Deserted Island Survival Notes

Chapter 16


Ye Zheng stood on the shore and carefully observed the current state of the sea: the weather was very sunny and there was no wind, and the sea was still very quiet. Ye Zheng could see the corals swaying softly in the shallow water under the sun and waves of fish. The group swam comfortably in front of her.

Ye Zheng tied the bow and arrow on his body again, slowly waded into the water, and then swam towards an island on the side.

The ocean is not the same as the lake, even if the other environment is good and the water surface is calm, but jumping in will find the undercurrent of the current below the surface. For Ye Zheng, who was in it, she had to carefully control her body and kick the water hard to get to the desired direction.

Ye Zheng tried his best to keep his head on the water and swam forward in a breaststroke posture. This swimming posture with his head out of the water greatly hindered Ye Zheng's progress. But Ye Zheng couldn't immerse her head in the water like before. She didn't have swimming goggles, and the sea water was too irritating to her eyes.

But fortunately, Ye Zheng's physical strength is not bad, and it is still within her ability to swim to a small island fifty meters away.

Ye Zheng slowly climbed ashore, then lay on the beach and began to rest. Swimming to this island is not a one-time thing. She swam to this small island after staying on four islands in a row to recover her strength. After resting for more than ten minutes, he slowly walked towards the interior of the island.

This is a relatively large island that Ye Zheng has discovered so far. Three days ago, when Ye Zheng was exploring this island, she found a small animal that looked very much like a groundhog. When Ye Zheng saw them, they were not afraid of Ye Zheng at all, they regarded her as nothing, they were still busy digging something on the ground with their claws, and then two or three worked together to carry away the one who was still carrying the mud. thing.

Ye Zheng observed carefully from a distance, and found that they were digging the round roots of a plant buried in the soil. Ye Zheng was excited at that time, because that one looked very much like a potato! Although he was still wrapped in soil and couldn't even see the skin, Ye Zheng intuitively felt that it was.

She immediately remembered the shape of the leaves of the plant, and thought of digging in a place where there were no small groundhogs. After searching like this, Ye Zheng found that the island with small groundhogs was much bigger than the one where she lived. Plants that could be potatoes are growing everywhere.

Ye Zheng immediately dug one out, cut it open and tasted it carefully, and found that not only the appearance, but also the taste was a bit like a potato, crumbly and sweet. Ye Zheng felt that, as expected, this starchy thing was the most suitable for her. She was too lazy to think about it, and simply decided to call this plant that way in the future.

While she couldn't wait to eat the remaining potatoes, she thought deeply that when she was still on the earth, she didn't like to eat this kind of thing very much. Especially after arriving in the United States, potatoes are basically fried or mashed, and she doesn't like them even more. But when she got here, after living on fish and fruits for ten days, she actually thought that eating raw potatoes was so delicious!

Ye Zheng thought about relying on this as a staple food in the future, so from that day on, she has swam over to eat this kind of potatoes for three consecutive days. Ye Zheng once carried a potato when she went back on the first day, but her swimming posture was already very difficult. She couldn't swim at all with the potato in her hand, so Ye Zheng had to eat the second potato as well. Lose.

But today was different, Ye Zheng brought something with potatoes.

It is a wide sheet of seaweed.

When Ye Zheng was picking up the small stone nest, he used to cover it with wide leaves on the land, but he couldn't fix it. She tried many methods, using mud paste, binding with cloth strips, pressing with straw poles, all of which did not work.

If she used mud paste, the whole small stone nest would be washed into a dirty look when it rained. The mermaid, who was already dissatisfied with the mud on the coral, was even more unhappy. It even refused to enter the nest when it was sleeping at night! That night, after seeing the small rock nest surrounded by mud, the mermaid's big tail flicked, and the mermaid swirled around in the water for a few times, and then disappeared quickly. Ye Zheng has cleaned the small stone nests, and even every coral cave has been cleaned out.

And if Ye Zheng used cloth strips and straw poles, then as long as the wind blows, the roof that has been maintained with great difficulty will basically be scrapped. As a small island that exists in the ocean, the climate is greatly affected by the ocean. Basically, it rains every two or three days, and there is a strong wind every day. If Ye Zheng insists on using cloth strips and straw, it means that the repair rate of the roof will become quite high.

In the end, it was the mermaid who solved the problem for Ye Zheng. After seeing Ye Zheng struggling to use the big leaves like plantains as the roof, he brought up a lot of plants from the bottom of the sea, which were very large seaweed leaves. .

When Ye Zheng was holding the seaweed, he really felt like he was going to cry or laugh. How much work did she spend? Even her clothes were rotten, and the mermaid didn't understand that what she wanted was seaweed. As a result, she never thought that the mermaid would send it to her first!

She didn't know whether to praise the mermaid for being smart or criticize it for being stupid.

As soon as Ye Zheng used it, he found that this kind of seaweed is much better than the broad leaves on land, and it is very compliant. Although it is easy to lose moisture in the sun, but after all, it is raining here, and they will soon return to their original wide and large appearance, which is very durable, waterproof and windproof. What's more, this green and blue seaweed mermaid also likes it very much, and even sticking to the stone nest to block the coral mermaid won't care so much.

After getting along with the mermaid more, Ye Zheng found that the mermaid had a natural, unstoppable and fanatical attitude towards decorating its stone nest. It finds beautiful shells, stones, corals and even turtle shells from the depths of the sea, and sprinkles them around the stone nest. It even wanted to cover the bottom of the stone nest with stones, so frightened Ye Zheng hurriedly stopped it.

joke! When it is in the sea, it can be suspended in the water. There is no problem with laying stones at the bottom of the stone nest, but when Ye Zheng is on the shore, he will fall asleep. If he uses large and small stones to cover the bottom, then Ye Zheng will not have to sleep. .

When the mermaid did that for the first time, under the obstruction of Ye Zheng, she reluctantly carried the stone out. But Ye Zheng was awakened by the movement around him in the middle of the night, and found that the mermaid was laying stones on the ground next to him. But soon, when the mermaid lay down by herself, she found that it was not so comfortable to sleep.

After hesitating for a long time, the decoration-loving mermaid lay down behind the stone nest with its tail curled up: it would rather sleep outside than give up the stones in the nest.

In the end, Ye Zheng could only resign himself to get up and bury the stones into the ground. In the end, the man could see his own stones and sleep less awkwardly. The mermaid was really happy, and used the tip of her tail to hook Yezheng's foot affectionately.

However, the mermaid's love for decoration is also good. Since then, it has been very interested in the roof of the stone nest, and very proudly gave Ye Zheng a lot of large pieces of seaweed, and let Ye Zheng stack it on top of each other.

What Ye Zheng used to hold the potatoes this time was the seaweed she cut from the roof. Ye Zheng planned to pack five or six potatoes and tie them back to his body. After all, this island is far away, and it is too inconvenient to travel every day. Ye Zheng also wants to visit other islands that he has never been to.

However, when Ye Zheng tied the potatoes to his body and was about to go into the water, the weather suddenly changed again, and it started to rain heavily. Ye Zheng trotted all the way to hide under a big tree, and looked worriedly at the turbulent sea in an instant. It's okay to say that she was wet in the rain, the waves on the sea are so noisy, how should she go back? When she came out, the dried fish was still drying outside!

When Ye Zheng was anxious, he found that on the far sea, a fish was swimming towards him with its dorsal fin exposed.

"No?" Ye Zheng muttered, this shouldn't be his own mermaid, right

Although the mermaid likes to stay with Ye Zheng, it is a fish after all and spends more time in the sea. Usually when Ye Zheng woke up, the mermaid had already left - Ye Zheng found that its sleep time was very short, and like most wild animals, it was always awake. And at least usually only when most of the day has passed, or even when the sun is about to go down, will the mermaid who entered the water early swim back to play with her. Show her a few new catches by the way.

That's why Ye Zheng stood on tiptoe and squinted his eyes through the heavy rain to identify the figure undulating in the sea. As the fish got closer and closer, Ye Zheng's mouth widened in surprise, it really was her mermaid!

Ye Zheng hugged the potatoes and bow and arrow tightly, rushed outside in the heavy rain, then stood on the shore and waved at the mermaid: "Hey, here! Look here!"

The heavy rain quickly wetted her clothes and drenched Ye Zheng into a jerk, but Ye Zheng didn't find the rain so big that she couldn't keep her eyes open at all. She smiled happily and moved towards the mermaid. The direction waved his arms firmly.

The mermaid quickly swam towards the shore where she was standing and stopped at her feet, her icy claws gripping her ankles.

"^▽^Hi," Ye Zheng squatted down, looked at it with joy, and asked a series of questions: "Why are you back at this time? How do you know I'm here? Don't you need to hunt? How can you come like this? In time?!"

The mermaid looked at Ye Zheng with wide eyes, it tilted its head, and then carried Ye Zheng into the sea. Ye Zheng screamed, and then landed on its back again.

The author has something to say: I'm really sorry, I took the exam the day before yesterday, took the exam yesterday, and took the exam again today... .

But I promise, this week will be full of seven chapters, there will be no less! [bow