Demoness’s Art of Vengeance

Chapter 31: Fighting and killing


Jun Xiaomo closed his eyes again, and incredulously explored the state of Qi in his Dantian and meridians. When she confirmed that she had converted five thousandths of the energy in just one hour, her heart began to beat violently.

Sure enough, the rate at which true energy is converted into spiritual energy and demonic energy has increased again. In the past five hours, it could only convert three thousandths of it, but now it can convert five thousandths in one hour!

Jun Xiaomo opened his eyes, biting his lower lip with joy, and suddenly found a small weight on his thigh. When he lowered his head, he found that the little dumpling was staying on his lap obediently, and he slapped him with satisfaction. roll.

Jun Xiaomo scratched its ears interestingly, feeling that this little dumpling was really his lucky star.

The little dumpling screamed, shook his head, and touched Jun Xiaomo's fingertips with his three long beards.

"Speaking of which, I have to think carefully about what causes the conversion efficiency to increase." Jun Xiaomo bent his index finger and tapped his pointed chin. His bright eyes narrowed slightly and he fell into deep thought.

She carefully recalled what she had done before these two conversion efficiency improvements—

The first time was when she met Dai Yue. Dai Yue attacked her. In a moment of desperation, she naturally used her Qi to dodge. Although she was not very successful in the end, she still managed to avoid it a little bit;

The second time, she peeked at Senior Brother Ye practicing his sword, so she was attacked by Senior Brother Ye. In desperation, she also started to use her Qi...

Both times when she was attacked, she automatically activated the formula for converting true energy into spiritual energy. She originally thought it was useless at all, but now it seems that it might be a breakthrough to improve the efficiency of converting true energy.

Jun Xiaomo's thoughts became clearer than ever before, and she remembered the characteristics of a demon cultivator: improving through fighting and killing.

Because demonic energy is extremely difficult to control, under the long-term immersion of demonic energy, demon cultivators often develop a flamboyant and wild temperament. They are not afraid of fighting or death. Some demon cultivators The practitioners even fell in love with the pleasure of killing, which made those ascetics fear and hate them.

Of course, Jun Xiaomo does not agree with this kind of indiscriminate murder. Such demon cultivators who are immersed in the pleasure of killing are no different from being possessed by demons. They will often explode and die when their cultivation reaches a certain level. Or he completely loses his mind and becomes a human demon who only knows how to kill, and is finally beaten to pieces by thunder.

However, not committing murder indiscriminately does not mean that you should greet others with a smile when they come knocking on your door. Jun Xiaomo has always believed that "Others respect me one foot, and I respect others ten feet; if he has any hatred towards me, I will treat him ten times as much." "Repay!" concept, so many "well-known and decent people" who came to kill him in the past life ended up becoming the dead souls of Jun Xiaomo's men.

Perhaps, if they hadn't pushed each other step by step, Jun Xiaomo's strength wouldn't have soared so much. If they knew that they had personally created a female devil that everyone was afraid of, I wonder if they would regret Mo Di.

Jun Xiaomo recalled some things in the past and had a slight understanding of this technique.

No matter what, this skill belongs to the category of magic-cultivating skills, and it must have the common attributes of many magic-cultivating skills. For example, fighting can enhance the practitioner's strength more than meditating.

This also explains why every time she encounters danger, the conversion efficiency of the true energy in her body will be significantly improved. Because she habitually runs her skills to avoid danger, her strength will also increase slightly.

"Oh, it's such an obvious truth, but I have only now thought about it clearly." Jun Xiaomo sighed, holding his forehead.

"Zhizhi~" Xiaotuanzi twisted her fluffy little body and started moving around in Jun Xiaomo's arms. Jun Xiaomo lowered his head and saw that this little guy was actually nibbling on her clothes!

"Okay, you can't eat my clothes." Jun Xiaomo flicked his finger, took out a handful of pine nuts from the storage ring, put it on the table, and put the small dumplings on it, "Good boy, eat this. This is the most filling thing.”

Xiaotuanzi jumped up and smelled it, seeming a little disgusted. But although Jun Xiaomo was smiling softly, his eyes were filled with undeniable determination, so he had no choice but to pick up a small pine nut and gnaw it with disdain.

"It's strange. Are all the little devil mice as smart as you, little thing?" Jun Xiaomo poked Xiaotuanzi in a funny way. Xiaotuanzi shook his beard and only focused on eating, ignoring Jun Xiaomo. " Food and clothing for parents”.

Jun Xiaomo gently teased one of Xiaotuanzi's beards with his fingertips, but his thoughts sank in again.

Now that she understood the reason why the energy conversion efficiency was so low, she had to think of a corresponding solution. With her current level of cultivation, running outside the sect to find someone to fight would be a suicide attempt, but if she were inside the sect...

Ye Xiuwen's figure immediately appeared in Jun Xiaomo's mind, and his fingertips froze, hanging in mid-air.

Senior brother, will he... be willing...

Jun Xiaomo bit his lower lip, his eyes a little tangled.

If she wanted Ye Xiuwen to be her "battle" partner, then she would definitely have to bother Ye Xiuwen often, which made her feel ashamed of troublesome others, but also a little nervous and expecting.

This complicated mood put Jun Xiaomo in a dilemma - she knew very well that if she expressed her thoughts directly to Ye Xiuwen, it was very likely that Senior Brother Ye would not refuse, but whether he would accept it helplessly or willingly, It's hard to say. After all, based on Jun Xiaomo's understanding of Ye Xiuwen, Ye Xiuwen would not directly refuse many of his requests for the sake of his master and his wife, unless he stepped on his bottom line.

But because of this, Jun Xiaomo didn't want to force Ye Xiuwen to do anything for her, which would make her feel even more guilty.

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed. Should I find my senior brother?" Jun Xiaomo poked the little dumpling happily, "Xiao Tuanzi, do you think I should find my senior brother?"

Xiaotuanzi immediately dropped the pine nuts in his paws, hugged Jun Xiaomo's index finger tightly and refused to leave.

Jun Xiaomo said in a funny way: "Why should I ask you this ignorant snack food? Okay, eat the pine nuts quickly, mother will be back soon, I will heat up the pot of flower-leaf koi in the kitchen. .”

After Jun Xiaomo finished speaking, he gently broke away from Xiaotuanzi's paw, stood up, and left the room.

Xiaotuanzi looked at Jun Xiaomo's leaving figure reluctantly, licked his paws, and grabbed another small pine nut...

The night was as cool as water, and everything was quiet. Only a few stars dotted the sky, overlooking the earth.

In a room at Xuyang Zongdan Cauldron Peak, Yu Wanrou picked up the wick, and the flames flickered out, illuminating her autumn eyes with dim light.

She looked at the pill in her hand, her eyes flashed with humiliation and unwillingness, and finally fell into deeper silence.

She swallowed the pill, and it quickly dissolved and absorbed in her abdomen, and the pain in her chest eased a little again.

Feeling the effectiveness of the pills, what Yu Wanrou thought of was the scene where Jun Xiaomo used that sharp mouth in the punishment hall to force her to retreat more than half a month ago, which made her chest feel like there was a burning pain in her chest. I was so angry that I couldn't go up or come down, not to mention it made me very angry!

If the second elder hadn't rescued her in time, the image she had finally built up might have been destroyed by Jun Xiaomo.

However, the Second Elder's rescue was also conditional. In order to have a good backer in the sect, Yu Wanrou used the spiritual spring in the space to make several elixirs and presented them to the second elder, and then she gained his favor and protection. This time, the second elder rescued Yu Wanrou, and Yu Wanrou had no choice but to donate a few more medicines, and almost exposed the existence of the spiritual spring!

Yu Wanrou still understands the truth that "every man is not guilty but only carries the jade." Therefore, donating medicine must not be too frequent for the second elder to spot the clues, otherwise he will use all means to get her All the treasures in space.

Moreover, in order to conceal the existence of the spiritual spring, Yu Wanrou did not dare to drink the spiritual spring directly to heal her injuries. Otherwise, the injury would heal too quickly and arouse suspicion. Therefore, she only dared to take ordinary healing medicine to make her alive again. Di Bai was in pain for several weeks.

Thinking of this, Yu Wanrou really wanted to cut the "culprit" Jun Xiaomo into pieces!

Just when Yu Wanrou was immersed in her own thoughts, a vague pattern lit up beside the bed. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly put on a tearful, pitiful expression. She sat lonely in her original position, looking down at the dancing firelight.

"Wanrou." A deep male voice said, and a warm body covered Yu Wanrou's back, hugging her upper body from behind.

"Pa ta ta", a drop of crystal tears fell from Yu Wanrou's eyes and dripped on the back of the other person's hand. However, if a third person was present, they would definitely be surprised by what happened at this time - that drop of water actually It just hung in mid-air and spread out.

"Okay, don't cry. I know you feel aggrieved, but I haven't gone to see her these days. I have come here to see you. What else is there to cry about? Be happy, okay?" A pair of invisible hands He turned Yu Wanrou around to face him, and slowly wiped away the tears on her face.

The person who came was none other than Qin Lingyu. He had not yet removed the invisibility talisman from his body. Except for Yu Wanrou, who had left a mark on the invisibility talisman, and those who had reached the Nascent Soul stage or above, others could not see his presence.

Qin Lingyu did this every time, using the teleportation formation and the invisibility charm to come to Yu Wanrou's room to have a tryst with her. Therefore, until now, no one knew about the secret communication between the two of them.

"You know my feelings for you. If the engagement between you and her is not broken, how can I be truly happy?" Yu Wanrou leaned into Qin Lingyu's arms as if she were boneless, her tenderness Then she looked at him with tears in her eyes and said aggrievedly and sadly, "But I know that you are a person who can do great things, so I am willing to wait for the day when you really marry me."