Deserted Island Survival Notes

Chapter 25


Ye Zheng's nimble fingers tapped on the transparent crystal surface. No matter how she thought about it, she felt more and more that her speculation was correct.

Admittedly, the mermaid had given her a lot of things, such as food and small rock nests. And after Ye Zheng made things for it and cleaned up its tail, it would also send a small conch to repay her. Those things are either gadgets or things that are very useful to Ye Zheng. This kind of large crystal is very heavy, and at first glance, the mermaid has worked hard to carry it from the sea.

Ye Zheng has reason to believe that this kind of shiny thing in the sun is very precious to both humans and mermaids. This is completely different from the small conch and small coral that the mermaid used to give her. Thinking about the mermaid's act of giving crystals last night, after it seemed to understand Ye Zheng's current physical condition, Ye Zheng felt that there must be some connection between the two.

Ye Zheng couldn't help but muttered secretly, shouldn't it really be courting her? But isn't it underage

In the past so many days, the mermaid has helped her a lot, and Ye Zheng has the cheek to accept the food and shelter that the mermaid provided her. However, no matter what Ye Zheng thought about such a precious thing as crystal, he felt that he could not accept it with peace of mind.

The mermaid came out of the sea and moved in front of Ye Zheng.

Its claws rested on the surface of the crystal and looked at Ye Zheng through the transparent crystal. Although the crystal is transparent, because its surface is not so flat, looking through the crystal, Ye Zheng felt that the mermaid's face was a little deformed.

She couldn't help laughing with a "puchi", and patted her hand lightly in the direction of the mermaid's face, "Hey, do you know you're ugly again now?"

The mermaid flicked its tail, as if happy. Ye Zheng was in low air pressure all day yesterday, roaring and screaming in front of the mermaid, and crying a few times in shame, now seeing Ye Zheng's smile, the mermaid was also satisfied.

Ye Zheng clasped his fingers and tapped the crystal surface.

"Move it away?"

The mermaid was stunned for a while, imitating Ye Zheng's appearance, and knocking on the crystal surface, it was three short beeps like Ye Zheng's.

Ye Zheng suddenly became interested. She put both hands on the crystal surface. After knocking twice with her left hand, her right hand made a long one, and then her left hand knocked twice at the same speed as before.

The mermaid also put two claws on the crystal surface, and after knocking twice with his left hand, his right hand grows, and then his left hand knocks twice at the same speed as before.

Ye Zheng found it more interesting. She began to repeatedly tap the crystal face in different ways. The number of taps at a time became more and more complicated, and the rhythm became more and more complicated. In fact, Ye Zheng almost couldn't remember it at the end. How did you knock yourself.

But the mermaid just repeated the rhythm unhurriedly, knocked it out correctly, and helped Ye Zheng to recall how she knocked just now.

This memory is also too good, Ye Zheng thought of the characteristics of mermaid singing, maybe the grasp of rhythm is their innate

Ye Zheng played with the mermaid for a long time, and finally her arms were a little tired. Ye Zheng's hands were still holding the crystal face, but her face was stuck to it. She turned her head and pressed her right face on the cold crystal surface, but smiled at the mermaid: "Okay, I know you are amazing, so don't play."

The mermaid seemed to want to play for a while, but seeing Ye Zheng stopped, it hesitated for a while, and pressed the right side of its face against the crystal surface. It couldn't smile like Ye Zheng, but it looked at Ye Zheng who was smiling with big eyes, and tapped its tail on the ground.

One person and one fish looked at each other stupidly for a long time, and then Ye Zheng remembered his important event. Ye Zheng sat up awkwardly, and the mermaid also stood up, looking at her with her head tilted.

She pushed the crystal, and the crystal, which was leaning on the stone nest to follow up, moved, which shocked the mermaid. Fortunately, it quickly understood what Ye Zheng meant and helped bring the crystal down.

The mermaid was outside the stone nest, leaning over the outer wall of the stone nest, avoiding Ye Zheng's injured foot, and half pulling and holding the ground to help Ye Zheng out. Ye Zheng grabbed the clean clothes and trousers and jumped two steps with a lame leg. Seeing that the mermaid wanted to follow her, Ye Zheng raised his hand to stop it.

"No," Ye Zheng found that "no" was really one of the most frequently spoken words to mermaids, "No, you can't follow."

In fact, Ye Zheng is now inconvenient to move, and she also knows that it would be better if she could have a companion watching over her, but it would be too embarrassing.

Ye Zheng jumped twice, but she was jumping on the half-sand and half-mud place, her strength was unstable, and when her knees became weak, her left foot first knelt down, and then her right foot hit the sand without any accident.

"Ow!" Ye Zheng cried out miserably and fell to the ground.

The mermaid crawled over, licked Ye Zheng's tears when she hit her foot, and then carefully helped Ye Zheng up. Ye Zheng was a little discouraged and independent, and said worriedly, "What should I do?"

The mermaid also tilted his head and stared at Ye Zheng's right foot. It thought for a while, then climbed a long distance into the distance, and then spread its dorsal fin.

"Hey!" Ye Zheng couldn't help but stop the mermaid who was in the attack state, "I just fell down!"

The mermaid ignored her, Ye Zheng only saw that the mermaid's dorsal fin was like a full bow, and then suddenly shrank, and a dozen stick-shaped objects were brushed into the sand a few steps away from Ye Zheng.

Ye Zheng sat on the ground and carefully looked at the things that were deeply inserted into the sand, which looked like fishbone. Ye Zheng tried to pull out the nearest one, and found that it was firmly inserted into the ground. After all, Ye Zheng was sitting on the ground, so he couldn't use force, so he just let the fishbone shake.

The mermaid has returned to Ye Zheng's side, it easily pulled out the fishbone, and then carefully handed it to Ye Zheng.

Ye Zheng took the fishbone and turned it upside down. The fishbone was quite heavy, and it was very pressing, not as light as Ye Zheng thought. The merman's spines are translucent in sunlight, two-thirds of the length are sharp blades, and the tips are rounded with bones. This is the first time Ye Zheng has seen a mermaid use its dorsal fin. She originally thought that the mermaid's dorsal fin was only for demonstration. But until now, she didn't know that its fins were also lethal weapons, and she looked at the tips of the merman's bone spurs. Ye Zheng could almost imagine that with the length of this bone spur, most prey in the water could easily be seriously injured by it.

Now this destructive weapon was placed in Ye Zheng's hands, and the mermaid helped Ye Zheng up so that Ye Zheng could move with its bones when his right foot couldn't exert any force. The mermaid also knew that Ye Zheng didn't want it to accompany her, so she simply took out her bones and used them as crutches.

Although it was still a little inconvenient, but with a cane, Ye Zheng finally moved slowly to the lake to clean up his sticky body.

When Ye Zheng returned to the place in a refreshing suit, he found that the mermaid was lying on the ground, not knowing what he was doing.

The mermaid looked very attentive, and even Ye Zheng's approach didn't make the mermaid who had always rushed towards her happily turn around.

When Ye Zheng moved to the mermaid, she found that the mermaid was looking at a handful of hay stalks under the crystal, which was brought out by Ye Zheng when he climbed out of the stone nest. The original brown-yellow straw was slowly turning gray.

Ye Zheng took a breath, this was actually focusing on generating heat!

It was now near noon in this world, the temperature was quite high, Ye Zheng bent down carefully, lowered his head and stared at the hay pole that was raising smoke with the mermaid. Ye Zheng suppressed his inner excitement and forced himself to wait patiently, waiting...

Sure enough, after another period of time, a small group of bright flames suddenly sprang up, burning the small straw.

Great! At that moment, Ye Zheng only felt that this was a pleasant surprise!

But the merman, who was closer to the straw, didn't think so. It jumped in horror, jumping three feet high. Like the fish out of the water that Ye Zheng had seen in the vegetable market, it was bouncing on the beach without any rules, hurriedly away from the straw that was about to burn out.

Ye Zheng had never seen the mermaid in such a hurry, it was obviously greatly frightened.

The author has something to say: I read last night's comments, and some comrades raised doubts. I would like to thank you for your corrections and suggestions.

Human ovulation and menstruation are indeed not the same thing. Menstruation is the shedding of the endometrium and the shrinking and shedding of unfertilized eggs. The ovulation period is when new eggs are waiting for fertilization.

Some people mentioned that the menstrual period is not the peak period of estrogen secretion, which is true. But the mermaid was underage and couldn't feel estrogen at all. It just felt that Ye Zheng's blood tasted different from the first time it bit her. It was a female mermaid who was dragged over, and the female fish was not sensitive to this, and Ye Zheng was not the same kind, so it smelled a bit like zi gong and luan zi on the menstrual blood, and thought that Ye Zheng was [ estrus].

The little mermaid was only worried about Ye Zheng at the moment. It was the first time he knew that two fish would bleed. But since Ye Zheng was in pain [no], then he learned the habit of male fish in the clan to treat female fish and sent big things [actually, ordinary beasts will use various means to attract female attention at this stage], Hope she gets better. But the little mermaid still doesn't know the meaning of this [courtship] [true], but it is still a red fish's heart.

With so many explanations, the author is actually a little frustrated. Is it really difficult for me to understand what I wrote