Demoness’s Art of Vengeance

Chapter 71: Ke Xinwen repeats his old tricks


In the woods, the dense branches and leaves create a shady sky above the head. Spots of sunlight shine through the gaps in the leaves on the paths in the forest and beside the tree roots, adding a warm feeling to this quiet little world. color. Walking on the path paved with fallen leaves, a few crisp birdsong occasionally came to my ears, which gradually calmed down my mood, becoming peaceful and peaceful.

Although he wanted to hunt some game, after staying away from the extremely unpleasant group of guys from the Xuyang Sect, Jun Xiaomo suddenly found that he was not so obsessed with game anymore, and instead felt that it was nice to take a walk quietly like this. Nice treat.

"There is a wild boar ahead, do you want to think about it?" Ye Xiuwen suddenly asked, breaking the moment of tranquility.

"Wild boar? Where is it?" Jun Xiaomo looked left and right, but couldn't find where the wild boar was.

"I found it about a few miles ahead with my spiritual sense." Ye Xiuwen said calmly. Thinking of the dirty appearance of the wild boar, he frowned slightly.

Jun Xiaomo pursed his lips. Only then did she remember that with her level one Qi training, the range that her divine sense could detect was incomparable to Ye Xiuwen's peak level twelve Qi training. It was very likely that Ye Xiuwen had been using his divine power all the time. Shi checked the surrounding security situation and discovered the presence of the wild boar.

Thinking of the various ways to eat wild boar, Jun Xiaomo licked his lower lip with his tongue, looked at Ye Xiuwen with bright eyes and said, "Brother Ye, let's go and catch it now, okay?"

Ye Xiuwen really couldn't bear the desire to "eat it" for that dirty wild boar, but "Yao Mo" looked so coveted that he couldn't bear to refuse this "little boy" .

Ye Xiuwen sighed helplessly, patted Jun Xiaomo on the shoulder, and ordered: "Follow me closely, don't get separated." After saying that, he took the lead and walked forward.

Jun Xiaomo grinned with a snicker, and then trotted to follow.

Shortly after Ye Xiuwen and Jun Xiaomo left the place, Ke Xinwen and the few Xuyang Sect disciples around him also arrived. Jun Xiaomo and Ye Xiuwen were walking very slowly just now, so they were quickly caught up by Ke Xinwen and the others.

"Huh... Brother Ke, didn't you say there are more prey here? It seems that we have been walking for so long and haven't seen a single prey." In order to catch up with Jun Xiaomo and Ye Xiuwen, Ke Xinwen walked very fast. The disciples of the Xuyang Sect around him naturally had to speed up to keep up with him. Now, one of the disciples was out of breath from exhaustion.

"Wait a moment." Ke Xinwen asked them to be calm and took out a locator. After making a magic spell, the talisman lit up and pointed out a direction.

Ke Xinwen thought for a while and released his spiritual consciousness in this direction. His level was the same as Ye Xiuwen, the peak of level 12 Qi training. Therefore, the distance that Ye Xiuwen's spiritual consciousness could reach was almost the same as Ke Xinwen's. can be reached.

So they were rushing to hunt wild boars? Ke Xinwen narrowed his eyes, a hint of calculation flashed in his eyes.

Although Qin Lingyu's order to him was to "create some little trouble for Yao Mo and the others," for Ke Xinwen, whether it was "Yao Mo" or Ye Xiuwen, he wanted to crush and kill them bone by bone. The presence. Now, it seems that there is a good opportunity in front of him, why doesn't he just kill these two people

Qin Lingyu had lost to Ye Xiuwen many times in the same-level ranking competition in the world of cultivation. Ke Xinwen had reason to believe that Qin Lingyu also wanted to make Ye Xiuwen disappear from the world.

In this case, if he kills Ye Xiuwen and "Yao Mo", Qin Lingyu won't say anything, right? Ke Xinwen thought coldly to himself.

After making up his mind, Ke Xinwen said to the disciples of the Xuyang Sect beside him: "You guys wait here for a while. I will go to the front and use my spiritual sense to check if there are any prey around. If there is no prey, we will go to other places." The place has been found.”

Ke Xinwen's cultivation level is higher than these people, and the detection range of natural consciousness is also wider than these people. They did not suspect that Ke Xinwen had other motives and agreed without much thought.

Ke Xinwen used his wind spells and ran quickly towards Jun Xiaomo and Ye Xiuwen. When they were about to approach their location, Ke Xinwen carefully stopped and hid behind a big tree, hiding his aura, and took out a densely packed bag of medicinal powder from the storage ring.

In fact, Ke Xinwen is still a certain distance away from Jun Xiaomo and the others. Jun Xiaomo cannot see Ke Xinwen, and the distance covered by her spiritual consciousness is also limited, so she cannot detect Ke Xinwen's existence at all. .

Ye Xiuwen was busy catching wild boars and did not notice Ke Xinwen's approach.

The packet of medicinal powder that Ke Xinwen held in his hand was the same one that was used to plot against Ye Xiuwen before. It was called "goshen grass". It was colorless and odorless. People would not have any problem if they smelled it, but spiritual beasts would be very disturbed if they smelled it. It is easy to enter a manic state.

The amount of this packet of medicinal powder was larger than ever before, and Ke Xinwen wanted to use it to attract more powerful spiritual beasts.

A evil smile appeared on Ke Xinwen's face, and he sprinkled the powder directly into the air. He immediately used his wind spell to blow the powder towards Ye Xiuwen and Jun Xiaomo.

The wind blowing in the woods today happened to be the east wind. The two winds worked together and soon blew to Ye Xiuwen. Jun Xiaomo and Ye Xiuwen were unaware of it because they could not smell the medicinal powder. .

Ke Xinwen's body had a thin layer of wind shield, so the medicinal powder did not touch his body.

"Ha, enjoy it." Ke Xinwen sneered, crumpled the paper containing the medicinal powder into a ball, and threw it to the ground.

Remembering that "Yao Mo" had used formations to plot against him time and time again, which had caused him to fall into such an embarrassing situation, he now felt a very satisfying sense of revenge.

After doing all this, Ke Xinwen clapped his hands, turned and left. With such a large amount of powder, he believed that even if "Yao Mo" and Ye Xiuwen were lucky enough to survive, they would inevitably be seriously injured.

Ke Xinwen thought silently, in a few hours, he must come over to appreciate the bloody and embarrassed appearance of "Yao Mo" and Ye Xiuwen. Of course, if what he saw were the bodies of these two people, , that would be better.

On this side, Ye Xiuwen was taking care of the wild boar, which was not too small, while using his spiritual consciousness to check the surroundings to see if there was any danger.

However, Ke Xinwen specially used the talisman to hide his aura. In addition, Ye Xiuwen and he were monks of the same level, and there was no level of suppression on Ke Xinwen. Therefore, Ye Xiuwen did not notice Ke Xinwen at all. exist.

Jun Xiaomo stood aside calmly and did not intervene, because she knew that even if she intervened, it would only cause chaos. With her senior brother's cultivation, it is not difficult to catch an ordinary wild boar.

This is also true. In almost two or three moves, Ye Xiuwen used a wind blade to cut off the wild boar's artery. Blood gurgled all over the ground. The wild boar took a few steps and its strong body fell to the ground. , too dead to die.

Ye Xiuwen didn't even need to draw his sword.

"Hurry up and clean up this place and take away the wild boars." Ye Xiuwen turned to Jun Xiaomo who was standing aside and said.

-Although he was the one who killed the wild boar, pardoning his mysophobia, he really didn’t want to do anything to the dirty wild boar.

"Huh? Take the whole thing away?!" Jun Xiaomo asked blankly.

"Yes, take the whole thing away, and then find a water source to clean up the wild boar. Otherwise, the smell of blood here will attract more ferocious beasts." Ye Xiuwen analyzed calmly.

He had been practicing swordsmanship in this forest for a few days, so he naturally knew that there was a small river nearby. As long as he followed the water vapor, it was not difficult to find the direction of the small river.

Although ordinary beasts would not hurt them and Ye Xiuwen could easily deal with them, once they encountered a group of beasts, it would be very troublesome. What's more, Ye Xiuwen can't guarantee that there will be no spiritual beasts in this area. If the smell of blood attracts spiritual beasts of too high a level, he and "Yao Mo" will be in trouble.

Jun Xiaomo moved her lips. She wanted to say that she could set up a formation to prevent other beasts from smelling the blood here, but after thinking about the spirit stones in the storage ring, she still closed her mouth.

The setting up of the formation requires the use of a lot of materials, especially driving the formation requires a lot of spirit stones. When there is no source of spirit stones, it is really necessary to use less.

She should be more careful, Jun Xiaomo thought helplessly.

She turned her head and glanced at Ye Xiuwen, sizing up her senior brother's elegant appearance in white clothes, and felt that Ye Xiuwen was indeed not suitable to clean up the wild boar carcass.

Well, this is not the first time she has handled prey. Although the wild boar is a bit dirty, a cleaning charm can make the storage ring clean.

Jun Xiaomo thought hard and uncomplainingly, approaching the dirty wild boar step by step.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred! Just listen to a "swift" sound and the sound of falling leaves "rustling". A huge Qingyuan python jumped out of an unknown hole, and rushed towards Jun Xiaomo at great speed with its blood plate open. Its red eyeballs were filled with crazy bloodshot eyes, which was exactly the manic state of the spiritual beast. One of the signs!

Jun Xiaomo took a step back reflexively, but how could the Qingyuan Python watch its prey leave in front of it

Qing Yuan Python moved very quickly and arrived in front of Jun Xiaomo almost in the blink of an eye. A disgusting fishy smell erupted from its mouth, and the sharp teeth on both sides were filled with black venom. Under the sunlight, it reflected an ominous cold light.

Jun Xiaomo suddenly opened her eyes wide. This time, she seemed to be unable to avoid it.

If the Qingyuan Python bites her hard, she will lose half of her life!