavior in others' eyes.

Jun Xiaomo smiled faintly, turned around, bowed to the elders, and said: "Second Elder, Third Elder, Fifth Elder, the disciple's cultivation has indeed dropped to the level of Qi training. Elders, please be aware of this." .”

Isn't the reason why Yu Wanrou continues to pretend to be pitiful based on the certainty that her cultivation level will not decline? However, I am afraid she will be disappointed this time, Jun Xiaomo thought, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Come here." The second elder waved to Jun Xiaomo and told him. Jun Xiaomo walked over calmly and stretched out his wrist with a calm expression.

The second elder put his fingers on Jun Xiaomo's wrist, and a trace of spiritual energy spread through Jun Xiaomo's meridians.

Compared with just checking Yu Wanrou's injuries, the second elder took longer this time.

After three sticks of incense passed, the second elder opened his eyes, put down his hands, and looked at Jun Xiaomo with a hint of inquiry and scrutiny.

Jun Xiaomo lowered his eyes and pretended not to notice the strange look in the second elder's eyes.

"How is the situation?" The third elder has a bad temper. The second elder has been checking for so long, and his patience has already worn out.

To be honest, he didn't want Jun Xiaomo's cultivation to drop to the level of Qi training. After all, Jun Xiaomo was considered a relatively talented disciple in Xuyang Sect. If Jun Xiaomo's cultivation was abolished, Xuyang Sect would be equal to Another genius was lost.

However, the fact made the third elder helpless. The second elder just remained silent for a moment and then said to everyone: "Disciple Jun Xiaomo's cultivation has indeed dropped to the first level of Qi training."

The whispers present became louder as the second elder finished speaking. They all looked at Jun Xiaomo in surprise, mixed with pity, sympathy, and even schadenfreude.

Jun Xiaomo seemed unaware of their gazes. She asked calmly: "Can the matter be concluded this time?" When she said this, her unexplained gaze fell on Yu Wanrou. Yu Wanrou bit her lower lip and considered whether to continue pursuing this matter. Jun Xiaomo's performance made her feel unsure.

Unexpectedly, another person helped Yu Wanrou push the matter forward—

"Who knows if you took medicine to suppress your cultivation!" Qin Shanshan said angrily when she saw that things did not develop as she expected.

Jun Xiaomo raised his eyebrows and shifted his gaze to Qin Shanshan: "Oh? So, do you think I became like this because of taking medicine? That's good, come back and see me in a few days. Has your cultivation level recovered? The pill that suppresses your cultivation level has a limited time limit. You must not have forgotten it, right?"

"You... you can also take the pill every time before the elders check it. Who knows if you have faked it!" Qin Shanshan bit Jun Xiaomo unwillingly.

"Ha, you're cheating on taking medicine? Qin Shanshan, have you used all your knowledge about elixirs to feed flies?" Jun Xiaomo sneered unceremoniously, "Don't you remember that medicines that inhibit cultivation will be effective if you take them more than three times in a row? Will it lead to a decline in cultivation? How stupid must I be to do such a thing that is harmful to myself and others."

"Pfft..." A male cultivator couldn't help but cover his mouth and snickered: Feeding flies with the knowledge of elixirs? Fortunately, Jun Xiaomo could figure it out.

The corners of other people's mouths also twitched, as if they wanted to laugh but were suppressing it.

Qin Shanshan's face turned red and white at Jun Xiaomo's words, and her chest heaved violently due to shame and anger. She said "you" to Jun Xiaomo for a long time, but could not say a word to refute.

When did this woman become so vicious? ! Qin Shanshan felt that the current Jun Xiaomo really made her fear and hate her twice. In one day, Jun Xiaomo made her lose face and dignity twice. This time he did it in front of his fellow disciples. Jun Xiaomo didn't even consider her brother's presence!

Qin Shanshan's eyes almost burst into flames when she looked at Jun Xiaomo, but Jun Xiaomo just looked at her with a smile, as if her hatred didn't hurt or itch to her.

"Furthermore, there is one more thing I want to remind Qin Shanshan. With the elders' cultivation level, if I took the elixir, they would not be able to detect it. You are so sure that I took the elixir and denied the second elder's statement. Are you too confident in my elixir, or too unconfident in the second elder’s cultivation?”

Jun Xiaomo delivered the final blow without changing his smile. Qin Shanshan was labeled as "disrespectful to the elders" by her. She was so angry that she rolled her eyes and fainted. Fortunately, Qin Lingyu caught her in time and she avoided falling straight to the ground.

However, Qin Shanshan probably won't want to go out these days. She is a person who values face more than many things, and Jun Xiaomo obviously ripped off her face this time.

Qin Lingyu hugged his sister and watched all this thoughtfully - he felt that Jun Xiaomo was really abnormal today, but he didn't know what made Jun Xiaomo change so drastically.

I just hope that this change will not affect the plans of himself and his master, Qin Lingyu thought silently, but he began to feel a little unsure in his heart.

No matter what, there is no room for error in the plan! Qin Lingyu thought this, and his eyes gradually turned firm.