Demoness’s Art of Vengeance

Chapter 36: Okay, then let’s break up the marriage


Jun Xiaomo chatted with Ye Xiuwen in the bamboo pavilion for a full two hours before going back. She originally thought that Qin Lingyu had left long ago, but she didn't expect that as soon as she stepped into the cave, she saw the tall and obtrusive figure standing at the door of her room, looking out with a cold face, making Jun Xiaomo directly interact with her. His eyes met.

Oh, it's really rare. After waiting for so long, Jun Xiaomo's eyes flashed with undisguised sarcasm.

You know, in the past, Qin Lingyu, let alone waiting for her for two hours, would rarely even come to find her in person. He would often summon her with a paper crane. Even the most loyal dogs were not as obedient as her. .

Thinking of the heartless and bad things he had done in the past, Jun Xiaomo felt a sense of disgust in his heart, some directed at himself and some at Qin Lingyu.

Qin Lingyu originally thought that Jun Xiaomo would come back soon, but in the end, Jun Xiaomo didn't. He thought that Jun Xiaomo would come over happily as before when he saw her, but in the end, Jun Xiaomo didn't either... She just stood there with a frown. Not far away, there was undisguised disgust and resistance in his eyes, which made Qin Lingyu's heart skip a beat, and he wondered to himself, could it be that Jun Xiaomo really knew what happened between him and Yu Wanrou

To be honest, if it weren't for this level of worry, Qin Lingyu would never have waited at Jun Xiaomo's door for two hours like a fool. After Yu Wanrou was injured that time, Qin Lingyu wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Jun Xiaomo and find out what was going on. Unexpectedly, Yu Wanrou would always pester him so that he could not get away, and Qin Lingyu also felt that in the past, Jun Xiaomo's stupidity and her feelings for him could be revealed with a little coaxing, so it was only now that he thought of coming to find Jun Xiaomo.

The reason why he came to find Jun Xiaomo this time was that other things came second. The most important thing was to get some useful spiritual weapons and elixirs from Jun Xiaomo before going out to do the mission in the sect. As He Zhang's first disciple, Qin Lingyu naturally has a lot of spiritual weapons and elixirs in his hands, but no one can have too much of these things. One more thing is equivalent to one more way to save his life.

It can be seen from this that Qin Lingyu and Qin Shanshan are indeed brothers and sisters, and even their thinking brain circuits are similar.

When Qin Lingyu saw Jun Xiaomo just standing there with no intention of speaking, he could only bring up a topic and said, "Are you back? I've been waiting here for you for two hours."

Qin Lingyu's tone was very rude, with a hint of sullenness, and his cold eyes were directed at Jun Xiaomo, as if Jun Xiaomo had done something extremely sinful by keeping him waiting for two hours.

Jun Xiaomo lifted a piece of long hair that fell on his chest and said casually: "Oh? Really? But I didn't ask Senior Brother Qin to wait for me."

The implication is that it’s none of my business if you have to wait!

Qin Lingyu clenched his fists in his sleeves, and two clusters of raging anger quickly rose in his eyes, but he suppressed them in time before they exploded.

He can't break up with Jun Xiaomo yet, at least, he can't let the relationship between the two deteriorate casually before he has completely squeezed out the value of this engagement.

Qin Lingyu adjusted his mentality after two breaths, and softened his tone and said: "I was a little too impatient just now. I was just worried that something unexpected would happen to Xiaomo if you haven't come back for so long, so I couldn't help but see you. I lost my temper, I’m sorry.”

Jun Xiaomo raised her eyebrows in surprise. This was the first time in her two lives that she heard Qin Lingyu apologize to her. In the past, Qin Lingyu always looked higher than the sky. Let alone asking him to apologize, he could It would be nice without that cold face. But at that time, both Jun Xiaomo and the other female cultivators thought that this was Qin Lingyu's true appearance, and felt that his cold appearance towards everyone was very safe, which was really ridiculous and pitiful.

How can Qin Lingyu be cold? It was just a disdain, thinking that no one was worthy of her, and Yu Wanrou didn't know what touched his heart. She was actually willing to share a woman with dozens of male cultivators.

Jun Xiaomo was really disgusted by his behavior of leaning on him upside down. In her previous life, when she became stronger and more experienced, she once doubted Qin Lingyu's purpose of approaching her, because in the years when Ye Xiuwen took her to escape, Qin Lingyu never appeared once in front of them.

If Qin Lingyu really loved him, how could he let himself fall into such an embarrassing situation and not even think of coming to find him? ! Don't say that he can't be found. If a person is really interested, how can he not know the whereabouts of his lover at all

Jun Xiaomo only met Qin Lingyu again after entering the late stage of Nascent Soul. Qin Lingyu told her that he had not forgotten the engagement back then and hoped that the two could get back together. At that time, Jun Xiaomo had already seen too many human relationships, and it was not easy to trust someone. What's more, Qin Lingyu had not appeared in his life for decades, and suddenly appeared again, making Jun Xiaomo Mo had to guard against it.

But although Jun Xiaomo was on guard against Qin Lingyu, she never thought of hurting him. After all, he was the person she once loved deeply. Even if the relationship had faded over time, she could not bring him down. Wounded. At that time, Qin Lingyu had also reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but the combat power of Taoist cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage and that of demon cultivators were simply incomparable. Moreover, Jun Xiaomo also knew many high-level formations and talismans, so if Jun Xiaomo could still kill Qin Lingyu quietly if he wanted to.

After Qin Lingyu discovered that Jun Xiaomo had no murderous intention towards him, he began to follow Jun Xiaomo all the time and solved a lot of troubles for her under her nose. Although Jun Xiaomo didn't show it on his face, Qin Lingyu Whatever happened, I was still a little touched in my heart.

She had been alone for too long.

So, after Qin Lingyu rescued Jun Xiaomo who was seriously injured and was in critical condition, and "had a relationship" with Jun Xiaomo, Jun Xiaomo finally accepted Qin Lingyu again and fell deeper and deeper into this relationship.

She may not like Qin Lingyu as much as she imagined, maybe it was just a dependence after being alone for too long, but she was indeed very good to Qin Lingyu and Qin Shanshan who appeared again later.

Unexpectedly, she got the answer "Qin Lingyu has never touched you" just before the break, which turned all her emotions and efforts into a joke!

I'm afraid that even the time she was seriously injured and dying was all Qin Lingyu's handiwork, right? He needs to find an opportunity to open his heart. What can be more impressive to a female devil than the grace of saving her life

Jun Xiaomo simply didn't want to see Qin Lingyu's handsome face again that she wanted to tear into pieces. Whenever she saw this face, she would inevitably recall everything that made her hateful in her previous life.

It's a pity that this person can't be cured now, otherwise, she must return everything from her previous life to this person! In his previous life, he died instantly due to a blood curse, which was considered an advantage for this scumbag.

Jun Xiaomo lowered his eyes and barely suppressed the turbulent emotions.

Qin Lingyu mistook Jun Xiaomo's silence as a softening of her attitude. He walked over and said to Jun Xiaomo: "I will leave the sect and travel in a while. I want to say goodbye to you, but I don't want to Because these little things hurt the relationship between us."

Jun Xiaomo looked stern, raised his head, and asked urgently: "Travel? What travel?"

Sure enough, she still cares about me. Qin Lingyu felt more confident when he saw Jun Xiaomo's reaction. His tone returned to calmness and he said: "Have you forgotten? I have reached the twelfth level of Qi training peak. According to the sect's regulations, all disciples who have reached the twelfth level of Qi training peak need to travel and do tasks in order to enter as soon as possible. It’s in the foundation building stage.”

"Twelve-level peak of Qi training... traveling... damn! I forgot about this!" Jun Xiaomo muttered, twisting his delicate eyebrows in confusion.

Of course she doesn't care whether Qin Lingyu stays in the sect, but she cares about Ye Xiuwen. She still wants to continue practicing swordsmanship with Ye Xiuwen and increase her favorability. Now that Ye Xiuwen is leaving the sect, who will she find to practice with? Sword to go

You know, without fighting, her level will not rise at all.

Jun Xiaomo bit his lower lip, and his heart was in a mess. However, Qin Lingyu had no eyesight and thought that Jun Xiaomo was reluctant to let him go, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't be traveling for long. I can come back in a year at most, but..." Qin Lingyu wanted to bring the topic to those magical weapons and elixirs, but he was interrupted by Jun Xiaomo's impatient voice. broken.

"It's none of my business when you come back!" Jun Xiaomo was really fed up with Qin Lingyu's affectionate look. Don't think she didn't know that Qin Lingyu would only show this kind of love when he wanted something from him. In this way, I usually don't even have a gentle look.

Qin Lingyu was interrupted by Jun Xiaomo's appearance. His words asking for spiritual weapons and elixirs were choked in his throat and he could not spit them out.

Jun Xiaomo glanced at him mockingly and said, "It's none of my business if you die outside. Qin Lingyu, don't think that I don't know why you came here. You want to get the spiritual weapon and medicine from me." ? Not to mention doors, there aren’t even windows!”

Qin Lingyu's face turned blue and white at Jun Xiaomo's words. Although this was his original intention, he was a person with a very good face and did not want to expose these thoughts to the broad daylight.

What's more, Jun Xiaomo's attitude severely damaged his self-esteem. He has always felt that Jun Xiaomo is a person who can come and go as soon as he is called upon, and his own excellence is enough to make him confident that his charm can make Jun Xiaomo dizzy and give him anything he wants with both hands. .

As a result, now this person who he had always looked down on and disdained to talk to was looking at him with a look of ridicule, disgust, indifference, etc., which made Qin Lingyu a little hard to accept.

He suddenly turned cold and said: "Jun Xiaomo, don't open the dye vat when you don't have three points of color. Your cultivation level has dropped to the first level of Qi training. I didn't say that I would regret the marriage or abandon it." You, what else do you want? I've been waiting here for two whole hours, and you've arrived late, and you haven't even told me where you've been. Are you a fiancée like this?"

Jun Xiaomo glanced at him sideways, raised the corners of his lips and said, "Okay, my fiancée is really unqualified, so just break the marriage, I don't care."

Qin Lingyu narrowed his eyes, and the veins on his forehead revealed his anger.

He is indeed dissatisfied with this marriage. If it weren't for the coveted benefits, he would definitely not agree to this marriage. But he felt that even if he wanted to break up the marriage, the initiative should be in his hands. Jun Xiaomo should love him to death and should not take the initiative to break up the marriage.

As a result, one after another "shouldn't" happened unexpectedly.