Deserted Island Survival Notes

Chapter 11


Ye Zheng was still a little ticklish. After the merman scratched the soles of her feet. Ye Zheng's script was able to earn as soon as he could, and then he kicked out.


Ye Zheng, who was sleepy at first, woke up immediately. She grinned and gasped, and hurriedly retracted her feet again.

She didn't know where she kicked the mermaid just now. The mermaid's bones were very hard, and Ye Zheng only felt that her big toe was as if she had hit a steel plate, which hurt her heart.

Ye Zheng's toes curled up, she tried to move her toes, trying to make the toes that hit hard objects more comfortable. Then she squeezed deeper into the grass hut, trying to get rid of the merman who came to disturb her without sleeping this night.

But she didn't succeed. Maybe it was Ye Zheng's curled toes that caught the mermaid's attention, and it held Ye Zheng's feet again. The cold fingers tapped on Ye Zheng's toes, as if typing on a keyboard, slid along the toes and pressed them upside down, having a lot of fun.

Ye Zheng became impatient, she suddenly pulled her feet back, rolled over and sat up, staring at the mermaid angrily. One person and one fish, one was in the grass hut, and the other was lying on the sand and looked at each other for a while. Ye Zheng closed the thin straw curtain at the entrance of the grass shed again to keep the mermaid out, and then fell back to the ground, wanting to continue the sleep interrupted by the mermaid.

But this time, the grass curtain still did not stop the energetic mermaid. In the darkness, Ye Zheng felt something cold against her bare legs, and then slowly climbed up along her legs.

Ye Zheng could feel the merman's chest with burrs and fins pressed against his legs. The mermaid was wagging its tail at the moment, trying to squeeze into the grass shed she just built.

Ye Zhengluo's grass hut is very small. It is not only low, but also very short in length, only one meter three or four at most. Ye Zheng couldn't stretch herself when she slept alone, she had to shrink her legs up, not to mention that there was a mermaid clinging to her body and trying to squeeze in at the moment

Soon, before Ye Zheng had time to drive the mermaid out again, this poor simple grass hut fell apart under the pressure of the mermaid's huge size. The hut only made a squeak when it fell.

Ye Zheng stared blankly at the shining starry sky that reappeared above her head. In addition to the starry sky, the face of the mermaid also enlarged in front of her eyes. It seemed to be very proud of solving the small grass hut with a cramped space. At this moment, its tail swayed a few times, and then pulled Ye Zheng's wrist bone, as if it wanted to lift Ye Zheng from the ground.

Ye Zheng spit out the grass roots and grass clippings that fell on her lips when the grass shed fell apart, and looked around. The straw bales she had tied were scattered and piled on the ground in a mess. In addition, many straws were no longer the length that Ye Zheng had measured, they were cut off at the waist, and it was obvious that the mermaid cut them with their fingernails.

Ye Zheng stared at the big fish in front of her. She had worked so hard for so long, her back was sore, and the haystack that had been harvested before her palms blistered was destroyed by half of it!

Ye Zheng only felt that her blood was surging. She grabbed the small bale of straw at her hand, jumped up, and hit it down with her backhand.

She knew that the mermaid's skin was fairly hard, and it didn't take much effort. Such a small piece of fragile straw probably wouldn't hurt the mermaid, but Ye Zheng thought that at the very least, the mermaid must know that it was wrong!

The mermaid nimbly avoided Ye Zheng's first blow and rolled to the side. The grass pole in Ye Zheng's hand chased after him, but every time he landed on the open space beside the mermaid. Sure enough, it had digested the contents of its stomach, and now its movements were flexible and light.

Ye Zheng soon became tired of chasing and fighting. Even if she exercised diligently, how could she be physically stronger than the previous one. Ye Zheng bent his back, stabbed his waist with his hand, gasped for breath, and looked at the guy in front of him who was slapping the ground with his tail excitedly.

Seeing that Ye Zheng stopped and stopped chasing it, it also touched Ye Zheng's instep with the tip of its tail, as if wondering why she didn't continue to beat it.

... It doesn't even know that Ye Zheng is angry! It thought it was a brand new game! Did Ye Zheng realize this in frustration? He just felt that he was a complete failure.

Not only was she angry with an ignorant fish, but her futile pursuit made the fish think she was playing with it. The fish is still looking at her with its head tilted, as if waiting for the next round of beating.

Ye Zheng slowly put down the small bale of straw in his hand, only to think that his frantic behavior just now was really ridiculous.

never mind. She said to herself, sighed helplessly, and decided that it would be better to build the nest on a tree.

The nest built on the tree can not only prevent snakes and beasts, but the key point is that on this relatively safe island, it can also prevent mermaids.

Ye Zheng turned around and walked back, with straw bales under his arm, crawling laboriously on a large branch. When she stepped on a tree branch and moved up, she looked down and saw the mermaid slowly following. At this moment, it was also holding the root of the tree and looked up at Ye Zheng. It seemed that if it hadn't been for the fact that it couldn't climb trees, it would have wanted to follow Ye Zheng up.

Did this mermaid miss her? Ye Zheng couldn't help thinking, and for a moment he couldn't bear to throw it down. However, when she looked at the small bale of grass in her hand, she still couldn't decide. At the very least, let the merman realize that it definitely shouldn't tear down her hut.

Ye Zheng leaned his back against the trunk of the tree, covered his legs that had become cold at night with a straw, and closed his eyes again.

But this time, she couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Ye Zheng forced herself to close her eyes, but found that she could never fall asleep, although she was as tired as she was in the grass shed just now. But when he was in the grass hut, Ye Zheng was about to fall asleep before he closed his eyes, but this time, he felt very upset.

For people with insomnia, the process of closing their eyes and waiting for sleepiness is very long. Ye Zheng felt like he had been in the tree for a long time, but he couldn't determine the exact time. In the end she opened her eyes angrily, blaming the mermaid, she thought angrily.

As long as Ye Zheng closed his eyes, he could remember the way the mermaid was chopping at the roots of this big tree. Although Ye Zheng wanted the mermaid to realize her mistake, when her anger gradually subsided... She couldn't help but start worrying about the mermaid again.

I really owe it. Ye Zheng muttered, and felt that his mood was really changeable tonight. Sure enough, after staying with that fish for a long time, his thoughts became uncontrollable.

When Ye Zheng climbed down the tree, the mermaid was no longer there.

"Are you there?" Ye Zheng put his palm on his lips and shouted loudly.

But the darkness was silent except for the faint sound of the sea breeze blowing through the trees.

Ye Zheng swallowed subconsciously. For humans, this kind of darkness alone is easy to make people feel fearful - even if she knew that there were no other dangerous species on this island.

Ye Zheng held the bow and arrow in his hand and walked cautiously along the coastline to other directions of the island. As he walked, he whispered to the mermaid.

But when Ye Zheng turned back to the place two or three times slower than during the day, the mermaid still disappeared. Now Ye Zheng is even more worried: Is it sad? Still angry

Although Ye Zheng also knew that the sea was the safest place for mermaids. But the mermaid just left, and she was still a little lost.

"Sure enough, what I did just now was too much, right?" Ye Zheng touched the bow bone of "Cold Light Hunter" and couldn't tell how he felt.

go to sleep. She said to herself, wake up tomorrow morning and make plans, and she slowly paced back under the big tree.

Just as Ye Zheng was thinking about things in a mess, there was a singing voice from the far side of the sea, so soft and so beautiful. That's the mermaid's song!

Ye Zheng's eyes lit up, and she didn't care that she couldn't see the road under her feet, so she stumbled to the beach. Although she also knew that the mermaid she was familiar with couldn't sing yet, but now, now...

Ye Zheng didn't care to think about it, and hurried to the coast, Ye Zheng heard his heart beating fast. She tripped over the pebble a few times, but got up quickly, never realizing she was so desperate to see the merman.

When Ye Zheng ran to the shore, a big creature popped out of the water. It was the mermaid she was familiar with. At this moment, its whole body was dripping with water dripping down, but its eyes looked at Ye Zheng quietly.

"It's you, it's you..." Ye Zheng was incoherent. She didn't care that the mermaid was still dripping water, so she stepped forward and hugged its head.

"I'm sorry." The moisture on the mermaid wet Ye Zheng's clothes. When the sea breeze blew, Ye Zheng could feel the coolness from the mermaid through the clothes. Ye Zheng murmured while holding the mermaid's head, the mermaid. Lying quietly in her arms.

But she didn't let go quickly, she reached out and touched the slippery head of the mermaid before raising her face.

"Aren't you angry? So you came to see me again?" She asked with a smile, and she didn't notice the ease in her voice.

The mermaid didn't speak, it patted its tail, turned its head, and looked back.

Ye Zheng followed its line of sight, and she was surprised to find that not one, but a dozen or so merman's dorsal fins were exposed on the sea!

The group of mermaids were swimming towards this side, and Ye Zheng could still hear a few of them singing. There were a few mermaids that looked smaller than the one in front of them, jumped out of the water, flicked their tails in the direction of Ye Zheng, and then quickly plunged into the sea.

Ye Zheng stared blankly at the mermaid in front of him: "Are you... a group of octopus to watch me?"

The author has something to say: Training fish requires attention to methods.

See you Wednesday.