Deserted Island Survival Notes

Chapter 2


After resting for a while and calming down, Ye Zheng slowly got up from the sand. Her jeans belt was still hanging around her waist. When the sea breeze blew, the torn trousers slapped her legs that were still soaked in seawater, making her look extraordinarily cold.

Not far from her side, she found the bow that had been thrown aside.

The bag that Ye Zheng used to hold the bow had been torn apart, and like her trousers, it had been cut neatly along the edge of the line. Her beloved "Cold Light Hunter" was pitifully thrown over the torn nylon bag.

Ye Zheng once again affirmed his judgment that the big fish not only has sharp claws, but also enormous strength.

This nylon bag was specially made by Ye Zheng for hunting in Canada. To protect her beloved bow, she spent a fortune on this gym bag. It had been bitten by the sharp teeth of the wild wolf, and it was tenacious and did not crack. But now, this firm bag has been torn to shreds gently and skillfully.

Ye Zheng carefully inspected her bow, pulley, bow string, bow post, not even a small part, and finally she pulled the string to make sure that the "cold light hunter" had not suffered any damage. She was relieved, it seemed that the fish had no interest in her bow.

She gathered up the scattered arrows again. Her large handful of arrows was not so lucky, and without the protection of the custom thick bag, it was folded a lot. Ye Zheng's last inventory, only seven or eight were intact, and the rest were broken at the arrow handle.

Ye Zheng collected all the remaining arrows, wrapped them in nylon bags, and then carried them back to the tattered arrow basket.

It was not until this time that the weapon was back in his hands, Ye Zheng really breathed a sigh of relief and felt at ease. At this time, she turned her attention to the current environment.

Ye Zheng was standing on a small piece of beach, where she was lying just now, maybe it was put on by the fish.

She looked around and found that the beach in this place was extremely small. The waves did not break into a large beach here, but there were many reefs that were as high as one person standing scattered on the shore.

Ye Zheng looked into the distance and found that a dozen meters away from the shore, there were tall trees that looked like coconut trees from a distance. Ye Zheng felt that he might have drifted to an unknown island, but since there are coconut trees, it should still be on an island in the tropics, probably closer to the place where the cruise ship capsized.

Thinking of the accident on the cruise ship and his companions, Ye Zheng felt unstoppable sadness in his heart. Although she hasn't transferred schools for a long time, she still has a good relationship with the classmates who traveled, and it is very pleasant to get along with her. Ye Zheng really hopes that other people are as lucky to be alive as she is, although she also knows that the hope is slim.

She walked slowly along a not very steep slope to the forest, and she didn't know how long she had been in a coma. Her throat was now very thirsty, and she was eager to find drinking water. Ye Zheng thought that coconuts should be very good. Nice choice.

However, when she stood under the tall coconut tree, she was dumbfounded: the huge fruits on the coconut tree-like trees were not round and wrapped in blue skin at all, but like her Like the durians I have ever eaten, they are covered with thorns, revealing an unpleasant purple-black color.

This is... a new breed? Or is it actually not coconut at all? Ye Zheng was confused.

Most of the fruits and other plants Ye Zheng has seen are in supermarkets, but she doesn't understand how most of the fruits are still on trees. Because she is interested in hunting in the wild, she is relatively familiar with the forest environment around the Great Lakes, but this tropical plant is obviously beyond her knowledge.

Ye Zheng hesitated for a long time, but still pulled out the arrow on his back, aimed at a large fruit closest to her, and shot at its stalk.

After being shot twice, a heavy fruit slammed down and landed at her feet, cracking the bottom surface.

Ye Zheng picked up the arrow first, and then went to fiddle with this strange big fruit.

Its skin is very hard, but fortunately the part that hit the ground has broken apart, revealing the white pulp inside. Ye Zheng shook it, and sure enough, he could feel the liquid inside.

Ye Zheng was overjoyed and cut open the pulp with an arrow he collected. But what shocked her was that what came out of the opened mouth was not ordinary coconut milk at all, but pale green fruit pulp.

Is this still edible

Ye Zheng looked at the clear green pulp with black seeds in pity, licked his dry lips, and put down the heavy fruit.

She stood up regretfully, intending to go in a little more to see if she could find any other fruit she knew.

At this moment, a black figure rushed over, hugged the fruit she abandoned on the ground, and then quickly ran up another tree.

Ye Zheng was stunned as he watched a long-tailed monkey-like creature "tweet chirp" happily holding the big fruit and sucking the liquid.

She was then overjoyed, it turned out to be non-toxic!

Ye Zheng got excited and shot two in one go.

For fear of being snatched by the long-tailed monkey, she kicked and rolled the two fruits and walked out of the woods again.

Ye Zheng smashed one of them, and carefully picked up a little bit of liquid with his fingers and put it in his mouth. But she liked it very much. Ye Zheng imitated the vervet monkey, and gulps down happily.

Suddenly, something was wrong with her, and she always felt that there was a gaze staring at her right in front of her.

Ye Zheng looked up and sat down on the ground again in fright.

The big fish she had seen before was lying on a reef on the shore at the moment, and those big eyes were staring straight at her.

what's going on! If the other party was a human, Ye Zheng would scolded him rudely now.

This time, it did not open its mouth so fiercely to reveal its sharp teeth, nor did it shake its fins full of bone spurs. Ye Zheng felt that looking at it from a distance, ignoring its skin color, and ignoring its big tail that gave her a visual impact at first, its human-like silhouette would not look so scary. Ye Zheng felt that its facial contours looked a bit like the pale-faced vampire in a vampire movie she had seen.

Of course, it would have been better if it didn't appear so out of nowhere.

Ye Zheng felt that the behavior of this fish was simply unbelievable. He touched her leg inexplicably and disappeared inexplicably. Now he is lying on the reef closest to her and staring at her drinking fruit pulp.

Fruit pulp

Ye Zheng suddenly felt that she had discovered something, she tentatively put the fruit in her hands on the ground, and then picked it up again.

Sure enough, the mermaid's head swayed slightly with her movements.

Ye Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and kicked another intact fruit, and the fruit rolled down the slope just like that.

The mermaid suddenly stood up again, raised the fins behind it, and watched the fruit roll to the shore without blinking.

It glanced at Ye Zheng, the big tail behind him slapped the reef abruptly, and then jumped into the water again, leaving only the big fruit lying alone by the reef.

I am a fool! Ye Zheng thought angrily, it was a pity that she wasted the fruit, but she didn't dare to go forward and pick it up again. She had to go back again, planning to get another one for herself.

After Ye Zheng drank enough fruit juice, he decided to walk around the coastline to see if he could find new discoveries, or if he could find friends who were also in distress.

When she stepped out of the woods, she glanced back, and the fruit that had been left on the reef was still standing alone—just split in two.

What's wrong with this fish

Ye Zheng thought about it, and then quickly forgot it.

Ye Zheng walked around the coastline for a long time, until the sun was about to sink, and the intersection of the sea and the sky began to turn red. She hadn't seen half a figure yet, and she hadn't walked back to the beginning.

She finally stopped, thirsty and hungry.

On the way of groping, she still opened two big fruits, but Ye Zheng has not eaten since she woke up. She could already feel a serious protest in her stomach.

But apart from this strange big fruit, she had never seen any other fruit. The forest looks huge, and Ye Zheng didn't want to rush into the forest without knowing it.

It seems that only sea birds can be eaten.

After another protest from his stomach, Ye Zheng finally decided on his dinner.

As she walked along the coastline, white seabirds flew past her, resembling the seagulls she had ever seen, and with red bills.

At the beginning, the sea, the birds, the sun and the woods, everything was a beautiful picture, and she thought those birds were very cute and charming. But now, Ye Zheng only felt that he was going to starve to death.

Ye Zheng quickly shot down one, but when she held the white red-billed bird in her hand, she realized that she had neither fire nor any tools for ignition. Is it possible to let her eat it raw

In the end, Ye Zheng's heart sank, and he used an arrow to dig out a small blob of bloody flesh from the bird. She closed her eyes, frowned and sent the mass of meat into her mouth.

The salty taste spread in his mouth, Ye Zheng couldn't hold it back, "wow", lay to the side, and vomited out embarrassingly.

Sure enough, it still didn't work, she wiped the blood on her lips with the back of her hand, and the smell of raw bird meat made her nauseous. If it weren't for the empty stomach, she would have vomited in a mess.

At this time, there was a sudden movement from the front.

Ye Zheng drew his bow and arrow alertly and pointed in the direction ahead.

A half-meter-long, shelled creature was crawling along the coastline with pincers.

Shouldn't it be lobster? Ye Zheng stared at this purplish-red skinned guy who ran happily and wondered, could it be possible that raw lobsters also have this red color

Just when she was stunned, the lobster ran back into the sea again. Ye Zheng sighed angrily, put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and knew that he would first shoot an arrow and catch it before thinking about whether he could eat it or not.

However, at this time, a group of things suddenly flew out of the sea and landed so straight in front of Ye Zheng.

The frightened Ye Zheng took two steps back and took a closer look.

The red-skinned "big lobster" just now had obviously been decapitated and its tail was shaved off. Inside the red shell that was torn apart, the meat on the inside was revealed, and the shrimp was still bouncing slightly. Although it is stained with a little sand, it still looks white and crystal clear, fresh and full!

Ye Zheng swallowed involuntarily.

The author has something to say: Well, in the future, there will be five days off and two days off. This week is seven days in a row, so don’t worry.

Well, the male protagonist's setting is actually quite troublesome to me. I know that everyone may be very concerned about the setting of the male protagonist, but take it slow, with the development of the plot, we can discover the characteristics of the male protagonist along with the female protagonist~