Deserted Island Survival Notes

Chapter 13


Ye Zheng was very annoyed by this kind of inexplicable emotion. But even with poor communication, she knew there was nothing wrong with the merman. Generally speaking, when the animal is injured, the companion will help to lick the wound or help find herbs that can be eaten. After all, it is impossible for a mermaid to carry seaweed all the time, so it is understandable that it instinctively licks her palm when it sees a little scratch on her palm... right

Ye Zhengmu didn't speak with a face. She wasn't angry with the mermaid, she was just competing with the hurdle in her heart. On the one hand, she feels that she has reached this point and still cares about such trivial matters, on the other hand, she feels that she is a person with a modern education, and this primitive healing method is too...

Ye Zheng hadn't adjusted his mentality yet. The mermaid in front of him tilted his head and looked at her for a while. Seeing that Ye Zheng seemed to be fine, he jumped back into the water with a "poof". The splashed water hit Ye Zheng's face, awakening Ye Zheng who was still thinking hard.

Ye Zheng came back to his senses and found that the mermaid quickly swam to its companions-its companions were staring at Ye Zheng from beginning to end. Ye Zheng was embarrassed: shouldn't they have seen the situation just now clearly? Such as how the mermaid hangs on her, such as how she is overwhelmed by the mermaid. It's such a shame!

The ashamed Ye Zheng looked at the group of mermaids in embarrassment, hoping to see something from their expressionless faces. But Ye Zheng found that as the mermaid swam back to its companions, all of its companions sank back into the sea and no longer showed their heads.

Are the mermaids leaving

Before Ye Zheng could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard a very big movement from the sea: a huge thing came out of the water three or four meters away from the island, and a "boom" slammed into the water. Ye Zheng in the open space 100 meters away! The movement was so loud that the ground beneath Ye Zheng's feet trembled so far away.

Ye Zheng slowly paced over, looking at the behemoth in front of him, it was actually a whole piece of coral reef! Still the arched belt is hollow!

Ye Zheng took a closer look and found that it was not just corals that were piled up. The main part in the middle was still dominated by rocks, but there were a lot of corals around. Because it was thrown over, the coral at the bottom was broken. But because of the proximity, the reef as a whole is still intact.

Ye Zheng made a gesture, and its height was probably only up to Ye Zheng's chest, and there was a hollow space inside where two and a half Ye Zhengs could lie down. It's a big piece of stone, but if it's a house, it's still low and narrow—but it's much better than the straw hut she built herself.

Ye Zheng looked suspiciously at the mermaid who had climbed ashore again: This... is it for her

The mermaid lying on the shore again looked at Ye Zheng, flicked its big tail, and then turned around as if to say something to its companions, and then its companions gradually left the shore.

Ye Zheng heard the mermaid singing again. This time, as they sang, their voices gradually became smaller and smaller until they disappeared into the distance.

At this moment, only Ye Zheng and the mermaid were left on the island.

After the group of mermaids left, Ye Zheng's state of mind also relaxed a lot - after all, so many eyes staring at her all the time put a lot of pressure on her.

The mermaid first crawled on the ground for a short time, and then stood in front of Ye Zheng. Because of the crawling, a lot of sand was stained on the front of its body.

Ye Zheng thought for a while, took a small handful of soft straw and rubbed it, and then began to gently pat the mermaid's body to sweep the sand off its body.

The mermaid raised its arm obediently, so that Ye Zheng could even beat the sand on its side. Ye Zheng felt that his posture looked really comfortable. Perhaps because its skin is more resilient and firmer than ordinary humans, a rough straw for Ye Zheng is probably an itch for a mermaid.

It obviously liked Ye Zheng to pat it on its body with this "tickle". After Ye Zheng patted the sand off its body, it also held Ye Zheng's wrist and asked her to brush for a while longer. After doing this again and again, until Ye Zheng's hands were sore, he broke free from the mermaid's grasp and threw away the small straw, and the mermaid glanced at the abandoned straw with regret.

Ye Zheng patted the big fish's body with the other hand, then gestured at the big rock, and pointed at himself again, meaning: "Is this for me?"

The mermaid pushed Ye Zheng with his claws, Ye Zheng slowly bent down, then leaned in with his whole body, and finally squatted down in the middle of the stone.

During this period, Ye Zheng kept observing the mermaid's movements. The mermaid looked at Ye Zheng and didn't react unhappily after she got into the stone. Ye Zheng was relieved: this stone should have been given to her.

No wonder the mermaid brought so many friends here. Ye Zheng knew that the mermaid was very powerful, but he definitely couldn't bring this stone up by himself. But even the juvenile it is already a strong man, and it is definitely stronger than the adult merman.

Ye Zheng thought with relief: This mermaid isn't so naughty. Knowing that he was wrong, he gave her a place to stay.

Ye Zheng touched the stone here and there. She found that although the stone was harder and stronger than the grass shed, it could not sleep directly in it. It is probably due to coral and sea erosion that the stone formed its internal arched form. But at the same time, the surface of this stone also has many eroded holes. In a word, this stone does not block the wind or rain.

In addition, Ye Zheng also found shells tied with the straw rope she gave to the mermaid inside the stone, and some scattered shells were caught in the cracks of the stone. Ye Zheng took off the shells and looked at them, and found that the surfaces of the shells without exception were very beautiful, probably for decoration.

Shouldn't this be the mermaid's own nest? Ye Zheng muttered unconvincingly, she knew that some animals like to decorate their nests. Even humans will do their best to decorate the house as much as possible. Unfortunately, many of these shells were shattered, and Ye Zheng could only clear out the fragments of these shells.

Just when Ye Zheng was about to throw away the shell fragments, the mermaid stretched out his claws and took the shells, his wet eyes looking at the fragments that he was holding in his palm.

It should be sad, right

Ye Zheng thought to himself, even the fins in front of its chest shrugged and pulled in dejection, and when she was brushing its body just now, the small fins in front of it fluttered happily twice.

Ye Zheng thought for a while, ran back to her pile of clothes under the tree, and cut off the metal buttons on her jeans. Ye Zheng carefully put the ordinary button into the mermaid's hand and looked at it expectantly.

Strictly speaking, her metal buckle is not good-looking, it is the most common copper color. But Ye Zheng felt that the mermaid should have never seen such a thing, and maybe the metal buckle with a rather simple pattern to her could also attract it. But Ye Zheng himself wasn't sure, the button was pressed under her belt, and the mermaid didn't take it away at the very beginning. Ye Zheng didn't know if it didn't see it, or if it saw it, it wasn't interesting.

Fortunately, after the mermaid touched the surface of the button with its paw, the merman threw away the shell fragments in his hand. The button, apparently soothing the lost merman, shoved the button into the crevice of the stone.

Ye Zheng was relieved, and she began to think about what to do with the stone. After turning around the stone for a few times, Ye Zheng came up with a good idea: first lay a thin layer of grass poles to make a temporary roof. If there is any leftovers, the remaining grass poles can be laid on the ground. Or cover it.

After another busy period, Ye Zheng finally laid all the straws. If it weren't for the merman trying to stop her behavior, she could be faster. For the mermaid living in the sea, the small pores on the stone have nothing to do with it. It does not consider the problem of sheltering from the wind and rain, nor the problem of keeping warm.

Ye Zheng guessed that it only had two requirements for choosing its own house, which was enough for it to nest in and beautiful enough.

Especially the latter point, the mermaid's performance is too obvious.

The small rock nest it gave to Ye Zheng, the coral on it is very beautiful. Not to mention the broken ones, the ones that remain intact are thick and sturdy. Looking carefully under the starlight, Ye Zheng could also find that the coral was green, blue, red and yellow. If it was broad daylight, the coral would definitely look better.

Ye Zheng worked hard to tie this side, and then turned to the other side to tie it. Looking up, well, all the grass poles on the coral have been cut off! The small rock nest that the mermaid chose has more than a little coral. After doing this, Ye Zheng's work is basically white!

Couldn't be more heartbroken! Ye Zheng held back his anger, tied the straw cut off by the mermaid again, looked up again, and was attacked on the other side!

After so many times, Ye Zheng's anger finally came up. When the mermaid tried to cut the straw again, she slapped the mermaid's claws, and then roared at the mermaid. I don't know if the mermaid understood her, anyway, in the end, it He lay down on the ground and didn't care, he just stared at Ye Zheng like that.

Ye Zheng stubbornly paved the shabby roof again with that gaze, and then got in with a bunch of grass roots that were cut by the mermaid and shortened, and paved a small area.

Ye Zheng lay down and put the small straw on her body indiscriminately. The tossing and tossing that night had exhausted her a bit, and she was extremely tired.

Soon, she could feel that the fish also came in, imitating Ye Zheng and lying on the ground without grass poles. Ye Zheng opened his eyes and glanced at it, and found that it was lying beside her obediently this time, and did not squeeze Ye Zheng.

Ye Zheng's double eyelids have already started to fight, she thought in a daze, well, since it is said that eating people's mouth is short, and taking others' hands is short, then if you sleep in other people's nests... you should accompany them to sleep, right

Before Ye Zheng could think about it, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

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